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Data Types: Game

KCNilssen edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 16 revisions

Game Structure

Attributes are expandable and collapsable - Link to Game dataclass

gamepk : int
  • id number of this game
link : str
  • link to the api address for this game
copyright : str
  • MLB AM copyright information
metadata : MetaData
  • metaData of this game. Dataclass: MetaData
wait : int
  • No idea what this wait signifies
timestamp : str
  • The timeStamp
gameevents : List[str]
  • Current game events for this game
logicalevents : List[str]
  • Current logical events for this game
gamedata : GameData
  • gameData of this game. Dataclass: GameData
game : GameDataGame
pk : int
  • This game's game id
type : str
  • This game's game type code
doubleheader : str
  • Represents if this game is a double header or not
id : str
  • An unknown Id
gamedaytype : str
  • This game's gameday type code
tiebreaker : str
  • Is this game a tie breaker
gamenumber : int
  • The game number for this game. If double header will be 2.
calendareventid : str
  • The id for this calendar event
season : str
  • This game's season year
seasondisplay : str
  • This game's displayed season
datetime : GameDatetime
datetime : str
  • Date time for this game
originaldate : str
  • The original scheduled date for this game
officialdate : str
  • The current scheduled date for this game
daynight : str
  • The current lighting condition game type
time : str
  • The time
ampm : str
  • The games am or pm code
status : GameStatus
  • information on this game's status. Dataclass: GameStatus
abstractgamestate : str
  • The abstract game state
codedgamestate : str
  • The coded game state
detailedstate : str
  • The detailed game state
statuscode : str
  • Status code for this game
starttimetbd : bool
  • If the start time is TBD
abstractgamecode : str
  • The abstract game code
reason : str
  • reason for a state. Usually used for delays or cancellations
teams : GameTeams
  • Our two teams for this game, home and away. Dataclass: GameTeams
away : Team
  • Away team. Dataclass: Team
springleague : League
  • The spring league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
abbreviation : str
  • abbreviation the league
allstarstatus : str
  • The all status status of the team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
season : str
  • The team's current season
venue : Venue
  • The team's home venue. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
name : str
  • Name for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
springvenue : Venue
  • The team's spring venue. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
teamcode : str
  • team code
filecode : str
  • filecode name of the team
abbreviation : str
  • The abbreviation of the team name
teamname : str
  • The team name
locationname : str
  • The location of the team
firstyearofplay : str
  • The first year the team began play
league : League
  • The league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
division : Division
  • The division the team is in. Dataclass: Division
id : int
  • id number of the divison
name : str
  • name of the division
link : str
  • link of the division
sport : Sport
  • The sport of the team. Dataclass: Sport
id : int
  • id number of the sport
name : str
  • name the sport
link : str
  • link of the sport
shortname : str
  • The shortname of the team
record : TeamRecord
gamesplayed : int
  • Number of game played by team
wildcardgamesback : str
  • Number of game back from wildcard
leaguegamesback : str
  • Number of league games back
springleaguegamesback : str
  • Number of game back in spring league
sportgamesback : str
  • Number of games back in sport
divisiongamesback : str
  • Number of games back in division
conferencegamesback : str
  • Number of games back in conference
leaguerecord : Dict
  • Record in league
records : Dict
  • Records
divisionleader : bool
  • Is this team a divison leader
wins : int
  • Number of wins
losses : int
  • Number of losses
winningpercentage : str
  • Winning percentage
franchisename : str
  • The franchisename of the team
clubname : str
  • The clubname of the team
active : str
  • Active status of the team
home : Team
  • Home team. Dataclass: Team
springleague : League
  • The spring league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
abbreviation : str
  • abbreviation the league
allstarstatus : str
  • The all status status of the team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
season : str
  • The team's current season
venue : Venue
  • The team's home venue. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
name : str
  • Name for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
springvenue : Venue
  • The team's spring venue. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
teamcode : str
  • team code
filecode : str
  • filecode name of the team
abbreviation : str
  • The abbreviation of the team name
teamname : str
  • The team name
locationname : str
  • The location of the team
firstyearofplay : str
  • The first year the team began play
league : League
  • The league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
division : Division
  • The division the team is in. Dataclass: Division
id : int
  • id number of the divison
name : str
  • name of the division
link : str
  • link of the division
sport : Sport
  • The sport of the team. Dataclass: Sport
id : int
  • id number of the sport
name : str
  • name the sport
link : str
  • link of the sport
shortname : str
  • The shortname of the team
record : TeamRecord
gamesplayed : int
  • Number of game played by team
wildcardgamesback : str
  • Number of game back from wildcard
leaguegamesback : str
  • Number of league games back
springleaguegamesback : str
  • Number of game back in spring league
sportgamesback : str
  • Number of games back in sport
divisiongamesback : str
  • Number of games back in division
conferencegamesback : str
  • Number of games back in conference
leaguerecord : Dict
  • Record in league
records : Dict
  • Records
divisionleader : bool
  • Is this team a divison leader
wins : int
  • Number of wins
losses : int
  • Number of losses
winningpercentage : str
  • Winning percentage
franchisename : str
  • The franchisename of the team
clubname : str
  • The clubname of the team
active : str
  • Active status of the team
players : List[Person]
  • A list of all the players for this game. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
primaryposition : str
  • PrimaryPosition of the Person
pitchhand : str
  • PitchHand of the Person
batside : str
  • BatSide of the Person
fullname : str
  • full name of the Person
firstname : str
  • First name of the Person
lastname : str
  • Last name of the Person
primarynumber : str
  • Primary number of the Person
birthdate : str
  • Birth date of the Person
currentteam : str
  • The current Team of the Person
currentage : str
  • The current age of the Person
birthcity : str
  • The birthcity of the Person
birthstateprovince : str
  • The province of the birth state
height : str
  • The height of the Person
weight : str
  • The weight of the Person
active : str
  • The active status of the Person
usename : str
  • The use name of the Person
middlename : str
  • The middle name of the Person
boxscorename : str
  • The box score name of the Person
nickname : str
  • The nickname of the Person
draftyear : int
  • The draft year of the Person
mlbdebutdate : str
  • The MLB debut date of the Person
namefirstlast : str
  • The first and last name of the Person
nameslug : str
  • The name slug of the Person
firstlastname : str
  • The first and last name of the Person
lastfirstname : str
  • The last and first name of the Person
lastinitname : str
  • The last init name of the Person
initlastname : str
  • The init last name of the Person
fullfmlname : str
  • The full fml name of the Person
fulllfmname : str
  • The full lfm name of the Person
uselastname : str
  • The last name of the
birthcountry : str
  • The birth country of the Person
pronunciation : str
  • The pronuciation of the Person's name
strikezonetop : float
  • The strike zone top of the Person
strikezonebottom : float
  • The strike zone bottom of the Person
nametitle : str
  • The name title of the Person
gender : str
  • The gender of the Person
isplayer : bool
  • The player status of the Person
isverified : bool
  • The verification of the Person
namematrilineal : str
  • The name matrilineal of the Person
deathdate : str
  • The death date of the Person
deathcity : str
  • The death city of the Person
deathcountry : str
  • The death country of the Person
lastplayeddate : str
  • The last played date of the Person
namesuffix : str
  • The namesuffix of the Person
venue : Venue
  • Venue information for this game. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
name : str
  • Name for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
location : Location
  • Location for this venue. Dataclass: Location
address1 : str
  • Venues first address line
address2 : str
  • Venues second address line
city : str
  • City the venue is in
state : str
  • The State the venue is in
stateAbbrev : str
  • The staes abbreviation
postalCode : str
  • Postal code for this venue
defaultCoordinates : VenueDefaultCoordinates
latitude : float
  • The latatude coordinate for this venue
longitude : float
  • The longitude coordinate for this venue
country : str
  • What country this venue is in
phone : str
  • Phone number for this venue
timezone : TimeZone
id : str
  • id string for a venues timezone
offset : int
  • The offset for this timezone from
tz : str
  • Timezone string
fieldinfo : FieldInfo
  • Info on this venue's field. Dataclass: FieldInfo
capacity : int
  • Capacity for this venue
turfType : str
  • The type of turf in this venue
roofType : str
  • What kind of roof for this venue
leftLine : int
  • Distance down the left line
left : int
  • Distance to left
leftCenter : int
  • Distance to left center
center : int
  • Distance to center
rightCenter : int
  • Distance to right center
right : int
  • Distance to right
rightLine : int
  • Distance to right line
active : bool
  • Is this field currently active
officialvenue : Venue
  • The official venue for this game. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
weather : GameWeather
condition : str
  • The weather condition
temp : str
  • The temperature in F
wind : str
  • The wind in MPH and the direction
gameinfo : GameInfo
  • information on this game. Dataclass: GameInfo
attendance : int
  • The attendance for this game
firstpitch : str
  • The time of the first pitch
gamedurationminutes : int
  • The duration of the game in minutes
delaydurationminutes : int
  • The length of delay for the game in minutes
review : GameReview
  • Game review info and team challenges. Dataclass: GameReview
haschallenges : bool
  • If their are challenges
away : ReviewInfo
used : int
  • How many challenges used
remaining : int
  • How many challenges are remaining
home : ReviewInfo
used : int
  • How many challenges used
remaining : int
  • How many challenges are remaining
flags : GameFlags
  • Flag bools for this game. Dataclass: GameFlags
nohitter : bool
  • If there is a no hitter in this game
perfectgame : bool
  • If there this game is a perfect game
awayteamnohitter : bool
  • If the away team has a no hitter
awayteamperfectgame : bool
  • If the away team has a perfect game
hometeamnohitter : bool
  • If the home team has a no hitter
hometeamperfectgame : bool
  • If the home team has a perfect game
alerts : List[]
  • Alerts
probablepitchers : GameProbablePitchers
home : Person
  • Home team probable pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
away : Person
  • Away team probable pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
officialscorer : Person
  • The official scorer for this game. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
primarydatacaster : Person
  • The official dataCaster for this game. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
livedata : LiveData
  • liveData of this game. Dataclass: LiveData
plays : Plays
  • Has the plays for this game. Dataclass: Plays
allplays : List[Play]
  • All the plays in this game. Dataclass: Play
result : PlayResult
type : str
  • Play result type
event : str
  • Play event
eventtype : str
  • Event type
description : str
  • Event description
rbi : int
  • Number of RBI's
awayscore : int
  • Score for away team
homescore : int
  • Score for home team
isout : bool
  • If the play was an out
about : PlayAbout
  • Information about this play. Dataclass: PlayAbout
atbatindex : int
  • Current at bat index
halfinning : str
  • What side of the inning
istopinning : bool
  • Is this inning the top of the inning
inning : int
  • What number of inning we are in
starttime : str
  • The start time for this play
endtime : str
  • The end time for this play
iscomplete : bool
  • Is this play complete
isscoringplay : bool
  • is this play a scoring play
hasreview : bool
  • Dose this play have a review
hasout : bool
  • Does this play have a out
captivatingindex : int
  • What is the captivating index for this play
count : PlayCount
balls : int
  • Number of balls
strikes : int
  • Strike count
outs : int
  • Number of outs
matchup : PlayMatchup
batter : Person
  • Matchup batter. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
batside : CodeDesc
code : str
  • Code to reference batside
description : str
  • Description of the batside
pitcher : Person
  • Matchup pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
pitchhand : PlayMatchupSide
code : str
  • Code to reference pitchside
description : str
  • Description of the pitchside
batterhotcoldzones : List
  • Batter hot and cold zones
pitcherhotcoldzones : List
  • Pitcher hot and cold zones
splits : PlayMatchupSplits
batter : str
  • Batter play split
pitcher : str
  • Pitcher play split
menonbase : str
  • Menonbase play split
postonfirst : Person
  • Runner on first if on base. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
postonsecond : Person
  • Runner on second if on base. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
postonthird : Person
  • Runner on third if on base. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
pitchindex : List[int]
  • Pitch index for this play, indexing playEvents
actionindex : List[int]
  • Action index for this play, indexing playEvents
runnerindex : List[int]
  • Runner index for this play, indexing runners
runners : List[PlayRunner]
movement: RunnerMovement
isout: bool
  • Was the running movement an out
outnumber: int
  • What is the outnumber
originbase: str
  • Original base
start: str
  • What base the runner started from
end: str
  • What base the runner ended at
outbase: str
  • Base runner was made out
details: RunnerDetails
event: str
  • Runner event
eventtype: str
  • Runner event type
runner: Person
  • Who the runner is. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
isscoringevent: bool
  • Was this a scoring events
rbi: bool
  • Was this a rbi
earned: bool
  • Was it earned
teamunearned: bool
  • Was it unearned
playindex: int
  • Play index
movementreason: str
  • Reason for the movement
responsiblepitcher: Person
  • Who was the responsible pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
credits: List[RunnerCredits]
player: Person
  • The player. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
position: RunnerCreditsPosition
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
credit: str
  • The credit
playevents : List[PlayEvent]
details : PlayDetails
call : CodeDesc
  • play call code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the call
description : str
  • the description of the call
description : str
  • description of the play
event : str
  • type of event
eventtype : str
  • type of event
isinplay : bool
  • is the ball in play true or false
isstrike : bool
  • is the ball a strike true or false
isball : bool
  • is it a ball true or false
isbasehit : bool
  • is the event a base hit true or false
isatbat : bool
  • is the event at bat true or false
isplateappearance : bool
  • is the event a at play appears true or false
type : CodeDesc
  • type of pitch code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the type
description : str
  • the description of the type
batside : CodeDesc
  • bat side code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the batside
description : str
  • the description of the batside
pitchhand : CodeDesc
  • pitch hand code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the pitchhand
description : str
  • the description of the pitchhand
fromcatcher : bool
  • From catcher
index : int
  • Event index
starttime : str
  • Event start time
endtime : str
  • Event end time
ispitch : bool
  • Is this event a pitch
type : str
  • Type
playid : str
  • Unique play id ?
pitchnumber : int
  • Pitch number
actionplayid : str
  • Unique action play id ?
isbaserunningplay : bool
  • Is there base running this play
issubstitution : bool
  • Is this a substitution
battingorder : str
  • A weird batting order string that only has appeared once
count : PlayCount
  • Count. Dataclass: Count
balls : int
  • number of balls
strikes : int
  • strike count
outs : int
  • number of outs
pitchdata : PitchData
startspeed : float
  • The starting speed of the pitch.
endspeed : float
  • The ending speed of the pitch.
strikezonetop : float
  • The top of the strike zone.
strikezonebottom : float
  • The bottom of the strike zone.
coordinates : PitchCoordinates
ay : float
  • Ball acceleration on the y axis
az : float
  • Ball acceleration on the z axis
pfxx : float
  • horizontal movement of the ball in inches
pfxz : float
  • Vertical movement of the ball in inches
px : float
  • Horizontal position in feet of the ball as it crosses the front axis of home plate
pz : float
  • Vertical position in feet of the ball as it crosses the front axis of home plate
vx0 : float
  • Velocity of the ball from the x-axis
vy0 : float
  • Velocity of the ball from the y axis, this is negative becuase 0,0,0 is behind the batter and the ball travels from pitcher mound towards 0,0,0
vz0 : float
  • Velocity of the ball from the z axis
x0 : float
  • Coordinate location of the ball at the point it was reeased from pitchers hand on the x axis (time=0)
y0 : float
  • Coordinate location of the ball at the point it was reeased from pitchers hand on the y axis (time=0)
z0 : float
  • Coordinate location of the ball at the point it was reeased from pitchers hand on the z axis (time=0)
ax : float
  • Ball acceleration on the x axis
x : float
  • X coordinate where pitch crossed front of home plate
y : float
  • Y coordinate where pitch crossed front of home plate
breaks : PitchBreak
  • The break data of the pitch. Dataclass: PitchBreak
breakangle : float
  • Degrees clockwise (batter's view) that the plane of the pitch deviates from the vertical
breaklength : float
  • Max distance that the pitch separates from the straight line between pitch start and pitch end
breaky : int
  • Distance from home plate where the break is greatest
spinrate : int
  • Pitch spinRate
spindirection : int
  • Pitch spinDirection
zone : float
  • The zone in which the pitch was thrown.
typeconfidence : float
  • The confidence in the type of pitch thrown.
platetime : float
  • The amount of time the pitch was in the air.
extension : float
  • The extension of the pitch.
strikezonewidth : float
  • The width of the strikezone.
strikezonedepth : float
  • The depth of the strikezone.
hitdata : HitData
launchspeed : float
  • Hit launch speed
launchangle : int
  • Hit launch angle
totaldistance : int
  • Hits total distance
trajectory : str
  • Hit trajectory
hardness : str
  • Hit hardness
location : str
  • Hit location
coordinates : HitCoordinate
coordx : int
  • X coordinate for hit.
  • Can also get this value with coordinates.x instead of coordinates.coordx
coordy : int
  • Y coordinate for hit.
  • Can also get this value with coordinates.y instead of coordinates.coordy
player : Person
cid : int
  • id number of the person
clink : str
  • Link to person
position : Position
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
replacedplayer : Person
  • Replaced player. Dataclass Person
cid : int
  • id number of the person
clink : str
  • Link to person
playendtime : str
  • Time this play ends
atbatindex : int
  • The play index number
reviewdetails : PlayReviewDetails
isoverturned : bool
Was it overturned  
inprogress : bool
Is it in progress  
reviewtype : str
What type of review  
challengeteamid : int
The team issuing the challenge review  
currentplay : Play
  • The current play in this game. Dataclass: Play
result : PlayResult
type : str
  • Play result type
event : str
  • Play event
eventtype : str
  • Event type
description : str
  • Event description
rbi : int
  • Number of RBI's
awayscore : int
  • Score for away team
homescore : int
  • Score for home team
isout : bool
  • If the play was an out
about : PlayAbout
  • Information about this play. Dataclass: PlayAbout
atbatindex : int
  • Current at bat index
halfinning : str
  • What side of the inning
istopinning : bool
  • Is this inning the top of the inning
inning : int
  • What number of inning we are in
starttime : str
  • The start time for this play
endtime : str
  • The end time for this play
iscomplete : bool
  • Is this play complete
isscoringplay : bool
  • is this play a scoring play
hasreview : bool
  • Dose this play have a review
hasout : bool
  • Does this play have a out
captivatingindex : int
  • What is the captivating index for this play
count : PlayCount
balls : int
  • Number of balls
strikes : int
  • Strike count
outs : int
  • Number of outs
matchup : PlayMatchup
batter : Person
  • Matchup batter. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
batside : CodeDesc
code : str
  • Code to reference batside
description : str
  • Description of the batside
pitcher : Person
  • Matchup pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
pitchhand : PlayMatchupSide
code : str
  • Code to reference pitchside
description : str
  • Description of the pitchside
batterhotcoldzones : List
  • Batter hot and cold zones
pitcherhotcoldzones : List
  • Pitcher hot and cold zones
splits : PlayMatchupSplits
batter : str
  • Batter play split
pitcher : str
  • Pitcher play split
menonbase : str
  • Menonbase play split
postonfirst : Person
  • Runner on first if on base. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
postonsecond : Person
  • Runner on second if on base. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
postonthird : Person
  • Runner on third if on base. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • Id number of the person
full_name : str
  • Full_name of the person
link: str
  • Persons link
pitchindex : List[int]
  • Pitch index for this play, indexing playEvents
actionindex : List[int]
  • Action index for this play, indexing playEvents
runnerindex : List[int]
  • Runner index for this play, indexing runners
runners : List[PlayRunner]
movement: RunnerMovement
isout: bool
  • Was the running movement an out
outnumber: int
  • What is the outnumber
originbase: str
  • Original base
start: str
  • What base the runner started from
end: str
  • What base the runner ended at
outbase: str
  • Base runner was made out
details: RunnerDetails
event: str
  • Runner event
eventtype: str
  • Runner event type
runner: Person
  • Who the runner is. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
isscoringevent: bool
  • Was this a scoring events
rbi: bool
  • Was this a rbi
earned: bool
  • Was it earned
teamunearned: bool
  • Was it unearned
playindex: int
  • Play index
movementreason: str
  • Reason for the movement
responsiblepitcher: Person
  • Who was the responsible pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
credits: List[RunnerCredits]
player: Person
  • The player. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
link : str
  • Link to person
position: RunnerCreditsPosition
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
credit: str
  • The credit
playevents : List[PlayEvent]
details : PlayDetails
call : CodeDesc
  • play call code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the call
description : str
  • the description of the call
description : str
  • description of the play
event : str
  • type of event
eventtype : str
  • type of event
isinplay : bool
  • is the ball in play true or false
isstrike : bool
  • is the ball a strike true or false
isball : bool
  • is it a ball true or false
isbasehit : bool
  • is the event a base hit true or false
isatbat : bool
  • is the event at bat true or false
isplateappearance : bool
  • is the event a at play appears true or false
type : CodeDesc
  • type of pitch code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the type
description : str
  • the description of the type
batside : CodeDesc
  • bat side code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the batside
description : str
  • the description of the batside
pitchhand : CodeDesc
  • pitch hand code and description. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code in reference to the pitchhand
description : str
  • the description of the pitchhand
fromcatcher : bool
  • From catcher
index : int
  • Event index
starttime : str
  • Event start time
endtime : str
  • Event end time
ispitch : bool
  • Is this event a pitch
type : str
  • Type
playid : str
  • Unique play id ?
pitchnumber : int
  • Pitch number
actionplayid : str
  • Unique action play id ?
isbaserunningplay : bool
  • Is there base running this play
issubstitution : bool
  • Is this a substitution
battingorder : str
  • A weird batting order string that only has appeared once
count : PlayCount
  • Count. Dataclass: Count
balls : int
  • number of balls
strikes : int
  • strike count
outs : int
  • number of outs
pitchdata : PitchData
startspeed : float
  • The starting speed of the pitch.
endspeed : float
  • The ending speed of the pitch.
strikezonetop : float
  • The top of the strike zone.
strikezonebottom : float
  • The bottom of the strike zone.
coordinates : PitchCoordinates
ay : float
  • Ball acceleration on the y axis
az : float
  • Ball acceleration on the z axis
pfxx : float
  • horizontal movement of the ball in inches
pfxz : float
  • Vertical movement of the ball in inches
px : float
  • Horizontal position in feet of the ball as it crosses the front axis of home plate
pz : float
  • Vertical position in feet of the ball as it crosses the front axis of home plate
vx0 : float
  • Velocity of the ball from the x-axis
vy0 : float
  • Velocity of the ball from the y axis, this is negative becuase 0,0,0 is behind the batter and the ball travels from pitcher mound towards 0,0,0
vz0 : float
  • Velocity of the ball from the z axis
x0 : float
  • Coordinate location of the ball at the point it was reeased from pitchers hand on the x axis (time=0)
y0 : float
  • Coordinate location of the ball at the point it was reeased from pitchers hand on the y axis (time=0)
z0 : float
  • Coordinate location of the ball at the point it was reeased from pitchers hand on the z axis (time=0)
ax : float
  • Ball acceleration on the x axis
x : float
  • X coordinate where pitch crossed front of home plate
y : float
  • Y coordinate where pitch crossed front of home plate
breaks : PitchBreak
  • The break data of the pitch. Dataclass: PitchBreak
breakangle : float
  • Degrees clockwise (batter's view) that the plane of the pitch deviates from the vertical
breaklength : float
  • Max distance that the pitch separates from the straight line between pitch start and pitch end
breaky : int
  • Distance from home plate where the break is greatest
spinrate : int
  • Pitch spinRate
spindirection : int
  • Pitch spinDirection
zone : float
  • The zone in which the pitch was thrown.
typeconfidence : float
  • The confidence in the type of pitch thrown.
platetime : float
  • The amount of time the pitch was in the air.
extension : float
  • The extension of the pitch.
strikezonewidth : float
  • The width of the strikezone.
strikezonedepth : float
  • The depth of the strikezone.
hitdata : HitData
launchspeed : float
  • Hit launch speed
launchangle : int
  • Hit launch angle
totaldistance : int
  • Hits total distance
trajectory : str
  • Hit trajectory
hardness : str
  • Hit hardness
location : str
  • Hit location
coordinates : HitCoordinate
coordx : int
  • X coordinate for hit.
  • Can also get this value with coordinates.x instead of coordinates.coordx
coordy : int
  • Y coordinate for hit.
  • Can also get this value with coordinates.y instead of coordinates.coordy
player : Person
cid : int
  • id number of the person
clink : str
  • Link to person
position : Position
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
replacedplayer : Person
  • Replaced player. Dataclass Person
cid : int
  • id number of the person
clink : str
  • Link to person
playendtime : str
  • Time this play ends
atbatindex : int
  • The play index number
reviewdetails : PlayReviewDetails
isoverturned : bool
Was it overturned  
inprogress : bool
Is it in progress  
reviewtype : str
What type of review  
challengeteamid : int
The team issuing the challenge review  
scoringplays : List[int]
  • Which plays are scoring plays, indexed with allPlays
playsbyinning : List[PlayByInning]
startindex : int
  • Starting play index number, indexed with Plays.allPlays
endindex : int
  • End play index number, indexed with Plays.allPlays
top : List[int]
  • Play indexes for top of the inning
bottom : List[int]
  • play indexes for bottom of the inning
hits : PlayByInningHits
home : List[HitsByTeam]
team : Team
  • This team. Dataclass: Team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
springleague : League
  • The spring league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
abbreviation : str
  • abbreviation the league
allstarstatus : str
  • The all status status of the team
inning : int
  • This inning number
pitcher : Person
  • The pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
batter : Person
  • The batter. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
coordinates : HitsByTeamHitCoordinates
x : float
  • X coordinate for hit
y : float
  • Y coordinate for hit
type : str
  • Type
description : str
  • description
away : List[HitsByTeam]
team : Team
  • This team. Dataclass: Team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
springleague : League
  • The spring league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
abbreviation : str
  • abbreviation the league
allstarstatus : str
  • The all status status of the team
inning : int
  • This inning number
pitcher : Person
  • The pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
batter : Person
  • The batter. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
coordinates : HitsByTeamHitCoordinates
x : float
  • X coordinate for hit
y : float
  • Y coordinate for hit
type : str
  • Type
description : str
  • description
linescore : Linescore
currentinning : int
  • The games current inning
currentinningordinal : str
  • This innings ordinal
inningstate : str
  • What state this inning is in
inninghalf : str
  • WHich half of the inning are we in
istopinning : bool
  • Is this the top of the inning
scheduledinnings : int
  • How many innings are scheduled for this game
innings : List[LinescoreInning]
num : int
  • Inning number
ordinalnum : str
  • Inning ordinal
home : LinescoreTeamScoreing
hits : int
  • Team hits for this inning
errors : int
  • Team errors for this inning
leftonbase : int
  • Player left on base for this inning
runs : int
  • Team runs for this inning
iswinner : bool
  • If team is winner
away : LinescoreTeamScoreing
hits : int
  • Team hits for this inning
errors : int
  • Team errors for this inning
leftonbase : int
  • Player left on base for this inning
runs : int
  • Team runs for this inning
iswinner : bool
  • If team is winner
teams : LinescoreTeams
home : LinescoreTeamScoreing
  • Home team current inning info
hits : int
  • Team hits for this inning
errors : int
  • Team errors for this inning
leftonbase : int
  • Player left on base for this inning
runs : int
  • Team runs for this inning
iswinner : bool
  • If team is winner
away : LinescoreTeamScoreing
  • Away team current inning info
hits : int
  • Team hits for this inning
errors : int
  • Team errors for this inning
leftonbase : int
  • Player left on base for this inning
runs : int
  • Team runs for this inning
iswinner : bool
  • If team is winner
defense : LinescoreDefense
pitcher : Person
  • Current pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
catcher : Person
  • Current catcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
first : Person
  • Current first. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
second : Person
  • Current second. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
third : Person
  • Current third. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
shortstop : Person
  • Current shortstop. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
left : Person
  • Current left. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
center : Person
  • Current center. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
right : Person
  • Current right. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
batter : Person
  • The next batter when this team switches to offense. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
ondeck : Person
  • The next ondeck batter when this team switches to offense. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
inhole : Person
  • The next inHole batter when this team switches to offense. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
battingorder : int
  • Number this team is in the batting order
team : Team
  • The team that is playing defense currently. Dataclass: Team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
offense : LinescoreOffense
batter : Person
  • Current batter. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
ondeck : Person
  • Current on deck batter. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
inhole : Person
  • Current in the hole batter. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
pitcher : Person
  • Who is this teams pitcher. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • link to person
battingorder : int
  • Number in the batting order
team : Team
  • The team currently on offense. Dataclass: Team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
balls : int
  • current count balls
strikes : int
  • current count strikes
outs : int
  • current count outs
boxscore : BoxScore
  • This games boxscore. Dataclass: BoxScore
teams : BoxScoreTeams
home : BoxScoreTeam
team : Team
  • This team. Dataclass: Team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
springleague : League
  • The spring league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
abbreviation : str
  • abbreviation the league
allstarstatus : str
  • The all status status of the team
teamstats : Dict
  • Team stats.
players : Dict
  • Players on team.
  • Access Key Format: ID+'player_id' : Person
Dict object accessed with Player_id. ex. players[ID623457]
  • Returned Person
person : Person
  • The person object. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person.
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person.
link : str
  • Api access link for person.
jerseynumber : str
  • The person's jersey number.
position : Position
  • The person's position. Dataclass: Position
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
status : CodeDesc
  • The person's status. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code to reference the persons status
description : str
  • the description of the status
parentteamid : int
  • The ID of the person's parent team.
stats : dict
  • A dictionary of the person's stats.
seasonstats : dict
  • A dictionary of the person's season stats.
gameStatus : GameStatus
iscurrentbatter : bool
  • Whether the player is the current batter.
iscurrentpitcher : bool
  • Whether the player is the current pitcher.
isonbench : bool
  • Whether the player is on the bench.
issubstitute : bool
  • Whether the player is a substitute.
battingorder : int
  • The persons place in the batting order if avaliable.
allpositions : List[Position]
  • All of the person's positions if avaliable. Dataclass: Position
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
batters : List[int]
  • List of batters playerid for this team
pitchers : List[int]
  • List of pitcher playerid for this team
bench : List[int]
  • List of bench playerid for this team
bullpen : List[int]
  • Bullpen list of playerid
battingorder : List[int]
  • Batting order for this team as a list of playerid
info : List[BoxScoreTeamInfo]
title : str
  • Type of information
fieldlist : List[BoxScoreVL]
  • List holding the info for this info type. Dataclass: BoxScoreVL
label : str
  • The label for this peice of info
value : str
  • The info associated with this label
note : List[str]
  • Team notes
away : BoxScoreTeam
team : Team
  • This team. Dataclass: Team
id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
springleague : League
  • The spring league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
abbreviation : str
  • abbreviation the league
allstarstatus : str
  • The all status status of the team
teamstats : Dict
  • Team stats.
players : Dict
  • Players on team.
  • Access Key Format: ID+'player_id' : Person
Dict object accessed with Player_id. ex. players[ID623457]
  • Returned Person
person : Person
  • The person object. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person.
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person.
link : str
  • Api access link for person.
jerseynumber : str
  • The person's jersey number.
position : Position
  • The person's position. Dataclass: Position
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
status : CodeDesc
  • The person's status. Dataclass: CodeDesc
code : str
  • the code to reference the persons status
description : str
  • the description of the status
parentteamid : int
  • The ID of the person's parent team.
stats : dict
  • A dictionary of the person's stats.
seasonstats : dict
  • A dictionary of the person's season stats.
gameStatus : GameStatus
iscurrentbatter : bool
  • Whether the player is the current batter.
iscurrentpitcher : bool
  • Whether the player is the current pitcher.
isonbench : bool
  • Whether the player is on the bench.
issubstitute : bool
  • Whether the player is a substitute.
battingorder : int
  • The persons place in the batting order if avaliable.
allpositions : List[Position]
  • All of the person's positions if avaliable. Dataclass: Position
code: str
  • code number of the Position
name: str
  • the name of the Position
type: str
  • the type of the Position
abbreviation: str
  • the abbreviation of the Position
batters : List[int]
  • List of batters playerid for this team
pitchers : List[int]
  • List of pitcher playerid for this team
bench : List[int]
  • List of bench playerid for this team
bullpen : List[int]
  • Bullpen list of playerid
battingorder : List[int]
  • Batting order for this team as a list of playerid
info : List[BoxScoreTeamInfo]
title : str
  • Type of information
fieldlist : List[BoxScoreVL]
  • List holding the info for this info type. Dataclass: BoxScoreVL
label : str
  • The label for this peice of info
value : str
  • The info associated with this label
note : List[str]
  • Team notes
officials : List[BoxScoreOffical]
official : Person
  • The official person. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Api link for person
officialtype : str
  • What type of official this person is
info : List[BoxScoreVL]
label : str
  • The label for this peice of info
value : str
  • The info associated with this label
pitchingnotes : List[str]
  • Pitching notes for this game
leaders : GameLeaders
  • The data leaders for this game. Dataclass: GameLeaders
hitdistance : dict
  • hit distance
hitspeed : dict
  • hit speed
pitchspeed : dict
  • pitch speed
decisions : GameDecisions
  • Decisions for this game, Ie a winner or a loser. Dataclass: GameDecisions
winner : Person
  • The winning Pitcher person. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Api link for person
loser : Person
  • The loosing Pitcher person. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Api link for person
Save : Person
  • The Saving Pitcher person if avaliable. Dataclass: Person
id : int
  • id number of the person
full_name : str
  • full_name of the person
link : str
  • Api link for person

Usage that returns Game objects


Description: Returns a Game


Name Type Required Description Default
game_id string/int Yes Game id number

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
timecode string No Use this parameter to return a snapshot of the data at the specified time. Format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS
fields string No Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute


Description: Return the playbyplay of a game for a specific game id


Name Type Required Description Default
game_id string/int Yes Game id number None

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
timecode string No Use this parameter to return a snapshot of the data at the specified time. Format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS None
fields string No Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute None


Description: Return the Linescore of a game for a specific game id


Name Type Required Description Default
game_id string/int Yes Game id number None

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
timecode string No Use this parameter to return a snapshot of the data at the specified time. Format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS None
fields string No Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute None


Description: Return the boxscore of a game for a specific game id


Name Type Required Description Default
game_id string/int Yes Game id number None

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
timecode string No Use this parameter to return a snapshot of the data at the specified time. Format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS None
fields string No Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute None

Example output from MLB stats api endpoint

Mlb stats api Query:

Equivelant with python-mlb-statsapi:

import mlbstatsapi

mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()

mlb.get_game(game_id = 534196)