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Upgrading Zikula

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Test Environment
  4. Before upgrading
  5. Upgrading


Zikula 1.4 can only upgrade from Zikula 1.3.6 or higher. Please upgrade your core installation to this version before proceeding with this upgrade process.

Zikula Core 1.4 introduces a lot of forward compatibility for new features that will come in Zikula 2.0.0.

For more information visit and read our documentation.

Server/Environment Requirements

Before upgrading Zikula it's important to ensure that the hosting server environment meets the requirements of the new core release. Zikula Core 1.4.x has the following requirements

Minimum Recommended
PHP 5.4.1 >=5.5 <7
  • Zikula requires more memory than typical to install. You should set your memory limit in php.ini to 128 MB for the installation process.
  • Zikula requires that date.timezone be set in the php.ini configuration file (or .htaccess).
  • Zikula requires AllowOverride All and the mod_rewrite module (be aware the Apache 2.3.9+ has changed the default setting for AllowOverride to None.
  • Additional (advanced) server considerations can be found on the Symfony site
  • Zikula also requires other php extensions and configurations. These are checked during the upgrade process and if there are problems, you will be notified. If you discover errors, check with your hosting provider on how to rectify these issues. Typically, they will require changing the php.ini file or possibly reconfiguring the php installation by your provider.

Test Environment

The Zikula team strongly recommends having a duplicate testing environment of the live site in which all changes including upgrades are tested on before application to the live site.

Before upgrading

Prior to any upgrade ensure that you have created a reliable backup of all files and the database.

FOR DEVELOPERS ONLY: Clone Zikula/Core from the repo at Github. Use the 1.4 branch.

Zikula makes use of composer to manage and download all dependencies. Composer must be run prior to installing or upgrading a site using Zikula. Run composer self-update and composer update.

If you store Composer in the root of the Zikula Core checkout, please rename it from composer.phar to composer to avoid your IDE reading the package contents.

FOR NORMAL USERS: Download the current release from

All the dependencies and requirements are included in this package.


The following process should be followed for all upgrades even small point releases (e.g. 1.4.x).

  • Backup all your files and database. Keep a note of your database settings from config.php or personal_config.php.
  • Make a note of your 'startpage' settings as they must be cleared in the upgrade process.
  • Before uploading the new files, delete all files in your web root (typically public_html or httpdocs).
  • Upload the new package and unpack the archive.
    • Please read the INSTALL docs for detailed information on proper uploading.
    • Note 1: One common issue when installing is that the app/cache and app/logs directories must be writable both by the web server and the command line user. See Symfony's Setting up or Fixing File Permissions to see potential solutions to this problem when installing from the CLI.
    • Note 2: If you have mod_suexec installed for Apache the CLI will run into permission problems. (If you are not sure check your phpinfo.) mod_suexec often is used in shared hosting environments. In this case, the CLI installer is not recommended, please use the Web Installer.

If upgrading from Core-1.3.x:

  • Make a copy of config/config.php and rename it to config/personal_config.php -- update the database settings values of this file with yours taken from your old 'config.php' file. * NOTE: you should now have both config.php AND personal_config.php in your config/ folder. Make sure to set permissions on config.php to 400.
  • Make a copy of app/config/parameters.yml and rename it to app/config/custom_parameters.yml -- update the values of this file with your database settings. Set installed: true. All database values of "" should be replaced with their proper values -- In most cases, 'database_port', 'database_path', and 'database_socket' should be left as ''.
    • NOTE: you should now have both parameters.yml AND custom_parameters.yml in your app/config/ folder. The upgrade will not work unless both of these files are present.
  • Additional notes
    • As of 1.4.0 ztemp is now located in the app/cache/<kernel-mode>/ztemp location automatically.
    • the old upgrade.php has been replaced by simply /upgrade but you should be automatically redirected to this url when visiting your main page.

If upgrading from Core-1.4.x:

  • Copy your previous installation's config/personal_config.php and app/config/custom_parameters.yml to their same respective locations in your new installation. There is no need to update any values within these files.


  • Copy your backup /userdata and your theme to your new installation. The folders of your theme should be in the exact same place as your backup.

  • Copy your additional modules to the appropriate directory. DO NOT include the old Profile and Legal module when copying them into your new installation, as new versions of these are provided (and their location may differ).

  • Upgrade: (do one or the other)

    • Via Web: launch http://yoursiteurl/ (you will be redirected to /upgrade) and follow any on-screen prompts.
    • Via CLI:
      • Access your main zikula directory (/src if a Github clone) and run this command:

        $ php app/console zikula:upgrade
  • Follow the prompts and complete that step. When you are finished, Open your browser and login!