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BDX Integration to API CMS

Makes an FTP connection to a customers BDX ftp account, pulls the XML files, and imports them into a specific content model.

This integration writes a file to the ftp named zesty-sync.txt with a timestamp of the sync. The system will sync once a day.


  • This endpoint needs to be periodically hit on a daily basis to get new information
  • data needs to be verified to prevent dual entry
  • an notification needs to be written to tell a user when the last sync was

Key Word Topics

Google Cloud Function, Digital Transformation, Legacy Lift and Shift, ERP to Cloud, Google Task, FTP, XML

Project Organization

/models/ contains files that describe the content model in zesty, which values map the location of the BDX data in the XML. A function exists to iterate though this special object to verify data existing in the xml files. Model must only associate themselves with

/lib/ has functions to iterate through the special object, make ftp connection etc.

index.js the core of the cloud function

The BDX XML file

The BDX file is a large XML file that contains a lot of data in a child parent format.

... = has one or many children

  • Builders (one of many children)
    • Corporations... (owning organiztion)
      • Builder... (represents the contractor), contains info on the builder contact info etc.
        • Subdivision... (a project developement) container info like area, name etc.
          • Plan... (an architectual plan with information on the home, images, and other data)
            • Plan Images... (images associated with the Plan)
            • Spec... (home listings) info on price, movein, and unit info associated with the plan etc.
              • Spec Images... (images associate with the spec)

Function Flow Breakdown

  • function is posted to with the instance zuid
  • function looks for secret credentials associated with instance, makes zesty authentication and get token
  • makes connection to zesty api
  • bdx details are pull from the instance settings
  • FTP connecton is made with BDX credentials from zesty settings
  • BDX XML file id downloaded to a temporary folder
  • BDX file is read and converted into a Javascript Object
  • bdx javascript object is parsed to prepare into post bodies and write to the zesty api, this is the order
    • Builders
      • Corporations
        • Community Images
        • Plans
          • Plan Images
          • Specs
            • Spec Images
  • post bodies are iterated through to create content
    • Item is check if it is unique by looking it up by URL, if exists skip
    • Item is entered into the system
    • Item is published
  • Process completes, sync file is written to the ftp


local deployment

install functions (google's test package)

npm install

NPM deploy scripts

npm run deploy:local npm run deploy:dev npm run deploy:stage npm run deploy:prod

Testing Remote Project

Provide a Project ID as shown below before starting the Emulator:

functions config set projectId zesty-dev

Before you can deploy a function, you need to start the Emulator as follows:

functions start

You stop the Emulator by calling stop:

functions stop

Deploy an HTTP function to the Emulator as follows:

functions deploy bdxIntegration --env-vars-file .env.yaml --trigger-http --timeout=240s

Read the last 50 lines of the log from the Emulator:

functions logs read --limit=50

NPM Deployment Commands

Note: for local developer you need to paste in values, remove before commits.

  • Local: npm run deploy:dev
  • Dev: npm run deploy:dev
  • Stage: npm run deploy:stage
  • Prod: npm run deploy:prod

About BDX Integration - Cloud Function to FTP to







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