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LiteByte is a lightweight binary data interchange format.
Small size and easy to use are the design goals.


1.Compact binary data format with small data volume.
2.Define your own type like wirte a class, easy to use.



Implementation approach:

An object is divided into two parts:
Struct, which is defined by a configuration file, as simple as possible.
Value, which is used for network transmission, as small as possible.


(1)Create structure file CustomType.lbs(LiteByte Schema is a text file)
(2)Define object fields(write structure, type, and name just as you write a class)
(3)Use api LBUtil.Serialize(typeName, object) Serializes the object into binary data,
Use api LBUtil.Deserilize(typeName, bytes) Deserialize binary data into objects.

Code Sample:


/// <summary> PlayerInfo Entity </summary>
public struct PlayerInfo {

    public uint id;
    public string nickname;
    public byte gender;
    public bool isVip;
    public int lv;
    public int hp;
    public int mp;
    public int exp;


PlayerInfo.lbs(LiteByte schema)

/// <summary> PlayerInfo config </summary>
// Just like writing structs in C#, access modifiers can be left unwritten and ignored when reading configuration files
public struct PlayerInfo {

    public uint id;
    public string nickname;
    public byte gender;
    public bool isVip;
    public int lv;
    public int hp;
    public int mp;
    public int exp;



// using LiteByte;

// Create Entity
PlayerInfo player = new PlayerInfo(); = 100001;
player.nickname = "冰封百度";
player.gender = 1;
player.isVip = true; = 999;
player.hp = 999999; = 999999;
player.exp = 9999999;

// Serialize:
string typeName = "PlayerInfo";
byte[] bytes = LBUtil.Serialize(typeName, player);

// Deserialize:
PlayerInfo info = LBUtil.Deserialize<PlayerInfo>(typeName, bytes);



Code instructions:

1.Serialize use LBUtil.Serialize("name", obj).
2.Deserialize use LBUtil.Deserilize("name", obj).
3.Can convert custom struct and class, fields need to be public.
4.LBObject is generic transformation object, it can set and get value.It is used to dynamically create new custom structures.
Since it's not very efficient to serialize and deserialize custom structs and classes using reflection, it's a little more efficient to convert them with LBObject, but it's a little more cumbersome to use, just use it the way you like.

Supported data types


1.Basic value types:bool, byte, short, int, long.
2.String(Support UTF8, Unicode, ASCII three encodings).
3.Array (type +"[]" will be recognized as an array).
4.Custom types (Complex type).


Bit(7 Types)

Type Size Value Range
Bit1(Boolean) 1Bit 0 ~ 1
Bit2(Byte) 2Bit 0 ~ 3
Bit3(Byte) 3Bit 0 ~ 7
Bit4(Byte) 4Bit 0 ~ 15
Bit5(Byte) 5Bit 0 ~ 31
Bit6(Byte) 6Bit 0 ~ 63
Bit7(Byte) 7Bit 0 ~ 127

Integer(16 Types)

Type Size Value Range
Int8(sbyte) 1Byte -128 ~ 127
Int16(short) 2Byte -32768 ~ -32767
Int24(int) 3Byte -8388608 ~ 8388607
Int32(int) 4Byte -2147483648 ~ 2147483647
Int40(long) 5Byte -549755813888 ~ 549755813887
Int48(long) 6Byte -140737488355328 ~ 140737488355327
Int56(long) 7Byte -36028797018963968 ~ 36028797018963967
Int64(long) 8Byte -9223372036854775808 ~ 9223372036854775807
UInt8(byte) 1Byte 0 ~ 255
UInt16(ushort) 2Byte 0 ~ 65535
UInt24(uint) 3Byte 0 ~ 16777215
UInt32(uint) 4Byte 0 ~ 4294967295
UInt40(ulong) 5Byte 0 ~ 1099511627775
UInt48(ulong) 6Byte 0 ~ 281474976710655
UInt56(ulong) 7Byte 0 ~ 72057594037927935
UInt64(ulong) 8Byte 0 ~ 18446744073709551615

Float(5 Types)

Type Size Significant Digits Value Range
Float8(float) 1Byte 7Bit 0/255 ~ 255/255
Float16(float) 2Byte 3Bit ±6.55E +4
Float24(float) 3Byte 5Bit ±1.8447E +19
Float32(float) 4Byte 7Bit ±3.402823E +38
Float64(double) 8Byte 15Bit ±1.7976931348623157E +308

Variant-length Integer(7 Types)

Type Size Value Range
VarInt16(short) 1Bit + 1~2Byte Same as Int16
VarInt32(int) 2Bit + 1~4Byte Same as Int32
VarInt64(long) 3Bit + 1~8Byte Same as Int64
VarUInt16(ushort) 1Bit + 1~2Byte Same as UInt16
VarUInt32(uint) 2Bit + 1~4Byte Same as UInt32
VarUInt64(ulong) 3Bit + 1~8Byte Same as UInt64
VarLength(int) 3Bit + 1~8Byte -1 ~ (Int32.MaxValue/2 - 1)

String(3 Encodings)

Type Single Char Size Total Size Range
UTF8(string) 1~4Byte Head(1~4)Byte+Body(0 ~ 1073741822)Byte
Unicode(string) 2Byte Head(1~4)Byte+Body(0 ~ 1073741822)x2Byte
ASCII(string) 1Byte Head(1~4)Byte+Body(0 ~ 1073741822)Byte

Complex Type(2 types)

Type Expression
Array TypeName[]
Dictionary(Unimpl) Dictionary<BaseType, TypeName>
CustomType not the same with base types and array names

Total:38 Types

Custom Type Config(LiteByte Schema) Samples

The base types in the following samples apply the following config by default.
Bit1 = bool
Int8 = sbyte
UInt8 = byte
VarInt32 = int
VarUnt32 = uint
VarInt64 = long
VarUInt64 = ulong
UTF8 = string

BaseType Sample 1:

struct BaseTypeST {

	// Bit
	bool boolValue;

	// Int
	sbyte sbyteValue;
	short shortValue;
	int intValue;
	long longValue;

	// UInt
	byte byteValue;
	ushort ushortValue;
	uint uintValue;
	ulong ulongValue;

	// Float
	float floatValue;
	double doubleValue;

	// String(UTF8)
	string stringValue;


Array sample 1:

struct ArrayST {
	int[] ids;	

Array sample 2:

struct ArrayST {
	string[] names;	

Login info Sample:

struct LoginInfoST {

	string username;
	string password;


User info sample:

struct UserInfoST {

	uint id;
	string username;
	string nickname;
	int hp;
	int mp;
	long exp;
	long gold;
	byte age;
	bool isVip;


Data Type Table

Type Size C# Java(Unimpl) C++(Unimpl) Go(Unimpl)
Bit1 1Bit bool boolean char bool
Bit2 2Bit byte byte char bool
Bit3 3Bit byte byte char uint8
Bit4 4Bit byte byte char uint8
Bit5 5Bit byte byte char uint8
Bit6 6Bit byte byte char uint8
Bit7 7Bit byte byte char uint8
Int8 1Byte sbyte sbyte char int8
Int16 2Byte short short short int16
Int24 3Byte int int int int32
Int32 4Byte int int int int32
Int40 5Byte long long long long int64
Int48 6Byte long long long long int64
Int56 7Byte long long long long int64
Int64 8Byte long long long long int64
UInt8 1Byte byte byte char uint8
UInt16 2Byte ushort ushort ushort uint16
UInt24 3Byte uint uint uint uint32
UInt32 4Byte uint uint uint uint32
UInt40 5Byte ulong ulong unsigned long long uint64
UInt48 6Byte ulong ulong unsigned long long uint64
UInt56 7Byte ulong ulong unsigned long long uint64
UInt64 8Byte ulong ulong unsigned long long uint64
Float8 1Byte float float float float32
Float16 2Byte float float float float32
Float24 3Byte float float float float32
Float32 4Byte float float float float32
Float64 8Byte double double double float64
VarInt16 1Bit+1~2Byte short short short int16
VarInt32 2Bit+1~4Byte int int int int32
VarInt64 3Bit+1~8Byte long long long long int64
VarUInt16 1Bit+1~2Byte ushort ushort unsigned short uint16
VarUInt32 2Bit+1~4Byte uint uint unsigned int uint32
VarUInt64 3Bit+1~8Byte ulong ulong unsigned long long uint64
VarLength 2Bit+1~4Byte int int int int32
UTF8 1~4Byte string string string string
Unicode 2Byte string string string string
ASCII 1Byte string string string string

Total:38 types

Data type description

1.Bool type is best supported, with a bool type occupying only 1 bit (1/8 bytes).
2.Variant-length integers are supported(short, int, long, ushort, uint, ulong).
3.Support for null values (string, array, object).
4.When defining data formats, it is recommended that fields be defined as small as possible so that the volume of serialized data is smaller.
5.You can give nicknames to basic data types, define your own style for writing.
6.Support for some unusual data types, includes:
Bit2~Bit7 (2~7 bits).
Int24, Int40, Int48, Int56. (3, 5, 6, 7 bytes).
UInt24, UInt40, UInt48, UInt56. (3, 5, 6, 7 bytes).
VarLength used to represent the length of string and array. Value range -1~(int.MaxValue/2 - 1).


Due to limited capabilities, only the C# version has been implemented for the time being.


Lightweight data interchange format







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