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zachbornheimer edited this page Jun 5, 2012 · 1 revision

What is ANUBIS?

ANUBIS or the Autonomous Network Utility Broadcasting Installation Signals is a cross-platform replacement for Group Policy that reduces server load, increase the flexibility of commands, and has all computers execute the code within 2 hours. ANUBIS looks at a database with server information (it can contain multiple server information sets) and authentication information for that server to access the server.

Command Structure

The ANUBIS Platform is contingent on the ANUBIS Code (Created automatically by the ANUBIS Interface) and the ANUBIS receptor (written in perl). The command structure is XML-related. An example of code would look something like this (REMEMBER, this code is generated automatically via the ANUBIS Interface):

<start COMMAND1>
requiredFiles:testFile.txt, *OS*_test*EXT*
command:_execute *OS*_test*EXT*, .sh, .vbs
<end COMMAND1>

Security Precautions

This is one of the most flexible tools in development. This is so flexible, in it's previous version, it, theoretically, could have been used for cyber-terrorism between nations. That security hole has been theoretically fixed, but has yet to be implemented (as the hole was predicated on installing and removing servers, which is not yet complete). Because of the flexibility of the language, malicious programs can be installed silently and automatically, but the built-in precautions for this are as follows (excluding the obvious of making strong usernames and passwords for FTP):

  1. Require user confirmation and server authentication when adding and removing servers.
  2. Use Cascading Encryption from the Ragnarok Algorithm to confirm that the server is authenticated (without having to rely on a central hub of server information).
  3. Web-based virus scans for files when they are being downloaded.

These three precautions should neutralize all maliticious attacks that are not developed due to hacking a pre-existing server. If the pre-existing server is hacked, it should taken offline IMMEDIATELY! Usernames and passwords should be over 32 characters for FTP and Server Authentication. This 32 character password should not be transmitted from anyone to anyone. It should remain in the creator's head and, to do that, it should probably be a sentence that contains punctuation, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers. This sentence should NOT be guessable!

To quote the Ragnarok Documentation specifically About Ragnarok,

Remember, YOU are the security hazard.

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