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How to continuously deploy a Full Stack React +Node.js +MySql App to Google Cloud Compute Engine

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Google Cloud Deploy Tutorial

Deploying a Fullstack React App + Express.js + MySQL

Automatically Deploy on every event (default is push) to the branch of your choice.

If you want to use Cloud Sql :

This Branch runs SQL inside the Compute Engine VM. for cloud SQL usage -> switch to cloud-sql branch


  1. Create a Google Cloud Project -> use your free trial and make sure the account has billing.
  2. Create a Service Account User :
    • Go to the I AM & ADMIN -> Service Accounts -> Create Service Account
    • Give it a name and Add the following Roles :
      1. Compute Admin
      2. Compute Instance Admin (v1)
      3. Service Account User
      4. Storage Admin


  1. Create a Key for the service account you've created -> Select in JSON format.
    1. Change filename to "key.json". Then use your terminal, cd into the folder where your key was downloaded.
    2. Encrypt the file ->
      • windows: certutil -encode key.json tmp.b64 && findstr /v /c:- tmp.b64 > key.b64
      • linux: base64 key.json > key.b64
      • macOs: base64 -i key.json -o key.b64
  2. Head over to your repository on github, go to Settings -> Secrets and ADD the following Secrets : (In this Format)


  • DB_HOST -> MySql Host name (of your choice)
  • DB_PASS -> MySql Password (of your choice)
  • DB_NAME -> MySql Database (of your choice)
  • DB_USER -> MySql User (of your choice)
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS -> Paste the contents of your key.b64 file
  • PROJECT_ID -> Your project id
  • SERVICE_ACCOUNT -> The full email that represents your service account
  • ENV_FILE -> If needed: PASTE the contents of your .env file ( All additional secrets your project needs )
  • Do not override database variables in ENV_FILE.


Enable Compute Engine API + Container Registry For Your Project

open your project in vscode, in your root directory run ->
git clone

Adaptations :

  • Copy -> into your project root folder :
    • .github folder with its contents
    • Dockerfile, docker-compose, Makefile, .dockerignore
  • Create a script in your Server Package.json file as described in the Dockerfile.
  • Configure Your Sequelize Config as Shown in the examples/config folder
  • MAKE SURE your server Serves the Build files as Shown in the examples/server/app.js
  • Specify in Docker-Deploy.yml :
    1. The Deploy Branch (deploy will happen when you push to that branch)
    2. Name your Instance (GCE_INSTANCE Variable)
    3. Enter your SERVER_PORT
  • If you Added ENV_FILE -
    • Unmark Steps In Docker-Compose.yml That are titled 'Enable when using ENV_FILE'
    • Add the line --env-file=.env \ in Makefile as Specified (line 67)
  • Delete the 'gcloud-deploy-tutorial' directory when you've finished setting up.

** The Dockerfile and workflow were both made for client folder named 'client' and server folder named 'server'
** Change folder names if necessary, update Port number in the Dockerfile, compose file and Workflow file if needed.
** Friendly tip : Make sure all migration table names are consistent.

Check To see Your Containerised app works :

  • In your client folder:
    • npm ci --only=production
    • CI=false INLINE_RUNTIME_CHUNK=false npm run build
  • In your root folder:
    • docker-compose build && docker-compose up

Commit + Push to github, Watch Your Workflow in Actions tab

*** (push changes to MASTER / the branch you want the deploy to happen at )
Visit Compue Engine -> VM Instances to view your app when workflow finished succesfully
visit the external-ip:yourportnumber to view your application

Resources: - Great Video, Understanding the Docker-Deploy.yml file, Makefile - Instance create documentation - gcloud @action documentation - Quick docker-compose explanation


How to continuously deploy a Full Stack React +Node.js +MySql App to Google Cloud Compute Engine




