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General Description

HelloTable ScreenShot HelloTable is an HelloTable inspired clone where a user can browse, search, and view restaurants. If a user likes what they see, a reservation can be made.


  • Searches can be executed according to city or restaurant name - near matches will appear as suggestions. Featured cities will appear on a front page splash.
  • Browsing by city will bring up a list of all restaurants in the vicinity. Each restaurant is separated into its own snippet and users can view the full restaurant details through links.
  • Restaurant show pages will show off details of the restaurant - description, photos, mapped location, etc.
  • Restaurant show pages will generate available reservations near the time and seating arrangement specified in a search. Or, if the the restaurant was navigated to via browsing, available reservations will be generated according to the current time.
  • Restaurants can be created by users who are logged in.
  • Restaurants can be created with multiple images for the details page.
  • Restaurants can be edited by the creating user through the manager page.

Tech and Implementation

  • HelloTable was created using a Ruby on Rails backend with React handling front end components and Redux managing data.
  • Build tools include webpack for bundling and babel for transpiling.
  • Smooth scroll with anchor links was achieved with the use of react-scrollchor.
  • Side navbars use react-sticky for onScroll event.

File Structure

  • Backend components are broken down into Models, Controllers, and Views and can be found in /app.
  • Frontend components are broken down into Actions, Components, Reducers and can be found in /frontend.
  • Database information kept in /db.
  • CSS in /app/assets/stylesheets.


  • HelloTable's backend is comprised of five distinct tables - Users, Cities, Restaurants, Reservations, and Photos. Each city has associations to restaurants for easy browsing from the city show page and simplified searching from the the home page.
  • Restaurants can be added by users so access to editing is restricted to the user who added the restaurant.
  • Reservations have associations to users who made the reservation and restaurants to which the reservations belong.
  • Photos have been separated out into it's own table and have an association to a restaurant.


  • Sessions are handled with backend auth using BCrypt for password encryption and SecureRandom for session tokens
  • Front end auth maintains a user's logged in status.


HelloTable User Show Page ScreenShot

  • Users must log in to view the profile page, add restaurants, create and cancel reservations, or edit restaurant.
  • On the user profile page, users can view and cancel upcoming reservations as well as view previous reservations.
  • Logged in users can leave reviews for completed reservations.
  • From the front page, users navigate to a form where they can add restaurants (if logged in).


HelloTable Restaurant Show Page ScreenShot

  • Restaurants can be added by any user. Once created, restaurants are fairly static items.
  • Each user can manage/edit one restaurant at a time.
  • Restaurants can be found by browsing through the catalog of using the search feature on either the home page or the city show page.
  • Restaurant show page displays restaurant details along with associated photos.
  • Show page also has quick links set to reasonable defaults for convenient reservations as well as a search bar for custom reservations.