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Working on ZIO Jdbc Module
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deusaquilus committed Nov 1, 2020
1 parent b74e70a commit 4bda10e
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Showing 35 changed files with 1,510 additions and 87 deletions.
44 changes: 40 additions & 4 deletions build.sbt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ lazy val jasyncModules = Seq[sbt.ClasspathDep[sbt.ProjectReference]](
lazy val asyncModules = Seq[sbt.ClasspathDep[sbt.ProjectReference]](
`quill-async`, `quill-async-mysql`, `quill-async-postgres`,
`quill-finagle-mysql`, `quill-finagle-postgres`,
`quill-ndbc`, `quill-ndbc-postgres`, `quill-ndbc-monix`
`quill-ndbc`, `quill-ndbc-postgres`, `quill-ndbc-monix`,
`quill-zio`, `quill-jdbc-zio`
) ++ jasyncModules

lazy val codegenModules = Seq[sbt.ClasspathDep[sbt.ProjectReference]](
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,8 +115,8 @@ val filteredModules = {
lazy val `quill` = {
val quill =
(project in file("."))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(commonSettings: _*)

// Do not do aggregate project builds when debugging since during that time
// typically only individual modules are being build/compiled. This is mostly for convenience with IntelliJ.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,7 +366,6 @@ lazy val `quill-jdbc` =

lazy val `quill-monix` =
(project in file("quill-monix"))

.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(mimaSettings: _*)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -398,6 +398,42 @@ lazy val `quill-jdbc-monix` =
.dependsOn(`quill-sql-jvm` % "compile->compile;test->test")
.dependsOn(`quill-jdbc` % "compile->compile;test->test")

lazy val `quill-zio` =
(project in file("quill-zio"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(mimaSettings: _*)
fork in Test := true,
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"dev.zio" %% "zio" % "1.0.3",
"dev.zio" %% "zio-streams" % "1.0.3"
.dependsOn(`quill-core-jvm` % "compile->compile;test->test")

lazy val `quill-jdbc-zio` =
(project in file("quill-jdbc-zio"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
.settings(mimaSettings: _*)
.settings(jdbcTestingSettings: _*)
testGrouping in Test := {
(definedTests in Test).value map { test =>
if ( endsWith "IntegrationSpec")
Tests.Group(name =, tests = Seq(test), runPolicy = Tests.SubProcess(
Tests.Group(name =, tests = Seq(test), runPolicy = Tests.SubProcess(ForkOptions()))
.dependsOn(`quill-zio` % "compile->compile;test->test")
.dependsOn(`quill-sql-jvm` % "compile->compile;test->test")
.dependsOn(`quill-jdbc` % "compile->compile;test->test")

lazy val `quill-ndbc-monix` =
(project in file("quill-ndbc-monix"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
Expand Down
18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions quill-core/src/main/scala/io/getquill/context/Context.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,15 @@ import
import scala.util.Try
import io.getquill.{ Query, Action, NamingStrategy, BatchAction, ReturnAction, ActionReturning }

trait SimplePrepareContext extends CoreDsl {
type Result[T]
type Session

type PrepareQueryResult = Session => Result[PrepareRow]
type PrepareActionResult = Session => Result[PrepareRow]
type PrepareBatchActionResult = Session => Result[List[PrepareRow]]

trait Context[Idiom <: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom, Naming <: NamingStrategy]
extends Closeable
with CoreDsl {
Expand All @@ -21,6 +30,9 @@ trait Context[Idiom <: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom, Naming <: NamingStrategy]
type RunBatchActionResult
type RunBatchActionReturningResult[T]
type Session
type PrepareQueryResult //Usually: Session => Result[PrepareRow]
type PrepareActionResult //Usually: Session => Result[PrepareRow]
type PrepareBatchActionResult //Usually: Session => Result[List[PrepareRow]]

type Prepare = PrepareRow => (List[Any], PrepareRow)
type Extractor[T] = ResultRow => T
Expand All @@ -35,14 +47,14 @@ trait Context[Idiom <: io.getquill.idiom.Idiom, Naming <: NamingStrategy]

def run[T](quoted: Quoted[T]): Result[RunQuerySingleResult[T]] = macro QueryMacro.runQuerySingle[T]
def run[T](quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): Result[RunQueryResult[T]] = macro QueryMacro.runQuery[T]
def prepare[T](quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): Session => Result[PrepareRow] = macro QueryMacro.prepareQuery[T]
def prepare[T](quoted: Quoted[Query[T]]): PrepareQueryResult = macro QueryMacro.prepareQuery[T]

def run(quoted: Quoted[Action[_]]): Result[RunActionResult] = macro ActionMacro.runAction
def run[T](quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[_, T]]): Result[RunActionReturningResult[T]] = macro ActionMacro.runActionReturning[T]
def run(quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[Action[_]]]): Result[RunBatchActionResult] = macro ActionMacro.runBatchAction
def run[T](quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[ActionReturning[_, T]]]): Result[RunBatchActionReturningResult[T]] = macro ActionMacro.runBatchActionReturning[T]
def prepare(quoted: Quoted[Action[_]]): Session => Result[PrepareRow] = macro ActionMacro.prepareAction
def prepare(quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[Action[_]]]): Session => Result[List[PrepareRow]] = macro ActionMacro.prepareBatchAction
def prepare(quoted: Quoted[Action[_]]): PrepareActionResult = macro ActionMacro.prepareAction
def prepare(quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[Action[_]]]): PrepareBatchActionResult = macro ActionMacro.prepareBatchAction

protected val identityPrepare: Prepare = (Nil, _)
protected val identityExtractor = identity[ResultRow] _
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package io.getquill

import com.typesafe.config.Config
import io.getquill.context.jdbc.PostgresJdbcContextSimplified
import io.getquill.context.sql.idiom.SqlIdiom
import io.getquill.context.zio.ZioJdbcContext
import io.getquill.util.LoadConfig
import javax.sql.DataSource

class PostgresZioJdbcContext[N <: NamingStrategy](val naming: N)
extends ZioJdbcContext[PostgresDialect, N]
with PostgresJdbcContextSimplified[N]

trait WithProbing[D <: SqlIdiom, N <: NamingStrategy] extends ZioJdbcContext[D, N] {
def probingConfig: Config;
override def probingDataSource: Option[DataSource] = Some(JdbcContextConfig(probingConfig).dataSource)

trait WithProbingPrefix[D <: SqlIdiom, N <: NamingStrategy] extends WithProbing[D, N] {
def configPrefix: String;
def probingConfig: Config = LoadConfig(configPrefix)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
package io.getquill.context.zio

import java.sql.{ Array => _, _ }

import io.getquill.{ NamingStrategy, ReturnAction }
import io.getquill.context.StreamingContext
import io.getquill.context.jdbc.JdbcContextSimplified
import io.getquill.context.sql.idiom.SqlIdiom
import io.getquill.util.ContextLogger
import javax.sql.DataSource
import zio.Exit.{ Failure, Success }
import zio.{ Chunk, ChunkBuilder, RIO, Task, UIO, ZIO, ZManaged }
import{ Stream, ZStream }

import scala.util.Try

* Quill context that wraps all JDBC calls in `monix.eval.Task`.
abstract class ZioJdbcContext[Dialect <: SqlIdiom, Naming <: NamingStrategy] extends ZioContext[Dialect, Naming]
with JdbcContextSimplified[Dialect, Naming]
with StreamingContext[Dialect, Naming]
with ZioTranslateContext {

override private[getquill] val logger = ContextLogger(classOf[ZioJdbcContext[_, _]])

override def prepareSingle(sql: String, prepare: Prepare): Connection => RIO[Connection, PreparedStatement] = super.prepareSingle(sql, prepare)

override type PrepareRow = PreparedStatement
override type ResultRow = ResultSet
override type RunActionResult = Long
override type RunActionReturningResult[T] = T
override type RunBatchActionResult = List[Long]
override type RunBatchActionReturningResult[T] = List[T]
override type PrepareQueryResult = RIO[Connection, PrepareRow]
override type PrepareActionResult = RIO[Connection, PrepareRow]
override type PrepareBatchActionResult = RIO[Connection, List[PrepareRow]]

// Need explicit return-type annotations due to scala/bug#8356. Otherwise macro system will not understand Result[Long]=Task[Long] etc...
override def executeAction[T](sql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare): RIO[Connection, Long] =
super.executeAction(sql, prepare)
override def executeQuery[T](sql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): RIO[Connection, List[T]] =
super.executeQuery(sql, prepare, extractor)
override def executeQuerySingle[T](sql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): RIO[Connection, T] =
super.executeQuerySingle(sql, prepare, extractor)
override def executeActionReturning[O](sql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[O], returningBehavior: ReturnAction): RIO[Connection, O] =
super.executeActionReturning(sql, prepare, extractor, returningBehavior)
override def executeBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup]): RIO[Connection, List[Long]] =
override def executeBatchActionReturning[T](groups: List[BatchGroupReturning], extractor: Extractor[T]): RIO[Connection, List[T]] =
super.executeBatchActionReturning(groups, extractor)
override def prepareQuery[T](sql: String, prepare: Prepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): RIO[Connection, PreparedStatement] =
super.prepareQuery(sql, prepare, extractor)
override def prepareAction(sql: String, prepare: Prepare): RIO[Connection, PreparedStatement] =
super.prepareAction(sql, prepare)
override def prepareBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup]): RIO[Connection, List[PreparedStatement]] =

override protected val effect: Runner = Runner.default
import effect._

/** ZIO Contexts do not managed DB connections so this is a no-op */
override def close(): Unit = ()

protected def withConnection[T](f: Connection => Result[T]): Result[T] = throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not Used")
override protected def withConnectionWrapped[T](f: Connection => T): RIO[Connection, T] =
RIO.fromFunction(f) // blocking(RIO.fromFunction(f)) ? (import zio.blocking._)

trait SameThreadExecutionContext extends scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext {
def submit(runnable: Runnable): Unit =

def transaction[A](f: RIO[Connection, A]): RIO[Connection, A] = {
def die = Task.die(new IllegalStateException("The task was cancelled in the middle of a transaction."))
ZIO.environment[Connection].flatMap(conn =>
f.onInterrupt(die).onExit {
case Success(_) =>
case Failure(cause) =>
// TODO Are we really catching the result of the conn.rollback() Task's exception?
catchAll(Task(conn.rollback()) *> Task.halt(cause))

def probingDataSource: Option[DataSource] = None

// Override with sync implementation so will actually be able to do it.
override def probe(sql: String): Try[_] =
probingDataSource match {
case Some(dataSource) =>
Try {
val c = dataSource.getConnection
try {
} finally {
case None => Try[Unit](())

* In order to allow a ResultSet to be consumed by an Observable, a ResultSet iterator must be created.
* Since Quill provides a extractor for an individual ResultSet row, a single row can easily be cached
* in memory. This allows for a straightforward implementation of a hasNext method.
class ResultSetIterator[T](rs: ResultSet, extractor: Extractor[T]) extends BufferedIterator[T] {

private[this] var state = 0 // 0: no data, 1: cached, 2: finished
private[this] var cached: T = null.asInstanceOf[T]

protected[this] final def finished(): T = {
state = 2

/** Return a new value or call finished() */
protected def fetchNext(): T =
if ( extractor(rs)
else finished()

def head: T = {
if (state == 1) cached
else throw new NoSuchElementException("head on empty iterator")

private def prefetchIfNeeded(): Unit = {
if (state == 0) {
cached = fetchNext()
if (state == 0) state = 1

def hasNext: Boolean = {
state == 1

def next(): T = {
if (state == 1) {
state = 0
} else throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator");

* Override to enable specific vendor options needed for streaming
protected def prepareStatementForStreaming(sql: String, conn: Connection, fetchSize: Option[Int]) = {
val stmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql, ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY)
fetchSize.foreach { size =>

def streamQuery[T](fetchSize: Option[Int], sql: String, prepare: Prepare = identityPrepare, extractor: Extractor[T] = identityExtractor): ZStream[Connection, Throwable, T] = {
def prepareStatement(conn: Connection) = {
val stmt = prepareStatementForStreaming(sql, conn, fetchSize)
val (params, ps) = prepare(stmt)
logger.logQuery(sql, params)

val managedEnv: ZStream[Connection, Throwable, (Connection, PrepareRow, ResultSet)] =
ZStream.environment[Connection].flatMap { conn =>
ZStream.managed {
for {
conn <- ZManaged.make(Task(conn))(c => Task.unit)
ps <- ZManaged.make(Task(prepareStatement(conn)))(ps => wrapClose(ps.close()))
rs <- ZManaged.make(Task(ps.executeQuery()))(rs => wrapClose(rs))
} yield (conn, ps, rs)

val ret: ZStream[Connection, Throwable, T] =
managedEnv.flatMap {
case (conn, ps, rs) =>
val iter = new ResultSetIterator(rs, extractor)
fetchSize match {
// TODO Assuming chunk size is fetch size. Not sure if this is optimal.
// Maybe introduce some switches to control this?
case Some(size) =>
chunkedFetch(iter, size)
case None =>
Stream.fromIterator(new ResultSetIterator(rs, extractor))


def guardedChunkFill[A](n: Int)(hasNext: => Boolean, elem: => A): Chunk[A] =
if (n <= 0) Chunk.empty
else {
val builder = ChunkBuilder.make[A]()

var i = 0
while (i < n && hasNext) {
builder += elem
i += 1

def chunkedFetch[T](iter: ResultSetIterator[T], fetchSize: Int) = {
object StreamEnd extends Throwable
ZStream.fromEffect(Task(iter) <*> ZIO.runtime[Any]).flatMap {
case (it, rt) =>
ZStream.repeatEffectChunkOption {
Task {
val hasNext: Boolean =
try it.hasNext
catch {
case e: Throwable if !rt.platform.fatal(e) =>
throw e
if (hasNext) {
try {
// The most efficent way to load an array is to allocate a slice that has the number of elements
// that will be returned by every database fetch i.e. the fetch size. Since the later iteration
// may return fewer elements then that, we need a special guard for that particular scenario.
// However, since we do not know which slice is that last, the guard (i.e. hasNext())
// needs to be used for all of them.
} catch {
case e: Throwable if !rt.platform.fatal(e) =>
throw e
} else throw StreamEnd
}.mapError {
case StreamEnd => None
case e => Some(e)

override private[getquill] def prepareParams(statement: String, prepare: Prepare): RIO[Connection, Seq[String]] = {
withConnectionWrapped { conn =>

def constructPrepareQuery(f: Connection => Result[PreparedStatement]): RIO[Connection, PreparedStatement] =
ZIO.environment[Connection].flatMap(c => f(c))

def constructPrepareAction(f: Connection => Result[PreparedStatement]): RIO[Connection, PreparedStatement] =
ZIO.environment[Connection].flatMap(c => f(c))

def constructPrepareBatchAction(f: Connection => Result[List[PreparedStatement]]): RIO[Connection, List[PreparedStatement]] =
ZIO.environment[Connection].flatMap(c => f(c))

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