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Cezar Rey M. Templonuevo edited this page Feb 13, 2017 · 1 revision


Before proceeding please take some time reading the disclaimer and hopefully you agree to my terms and conditions

Installation Compatibility

Kernel releases found here will be compatible to the following device/s:

  1. Xiaomi Mi5

I am not responsible for bricks or any damage to your unit if you flashed my kernel for other device/s other than the listed above.

For a listing of features included you can head on to this page..

Having issues??

If you are not able to comprehensibly formulate your issue in a detailed way and with a minimum amount of effort and common sense, you are not welcome and you should avoid using the tracker. This is not a support platform for me to respond to your every little problem.

An issue should contain: Description of the issue; environment and version on which it happens, and if applicable, when it doesn't; and a method of reproducing the problem. The topic shall be related to a technical issue of the kernel, and not a usability issue of your own.

If you cannot adhere to these simple guidelines, I'll simply ignore and close/delete your issues.


For people I owe this release and for their help as references..


I use donations exclusively for financing my bills and for maintenance of the resources I use for development. If you are generous enough to support the projects I do, you can donate any amount just to keep me motivated and to keep my stuff in top condition at the same time my bills specially electricity gets paid. I also use them to buy school supplies which we donate to my Son's schoolmates who happen to be less fortunate than us.


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