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zircleUI committed Aug 11, 2018
1 parent 059e6ce commit b7976c0
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127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions .github/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
First of all, thank you for being interested in contributing to **zircle-ui**. 🙏

A lot of things could be improved and enriched with you collaboration no matter if you are a experienced developer or not. Below you will find just some guidelines for inspiration.

## Documentation
You can write, translate and improve the zircle’s documentation. Each page has a link to its source code, so you can easily edite and send a PR if you find a typo or something is not clear enough.

## Showcases and examples
Let the community know about you! Send me a [DM at @zircle_ui]( with your project link.

## Design
Glad to hear suggestions to improve the look and feel, zircle’s usability and its consistence.

## Coding
Find an open issue to tackle. New features are welcome!

### Inform an Issue
- **What issues can I inform?**

Besides informing a **bug**, you can **propose features, ideas, etc**.

You can also open an issue if find something in the **documentation** is not clear enough.

- **How to inform?**

Just try to explain **what happens** and **what is expected to happen** . Also, it would very useful to provide **a way to reproduce the issue** (JSFiddle, CodePen, CodeSandbox or provide a GitHub repo).

### Pull a request
Reference your PR to a related issue and provide a description of the changes proposed.

#### Guidelines

- The `master` branch is basically just a snapshot of the latest stable release. All development should be done in dedicated branches. **Do not submit PRs against the `master` branch.**

- Checkout a topic branch from the relevant branch, e.g. `dev`, and merge back against that branch.

- Work in the `src` folder and **DO NOT** checkin `dist` in the commits.

- It's OK to have multiple small commits as you work on the PR - we will let GitHub automatically squash it before merging.

- Make sure `npm test` passes. (see [development setup](

- If adding new feature:
- Add accompanying test case.
- Provide convincing reason to add this feature. Ideally you should open a suggestion issue first and have it greenlighted before working on it.

- If fixing a bug:
- If you are resolving a special issue, add `(fix #xxxx[,#xxx])` (#xxxx is the issue id) in your PR title for a better release log, e.g. `update entities encoding/decoding (fix #3899)`.
- Provide detailed description of the bug in the PR. Live demo preferred.
- Add appropriate test coverage if applicable.

### Development Setup
You will need Node.js version 8+ installed.

Open a terminal and type:

git clone
After cloning the repository, execute:

npm install

### Commonly used NPM scripts
# start demo app
npm run serve

# to check and fix code
npm run lint

# run jest unit tests
npm test

# build zircle-ui library
npm run build:zircle

### Project Structure

├── dist
├── node_modules
├── src
│ ├── components
│ │ └── child-components
│ ├── store
│ │ └── modules
│ └── styles
│ └── sass
└── tests
└── unit


## Do you like zircle-ui?

### Spread the word
Help to promote the project with you friends, colleagues and the social media.

### Become a stargazzer
Maybe you don't have the habit to star projects on Github, I kindle ask you to do so.

### Stay in touch

- Follow **zircle-ui** on [Twitter](

- Suscribe to the mailing list.

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@

- It's OK to have multiple small commits as you work on the PR - we will let GitHub automatically squash it before merging.

- Make sure `npm test` passes. (see [development setup](#development-setup))
- Make sure `npm test` passes. (see [development setup](

- If adding new feature:
- Add accompanying test case.
Expand Down
70 changes: 68 additions & 2 deletions
@@ -1,6 +1,72 @@
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [0.5.0] - 2018-02-15
First commit
## [0.3.3] - 2018-01-31
### Fixes
- When using using vue-router, the initial configuration of the automatic routes are now case insensitive to avoid case errors.

## [0.3.2] - 2018-01-25
### Enhancement
- Now zircle is using that allows embed CSS in the JS by default. So, there is just one file to use zircle.js or zircle.min.js. Thanks
- Improved documentation.

### Fixes
- Include latest src code into @npm release.

## [0.3.1] - 2018-01-14
### Fixes
- Fix build for producction error.

## [0.3.0] - 2018-01-14
### Enhancements
- Recursive navigation that allows reuse the same view again and again.
- Better responsiveness when resize viewport.
- Vue-router auto configuration. You don't need to define routes anymore.

### Fixes
- z-content position. Now it is centered. Thank you @zeratul1

## [0.2.2] to [0.2.4] - 2017-12-10
### Changed
- Add props (label, image and color) to `z-item`.

## [0.2.1] - 2017-12-10
### Fixes
- Fix again `z-list`component to allow customize item template. Now is it possible to add custom labels, background color and background images. Check docs # `z-list` and examples.

### Changed
- Zooming navigation to nine levels of depth.
- Remove `z-pagination`

## [0.2.0] - 2017-11-23
### Fixes
- Fix `z-list`component to allow customize item template.
- Remove lastView because is useless.

### Changed
- Minor optimizations
- Remove z-style and embed css into `z-canvas`

## [0.1.9] - 2017-11-14
### Enhancements
- Smoother transitions thanks to improve function for positioning elements `point()`

### Changed
- Use ease-in-out for transitions. Slow start and slow end to improve UX. Thanks [Seylerius](
- Increment to 800ms the transition time.
- Change `z-transition` from `transition` to `transition-group` components.

### Fixes
- Fix a bug with `z-scroll` - circular scrollbar

## [0.1.5] - 2017-11-06
### Enhancements
- View names are case-insensitive [\#3](

### Changed
- z-dotnav style [\#2](
- Zooming navigation to six levels of depth.

## [0.1.1] - 2017-10-31
### Fixes
- Fix visual scrollbars visual problem on Ffox [\#1](

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