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Fix All JSON

Simple & fast VSCode extension for fixing almost all annoying JSON (and even JSONC!) problems on typing / save.

  • supports virtual workspaces and web
  • simple and fast as it uses the errors you see
  • On-Type Fixes

Enabling Fixing on Save

To enable problems auto fixing on save (which is super useful), ensure you have the following in your settings.json (> Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON)):

"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
  "source.fixAll": true

What fixes

All these fixes are configurable and can be disabled in settings:

Error Message Action
Expected comma Insert missing comma
Colon expected Insert missing colon
Trailing comma Remove trailing comma
Comments are not permitted in JSON. (json only) Remove the whole comment (disabled by default)
Property keys must be doublequoted Remove quotes (if have ' or `) and doublequote

Note: missing commas just placed before the error range. Its assumed you have autoformatter enabled to handle the "right positioning"

Note 2: this extension though doesn't do value autoquoting, there is vscode-fix-json for this.

Sometimes builtin JSON extension can be slow. In these cases you need to wait until errors are updated before fixing the file! We can do absolutely nothing about it.

Why not Prettier?

Prettier as formatter does great work on fixing trailing semicolons and quotes problems, however this extension is much faster and has more fixes.

Additional Features

On-Type Fixes

  • Insert missing comma on Enter (or Ctrl+Enter, enabled by default with fixAllJson.insertMissingCommaOnEnter)
  • Insert missing double quotes on : (enabled by default with fixAllJson.insertMissingDoubleQuotesOnColon)