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Zimny Lech edited this page Aug 29, 2014 · 5 revisions

Welcome to CyTube Plus Wiki!...

... the open-source **Javascript/CSS library** for for [CyTube]( enhancements. If you use or want to use **CyTube Plus**, I recommend you read all wiki pages below, where you can find many useful and detailed informations about this project.

For beginners

  • Read absolutely basic informations on the About page.
  • What this actually does? See the full Features list.

For channels administrators

  • You want to try it? Go to Installation manual.
  • Need detailed explanation about every option? Read FAQ.
  • "Channel Database", what's this all about? Learn more on Channel Database page.
  • How to cope with library filters? Find the answer reading Filters content.
  • Read more informations about CSS inheritance.
  • You want to squeeze this library dry? Read about Hardcore configuration.

For users

For troubled users and administrators

  • Something is not working? Check Troubleshooting page to find why and what to do.

For everyone

  • Is it free, and what can you do with this library? Full License will dispel your doubts.
  • Read Version history if you want to know detailed changes in all CyTube Plus versions.

CyTube external links

If you are completely new to CyTube project and never heard about it go to:

Read CyTube Wiki pages for more informations:

Most known CyTube servers: