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❗ All zinit-packages have been migrated to You'll find the source for this here package in

zsh-users/zsh as a Zsh package

Homepage link: zsh-users/zsh
Package source: Source Tarball Binary Git Node Gem
Status: - - +
- -

Zinit can use package.json to automatically:

  • get the plugin's Git repository OR release-package URL,
  • get the list of the recommended ices for the plugin,
    • there can be multiple lists of ices,
    • the ice lists are stored in profiles; there's at least one profile, default,
    • the ices can be selectively overriden.

Example invocations that'll install zsh-users/zsh either from the release archive or from Git repository:

# Install the newest zsh
zinit pack for zsh

# Install the selected zsh version
zinit pack"5.7.1" for zsh
zinit pack"5.6.2" for zsh
zinit pack"5.5.1" for zsh
zinit pack"5.4.2" for zsh
zinit pack"5.3.1" for zsh
zinit pack"5.2.4" for zsh
zinit pack"5.1.1" for zsh
zinit pack"5.8" for zsh

Default Profile

Builds and installs the newest Zsh (HEAD of the Git repository).

The Zinit command that'll be run will be equivalent to:

zinit ice as"null" lucid atclone'./.preconfig; print -P %F{208}Building \
        Zsh...%f; CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include" CFLAGS="-g \
        -O2 -Wall" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/libs -L/usr/local/libs" ./configure \
        --prefix="$ZPFX" >/dev/null && make install.bin install.fns \
        install.modules >/dev/null && sudo rm -f /bin/zsh && sudo cp -vf \
        Src/zsh /bin/zsh && print -P %F{208}The build succeeded.%f || print \
        -P %F{160}The build failed.%f'
    atpull"%atclone" nocompile countdown git for \

It copies the zsh binary onto /bin/zsh.

What are the -tcsetpgrp profiles for?

These are meant to be used in CI, for building ZSH without a TTY which is normally used to determine dynamically if setpgrp is available. The -tcsetpgrp profiles explicitly set --with-tcsetpgrp in the ./configure call.

More info: