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Releases: zeobviouslyfakeacc/ModLoaderInstaller


14 Sep 13:38
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.56.
Tested with TLD 1.56 on Windows and Linux.
Modding currently isn't possible on Mac OS due to Hinterland switching the scripting backend to IL2CPP (see #23)
JAR SHA1: 1aeb629d09dd413e00eaa4de853f1630cd186275


  • The Mod Loader now shows a helpful error message when one or more mods are missing dependencies
  • Added a clickable link that opens the directory containing the game's log file when mod loading failed
  • Fix the auto-selection of the default TLD install path on Linux (and probably also Mac OS)

Modding for 1.60 (Crossroads Elegy)

22 Oct 13:41
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Hi everyone!

TLD v1.60 (and, as it looks like, all versions of TLD to come) will be using the IL2CPP Unity backend instead of the Mono backend. This means that modding the game will be exponentially more difficult. Moreover, this mod loader, and all mods that rely on it and the Harmony library, will no longer work with v1.60 and newer versions of the game.

If you want to keep using these mods, you can keep an old version of v1.56 around, or use the time capsule version, or re-install v1.56 using the steam command line (see below).

Thank you for your support and all of the feedback over the years!
It was a pleasure making mods for, and with, you all.

gg, no re

Installing v1.56 using the Steam command line, on Windows:

  1. Open the steam console by pressing Win+R and entering steam://nav/console
  2. Type in download_depot 305620 305621 8350414681168775351 and press enter.
  3. WAIT for a long time. The console doesn't give you much feedback while a game is being downloaded.
  4. Once the v1.56 has been downloaded and installed, Steam will tell you where it has been installed to, e.g.
    Depot download complete : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\content\app_305620\depot_305621" (5612 files, manifest 8350414681168775351)
    If this message hasn't showed up in the command line yet, the game hasn't finished installing, so go back to step 3.
  5. Copy the v1.56 installation path from the command line to your clipboard (Ctrl + C)
  6. In the bottom left corner of the Steam window, click on "Add a game...", then "Add a Non-Steam Game..."
  7. In the window that just popped up, click on "Browse..." (the leftmost button)
  8. Navigate to the v1.56 installation path you just copied, select "tld.exe", and click on "Open"
  9. Now, click on "Add selected programs". This adds the game to your library, but the name is still wrong (just "tld"), so let's fix that.
  10. Go to your library and find the game called "tld"
  11. Right-click "tld" and click on "Properties"
  12. In the top-most textbox that contains the game's name ("tld"), enter "The Long Dark v1.56"
  13. Click on "Close" in the bottom right corner
  14. All done! You now have two versions of The Long Dark in your Steam library: The Long Dark (the current version), and The Long Dark v1.56 🎉


09 May 20:44
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.48.1 & 1.49.
Tested with TLD 1.48.1 on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Thanks to /u/barrelofbees!
JAR SHA1: d41e2334de39f9c2c8dd487b0cdd7a9320468d95


  • Updated Rewired_Core patch to work with TLD v1.48.1 and v1.49
  • Create native builds that include a JRE 8 with JavaFX using LibGDX's Packr.
  • Automatically select the default install path for the target OS, if it exists
  • Minor code cleanups in the Mod Loader itself


21 Dec 15:16
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.41 - 1.47.
Tested with TLD v1.47 on Windows and Linux.
JAR SHA1: 631ee5998027101d9ba0556a5fc5d3e4c4338656


  • Update Rewired_Core patch to work with TLD v1.41
  • Added an update checker for the mod loader itself
    • A clickable message will be shown in the main menu if there's a new version available
  • Update the included version of Harmony to v1.2.0.1
  • Made the Mod Loader restore the "mods" directory if it has been moved or deleted


21 Mar 17:54
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.27 - 1.40.
Tested with TLD v1.27 on Windows and Linux.
JAR SHA1: 8fdde314fa07acf2c862ede9c6bcb7673dcff453


  • Update Rewired_Core patch to work with the new version
  • Update Mod Loader
    • Turn off Unity error reporting and tracking
      (Hinterland's own way of disabling error reporting for modded installs didn't actually work)
    • Error messages in the game's main menu should now wrap properly
    • Fix buttons in sub-menus being disabled when mods couldn't be loaded
    • Slightly improve error logging
  • Updated installer GUI
    • General prettification and usability improvements
    • Attempt at fixing font smoothing on Linux


10 Nov 14:17
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.0 - 1.21.
Tested with TLD v1.15 on Windows and Linux.
JAR SHA1: 147e93cfedef32557e672dc6629f17845ad999c5


  • Allow selecting .exe / .app / .x86(_64) binary files instead of the DLL.
    • The installer will then automatically detect the correct DLL path.
  • Allow directly entering the path to the DLL in the installer's text box.
  • Improve installer window layout on operating systems with UI scaling.
  • Improve installer error handling and error messages.

No changes were made to the actual mod loader itself in this update. If you already have version 1.1 installed and didn't have any trouble during the installation, there's no reason to update to this new release.


29 Aug 15:52
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.0 - 1.21.
Tested with TLD v1.12 on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
JAR SHA1: 2c0e5f827477e7010764948e7d44d4e4bfd085cf


  • Correctly identify path to the mods directory on macOS
    • Mods are no longer erroneously loaded from TheLongDark/tld/Contents/Resources, but now from TheLongDark/mods - the same as on Windows and Linux
    • If you have installed your mods in the old, wrong path, you'll need to move them to TheLongDark/mods
  • Fix display of path to Rewired_Core.dll in the installer on Mac and Linux
    • Previously, the label also displayed the Windows path
  • Disable resizing of the installer window


27 Aug 11:53
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Release for The Long Dark version 1.0 - 1.21.
Tested with TLD v1.12 on Windows and Linux.
JAR SHA1: bd38352690e7689afea698ede4ebcddf581731b4

Unfortunately, the hook in Rewired_Core.dll had to be changed, so this version is incompatible with Rewired_Core.dll files that were patched using an older version of the installer.

To install the new version, you'll need to restore the original Rewired_Core.dll by either re-running an older version of the installer or by using Steam's "Verify Integrity of Game Files" feature.


  • Defined load order for mods with dependencies on other mods
    • First, all DLLs are loaded in an unspecified order
    • Then, the mods are ordered such that for each mod, all dependencies will be ordered before that mod.
      Apart from that restriction, mods are ordered in alphabetical order.
    • In this order, Harmony patches are applied
    • And again in this order, OnLoad methods are called
  • Integrated AddModdedToVersionLabel into the mod loader
  • The version label now turns red and specific error messages are displayed below if a mod failed to load
  • The buttons to start / load games are now disabled if a mod failed to load
    • This is to prevent mod data that is stored in TLD's save files from being lost


27 Aug 11:34
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Initial release for The Long Dark v0.426

Currently hooks into Rewired_Core.dll to inject the mod loader.