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A System to rate movie based on videos of audience reaction.


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Affective Movie Evaluator

A System to rate movie based on videos of audience reaction. The goal of this project is to help the movie makers gauge audience reception of the movie, by analysing a small test audience's initial reaction.

We hope that this work will also contribute to creation of smarter audience evaluators, that can gauge the audiences mood and predict which type of content they are likely to enjoy.

Required libraries

  • click=7.0
  • wxpython=4.0.4
  • tensorflow=1.14.0
  • matplotlib=3.1.1
  • opencv=3.4.2
  • tabulate=0.8.3
  • tinydb=3.14.1
  • python-vlc=3.0.7110 (libVLC required)


keras=2.2.4 scikit-learn=0.21.3 scipy=1.3.1 pandas=0.25.1 pytube=9.5.2 pyserial=3.4 (for gsr sensor)

Download movies

Given a movie_index.json file present inside "movies" folder, run. python -m scripts.download_movies

Developement Guide

Unit Tests

Linux/Mac users can simply run to run all the tests. Otherwise run python -m tests.'test_name' to run a specific test.