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Due by January 01, 2500 13% complete

v2.x of sjasmplus, changing some default settings (making it mildly incompatible with old sources, considerably more than v1.07 vs v1.14 incompatibilities), and refactoring some implementation even further, to make it hopefully a bit cleaner C++ source, simpler to maintain and modify.

Major changes on my mind:

  • n-pass assembling
  • syntax by default similar to

v2.x of sjasmplus, changing some default settings (making it mildly incompatible with old sources, considerably more than v1.07 vs v1.14 incompatibilities), and refactoring some implementation even further, to make it hopefully a bit cleaner C++ source, simpler to maintain and modify.

Major changes on my mind:

  • n-pass assembling
  • syntax by default similar to --syntax=abflL
  • GNU/GCC/clang-ification of assembler, mimicking the general tools as much as possible, like formatting of error reports, options with identical syntax where it makes sense, etc.. (should help with other tools unaware of sjasmplus specifically, but capable to process gcc/clang stuff)
  • define substitution formalized even more (and refactored)
  • C++ification of syntax and language, i.e. changing operator precedence, probably apostrophe enclosed string/char literals escaping rules, etc.
  • new operators (string and device-memory/labels related, type/checks, maybe var-arg-like stuff)
  • macro-defined-operators (not only "instructions")
  • nesting DISPs?
  • better support for Maziac's tools (label type export, whatever else is needed)
  • fresher version of lua, revisit integration
  • maybe also JavaScript scripting support
  • filepath stuff through POSIX/clib API to make it cross-platform without hacks (normal slashes everywhere)