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Data Types: Team

MattsFace edited this page Dec 29, 2022 · 4 revisions

Team Structure

Attributes are expandable and collapsable - Link to Team dataclass

id : int
  • id number of the team
name : str
  • name of the team
link : str
  • The API link for the team
springleague : League
  • The spring league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
abbreviation : str
  • abbreviation the league
allstarstatus : str
  • The all status status of the team
season : str
  • The team's current season
venue : Venue
  • The team's home venue. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
name : str
  • Name for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
springvenue : Venue
  • The team's spring venue. Dataclass: Venue
id : int
  • id for this venue
link : str
  • Link to venues endpoint
teamcode : str
  • team code
filecode : str
  • filecode name of the team
abbreviation : str
  • The abbreviation of the team name
teamname : str
  • The team name
locationname : str
  • The location of the team
firstyearofplay : str
  • The first year the team began play
league : League
  • The league of the team. Dataclass: League
id : int
  • id number of the league
name : str
  • name of the league
link : str
  • link of the league
division : Division
  • The division the team is in. Dataclass: Division
id : int
  • id number of the divison
name : str
  • name of the division
link : str
  • link of the division
sport : Sport
  • The sport of the team. Dataclass: Sport
id : int
  • id number of the sport
name : str
  • name the sport
link : str
  • link of the sport
shortname : str
  • The shortname of the team
record : TeamRecord
gamesplayed : int
  • Number of game played by team
wildcardgamesback : str
  • Number of game back from wildcard
leaguegamesback : str
  • Number of league games back
springleaguegamesback : str
  • Number of game back in spring league
sportgamesback : str
  • Number of games back in sport
divisiongamesback : str
  • Number of games back in division
conferencegamesback : str
  • Number of games back in conference
leaguerecord : Dict
  • Record in league
records : Dict
  • Records
divisionleader : bool
  • Is this team a divison leader
wins : int
  • Number of wins
losses : int
  • Number of losses
winningpercentage : str
  • Winning percentage
franchisename : str
  • The franchisename of the team
clubname : str
  • The clubname of the team
active : str
  • Active status of the team
parentorgname : str
  • The name of the parent team or org
parentorgid : str
  • The id of the partent team or org

Usage that returns Team objects


Description: Return Team Object from Id


Name Type Required Description Default
team_id string/int Yes unique team id

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
sportId string/int No Insert a sportId to return a directory of team information for a particular club in a sport.
season string/int No Insert year to return a directory of team information for a particular club in a specific season.
fields string No Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute


Description: Return all Team Objects from sportId


Name Type Required Description Default
sport_id string/int Yes unique sport id of teams 1

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
sportId string/int No Insert a sportId to return a directory of team information for a particular club in a sport.
season string/int No Insert year to return a directory of team information for a particular club in a specific season.
fields string No Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute
leagueIds string/int No Insert leagueId to return team information for particular league.
activeStatus string No Insert activeStatus to populate a teams based on active/inactive status for a given season. There are three status types: Y, N, B
allStarStatuses string No Insert allStarStatuses to populate a teams based on Allstar status for a given season. There are two status types: Y and N
gameType string No Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute


Description: Return Team Id(s) from team_name


Name Type Required Description Default
team_name string Yes Search team name
search_key string No Search key 'name'

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
sportId string/int No sport id number for team search.


Description: Return all Coaches from team_id


Name Type Required Description Default
team_id string/int Yes unique team id of team

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
season string/int Yes Insert year to return a directory of players based on roster status for a particular club in a specific season.
date string Yes unique team id of team
fields string/int Yes Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute


Description: Return all Player Objects from team_id


Name Type Required Description Default
team_id string/int Yes unique team id of team

Other Parameters:

Name Type Required Description Default
team_id string/int Yes unique team id of team
rosterType string Yes Insert teamId to return a directory of players based on roster status for a particular club. rosterType's include 40Man, fullSeason, fullRoster, nonRosterInvitees, active, allTime, depthChart, and gameday.
season string/int Yes Insert year to return a directory of players based on roster status for a particular club in a specific season.
date string Yes unique team id of team
fields string/int Yes Comma delimited list of specific fields to be returned. Format: topLevelNode, childNode, attribute

Example output from MLB stats api endpoint

Mlb stats api Query:

Equivelant with python-mlb-statsapi:

>>> import mlbstatsapi
>>> mlb = mlbstatsapi.Mlb()
>>> team_id = mlb.get_team_id("Seattle Mariners")
>>> print(team_id)
>>> team = mlb.get_team(team_ids[0])
>>> print(team)
Team(id=136, link=/api/v1/teams/136, name=Seattle Mariners, springleague=League(id=114, link=/api/v1/league/114, name=Cactus League), allstarstatus=N, season=2022, venue=Venue(id=680, link=/api/v1/venues/680, name=T-Mobile Park), springvenue=Venue(id=2530, link=/api/v1/venues/2530, name=None), teamcode=sea, filecode=sea, abbreviation=SEA, teamname=Mariners, locationname=Seattle, firstyearofplay=1977, league=League(id=103, link=/api/v1/league/103, name=American League), division=Division(id=200, link='/api/v1/divisions/200', name='American League West', season=None, nameshort=None, abbreviation=None, league=None, sport=None, haswildcard=None, sortorder=None, numplayoffteams=None, active=None), sport=Sport(id=1, link=/api/v1/sports/1), shortname=Seattle, franchisename=Seattle, clubname=Mariners, active=True)
>>> roster = mlb.get_team_roster(team_ids[0])
>>> print(roster)
[Player(), Player(), Player()]
>>> coaches = mlb.get_team_coaches(team_ids[0])
>>> print(coaches)
[Coach(), Coach(), Coach()]