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What is this?

Primogen is a toy prime number generator in Verilog which I wrote to learn HW design.

It's mostly useless, mainly because the simplest math and HW algorithms are used. Also in present state it may violate common Verilog coding practices.

For now, this has only been tested on Cygwin but porting to Linux should be straightforward.


To simulate and synthesize via Icarus, run

$ make all
$ make test

(for synthesis you may need sufficiently new version...).

Run on iCEstick

To generate code for iCEstick, do

$ cd boards/icestick
$ make all

To flash generated bitmaps to device, do

$ make flash-$BITMAP

$BITMAP can be either blink (computes new prime every 5 seconds and displays it's least-significant bits on LEDs) or bench (computes all 16-bit primes and lits green LED when done).

Above instructions will use Synplify (you may need to customize ICE_ROOT variable for your environment).

To use Lattice synthesizer, set USE_LSE to 1. To use Yosys toolchain, append -f Makefile.yosys to make invocation.

Finally, to simulate via Active-HDL (which comes with iCEcube):

$ make test


  • add UART output and use to autotest HW
  • ensure correctness (currently generator seems to loose some primes...)
  • increase frequency (by optimizing critical paths and using PLL)
  • get rid of useless pipeline stages
  • use $random instead of Xs (?)
  • get code reviewed by more professional designers and fix accordingly
  • other TODOs and FIXMEs in code
  • use Fermat test (and quick exp)
  • automatically explore synthesis options to generate more efficient design

Stuff that I do not plan to do:

  • switch to SystemVerilog assertions (they are nice but not supported by open-source tools)