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yurtman edited this page Nov 25, 2015 · 3 revisions

#Overview Currently only the v0.2 prototype is documented but v1.0 is almost done and will be shared soon (probably January 2016).

  • Hardware (PCB, laser housing, sensor housing, attachment systems, enclosure, steal detection platform, alarm system, smoke machine)
  • Code (arduino sketches, test and debug code, UI)

##Hardware ###PCB design ####Arduino UNO shield (upto 6 beams) The design files to the first prototype can be found here. Be mindful as it is very much an imperfect design. Version 1.0 files will be shared shortly. ####Arduino mega shield (upto 16 beams) This board has not yet beed designed. I am first going to complete the version 1.0 prototype of the arduino UNO shield) ###Laser housing Current laser housing consists of a electrical tubing with the laser diode taped in place with electrical tape. Power is provided through speaker cable attached to two alligator clips. ###Sensor housing Current sensor housing consists of a electrical tubing of about 10cm, coated with reflective red foil. An LDR at the end of the tube detects the signal. The design has been optimised for a good signal to noise ratio ratio and circuit designed for maximum sensitivity. The current design is hard wired with speaker cables. ###Attachement systems Depending on where the LaserMaze is installed, different attachment systems may be required. I have experimented with blu-tac, clay, magnets, suction cups, tape and stands. For one implementation I even made a ground maze on water bottles as there were wall paintings in the room. Documentation is in progress, stay tuned! ###Enclosure The lasercut housing for the project is currently being worked on at Fablab Groningen. Currently still being prototyped but will be up soon. ####Small (Arduino UNO) Here I will share the vector files so you can lasercut your own enclosure box for the arduino UNO variant of the lasermaze project. This will be shared as soon as the v1.0 ####Large (Arduino Mega) Here I will share the vector files so you can lasercut your own enclosure box for the arduino MEGA variant of the lasermaze project. This will not be designed till the v1.0 UNO version is completed. ###Alarm system Here I will share the design of the alarm light design. ###Smoke machine I purchased a commercial smoke machine which didnt last very long but gave a good effect. Worse results but better durabilty was achieved with the cheapest smoke machine available for hire from BSE. ###Steal detection platform Here I will share the design of the steal detection platform. Current design is a lasercut box that fit on top of a case I use for transporting the lasermaze platform. ##Code ###Arduino sketch You can find a buggy version of the v0.1 arduino sketch here. ###Test and Debug code In order to test the lasers, test the sensors, align the maze various test sketches may be usefull, you can find them here. ###User interface The user interface is being written in the processing language. Current code is not yet functional (I am still struggling with the interfacing it with arduino- currently looking at FIRMATA as a solution).

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