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Ramdisk SMF service designed to create RAM disks when starting Solaris. This service is implemented to support any number of RAM disks in the system (limited only by the amount of available RAM) with different FS types


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Solaris ramdisk SMF


                  * Version 2.0 *

Ramdisk service designed to create RAM disks when starting Solaris. This service is implemented to support any number of RAM disks in the system (limited only by the amount of available RAM) with the following types:

a) RAM-disks without any filesystem (raw). For use with hi-speed devices, for example, ZFS ARC or ZFS ZIL.

b) RAM-disks with UFS file system, automatically mounted on specified mountpoints.

c) RAM-disks with ZFS, automatically mounted as ZFS storage pools.

Moreover, the system may contain an arbitrary RAM disks of various types.

It also supports automatic backup of the contents of disks on the hard disk during the shutdown of the service and automatic loading from it when the service starts.

Service is completely configurable through config file (ram.conf) which placed in /etc during service installation.

Supports Solaris 10 and above.

Note: Pages of RAM disks are locked in memory and are not swapped. Determining the acceptable aggregate size of RAM disks can be quite a challenge. An excessively large RAM disk or a large number of them can lead to increased swapping of other pages of applications running on the system. In addition, Solaris usually does not allow you to set RAM disks larger than a certain size. It is recommended to experiment with the ramdiskadm tool before installing the service in order to determine the maximum possible size of RAM disks for a particular system.

Service configuration

The service configuration can be done during editing ram.conf configuration file, which will placed into /etc directory during service installation.

RAM-disks parameters specifies as separate text rows with symbol ":" as fields separator.

The parameters described in config file header and below.

# Configurable RAM-disks variables #

# Ramdisk name. Default - ramdisk1
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This field specifies RAM-disk name.
It uses only internally and can be specify any.

# Ramdisk size. Default - 256m
# Note: Permitted multiplier is defined by ramdiskadm
#       and can be g|m|k|b
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    RAM-disk  size. By default is 256 Mb,
the  max  possible value is limited by your OS installation.
(see note above), required size is specified by SA.

Note:   For   RAM-disks   with  ZFS  minimal  RAM-disk  size
is limited by ZFS itself, and by default is 64 Mb.

# Ramdisk filesystem. Default is "none" (no filesystem)
# Note: Permitted values is none, zfs, ufs
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   RAM-disk fs type. If specified none, disk
will be wihout fs and not mounted.

# Ramdisk ZFS pool name. Default is "ramdisk_pool"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ZFS-pool name for RAM-disk
with ZFS.

# **********************************************************
# *** Performance/storage/redundancy ZFS fs/pool props group
# **********************************************************
^^^^^^^^^^^^^  This parameters group is ZFS-specific and can
be defined for modify ZFS-formatted RAM-disks.

# Ramdisk ZFS fs property 1. Default is "recordsize=16k"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ZFS  recordsize  for
RAM-disk.  Can  be  specified  in  interval  512 bytes-128K,
by default for ZFS (if omitted) is 128K.

# Ramdisk zfs fs property 2. Default is "compression=gzip-9"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  ZFS  compression
parameter. By default for service is gzip-9, default for ZFS
is off.

# Ramdisk zfs fs property 3. Default is "checksum=on"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^       ZFS       checksum
prottection.  By  default for ZFS is on, default for service
is  on.  It  is  not  recommend  to turn off this parameter.
In some cases it can speed up RAM-disks.

# Ramdisk zfs pool property 4. Default is "failmode=continue"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^    ZFS-property,
which  is  defines system behaviour when impossible to mount
pool. Differences from ZFS defaults, selected for keep start
system in multi-user when abnormal system termination occurs
with started ramsidk service with ZFS-formatted disks.

Note:  If  you omit this properties group for RAM-disks with
ZFS, they will set by ZFS defaults.
# **********************************************************
# *** Performance/storage/redundancy ZFS fs/pool props group
# **********************************************************

# Ramdisk mount point. Default /ramdisk1
# Note: Uses if RAMDISK_FS specified. If mountpoint not
#       exists, script create it.
#       If mountpoint is empty, ramdisk will be not mounted.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Name and path RAM-disk mountpoint.
Uses  when  RAM-disks  created with filesystem, both for UFS
and ZFS.

# Ramdisk load/backup directory (mount point).
# Default is "/export/home/ramdisk_backup"
# Note: Set this variable to zero for disable
#       autoload/autobackup
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Autobackup
directory.   If  not  specified,  autobackup  function  will
be switch off.

# Ramdisk backup overwrite. Default is "1" (enable).
# Possible values is "1" (enable) or "0" (disable).
# Note: When enable, backup directory contents will
#       complete replaces with RAM-disk content during
#       autobackup. Otherwise it will appends to
#       backup directory contents and possible can case
#       RAM-disk overflow during service startup.
RAMDISK_BACKUP_OVERWRITE="1"    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Autobackup overwrite flag. By default is "1" (on). If set to
"0" (off), autobackup will append autobackup disk directory.
Beware,  in  this mode can be RAM-disk overflow when ramdisk
service  starts.  When set to "1", autobackup directory will
complete replaced with RAM-disk contents during service shut

# Ramdisk operations log. Default is /var/log/ramdisk.log
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Directory  and  file for
RAM-disk operations logging. It is recommend to include logs
to log rotation scheme.

Configuration examples in /etc/ram.conf


Service installation

To install service login as root and run After complete, you can enable it with svcadm enable ramdisk command.

Service FMRI is svc:/system/ramdisk:default .

Service uninstallation

It is strongly recommended to stop and disable serive with svcadm disable ramdisk command before service uninstallation. After that, you can completely uninstall ramdisk service with script. If you remove service without disabling them, sidebar effects can occur - ramdisk data loss, remain ramdisk ZFS pools, mountpoints, etc.

When you uninstall service, config file, RAM-disks logs and backup directories will also be removed.

Attention! Huge RAM-disks creation and formatting (and autobackup and restore) can consume much time, then timeout specified in service manifest ramdisk.xml. By default, service timeout specified to 900 seconds (15 minutes). If service can't complete for this time, it transit to maintenance state. In this case, increase start/stop timeouts in ramdisk.xml file and reload service manifest by svccfg import command.


Ramdisk SMF service designed to create RAM disks when starting Solaris. This service is implemented to support any number of RAM disks in the system (limited only by the amount of available RAM) with different FS types








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