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claudioperez committed Jul 16, 2021
1 parent c82ff42 commit 7ce3086
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Showing 3 changed files with 288 additions and 0 deletions.
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions OTHER/AMD/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# OpenSees -- Open System For Earthquake Engineering Simulation
# Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
# (c) Copyright 1999-2021 The Regents of the University of California
# All Rights Reserved
# (Copyright and Disclaimer @
# Claudio Perez



add_compiler_flags(-fexceptions -fPIC -I.)

# source files
amd_aat.c amd_1.c amd_2.c amd_dump.c amd_postorder.c amd_post_tree.c amd_defaults.c \
amd_order.c amd_control.c amd_info.c amd_valid.c amd_preprocess

#AMDI = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst amd_,amd_i_,$(AMD)))
#AMDL = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst amd_,amd_l_,$(AMD)))

# compile each int and long routine (with no real/complex version)

amd_i_%.o: amd_%.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -c $< -o $@

# amd_l_%.o: amd_%.c $(INC)
# $(C) -DDLONG -c $< -o $@

$(AMD_LIBRARY): $(AMDI) SuiteSparse_config.o
@$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $(AMD_LIBRARY) $(AMDI) SuiteSparse_config.o

91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions OTHER/CBLAS/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# This is the makefile to create a library for C-BLAS.
# The files are organized as follows:
# SBLAS1 -- Single precision real BLAS routines
# CBLAS1 -- Single precision complex BLAS routines
# DBLAS1 -- Double precision real BLAS routines
# ZBLAS1 -- Double precision complex BLAS routines
# CB1AUX -- Real BLAS routines called by complex routines
# ZB1AUX -- D.P. real BLAS routines called by d.p. complex
# routines
# ALLBLAS -- Auxiliary routines for Level 2 and 3 BLAS
# SBLAS2 -- Single precision real BLAS2 routines
# CBLAS2 -- Single precision complex BLAS2 routines
# DBLAS2 -- Double precision real BLAS2 routines
# ZBLAS2 -- Double precision complex BLAS2 routines
# SBLAS3 -- Single precision real BLAS3 routines
# CBLAS3 -- Single precision complex BLAS3 routines
# DBLAS3 -- Double precision real BLAS3 routines
# ZBLAS3 -- Double precision complex BLAS3 routines
# The library can be set up to include routines for any combination
# of the four precisions. To create or add to the library, enter make
# followed by one or more of the precisions desired. Some examples:
# make single
# make single complex
# make single double complex complex16
# Alternatively, the command
# make
# without any arguments creates a library of all four precisions.
# The library is called
# blas.a
# and is created at the next higher directory level.
# To remove the object files after the library is created, enter
# make clean

MYSBLAS2 = smyblas2.o
MYDBLAS2 = dmyblas2.o
MYCBLAS2 = cmyblas2.o
MYZBLAS2 = zmyblas2.o

SBLAS1 = isamax.o sasum.o saxpy.o scopy.o sdot.o snrm2.o \
srot.o sscal.o
SBLAS2 = sgemv.o ssymv.o strsv.o sger.o ssyr2.o

DBLAS1 = idamax.o dasum.o daxpy.o dcopy.o ddot.o dnrm2.o \
drot.o dscal.o
DBLAS2 = dgemv.o dsymv.o dtrsv.o dger.o dsyr2.o

CBLAS1 = icamax.o scasum.o caxpy.o ccopy.o scnrm2.o \
CBLAS2 = cgemv.o chemv.o ctrsv.o cgerc.o cher2.o

ZBLAS1 = izamax.o dzasum.o zaxpy.o zcopy.o dznrm2.o \
zscal.o dcabs1.o
ZBLAS2 = zgemv.o zhemv.o ztrsv.o zgerc.o zher2.o

all: double

single: $(SBLAS1) $(SBLAS2) $(SBLAS3) $(MYSBLAS2)

double: $(DBLAS1) $(DBLAS2) $(DBLAS3) $(MYDBLAS2)

complex: $(CBLAS1) $(CBLAS2) $(CBLAS3) $(MYCBLAS2)

complex16: $(ZBLAS1) $(ZBLAS2) $(ZBLAS3) $(MYZBLAS2)

$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) *.o

wipe: clean
150 changes: 150 additions & 0 deletions OTHER/UMFPACK/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
include ../../Makefile.def

I = -I. -I../AMD
C = $(CC) $(OPT_FLAG) -fexceptions -fPIC -DNCHOLMOD $(I)

# source files

# non-user-callable umf_*.[ch] files:
UMFCH = umf_assemble umf_blas3_update umf_build_tuples umf_create_element \
umf_extend_front umf_garbage_collection umf_get_memory \
umf_init_front umf_kernel umf_kernel_init umf_kernel_wrapup \
umf_local_search umf_lsolve umf_ltsolve umf_mem_alloc_element \
umf_mem_alloc_head_block umf_mem_alloc_tail_block \
umf_mem_free_tail_block umf_mem_init_memoryspace \
umf_report_vector umf_row_search umf_scale_column \
umf_set_stats umf_solve umf_symbolic_usage umf_transpose \
umf_tuple_lengths umf_usolve umf_utsolve umf_valid_numeric \
umf_valid_symbolic umf_grow_front umf_start_front \
umf_store_lu umf_scale

# non-user-callable umf_*.[ch] files, int/SuiteSparse_long versions only
# (no real/complex):
UMFINT = umf_analyze umf_apply_order umf_colamd umf_free umf_fsize \
umf_is_permutation umf_malloc umf_realloc umf_report_perm \
umf_singletons umf_cholmod

# non-user-callable, created from umf_ltsolve.c, umf_utsolve.c,
# umf_triplet.c, and umf_assemble.c , with int/SuiteSparse_long
# and real/complex versions:
UMF_CREATED = umf_lhsolve umf_uhsolve umf_triplet_map_nox \
umf_triplet_nomap_x umf_triplet_nomap_nox umf_triplet_map_x \
umf_assemble_fixq umf_store_lu_drop

# non-user-callable, int/SuiteSparse_long and real/complex versions:

# user-callable umfpack_*.[ch] files (int/SuiteSparse_long and real/complex):
UMFPACK = umfpack_col_to_triplet umfpack_defaults umfpack_free_numeric \
umfpack_free_symbolic umfpack_get_numeric umfpack_get_lunz \
umfpack_get_symbolic umfpack_get_determinant umfpack_numeric \
umfpack_qsymbolic umfpack_report_control umfpack_report_info \
umfpack_report_matrix umfpack_report_numeric umfpack_report_perm \
umfpack_report_status umfpack_report_symbolic umfpack_report_triplet \
umfpack_report_vector umfpack_solve umfpack_symbolic \
umfpack_transpose umfpack_triplet_to_col umfpack_scale \
umfpack_load_numeric umfpack_save_numeric \
umfpack_load_symbolic umfpack_save_symbolic

# user-callable, created from umfpack_solve.c (umfpack_wsolve.h exists, though):
# with int/SuiteSparse_long and real/complex versions:
UMFPACKW = umfpack_wsolve


# user-callable, only one version for int/SuiteSparse_long,
# real/complex, *.[ch] files:
GENERIC = umfpack_timer umfpack_tictoc

# include files:

INC = umfpack.h ../AMD/SuiteSparse_config.h \
umf_config.h umf_version.h \
umf_internal.h umf_triplet.h \
$(addprefix ./, $(addsuffix .h,$(UMFCH))) \
$(addprefix ./, $(addsuffix .h,$(UMFINT))) \
$(addprefix ./, $(addsuffix .h,$(USER))) \
$(addprefix ./, $(addsuffix .h,$(GENERIC))) \
../AMD/amd_internal.h ../AMD/amd.h

# object files for each version
UMFPACK_DI = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst umf_,umf_di_,$(UMF)) $(subst umfpack_,umfpack_di_,$(USER)))
UMFPACK_II = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst umf_,umf_i_,$(UMFINT)))
UMFPACK_GN = $(addsuffix .o, $(subst umfpack_,umfpack_gn_,$(GENERIC)))

# obj

all: umfpack

# compile each int and SuiteSparse_long routine (with no real/complex version)

umf_i_%.o: umf_%.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -c $< -o $@

# compile each routine in the DI version

umf_di_%.o: umf_%.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -c $< -o $@

umf_di_%hsolve.o: umf_%tsolve.c $(INC)

umf_di_triplet_map_x.o: umf_triplet.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -DDO_MAP -DDO_VALUES -c $< -o $@

umf_di_triplet_map_nox.o: umf_triplet.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -DDO_MAP -c $< -o $@

umf_di_triplet_nomap_x.o: umf_triplet.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -DDO_VALUES -c $< -o $@

umf_di_triplet_nomap_nox.o: umf_triplet.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -c $< -o $@

umf_di_assemble_fixq.o: umf_assemble.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -DFIXQ -c $< -o $@

umf_di_store_lu_drop.o: umf_store_lu.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -DDROP -c $< -o $@

umfpack_di_wsolve.o: umfpack_solve.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -DWSOLVE -c $< -o $@

umfpack_di_%.o: umfpack_%.c $(INC)
$(C) -DDINT -c $< -o $@

# Create the generic routines (GN) using a generic rule

umfpack_gn_%.o: umfpack_%.c $(INC)
$(C) -c $< -o $@

# Create the libumfpack.a library

umfpack: $(UMFPACK_OBJ)

@$(RM) $(RMFLAGS) *.o

wipe: clean

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