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This is a python task scheduling and execution tool, which needs only python and Postgres to work (using sqlalchemy).


Rework might interest people who:

  • want Postgres (and only Postgres) as a Task Queue Manager, Input/Output store and task log store

  • have Python long-running tasks to run, with the ability to preemptively kill tasks

  • want a tiny, self-contained tool with great functional test abilities.

The most common python library for such things is Celery. If you don't mind depending on RabbitMQ and the Celery API and feature set, Celery is for you. It is mature, probably well-tested, and largely used.

Basic usage

Setting up a database

You need a postgresql database. Rework will install its tables into its own namespace schema, so you can use either a dedicated database or an exising one, with little risk of conflict.

If you don't already have a database, create a fresh one with:

createdb jobstore

To install rework inside:

rework init-db postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore

Declaring and scheduling a task

All the features are covered in the test suite, which can henceforth be regarded as a reasonnable source of documentation. However here's a simple example:

from time import sleep
from rework import api
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

def my_first_task(task):
    with task.capturelogs(std=True):
        print('I am running')
        somevalue = task.input * 2
        print('I am done')

def main(dburi):
    engine = create_engine(dburi)

    # record the decorated tasks

    # now, schedule tasks
    t1 = api.schedule(engine, 'my_first_task', 'hello')
    t2 = api.schedule(engine, 'my_first_task', 100)

    # wait til they are completed

    assert t1.output == 'hellohello'
    assert t2.output == 200

if __name__ == '__main__':

If you put this into a module and type python it should hang forever. Hold on, what's missing ?

On another terminal, one needs to start the workers that will execute the tasks. Do as follows:

rework monitor postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore

Then, the script will quickly terminate, as both tasks have been executed.


The api module exposes most if what is needed. The task module and task objects provide the rest.

api module

Three functions are provided: the task decorator, the freeze_operations and schedule functions.

Defining tasks is done using the task decorator:

from rework.api import task

def my_task(task):

To make the tasks available for use, they must be recorded within the database referential. We use freeze_operations for this:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from rework.api import freeze_operations

engine = create_engine('postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore')

Finally, one can schedule tasks as such:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from rework.api import schedule

engine = create_engine('postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore')

task = api.schedule(engine, 'my_task', 42)

The schedule function wants these mandatory parameters:

  • engine: sqlalchemy engine

  • task name: string

  • task input: any python picklable object

It also accepts two more options:

  • hostid: an host identifier (e.g. '')

  • metadata: a json-serializable dictionary (e.g. {'user': 'Babar'})

Task objects

Task objects can be obtained from the schedule api call (as seen in the previous example) or through the task module.

from task import Task

task = task.by_id(42)

The task object provides:

  • .state attribute to describe the task state (amongst: queued, running, aborting, aborted, failed, done)

  • .join() method to wait synchronously for the task completion

  • .capturelogs(sync=True, level=logging.NOTSET, std=False) method to record matching logs into the db (sync controls whether the logs are written synchronously, level specifies the capture level, std permits to also record prints as logs)

  • .input attribute to get the task input (yields any object)

  • .save_output(<obj>) method to store any object

  • .abort() method to preemptively stop the task

  • .log(fromid=None) method to retrieve the task logs (all or from a given log id)

Command line


If you read the previous chapter, you already know the init-db and monitor commands.

The rework command, if typed without subcommand, shows its usage:

$ rework
Usage: rework [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --help  Show this message and exit.


Of those commands, new-worker is for purely internal purposes, and unless you know what you're doing, should should never use it.

One can list the tasks:

rework list-tasks postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore
1 my_first_task done [2017-09-13 17:08:48.306970+02]
2 my_first_task done [2017-09-13 17:08:48.416770+02]

It is possible to monitor the output of a given task:

$ rework log-task postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore 1
stdout:INFO: 2017-09-13 17:08:49: I am running
stdout:INFO: 2017-09-13 17:08:49: I am done

The last argument 1 is the task identifier as was shown by the list-tasks command.

Notice how we capture the standard output (print calls) using the task.capturelogs context manager. This is completely optional of course but quite handy. The line shown above actually capture standard output, standard error and all logs. It accepts a level parameter, like e.g. capturelogs(level=logging.INFO).

Lastly, list-workers will show the currently running workers:

$ rework list-workers postgres://babar:password@localhost:5432/jobstore
1 4889896@ 30 Mb [running]
2 4889748@ 30 Mb [running]


It is possible to augment the rework command with new subcommands (or augment, modify existing commands).

Any program doing so must define a new command and declare a setup tools entry point named rework:subcommand as in e.g.:

    entry_points={'rework.subcommands': [

For instance, the rework_ui python package provides such a view subcommand to launch a monitoring webapp for a given rework job store.


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