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Installing GitPHP

Minimum requirements:
Apache (or other php-compatible webserver)
Smarty (

To begin, you need to have your git repositories set up in a directory that the
webserver can access.  They can be in subdirectories within that, but you will
need a base directory to tell GitPHP where to look for repositories.  These
must be bare repositories - for those who don't know, the directory of source
code you have is your working copy, and the .git hidden directory inside of that
is the actual repository, which is what GitPHP reads.  There are files in here
like HEAD, COMMIT_EDITMSG, description, etc.

You can make a copy of your bare repository by running:

cd myproject
cp -r .git /gitprojects/myproject.git

Or, a new bare repository can be initialized with:

mkdir mybareproject
cd mybareproject
git-init --bare

Once you have your projects in a directory, something like:


You can begin setting up GitPHP.  Put the GitPHP files in a place
readable by your webserver.  You will need to change the permissions of the
templates_c directory to be writable by your webserver.  This can be done
by either:

chown apache:apache templates_c
(assuming your webserver runs as user/group apache - this is the better way)


chmod 777 templates_c

Then, you will need to set up your config file.  In the config directory,
copy the example config file, gitphp.conf.php.example, to gitphp.conf.php.

(Note for upgrades: updated versions will not overwrite your old
gitphp.conf.php, but they will update gitphp.conf.php.example.  When you
upgrade, you may want to check for new config options in the example file
and copy them to your config file)

Now read through the config file and set up the options appropriately.
Every config option is explained in the comments.  Many GitPHP features
are disabled by default since they require setting config options a
certain way, so if you don't look through the config file you won't
get many of the features.

The most important setting is the 'projectroot' setting, which specifies
where your git repositories are - following the previous example, it would
be set up as "/gitprojects/".

If you installed Smarty in a nonstandard directory (ie not in a standard
php include directory, and not as a subdirectory inside your GitPHP
directory), then you will need to set the 'smarty_prefix' config item.

If you want to set up categories for your projects, you need to set up the
$git_projects array - the definition and structure of this is explained in
the config file.

If you want to use syntax highlighting with GeSHi (,
you will need to change the config key 'geshi' to true and set up the
'geshiroot' key to point to the geshi directory if it's not in a standard php
include directory or a subdirectory of GitPHP, same as with smarty.

If you want to edit the text header that appears above the project list on the
home page, edit templates/hometext.tpl.


To turn on caching, set the 'cache' config item to true.  Gitphp will cache
every page's output, including plaintext output and binary output such as
blobs and snapshots, for the number of seconds specified in the
'cachelifetime' config key.
The 'cacheexpire' key is recommended for most users.  With this option on,
gitphp will attempt to keep the cache in sync by automatically expiring any
cached pages that are older than the most recent commit, on any branch.
It is a slight performance hit to make this check, but the performance hit
is tiny compared to the gain you get from turning on caching.  It will
avoid situations where users are getting a cached version of a page that
isn't up to date and doesn't reflect the most recent commit, or worse,
pages that have been cached at different times and show data from both
before and after a commit (eg page 1 of the shortlog shows the most recent
commit but page 1 of the log was cached a while ago and doesn't show the
most recent commit).
However, if your project is so active that commits are constantly coming in
and invalidating the cache, rendering it useless, it would be better to
turn cache expiration off and just set a really short cache lifetime of
a few seconds.  In other words:

Most users:
* Set 'cacheexpire' to TRUE
* Set 'cachelifetime' high, 3600 seconds (1 hour) or more.  -1 means
  cache forever

Extremely active projects, with commits every few seconds, or advanced
users that know exactly how often commits come in and want to save
the performance of the expiration check:
* Set 'cacheexpire' to FALSE
* Set 'cachelifetime' low, between 5-10 seconds.

If you ever run into problems with your cache not syncing correctly, or
showing out of date information, you can use the 'expire' action to force
expiration of all cache.  This action is not linked anywhere because it
is not supposed to be run by users, it's more of an administrative function.
To use it, you want to set a=expire.  So, for example, you would visit this
address in a browser (obviously with the correct path to your gitphp


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