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Pokeys comp for LinuxCnc using

started at


git clone
cd LinuxCnc_PokeysLibComp
sudo sh

currently under development using following HW

---- Library status - verified commands ----

  • Connecting to USB devices
  • Connecting to network devices
  • Reading device data
  • Reading digital inputs
  • Writing digital outputs
  • Reading analog inputs
  • PoExtBus writing
  • PoExtBus reading
  • LCD operations
  • Matrix LED
  • Setting pin functions
  • Reading pin functions
  • Setting pin key codes
  • Reading pin key codes
  • PWM operations
  • Pulse engine operations
  • [i] Matrix keyboard setup
  • [i] Matrix keyboard reading
  • kbd48CNC set LED
  • kbd48CNC get Button Status
  • Using encoders
  • I2C operations
  • SPI operation
  • PoIL operations
  • [i] 1-wire operations

x ... available i ... implemented but not tested ! ... implemented but not working yet p ... planned


  • needs to be connected in Parallel to kbd48CNC with white PoExt Cable OR using Canbus (connecting it using the Red PoExtBus cable to the i2C extender which is delivered with kbd48CNC will not work)
  • if it is used together with "non smart" PoExtBus devices (e.g. PoExtBusOC16) use "PoExtBus - Smart" page on Pokeys-SW to set "Sequence ID"
  • inputs not available (yet?)


  • can be set using pokeys.0.PoExtBus.#.Out-0..7 (all 16outs can be used pokeys.0.PoExtBus.0 and pokeys.0.PoExtBus.1)
  • inputs not available


  • see "PulseEnginev2"


  • using as PoNet-extension buard attached to Pokeys57E
  • using CanBus (6Pin MicroMatch Connector) directly on Pokeys57CNC


  • connected using Ethernet
  • Read&Set of Digital IO on HalPins pokeys.0.Pins.*.DigitalValueGet / DigitalValueSet
  • Readt of AnalogValue IO on HalPins pokeys.0.Pins.*.AnalogValue on the pins that support that
  • periphals listed above was tested on this device.

changing structure of IOs to "Canonical Device Interface" in work


  • connected using USB
  • connected using Ethernet
  • LinuxCNC example config in Work (using the pinsetup as available on PCB)
  • Switchng OC Outputs pokeys.0.PEv2.ExternalOCOutput.0..3
  • Switchng Relay Outputs (SSR1 & 2 -> pokeys.0.PEv2.ExternalRelayOutput.0 & 1) (SSR1 & 2 -> pokeys.0.PEv2.ExternalRelayOutput.0 & 1)
  • using USB connection seems "faster" than using ethernet - may depend on networksetup (networkswitch vs. direct connection)


  • Setting Status Running/Stop depending on LinuxCNC state ("machine-on")
  • Reading Status of Limit+/- and Home switches
  • setting External OC and RelayOutputs - in case that "Extended IO" is available and activated (Pokeys57CNC)
  • setting PinConfiguration for Limits, Home, Probe & Emergency switches based in LinuxCNC-INI configuration - not reliable
  • parametrizing MaxSpeed, MaxAccelleration, ... based on LinuxCNC configuarion (mm/sec to pulses/sec conversion is being done using JOINT.*.STEPSCALE)


Digital Input

Count: 55


  • pokeys.[DevID].digin.[PinID].in bit State of the hardware input
  • pokeys.[DevID].digin.[PinID].in-not bit Inverted state of the input.
for PoExtBus Devices (currently prepared for future Firmware)
  • pokeys.[DevID].PoExtBus.[PoExtBusId]digin.[PinID].in bit State of the PoExtBus input (currently prepared for future Firmware)
  • pokeys.[DevID].PoExtBus.[PoExtBusId]digin.[PinID].in-not bit Inverted state of the PoExtBus input.
for PulseEnginev2
  • pokeys.[DevID]
  • pokeys.[DevID]
for each Axis of PulseEnginev2
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id]
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id] bit State of the Home input for Joint[PEv2Id]
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id] bit Inverted state of the Home input for Joint[PEv2Id]
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id] bit State of the Home input for Joint[PEv2Id]
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id] bit Inverted state of the Home input for Joint[PEv2Id]
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id] bit State of the Home input for Joint[PEv2Id]
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id] bit Inverted state of the Home input for Joint[PEv2Id]
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id]
for each Button on kbd48CNC
  • pokeys.[DevID].kbd48CNC.[ButtonId].Button // will get True if Button pressed


  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.Home.Pin "Home switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)"; // Limit+ switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.Home.Filter "Digital filter for Home switch"; // Digital filter for limit+ switch
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.Home.invert "Invert Home (pokeys functionality) ";
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.LimitN.Pin "Limit- switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)"; // Limit+ switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.LimitN.Filter "Digital filter for limit- switch"; // Digital filter for limit+ switch
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.LimitN.invert "Invert limit- (pokeys functionality) ";
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.LimitP.Pin "Limit+ switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)"; // Limit+ switch pin (0 for external dedicated input)
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.LimitP.Filter "Digital filter for limit+ switch"; // Digital filter for limit+ switch
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digin.LimitP.invert "Invert limit+ (pokeys functionality) ";
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.digin.Emergency.Pin
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.digin.Emergency.invert
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.digin.Probe.Pin
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.digin.Probe.invert

Digital Output

Count: 55


  • pokeys.[DevID].digout.[PinID].out bit Value to be written (possibly inverted) to the hardware output.
for PoExtBus Devices (e.g. PoRelay8 or PoExtBusOC16)
  • pokeys.[DevID].PoExtBus.[PoExtBusId]digout.[PinID].out bit Value to be written (possibly inverted) to the PoExtBus output.
for PulseEnginev2
  • pokeys.0.PEv2.digout.Emergency.out
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digout.AxisEnabled.out
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.[PEv2Id].digout.LimitOverride.out
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.digout.ExternalRelay-[RelId].out; // External relay outputs
  • pokeys.[DevID].PEv2.digout.ExternalOC-[OcId].out; // External open-collector outputs
for each Button on kbd48CNC
  • pokeys.[DevID].kbd48CNC.[ButtonId].LED // switch Button LED On/Off


  • pokeys.[DevID].digout.[PinID].invert bit If TRUE, out is inverted before writing to the hardware.
  • pokeys.[DevID].PoExtBus.[PoExtBusId]digout.[PinID].invert bit If TRUE, out is inverted before writing to the PoExtBus output.
  • pokeys.0.PEv2.digout.Emergency.Pin

Analog Input

Count: 7


  • pokeys.[DevID].adcin.[AdcId].value-raw float The hardware reading
  • pokeys.[DevID].adcin.[AdcId].value float The hardware reading, scaled according to the scale and offset parameters.


  • pokeys.[DevID].adcin.[AdcId].scale "The input voltage (or current) will be multiplied by scale before being output to value.";
  • pokeys.[DevID].adcin.[AdcId].offset "This will be subtracted from the hardware input voltage (or current) after the scale multiplier has been applied.";

Analog Output

Count: 6


  • pokeys.[DevID].adcout.[AdcId].value; The value to be written. The actual value output to the hardware will depend on the scale and offset parameters.
  • pokeys.[DevID].adcout.[AdcId].enable; If false, then output 0 to the hardware, regardless of the value pin.


  • pokeys.[DevID].adcout.[AdcId].offset "This will be added to the value before the hardware is updated";
  • pokeys.[DevID].adcout.[AdcId].scale "This should be set so that an input of 1 on the value pin will cause 1V";
  • pokeys.[DevID].adcout.[AdcId].high_limit "When calculating the value to output to the hardware, if value +offset is greater than high_limit, then high_limit will be used instead.";
  • pokeys.[DevID].adcout.[AdcId].low_limit "When calculating the value to output to the hardware, if value +offset is less than low_limit, then low_limit will be used instead";
  • pokeys.[DevID].adcout.[AdcId].max_v "max output-voltage";
  • pokeys.[DevID].float adcout.pwm.period "PWM period, shared among all channels"


Count: 29


  • pokeys.[DevID].encoder.[EncId].count; S32 Encoder value in counts.
  • pokeys.[DevID].encoder.[EncId].position; FLOAT Encoder value in position units (see parameter “scale”).
  • pokeys.[DevID].encoder.[EncId].velocity; FLOAT Velocity in position units per second
  • pokeys.[DevID].encoder.[EncId].reset; BIT When True, force counter to zero
  • pokeys.[DevID].encoder.[EncId].index-enable; BIT (bidirectional) When True, reset to zero on next index pulse, and set pin False.


  • pokeys.[DevID]. encoder.[EncId].scale FLOAT "The scale factor used to convert counts to position units. It is in “counts per position unit”";



  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.sec; unsigned Second
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.min; unsigned Minute
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.hour; unsigned Hour
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.dow; unsigned Day of week
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.dom; unsigned Day of month
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.doy; unsigned Day of year
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.month; unsigned Month
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.year; unsigned Year
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.loop_frequ; unsigned Actual Loop frequency of pokeys.comp updated after rts.sec changed
  • pokeys.[DevID].rtc.loop_frequ_demand; unsigned demand value for loop frequency (if 0 default of 10Hz will be used)


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