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Merge pull request #1842 from git-abhishek/viz-image-writer
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Adding testcases for visualization.image_writer
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Nathan Goldbaum committed Jul 3, 2018
2 parents 61dd618 + 9c8fcdc commit 0c5a993
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Showing 3 changed files with 159 additions and 76 deletions.
18 changes: 10 additions & 8 deletions yt/visualization/
Expand Up @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import yt.utilities.lib.image_utilities as au
import yt.utilities.png_writer as pw
from yt.extern.six.moves import builtins
from yt.extern.six import string_types

def scale_image(image, mi=None, ma=None):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,8 +149,10 @@ def write_bitmap(bitmap_array, filename, max_val = None, transpose=False):
that the first element resides in the upper-left corner. If True, the
first element will be placed in the lower-left corner.
if len(bitmap_array.shape) != 3 or bitmap_array.shape[-1] not in (3,4):
raise RuntimeError
if len(bitmap_array.shape) != 3 or bitmap_array.shape[-1] not in (3, 4):
raise RuntimeError("Expecting image array of shape (N,M,3) or "
"(N,M,4), received %s" % str(bitmap_array.shape))

if bitmap_array.dtype != np.uint8:
s1, s2 = bitmap_array.shape[:2]
if bitmap_array.shape[-1] == 3:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,9 +297,11 @@ def strip_colormap_data(fn = "",
f.write("### Auto-generated colormap tables, taken from Matplotlib ###\n\n")
f.write("from numpy import array\n")
f.write("color_map_luts = {}\n\n\n")
if cmaps is None: cmaps = rcm.ColorMaps
if cmaps is None:
cmaps = rcm.ColorMaps
if isinstance(cmaps, string_types):
cmaps = [cmaps]
for cmap_name in sorted(cmaps):
print("Stripping", cmap_name)
vals = rcm._extract_lookup_table(cmap_name)
f.write("### %s ###\n\n" % (cmap_name))
f.write("color_map_luts['%s'] = \\\n" % (cmap_name))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,14 +418,11 @@ def write_projection(data, filename, colorbar=True, colorbar_label=None,
suffix = '.png'
filename = "%s%s" % (filename, suffix)"Saving plot %s", filename)
if suffix == ".png":
canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)
elif suffix == ".pdf":
if suffix == ".pdf":
canvas = FigureCanvasPdf(fig)
elif suffix in (".eps", ".ps"):
canvas = FigureCanvasPS(fig)
mylog.warning("Unknown suffix %s, defaulting to Agg", suffix)
canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig)

Expand Down
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions yt/visualization/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Tests for visualization.image_writer
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2018, yt Development Team.
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest

import numpy as np
from import assert_raises

from yt.testing import fake_random_ds, assert_equal
from yt.visualization.image_writer import multi_image_composite, splat_points, \
write_bitmap, apply_colormap, strip_colormap_data

class TestImageWriter(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
cls.curdir = os.getcwd()

def tearDownClass(cls):

def test_multi_image_composite(self):
ds = fake_random_ds(64, nprocs=4, particles=16**3)
center = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
normal = [1, 1, 1]
cut = ds.cutting(normal, center)
frb = cut.to_frb((0.75, 'unitary'), 64)
multi_image_composite("multi_channel1.png", frb["x"], frb["y"])

# Test multi_image_composite with user specified scaling values
mi = ds.quan(0.1, 'code_length')
ma = ds.quan(0.9, 'code_length')
multi_image_composite("multi_channel2.png", (frb["x"], mi, ma),
[frb["y"], mi, None], green_channel=frb["z"],

# Test with numpy integer array
x = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(10, 10)), dtype='uint8')
y = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(10, 10)), dtype='uint8')
multi_image_composite("multi_channel3.png", x, y)

def test_write_bitmap(self):
image = np.zeros([16, 16, 4], dtype='uint8')
xs = np.random.rand(100)
ys = np.random.rand(100)
image = splat_points(image, xs, ys)
png_str = write_bitmap(image.copy(), None)

image_trans = image.swapaxes(0, 1).copy(order="C")
png_str_trans = write_bitmap(image_trans, None, transpose=True)
assert_equal(png_str, png_str_trans)

with assert_raises(RuntimeError) as ex:
write_bitmap(np.ones([16, 16]), None)
desired = ("Expecting image array of shape (N,M,3) "
"or (N,M,4), received (16, 16)")
assert_equal(str(ex.exception)[:50], desired[:50])

def test_strip_colormap_data(self):
strip_colormap_data("", ("arbre"))

def test_apply_colormap(self):
x = np.array(np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(10, 10)), dtype='uint8')
apply_colormap(x, color_bounds=None, cmap_name=None, func=lambda x:x**2)
139 changes: 71 additions & 68 deletions yt/visualization/tests/
Expand Up @@ -11,77 +11,80 @@
# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
# The full license is in the file COPYING.txt, distributed with this software.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import os.path
import tempfile
import shutil
import tempfile
import unittest

from yt.visualization.image_writer import write_projection
from yt.testing import \
fake_random_ds, assert_equal, expand_keywords
from yt.mods import write_projection
fake_random_ds, expand_keywords, assert_fname
from yt.visualization.volume_rendering.api import off_axis_projection

def setup():
"""Test specific setup."""
from yt.config import ytcfg
ytcfg["yt", "__withintesting"] = "True"

def test_oap(tmpdir=True):
"""Tests functionality of off_axis_projection and write_projection."""
# Perform I/O in safe place instead of yt main dir
if tmpdir:
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
curdir = os.getcwd()

# args for off_axis_projection
test_ds = fake_random_ds(64)
c = test_ds.domain_center
norm = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
W = test_ds.arr([0.5,0.5,1.0], 'unitary')
N = 256
field = ("gas","density")
oap_args = [test_ds, c, norm, W, N, field]

# kwargs for off_axis_projection
oap_kwargs = {}
oap_kwargs['weight'] = (None, 'cell_mass')
oap_kwargs['no_ghost'] = (True, False)
oap_kwargs['interpolated'] = (False,)
oap_kwargs['north_vector'] = ((1,0,0), (0,0.5,1.0))
oap_kwargs_list = expand_keywords(oap_kwargs)

# args or write_projection
fn = "test_%d.png"

# kwargs for write_projection
wp_kwargs = {}
wp_kwargs['colorbar'] = (True, False)
wp_kwargs['colorbar_label'] = ('test')
wp_kwargs['title'] = ('test')
wp_kwargs['limits'] = (None, (1e3, 1e5))
wp_kwargs['take_log'] = (True, False)
wp_kwargs['figsize'] = ((8,6), [1,1])
wp_kwargs['dpi'] = (100, 50)
wp_kwargs['cmap_name'] = ('arbre', 'kelp')
wp_kwargs_list = expand_keywords(wp_kwargs)

# test all off_axis_projection kwargs and write_projection kwargs
# make sure they are able to be projected, then remove and try next
# iteration
for i, oap_kwargs in enumerate(oap_kwargs_list):
image = off_axis_projection(*oap_args, **oap_kwargs)
for wp_kwargs in wp_kwargs_list:
write_projection(image, fn % i, **wp_kwargs)
assert_equal(os.path.exists(fn % i), True)

if tmpdir:
# clean up

if __name__ == "__main__":
for test in test_oap(tmpdir=False):
class TestOffAxisProjection(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
cls.curdir = os.getcwd()

def tearDownClass(cls):

def test_oap(self):
"""Tests functionality of off_axis_projection and write_projection."""

# args for off_axis_projection
test_ds = fake_random_ds(64)
c = test_ds.domain_center
norm = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
W = test_ds.arr([0.5,0.5,1.0], 'unitary')
N = 256
field = ("gas","density")
oap_args = [test_ds, c, norm, W, N, field]

# kwargs for off_axis_projection
oap_kwargs = {}
oap_kwargs['weight'] = (None, 'cell_mass')
oap_kwargs['no_ghost'] = (True, False)
oap_kwargs['interpolated'] = (False,)
oap_kwargs['north_vector'] = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 0.5, 1.0))
oap_kwargs_list = expand_keywords(oap_kwargs)

# args or write_projection
fn = "test_%d.png"

# kwargs for write_projection
wp_kwargs = {}
wp_kwargs['colorbar'] = (True, False)
wp_kwargs['colorbar_label'] = ('test')
wp_kwargs['title'] = ('test')
wp_kwargs['limits'] = (None, (1e3, 1e5))
wp_kwargs['take_log'] = (True, False)
wp_kwargs['figsize'] = ((8,6), [1,1])
wp_kwargs['dpi'] = (100, 50)
wp_kwargs['cmap_name'] = ('arbre', 'kelp')
wp_kwargs_list = expand_keywords(wp_kwargs)

# test all off_axis_projection kwargs and write_projection kwargs
# make sure they are able to be projected, then remove and try next
# iteration
for i, oap_kwargs in enumerate(oap_kwargs_list):
image = off_axis_projection(*oap_args, **oap_kwargs)
for wp_kwargs in wp_kwargs_list:
write_projection(image, fn % i, **wp_kwargs)
assert_fname(fn % i)

# Test remaining parameters of write_projection
write_projection(image, "test_2", xlabel="x-axis", ylabel="y-axis")

write_projection(image, "test_3.pdf", xlabel="x-axis", ylabel="y-axis")

write_projection(image, "test_4.eps", xlabel="x-axis", ylabel="y-axis")

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