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threex artoolkit

three.js extension to easily handle artoolkit

  • It is possible to use it thru aframe
  • It is possible to use it thru webvr

web based augmented reality

  • web succeed thanks to standard
  • we want it thru standard
  • lets look at webvr.
    • dont be fooled by the V in vr
    • it has been done with virtual reality in mind
    • but in fact it provides 2 things
      • stereo display
      • positional tracking
    • both of those things are needed in augmented reality TODO
  • from a code point of view, virtual reality and augmented reality are very similar
  • the only difference is that augmented reality got a see-thru screen

about webar and artoolkit

  • implement webvr-artoolkit
  • able to do webar on any device with a camera and a bunch of markers
  • aka possible to do on any phone


  • to provide a WebVR API to artoolkit
  • thus it would be possible to run webar on any phone
  • what is webar