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455 lines (367 loc) · 24.8 KB

File metadata and controls

455 lines (367 loc) · 24.8 KB

2.6.10 (xxxx-xx-xx)



  • Groups: when no bundled actions were available a PHP notice was thrown.
  • Dashboard: validate if a position is already taken.
  • Pages: sort sequences after checking its existence.

2.6.9 (2011-09-20)


  • Core: Upgraded jQuery to 1.6.4.
  • Core: When an image/filefield is added in the backend the max_upload_size is added as a helpmessage, thx to Martijn Dierckx, see:
  • Core: Added an api-method to remove an apple-device token.
  • Core: Emails are now send base64 encoded. This to prevent that linebreaks, which are added when the max text line length is reached, corrupt the content.
  • Blog: Added an api-method to grab a single comment.
  • Blog: When calling blog.comments.UpdateStatus you can pass multiple ids by seperating them with a ,.
  • Tags: Overview is now sorted alphabetically.


  • Blog: Fixed a bug in the blog module where it called an unexisting FrontendTag-function, thx to jelmersnoeck.

2.6.8 (2011-09-13)



  • Blog: deleting a draft no longer triggers an error.
  • Blog: fix deletion of category: check for blogposts in category did not check blog status.
  • Groups: permission management now works correctly in Chrome.

2.6.7 (2011-09-09)


  • Install triggered an error "Headers already sent".


  • Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.5 - fixed Opera issues with editor.
  • Core: Updated JS utils.urlise to better reflect the SpoonFilter::urlise (. should also convert to dash)
  • Core: Shorter GA-tracking code (thx to Jeroen Desloovere)

2.6.6 (2011-09-06)


  • Facebook-class: fixed oAuth-calls.
  • Autoloader was replacing too much, when using the module name inside an action (eg: mass_files_action in the module files), thx to freshface.


2.6.5 (2011-08-30)


  • Core: backend navigation is now dynamically generated. Module installers can set their navigation tree.
  • Core: improved default-filtering in locale. From now on frontend and all types are default.
  • Core: return id of inserted mail.
  • Pages: sitemap page will now also display child pages.

2.6.4 (2011-08-23)


  • Location: it is now possible to use multiline content inside the marker.
  • Core: overwriting javascript-files in a theme now works fine.


  • Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.16.

2.6.3 (2011-08-16)


  • Api: when the response isn't an array notices where thrown.
  • Locale: analyse now correctly handles dynamic translations.
  • Core: local file inclusion check was not MS Windows-proof, fixed now (thx to iarwain01)
  • Core: the metaCustom was never parsed.
  • Pages: when there are no footer-pages an notice was triggered (as reported on
  • Pages: When moving a page the correct page is now checked for allow_children


  • Core: added a modifier to camelcase strings.
  • Core: when adding new default blocks to an existing template, update all corresponding pages that have no content in those blocks to the new default.
  • Core: when Akismet can't tell us if a comment is spam, we mark it as an item in moderation.
  • Core: added functionality to set a callback after an item is saved with inline editing.
  • Pages: internal redirect can have children from now on, thx to Annelyze.
  • Pages: added an experimental copy-action.
  • Locale: highlight empty items in the overview.

2.6.2 (2011-08-09)


  • Core: template custom was not being parsed inside blocks.


  • Core: upgraded jQueryUI to 1.8.15.
  • Core: added a way to read a cookie through JS.
  • Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.4

2.6.1 (2011-08-02)


  • Search: search page was installed twice.
  • Core: when in debugmode the confirmation for leaving the page is disabled.
  • Core: the check that decided to show the confirmation-message wan't handling empty strings very well.
  • Core: fixed some JS-errors (thx to Frederik Heyninck)


  • Core: added utils.string.html5(), when you pass a HTML5-chunk it will be converted so IE will render it correctly (based on innerShiv).

2.6.0 (2011-07-26)


  • Blog: Tags are now correctly fetched and displayed.
  • Blog: Comments-action was broken due an invalid call on $this in a static method.
  • Installer: Setting the librarypath was using an array instead of the first item in that array.


  • Core: Items marked as direct action won't show up in page-title, breadcrumb, meta, ...
  • Core: Better handling of meta-information. Each item will be unique, Some new methods are introduced (addLink, addMetaData, addMetaDescription, addMetaKeywords, addOpenGraphData), they replace: setMeta*.
  • Core: Added an SEO-item in the advanced-settings-section. For now only noodp and noydir are implemented.
  • Core: Added advanced SEO-settings in the SEO-tab (index,follow).
  • Core: Added a setting to use no-follow on links inside user-comments.
  • Core: If Google Analytics is available, all outgoing links will be tracked by eventtracking.
  • Core: When Google Analytics is linked, and the tracking-code isn't found in the header/footer-HTML it will be added.

2.5.2 (2011-07-19)


  • Core: Event logging now uses absolute paths to prevent usage of undefined constants.

2.5.1 (2011-07-19)


2.5.0 (2011-07-12)


  • Pages: Don't show hidden extras in the widget- and block-dropdowns.
  • Pages: hidden pages_extras don't get shown in the template anymore.
  • Pages: when editing a page with a external redirect there was an error because of the disabled field, fixed the JS, as reported on


  • Core: Removed code to initialize the session, this is just useless and prevents caching-proxies to work by default, thx to Mattias Geniar.
  • Core: upgraded TinyMCE to
  • Core: Pub/sub-system, see:

2.4.2 (2011-07-05)


  • Core: Facebook doesn't provide an API-key anymore, so code is altered to reflect this.
  • Core: siteHTMLFooter should be append after the JS-files.
  • Core: implemented social-tracking for GA, will only be executed if Google Analytics is used, and facebook or twitter are integrated.
  • Core: upgraded jQuery to 1.6.2 and jQueryUI to 1.8.14.

2.4.1 (2011-06-28)


  • Blog: blogger import script now downloads the images correctly.

2.4.0 (2011-06-21)


  • ContentBlocks: template wasn't selected when editing the block.


  • Profiles: added profiles module to handle onsite (frontend) profiles.
  • Groups: addes groups module to handle backend user privileges.
  • Locale: added quick-edit.
  • Core: extras (blocks or widgets) now simulate their own scope concerning templates.
  • Core: no more language if there is just one language enabled.
  • Core: handling of meta/links tags is now down through code, therefor you can overrule existing values.
  • Core: removed deprecated methods.

2.3.1 (2011-06-14)


  • Formbuilder: fix jquery error causing formbuilder to malfunction
  • Proper implementation of .prop().
  • Analyse-action was using invalid arguments for SpoonFilter::toCamelCase().

2.3.0 (2011-06-07)



  • Core: Upgraded to jQuery 1.6.1
  • Core: Upgraded to jQuery UI 1.8.13
  • Core: Upgraded TinyMCE to 3.4.2

2.2.0 (2011-06-01)



  • Core: when using datefields with till, from, range set, it will be validated according the type.
  • Core: changed theme's folder layout to match codebase folder layout - folder 'layout/' should be included in theme;.
  • Core: changed addJavascript function to addJS (consistency with addCSS + less typing.)
  • Core: added class FrontendTheme with functions pertaining to themes. Bundled functionality to fetch a file's theme path to this class.
  • Core: added template modifier 'getPath', to fetch the desired path to a file (theme file if available, core file otherwise.)
  • Core: no more need to enter absolute path to core or theme template in an include (still possible though); template compiler will use theme file if available, core file otherwise.
  • Core: removed scratch theme. Triton is now the default theme.
  • Core: templates are now linked to a theme.
  • Core: only show templates belonging to a specific selected theme.
  • Core: theme switch will automatically link pages to templates of the new theme.
  • Core: when a new template with less blocks is selected for a page, the redundant blocks' content will be kept.
  • Core: blocks data does not get lost when switching template/theme.
  • Core: content blocks can now be linked to a content block-template.
  • Core: locales analyse-tool will check only the active modules from now on.
  • Core: added a jQuery-plugin to implement a passwordGenerator.
  • Core: added the possibility to add attachments to the frontend/backend mailers.
  • Core: when calling *Form::getTemplateExample() an example that reflect the correct markup for that application will be returned.
  • Core: default jQuery-theme is now Aristo (see:
  • Core: made datepickerstuff available in the frontend.
  • Core: made it possible to change the amount of blocks for templates that are in use. When blocks are removed, the content will no longer be shown; when blocks are added, the defaults will be pushed to the existing pages.
  • Blog: creating categories can now be done without leaving the add/edit screen.
  • Blog: changes to improve the usability: no more default category, users are forced to select a category if there are multiple categories.
  • Blog: when filtered on a category and clicked on link to add a post the category will be prefilled.
  • Blog: in the dropdown to filter on a category the count is now included.
  • Blog: when canceling adding a new category the previous selected one will be reselected, as reported on
  • Pages: Redirecting to childpages (if there is no content) will now use 301-code.
  • Pages: implemented drafts, similar to Blog.
  • Pages: when changing templates the textual-content isn't deleted anymore.
  • Locale: you can now import/export locale from/to xml. The installers also use xml's.
  • Locale: export for missing locale.
  • Locale: remove deprecated insertLocale function.
  • Locale: created an incredibly nasty hotfix for some deprecated PHP functionality.
  • Mailmotor: added extra validation (reported on
  • Mailmotor: added extra validation for adding address(es).
  • Mailmotor: adding multiple addresses now uses the multipleTextbox-functionality.
  • Installer: refactored pages installation.
  • Installer: split up step languages & modules into 2 steps; moved db step behind those.
  • Installer: ask for backend interface languages seperate from frontend languages.

2.1.0 (2011-03-14)

  • IE-stylesheets aren't loaded by default, this is the task of the slices (as requested/indicated by Yoni)
  • Force forms to use UTF-8
  • Blog categories now use the meta-object
  • Cronjobs can now be triggerd from the CLI, as requested on
  • Core: improvments for numberformatting
  • Tools: scripts are now using find
  • Bugfix: Disabled the imagemanagers contextmenu because there are still issues (according to the TinyMCE developers :s)
  • Bugfix: $_GET-parameters were double urldecode, as reported on
  • Bugfix: navigation used to give notices with hidden/excluded pages
  • Bugfix: autoloader path to frontendbaseajaxaction was incorrect
  • Bugfix: setting a language for an ajax-call on non-multilanguage sites wat a bit * ehm * fubar
  • Bugfix: when deleting a content_block, the HTML-field for the block should be set to an empty string (thx to Frederik Heyninck)
  • Core: renamed addCSSFile to addCSS, to reflect the backend (thx to Frederik Heyninck)
  • Bugfix: loading of classes in getWarnings should use SpoonFilter::toCamelCase instead of ucfirst (thx to Frederik Heyninck)
  • Pages: added the getForTags-method
  • Core: added JS to enable placeholder-behaviour in browsers that doesn't support placeholders
  • Core: made it possible for cronjobs to use BackendMailer
  • Core: made it possible to use setColumnConfirm on other columns that haven't a link as value
  • Core: made it possible to highlight elements via a GET parameter
  • Bugfix: tagBox and multipleTextbox now work as intended when typing the splitchar
  • Bugfix: multipleTextbox no longer blocks the form submit in specific cases
  • Bugfix: widgets now also use theme templates (if available)
  • Core: using data-attribute instead of rel
  • Blog: reimplemented drafts
  • Bugfix: recalculate num_comments so the new revision has the correct count
  • Core: fixed a lot of code to reflect the styleguide
  • Testimonials: made the module language-dependant (as it should be)
  • Bugfix: SpoonFileCSV was triggering a warning when no exclude-columns were provided
  • Core: backendMailer will remove tags from the subject
  • Core: added the passwordword generator into the frontend
  • Bugfix: selecting a template in teh mailmotor wasn't working in IE, as reported on
  • Bugfix: non-existing items were included in the getAll-method
  • Core: non-absolute urls are replaced when using Backend/Frontend-mailer
  • Bugfix: multipleSelectbox is now working as it was intended
  • Core: it is now possible to tell the code not to add a timestamp on the url for CSS/JS
  • Bugfix: changing the working language was redirecting to dashboard instead of the module, as reported on
  • Bugfix: editing a tag was calling an non existing method
  • Content blocks: make sure you add an extra column "extra_id"
  • Bugfix: Blog was using the revision-id instead of the id for retrieving tags
  • Core: Facebook should be add in the footer instead of the header because Facebook sucks
  • Core: improvment for pagination (should fix
  • Blog: it is now possible to remove all spam at once
  • Pages: extra validation, so home can't have any blocks
  • Pages: improvement for changing extra's, as requested on
  • Bugfix: mailmotor was reporting empty groups when adding a newsletter, as reported on
  • Bugfix: minifying the CSS files should replace path to images, as reported on
  • Core: dashboard can now be customized by the user
  • Tools: added a script to generate statistics for the codebase
  • Core: isCached now always returns false when SPOON_DEBUG is true
  • FormBuilder: added the formbuilder module.
  • Mailmotor: now works with CampaignMonitor API v3
  • Mailmotor: reworked settings; You can now unlink accounts and choose an existing client to link with.
  • Mailmotor: thanks to the reworked import functionality in the CM API v3, the address-import should go a lot faster.
  • Mailmotor: you can now pick your own default groups after importing data of an existing client.
  • Core: Integrated Facebook in the frontend, when an Facebook-app is configured, a facebook-instance will be available in the reference (Spoon::getObjectReference('facebook')). When the user has granted the correct permission you will be able to communicate with Facebook as that user.
  • Bugfix: changing a page template to a template with more blocks caused an exception.
  • Pages: use the new Triton theme when installing a new Fork with example data.
  • Pages: hidden pages don't have the view-button anymore, as requested on
  • Bugfix: Metanavigation subpages not shown in backend, as reported on
  • Dashboard: Fixed issue with dashboard that wasn't scalling anymore, as reported on
  • When FB-admin-ids are given, the facebook-statistics-tag is added on all pages

2.0.2 (2010-11-24)

  • Added .gitignore files again
  • Upgraded jQuery and jQuery UI to latest version
  • Upgrades Spoon to reflect the latest changes on their repo (extra methods in SpoonLocale)
  • Core: added a modifier to format a string as currency (frontend)
  • Core: added a modifier to format a string as a float (backend)
  • Blog: when the rss_image.png exists in your theme, it will automatically be used in your rss feed.
    • moved the code for default RSS-image into FrontendRSS
  • Pages: added sorting for extras in dropdowns
  • Bugfix: extra's weren't populated when the template was changed
  • Bugfix: URL was changed when moved if the page was an direct subaction as reported in
  • Bugfix: contactmodule has no backend, so no button should appear in the pages-module, as reported on
  • Core: password strength-meter should report passwords with less then 4 charachters as weak, as reported on
  • Core: added a script that enables us to restore the directory/file-structure like Fork wasn't installed before
  • Tags: added a tagcloud-widget
  • Core: added an extra modifier to grab page related info (getpageinfo)
  • Bugfix: mass checkbox and mass dropdown behaviour now function as intended
  • Bugfix: z-index of modal and resize-handle, as reported in
  • Mailmotor: corrected some labels
  • Mailmotor: added a warning if the module isn't linked (so preview won't trigger a 404)
  • Bugfix: FrontendRSS now handles an encoded RSS title as intended
  • Core: added some labels
  • Core: added an new modifier "formatfloat"
  • Contact: added author in the subject of the mails, so spam can be detected without checking the email, and won't mess up threads
  • Tags: fixed some todo's, fixed some stupid code, wrote markup that can be used in a real life project for the default template
  • Locale: Implemented some remarks on Locale-module, see
  • Styled analyze function of locale module
  • Added docs page on installing
  • Core: added a modifier to strip the tags from a string (frontend)
  • Bugfix: FrontendRSS, special chars should de decoded (thx to Unrated)
  • Blog: added a method to get related
  • Bugfix: fixed the config of the file* and imagemanager so they can handle symlinks. (and deployment)
  • TinyMCE nows get a TinyActive class when active. Fixed Fork tinyMCE skin bugs including wide scrollbar. (always wrap a tinyMCE in <div class="options"> or <div class="optionsRTE">)

2.0.1 (2010-11-03)

  • added correct .gitignore-files and ignored .git
  • fixed some stuff so app is ready for deployment with Capistrano
  • added a script to minify stuff from backend (and put in correct folder)
  • core: files with extension jpeg are allowed from now on in TinyMCE imagemanager.
  • core: installer required javascript to be enabled, so added a check.
  • core: installer will clear previous cached data
  • core: database-port is now configurable
  • core: minor improvements for user-interface.
  • core: improved BackendMailer
  • core: fixed some labels
  • core: when a template used by the mailer exist in the theme it will overule the default
  • core: Better styling for drag/drop tables + addded success message after reorder
  • core: upgraded CSSToInlineStyles to the latest version
  • core: added a method to build a backend URL from the frontend
  • blog: fixed installer (comments, rights, ..)
  • blog: added a feed on each article with the comments for that article
  • blog: added a feed with all comments (on all articles)
  • blog: added notification on new comments (settings in backend)
  • pages: Made it possible to move stuff from tree into an empty meta-navigation
  • mailmotor: preview is now sent with BackendMailer.
  • mailmotor: utf8 instead of latin1.
  • mailmotor: synced TinyMCE "look and feel" from core
  • bugfix: tinyMCE stripped the embed-tag
  • bugfix: comment_count on blogarticles ignored the archived/draft status
  • bugfix: spam comments couldn't be removed.
  • bugfix: generating an URL for a block didn't passed the language in the recursive part.
  • bugfix: correct detection of sitemap-page
  • bugfix: fixed some calls to BackendPagesModel::buildCache() (language should be passed)
  • bugfix: deleting a blog post resulted in an error (thx to Frederik Heyninck)
  • bugfix: pages disappear when moving in seperate pages
  • bugfix: when deleting a blog-category blogpost were not moved into the default category
  • bugfix: CURLOPT_xxx options should be integer/constants instead of strings
  • bugfix: limited index length for table modules_settings to overcome SQL error 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes'
  • bugfix: datepicker days of week are now correct
  • bugfix: fixed UTF-8 issue in contact-module, remember we're using UTF-8, so mails should have teh correct meta-tag
  • bugfix: fixed issue with addURLParameters-method, which fucked up URLs with a hash in them.
  • bugfix: fixed comment-count on overview.
  • bugfix: when a module was linked, and the block was changed, you couldn't select module again. (thx to Frederik Heyninck)

2.0.0 (2010-10-11)
