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Updating the dashboard

Sarsa Murmu edited this page Jul 2, 2024 · 48 revisions

NOTE: Whenever I say, "just update the version", it means go to build.gradle (app) and find the line that looks like this

implementation 'com.github.zixpo:candybar:<version>'

and replace the <version> with the latest version, ok? Good.

From v3.20.0 to v3.20.1

  • Just update the version

From v3.19.0 to v3.20.0

  • Follow this commit
  • Sync Gradle

From v3.18.4 to v3.19.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle

Other Changes:

  • Themes have changed. Check theme setup guide.
  • Splash screen icon size has changed. Make it 576x576 and place it inside of drawable-nodpi

From v3.18.3 to v3.18.4

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.18.0 to v3.18.3

  • Just update the version

From v3.17.5 to v3.18.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.17.4 to v3.17.5

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.17.3 to v3.17.4

  • Follow this and this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.17.2 to v3.17.3

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.17.1 to v3.17.2

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.17.0 to v3.17.1

  • Update Android Studio to Flamingo (2022.2.1)
  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.16.2 to v3.17.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.16.1 to v3.16.2

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.16.0 to v3.16.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.15.0 to v3.16.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.14.2 to v3.15.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.14.1 to v3.14.2

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.13.3 to v3.14.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.13.1 to v3.13.3

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.13.0 to v3.13.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.12.1 to v3.13.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.12.0 to v3.12.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.11.7 to v3.12.0

NOTE: This version only works with the latest Android Studio. You have to also update Java to version 11 if you are using a manual installation of Java and not the built-in one.

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.11.6 to v3.11.7

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.11.0 to v3.11.6

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.10.1 to v3.11.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

!! NOTE !! This version has a lot of changes.

  • Font source, Theme, and Colors have changed.
  • Fonts have been moved
    • assets/Font-Bold.ttf -> res/font/bold.ttf
    • assets/Font-Regular.ttf -> res/font/regular.ttf
    • assets/Font-Medium.ttf -> res/font/medium.ttf
  • If you are using modified styles (styles.xml) then you may need to do some refactorings, see the new file (themes.xml)
  • Referencing existing theme colors is no longer allowed in colors.xml for existing theme colors. Check the header comment for more information.

From v3.10.0 to v3.10.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.9.2 to v3.10.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.9.1 to v3.9.2

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.9.0 to v3.9.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.8.1 to v3.9.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.8.0 to v3.8.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.7.4 to v3.8.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.7.3 to v3.7.4

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.7.2 to v3.7.3

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.7.1 to v3.7.2

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.7.0 to v3.7.1

  • Follow this commit.
  • Sync Gradle.

From v3.6.3 to v3.7.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Do Gradle sync.

From v3.6.2 to v3.6.3

  • Follow this commit.
  • Do Gradle Sync, Clean Project.

From v3.6.1 to v3.6.2

  • Follow this commit.
  • Do Gradle Sync, Clean Project.

From v3.6.0 to v3.6.1

  • Go to app/build.gradle or build.gradle (Module : app)
  • Find this line
implementation 'com.github.zixpo:candybar:3.6.0'
  • Change 3.6.0 to 3.6.1
  • Do Gradle Sync.

From v3.5.0-beta.6.5 to v3.6.0

  • Follow this commit.
  • Do Gradle Sync, Clean Project.

From v3.5.0-beta.6.5 to v3.5.0-beta.6.6

  • Follow this commit.
  • Do Gradle Sync, Clean Project.

From v3.5.0-beta.6.4 to v3.5.0-beta.6.5

  • Follow this commit.
  • Do Gradle Sync, Clean Project.

From v3.5.0-beta.6.3 to v3.5.0-beta.6.4

  • Follow this commit.
  • Do Gradle Sync, Clean Project.

From v3.5.0-beta.6.1 to v3.5.0-beta.6.3

Change CandyBar Library Version

  • Go to app/build.gradle or build.gradle(Module : app)
  • Find this line
implementation 'com.github.zixpo:candybar:v3.5.0-beta.6.1'
  • Change v3.5.0-beta.6.1 to v3.5.0-beta.6.3
  • Do Gradle Sync.

Add launchers.xml

From v3.5.0-beta.6 to v3.5.0-beta.6.1

Change Gradle Versions

  • Go to gradle/
  • Replace with
  • Go to build.gradle or build.gradle(Project : SomeName)
  • Replace classpath '' with classpath ''.

Change CandyBar Library Version

  • Go to app/build.gradle or build.gradle(Module : app)
  • Find this line
implementation 'com.github.zixpo:candybar:v3.5.0-beta.6'
  • Change v3.5.0-beta.6 to v3.5.0-beta.6.1
  • Do Gradle Sync.

From v3.5.0-b5 to v3.5.0-beta.6

Changes in build.gradle

  • Go to app/build.gradle or build.gradle(Module : app)
  • Find this line
implementation 'com.github.zixpo:candybar:v3.5.0-b5'
  • Change v3.5.0-b5 to v3.5.0-beta.6
  • Remove these lines
implementation 'androidx.annotation:annotation:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0'
implementation ''
  • Find this line
implementation 'com.onesignal:OneSignal:3.9.1'
  • Change it to
implementation 'com.onesignal:OneSignal:3.10.7'
  • Do Gradle Sync.

Changes in AndroidManifest.xml

  • Replace Your AndroidManifest.xml with this
  • Find com.candybar.sample and replace it with your app's Package Name.

Remove MuzeiActivity

  • Find and Delete it. It is probably in app/src/main/java/.../activities/ or app/java/.../activities/

Add New Java Files

  • Download and to a folder. Copy these two files and go to app/src/main/java/.../services and Paste these. Open these two files and replace com.candybar.sample with your app's package name.
  • Download shortcut.xml and Paste it to app/src/main/res/xml/shortcut.xml. Replace com.candybar.sample with your app's package name.

Changes in dashboard_configurations.xml

  • Go to dashboard_configuration.xml
  • There are New Configs, You've to add them manually. All configs are inside of <resources></resources>, So you've to add these new Configurations inside of this.
  • Go to line before </resources> and add these lines (Simply Copy and Paste them)
<!-- If you set it to true, your user can even choose non-mailing app for requesting Icons -->
<bool name="enable_non_mail_app_request">false</bool>

<!-- Icon Request Email Subject. Leave Empty to Use Deafult Subject. -->
<string name="request_email_subject"></string>
<string name="premium_request_email_subject"></string>

<!-- CandyBar Config JSON Link -->
<string name="config_json_link"></string>

<!-- Closes app if installed outside of Playstore -->
<bool name="playstore_check_enabled">false</bool>

<!-- Enable Check for Update -->
<bool name="enable_check_update">true</bool>

<!-- Enable JSON Data check before Requesting Icons -->
<bool name="json_check_before_request">true</bool>

<!-- Show Intro Guides on First Run -->
<bool name="show_intro">false</bool>
  • Remove this line (Because CandyBar Now Checks for Update from config_json)
<string name="update_json_link"></string>
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