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r0kk3rz edited this page Aug 2, 2018 · 2 revisions

Getting Started with Zippie for DApp Developers

Using Zippie with your Web3 DApp will allow you to quickly on-board customers to using your DApp without a clunky install process, all in their favourite web browser!

The Zippie Vault takes care of all the hard key management stuff so you can focus on making your DApp experience the best you can, things like Creating, Transferring, Backup, and Recovery of Cryptographic Keys all come as standard.

Vault Overview

The Vault is the main entry point for a Zippie based DApp, and it runs as a Service Worker inside the web browser. Using the Zippie Vault you can easily generate DApp specific Cryptographic Keys for signing transactions or encryption of data.

Each Vault has its own unique master seed, and from that all the application keys are deterministically generated. This means we can keep the master seed secure by only allowing application keys to be accessed externally, and all your application keys can be regenerated from the master seed only.

Vault Application Keys

Each key is associated with your DApp only, and you can have as many as you like. You access them by a path of your choice and the key will be generated on demand.

Zippie Card

Zippie Vault can be extended with Zippie Card to provide second factor authentication and Vault Recovery

Vault Web3 Provider

The Web3 provider allows you to easily access the ethereum network using the Vault Keys, similar to Metamask this will sign ethereum transactions locally and relay them to our hosted ethereum node.


Initialising the Vault and web3 provider is all you have to do, the Vault will take care of the onboarding process redirecting the user to perform the required steps, and directing them back to your app to continue their journey on the decentralised web.

Show me the code

For Web3 DApps we have an example on the Vault-Web3-Api

For info on how to interact with the Vault, check the Vault-Api

For more information about the Vault check the Github Repo