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Zimny Lech edited this page Aug 29, 2014 · 4 revisions

CyTube Plus allows to set 3 groups of filters:

  • fonts filters - various colors and font styles
  • independent filters - additional filters not saved directly on the server
  • emotes filters - additional emotes not saved directly on the server

Independent filters and emotes must be configure directly in the main.js file. You can leave default sets, or change it to your own. Fonts filters must be saved on the server. To install, open "Channel Settings" modal window, go to "Edit" -> "Chat Filters", click "Prepare fonts filters" button, and import.

Fonts filters

Currently CyTube Plus has 22 fonts filters:

  • 13 colors - [white], [yellow], [orange], [pink], [red], [lime], [green], [aqua], [blue], [violet], [brown], [silver], [black]
  • 1 fixed combination (white text on the black background) - [bw]
  • 4 font styles (bold, italic, underlined and striked) - [b], [i], [u], [s]
  • 2 decorative fonts (red on yellow background and text with a fire effect) - [d], [f]
  • 1 inline spoiler - [sp]
  • 1 code closing filter - [/]

Example of use: [red]red text[/]. You can nest filters mixing colors and styles: [green]green text with [b]bold words[/][/]

Independent filters

Script administrator can also set up additional filters. Those filters are visible only in current chat session, and will not be display after page reloading (it means you can't see effects of filtering messages sent before you enter a channel). By default CyTube Plus have 6 independent filters:

  • [mq]$1[/mq] - fast scrolling text, parameter $1: text, e.g. [mq]scrolling text[/mq]
  • [mq0]$1[/mq0] - slow scrolling text, parameter $1: text, e.g. [mq0]scrolling text[/mq0]
  • [imgur]$1[/imgur] - imgur picture, parameter $1: filename with extension, e.g. [imgur]suok1xr.jpg[/imgur]
  • [drop]$1[/drop] - dropbox picture, parameter $1: direct access file folder with filename and extension, e.g. [drop]1um0fn8wmskih0m/cytube.png[/drop]
  • [minus/$1]$2[/minus] - picture, parameter $1: server URL first domain, parameter $2: filename with extension, e.g. [minus/i5]ig0qs6fvWvgBu.jpg[/minus]
  • [vi/$1]$1[/vi] - vichan imageboard picture, parameter $1: board, parameter $2: filename with extension, e.g. [vi/b]1r8ih4t1.vichan.png[/vi]

Above codes display clickable images, that can be open in a new window at full resolution.

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