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Changing navigation drawer icons

Sarsa Murmu edited this page Sep 13, 2020 · 1 revision
  • ic_drawer_home.png: Home
  • ic_drawer_apply.png: Apply
  • ic_drawer_icons.png: Icons
  • ic_drawer_request.png: Icon Request
  • ic_drawer_wallpapers.png: Wallpapers
  • ic_drawer_settings.png: Settings
  • ic_drawer_faqs.png: FAQs
  • ic_drawer_about.png: About

If you want to replace any of those icons, create PNG image with 114 x 114 pixels dimensions, name it exactly the same as the icon's name provided above. Copy the image file to app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi folder.

For example, if you want to replace the navigation drawer icon for Apply, you would -

  • Create a PNG file with 114 x 114 pixels dimensions, name it ic_launcher_apply.png
  • Copy the file and paste it to app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi folder

NOTE: You only need to create 1 icon for each with white color. CandyBar will recolor it based on color provided in colors.xml.

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