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Diff Observation PropertyWrapper for Equatable types


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DiffValue by ZkHaider

Build Status Platforms Swift Version

DiffValue is a property observation tool that utilizes automatic diffing on properties through Combine and Property Wrappers.


DiffValue is available via Carthage, just add to your Cartfile like so:


# Property obsersation
github "ZkHaider/DiffValue" "master"


$ carthage update DiffValue


It's easy to observe only properties you are interested in, you can do so like this:

struct UserState {
    let userName: String 
    let email: String
    let password: String

extension UserState: EquatableWithIdentity {
    /// Default value
    static var identity: UserState {
            userName: "",
            email: String,
            password: String

final class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // MARK: - State
    @Diff(\.userName, \.email)
    var userState; UserState 
    // MARK: - Lifecycle 
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Start listening to state changes 
        // This is only called when your specified key paths are updated
        let subscription = $userState.sink { state in 
            print("Listening to state changes: \(state)")


That's it! Use KeyPath to specify which properties you are interested in. You can optionally choose to conform to EquatableWithIdentity, however any value that you want to be utilized by @Diff needs to be Equatable. If you opt out of EquatableWithIdentity you will have to pass a default value in the property wrapper:

struct UserState {
    let userName: String 
    let email: String
    let password: String

final class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // MARK: - State
        value: UserState(userName: "", email: "", password: ""),
    var userState; UserState 
    // MARK: - Lifecycle 
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Start listening to state changes 
        // This is only called when your specified key paths are updated
        let subscription = $userState.sink { state in 
            print("Listening to state changes: \(state)")


If no KeyPath<Root, Value> are passed into the @Diff wrapper it will just do an equality check like normal based on Equatable:

struct UserState {
    let userName: String 
    let email: String
    let password: String

final class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // MARK: - State
    var userState; UserState 
    // MARK: - Lifecycle 
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Start listening to state changes 
        // This is only called when your specified key paths are updated
        // Invoked via equatable if we detect any changes because 
        // we did not pass in any keypaths
        let subscription = $userState.sink { state in 
            print("Listening to state changes: \(state)")


DiffValue supports passing up to 10 KeyPath<Root, Value> parameters in the initializer, if you require more you will have to pass an array of DiffableKeyPath<Root> types like:

struct MyVeryLargeState {
    let property1: String 
    let property2: String
    let property3: String
    let property4: String
    let property5: String
    let property6: String
    let property7: String
    let property8: String
    let property9: String
    let property10: String
    let property11: String
    let property12: String

extension MyVeryLargeState: EquatableWithIdentity {
    /// Default value
    static var identity: MyVeryLargeState {
            property1: "", 
            property2: "",
            property3: "",
            property4: "",
            property5: "",
            property6: "",
            property7: "",
            property8: "",
            property9: "",
            property10: "",
            property11: "",
            property12: ""

final class ViewController: UIViewController {

    // MARK: - State
    var largeState; MyVeryLargeState 
    // MARK: - Lifecycle 
    override func viewDidLoad() {


Chances are if the State encapsulates a large set of properties it probably needs to be divided up -- always keep your State lightweight! However this library does support as many KeyPath<Root, Value>s as you wish to diff on!

A @Diff property wrapper exposes a CurrentValueRelay<Root, Never>. This is a Publisher with a private CurrentValueSubject<Root, Never> field. This is hidden so you cannot pass a completion event to the Relay. Use the Relay to subscribe your State to other Subscribers!

Property Observation

You can also observe single properties directly without having to observe entire value changes:

struct State {
    let stringProperty: String
    let intProperty: Int

final class ExampleClass {

    var state: State


final class TestClass {

    let exampleClass: ExampleClass = ExampleClass()

    init() {
            target: self,
            hook: .method(TestClass.observeString)

    private func observeString(_ stringValue: String) {
        print("πŸ“ Property Changed: \(stringValue)")


Here is fully fledged example:

struct State {
    let stringProperty: String
    let intProperty: Int

final class ExampleClass {
    @Diff(\.stringProperty, \.intProperty)
    var state1: State
    var state2: State
    var state3: State

var modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0)

/// Setup subscriptions

// State 1

let relay1 = exampleClass.$state1
let replay1 = relay1

replay1.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)

replay1.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)

// State 2

let relay2 = exampleClass.$state2
let replay2 = relay2

replay2.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)

replay2.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)

// State 3

let relay3 = exampleClass.$state3
let replay3 = relay3

replay3.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)

replay3.sink { (state) in
}.store(in: &subscriptions)


All Initial Sink Values should be established βœ…



Beginning State 1 Modifications


   State 1 Modifications

// No modification nothing should print
exampleClass.state1 = modifiedState

print("Nothing should have printed πŸ‘€")

// Modify state only change string property and set to state 1
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 0)
exampleClass.state1 = modifiedState

// Should print a change now for state 1

// Modify state only change int property and set to state 1
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state1 = modifiedState

// Should print a change now for state 1

    State 2 Modifications


Beginning State 2 Modifications


// Modify state only change string property and set to state 2
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 0)
exampleClass.state2 = modifiedState

// Nothing should print because we are not diffing on string property

print("Nothing should have printed πŸ‘€")

// Modify state and this time change int property and set to state 2
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state2 = modifiedState

// Should print a change now for state 2

  State 3 Modifications


Beginning State 3 Modifications


// Modify state only change int property and set to state 3
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state3 = modifiedState

// Nothing should print because we are not diffing on int property

print("Nothing should have printed πŸ‘€")

// Modify state only change int property and set to state 3
modifiedState = State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10)
exampleClass.state3 = modifiedState

// Should print a change now for state 3


Print Output:
 DiffStateReplay1: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
 DiffStateReplay1: request unlimited
 DiffStateReplay1: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0))
 DiffStateReplay2: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
 DiffStateReplay2: request unlimited
 DiffStateReplay2: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0))
 DiffStateReplay3: receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
 DiffStateReplay3: request unlimited
 DiffStateReplay3: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "", intProperty: 0))

 All Initial Sink Values should be established βœ…

 Beginning State 1 Modifications

 Nothing should have printed πŸ‘€
 DiffStateReplay1: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 0))
 DiffStateReplay1: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10))

 Beginning State 2 Modifications

 Nothing should have printed πŸ‘€
 DiffStateReplay2: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10))

 Beginning State 3 Modifications

 Nothing should have printed πŸ‘€
 DiffStateReplay3: receive value: (State(stringProperty: "Hello world", intProperty: 10))

If you like the library please star it πŸ™‚