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CrackStation, a Decrypter implementation

A library that can decrypt hash passwords with SHA-1 and SHA-256 algorithms in the range of [A-Za-z0-9?!]{1,3}.


POC v1: My application does ONE-word-long password decryption. It is for people who wanna do password decryption for hash value generated by one character ^[a-zA-Z0-9?!]$ with SHA1 algorithm. They forget their password, collect customer information or just want to be a hacker.

POC v2: My application does TWO-words-long password decryption. It is for people who wanna do password decryption for hash value generated by one to two characters ^[a-zA-Z0-9?!]{1,2}$ with SHA1 algorithm. People want to use the station when they forget their password, collect customer information or just want to be a hacker.

MVP: My application does THREE-words-long password decryption. It is for people who wanna do password decryption for hash value generated by one to two characters [A-Za-z0-9?!]{1,3} with SHA1 or SHA256 algorithm. People want to use the station when they forget their password, collect customer information or just want to be a hacker.

Mission Statement

NOTE: The library does not tend to help you to be more convenient as a hacker. Instead, it is a good material to help you to learn Swift testing and Algorithm speed optimization.

Decrypter cracks unsalted hashes.

The Decrypter as the protocol has a structure like this:

public protocol Decrypter {

    func decrypt(shaHash: String) -> String? 


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is "a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. It is integrated with the Swift build system to automate the process of downlading, compiling, and linking dependencies"

Once you have your Swift package set up, add CrackStation to the list of dependencies in your Package.swift file:

dependencies: [
    // Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
    .package(url: /* package url */, from: /*"1.0.0"*/),

DO: Replace contents between /*...*/



DO: There is an api called decrypt. After include CrackStation from the library, you can use the function decrypt() to decrypt passwords. CrackStation.decrypt() is the public API you can include. Decrypter as a protocol, makes the using of decrypt() more structured. But the method to use the function is the same.

An example

import CrackStation

CrackStation().decrypt(shaHash: "84a516841ba77a5b4648de2cd0dfcb30ea46dbb4")


Tianle Yuan.