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Talk SDK Sample App

This repo contains a sample app, that will help you learn how to integrate Zendesk Talk SDK in a way that fits best your application.

We hope you'll find the sample app useful and the code samples contained will be great learning experience and starting point for your own integrations.


Getting started

Getting started is straightforward.

  1. Download or clone the repository.
  2. Install the dependancies via CocoaPods by running pod install.
  3. Open the TalkSDKSamples.xcworkspace workspace in Xcode.
  4. Note: Provide the necessary details for the SDK initialization:
    • for Swift in in ZendeskConfig.swift
    • for Objective-C in ZendeskConfig.m
  5. Select the appropriate target, either TalkSDKSamples-Swift or TalkSDKSamples-ObjectiveC for building and running the application.


The provided code samples show four different approaches to integrating the Talk SDK. We wanted to illustrate how they differ, and depending on how much customizability is required the amount of additional code is needed.

The different use cases are presented with separate view controllers:

  • AutomaticCallFlowViewController (ZENAutomaticCallFlowViewController in Objective-C). Presents the simplest way for starting a call. No customization is allowed. The call related view controllers are SDK provided are presented modally.
  • ManualCallScreensViewController (ZENManualCallScreensViewController.m in Objective-C). SDK provided view controllers are initialised and presented manually. Each view controller exposes it's components to enable UI customization.
  • CustomCallConfigurationViewController (ZENCustomCallConfigurationViewController in Objective-C). Only SDK provided Call Screen view controller is used. The Call Configuration screen's functionality is implemented by the integrator place.
  • AllCustomViewController (ZENAllCustomViewController in Objective-C). No UI components from the SDK are used. All UI is custom implemented and the core SDK APIs are used to start the call.


Please submit bug reports to Zendesk.


Please mind that provided samples are meant to be only illustrative starting point for your implementation and thus the concepts are presented in simple and readable way and the code provided should not be considered production ready.