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Angular Share Buttons


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For Angular 2 & 4, use ngx-sharebuttons version 3.

For ngx-sharebuttons v4, the README has moved to here.

I divided the plugin into 3 modules to make it possible to include only the module you use.

Convert any element to a share button using [shareButton] directive.

Install with npm

$ npm install --save @ngx-share/core

Import ShareModule in your module

import { ShareModule } from '@ngx-share/core';

  imports: [
    HttpClientModule,      // (Required) for share counts
    HttpClientJsonpModule, // (Optional) For linkedIn & Tumblr counts

In your template

<button shareButton="facebook">Share</button>
<button shareButton="twitter">Tweet</button>
<button shareButton="pinterest">Pin</button>

To use the default icons or colors, use ShareButtons service so you can access buttons properties

import { ShareButtons } from '@ngx-share/core';

  // ...
export class MyComponent {
  constructor(public share: ShareButtons) {

Now you can set them

<!--Set color and icon-->
<button shareButton="twitter" [style.backgroundColor]="share.prop.twitter.color">
  <i [class]="share.prop.twitter.icon"></i>

<!--Material example-->
<button md-icon-button shareButton="telegram" [style.color]="share.prop.telegram.color">
  <i [class]="share.prop.telegram.icon"></i>

Check ShareButton Directive Demo

Name Default value Description
[shareButton] null Button name, e.g. 'facebook', 'twitter' ...etc.
[sbUrl] current URL Sharing link.
[sbTitle] null Override title meta tag for LinkedIn and Reddit.
[sbDescription] null Override description meta tag for LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram and Pinterest
[sbImage] null Override image meta tag for Pinterest only.
[sbTags] null Override tags for Tumblr and Twitter.
(sbOpened) button name Stream that emits when share window has opened.
(sbClosed) button name Stream that emits when share dialog has closed.
(sbCount) share count Stream that emits share count of the share URL.

Use <share-button> component to add buttons individually.

Share button component is built on top of ShareModule so you need to install both @ngx-share/core and @ngx-share/button.

To use the default icons, install font-awesome package.

$ npm install --save @ngx-share/core @ngx-share/button font-awesome

Import ShareButtonModule in your module

import { ShareButtonModule } from '@ngx-share/button';

  imports: [
    HttpClientModule,      // (Required) for share counts
    HttpClientJsonpModule, // (Optional) For linkedIn & Tumblr counts

Import core styles and theme from the global style src/styles.scss

@import '~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css';
@import "~@ngx-share/button/styles/share-buttons";
@import "~@ngx-share/button/styles/themes/default/default-theme";

Check all themes here

Now you can use the component in your template

<share-button button="facebook"></share-button>
<share-button button="twitter"></share-button>

// Use custom text
<share-button button="pinterest" text="Pin" showText="true"></share-button>

Check ShareButton Component Demo

Name Default value Description
[button] null Button name, e.g. 'facebook', 'twitter' ...etc.
[theme] null Set button theme.
[size] 0 Button size, e.g. -4, 2.5, 1...etc.
[url] current URL Sharing link.
[title] null Override title meta tag for LinkedIn and Reddit.
[description] null Override description meta tag for LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram and Pinterest
[image] null Override image meta tag for Pinterest only.
[tags] null Override tags for Tumblr and Twitter.
[showIcon] true Show button icon.
[showText] false Show button text.
[showCount] false Show share count.
(opened) button name Stream that emits when share window has opened.
(closed) button name Stream that emits when share dialog has closed.
(count) share count Stream that emits share count of the share URL.

Use <share-buttons> component to a collection of share buttons.

Share buttons component is built on top of ShareModule and ShareButtonModule so you need to install both @ngx-share/core, @ngx-share/button and @ngx-share/buttons.

To use the default icons, install font-awesome package.

$ npm install --save @ngx-share/core @ngx-share/button @ngx-share/buttons font-awesome

Import ShareButtonModule in your module

import { ShareButtonModule } from '@ngx-share/button';

  imports: [
    HttpClientModule,      // (Required) for share counts
    HttpClientJsonpModule, // (Optional) For linkedIn & Tumblr counts

Import core styles and theme from the global style src/styles.scss

@import '~font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css';
@import "~@ngx-share/button/styles/share-buttons";
@import "~@ngx-share/button/styles/themes/default/default-theme";

Check all themes

Now you can use the component in your template


Check ShareButtons Component Demo

Name Default value Description
[include] [all buttons] Include certain buttons. Button's order will be as you type it.
[exclude] [ ] Exclude certain buttons.
[show] null Number of buttons to show, if defined 'more' button will appear.
[theme] null Set button theme.
[size] 0 Button size, e.g. -4, 2.5, 1...etc.
[url] current URL Sharing link.
[title] null Override title meta tag for LinkedIn and Reddit.
[description] null Override description meta tag for LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Telegram and Pinterest
[image] null Override image meta tag for Pinterest only.
[tags] null Override tags for Tumblr and Twitter.
[showIcon] true Show button icon.
[showText] false Show button text.
[showCount] false Show share count.
(opened) button name Stream that emits when share window has opened.
(closed) button name Stream that emits when share dialog has closed.
(count) share count Stream that emits share count of the share URL.

If you want set custom global options, pass your config in the library is imported

import { ShareButtonsOptions } from '@ngx-share/core';
import { ShareButtonsModule } from '@ngx-share/buttons';

const options: ShareButtonsOptions = {
  include: ['facebook', 'twitter', 'google'],
  exclude: ['tumblr', 'stumble', 'vk'],
  theme: 'modern-light',
  gaTracking: true,
  twitterAccount: 'twitterUsername'

  imports: [
    // the module you choice 'ShareModule', 'ShareButtonModule' or 'ShareButtonsModule'
Option Default value Description
include [all buttons] Include certain buttons. Button's order will be as you type it.
exclude [ ] Exclude certain buttons.
size 0 Buttons default size.
theme null Button theme name.
dialogWidth 500 Share popup window width.
dialogHeight 400 Share popup window height.
title null Override title meta tag (if button supports it).
description null Override description meta tag (if button supports it).
image null Override image meta tag. (if button supports it).
tags null Override tags meta tag for Tumblr and Twitter.
gaTracking false Roll sharing stats automatically into your Google Analytics.
twitterAccount null Add via @accountName at the end of the tweets.

Button Configuration

You can change the buttons meta data such as button icon and text

import { ShareButtonsModule } from '@ngx-share/buttons';

const buttonsConfig = {
  facebook: {
    icon: 'fa fa-facebook-official',
    text: 'Share on Facebook'
  twitter: {
    icon: 'fa fa-twitter-square',
    text: 'Tweet'
  // and so on...

  imports: [
    ShareButtonsModule.forRoot(options, buttonsConfig)

This is useful to customize the style for <share-button> and <share-buttons> components

@import '~@ngx-share/button/styles/variables';

// change buttons colors

$sb-buttons: (
  facebook: #488aff,
  twitter: #32db64,
  google: #f53d3d,
  stumble: #f4f4f4,
  linkedin: $sb-linkedin,
  pinterest: $sb-pinterest,
  reddit: $sb-reddit,
  tumblr: $sb-tumblr,
  whatsapp: $sb-whatsapp,
  telegram: $sb-telegram,
  email: $sb-email,
  vk: $sb-vk,
  more: $sb-more,
  copy: $sb-copy,
  print: $sb-print

// change other variables

$sb-border-radius: 10px;

@import '~@ngx-share/button/styles/share-buttons';

See all available variables

To create your own theme

Use the following classes

.sb-custom-theme {

  &.sb-group {
    /** ... share buttons container */
  .sb-wrapper { /** ... share button wrapper */
    .sb-inner { /** ... inner wrapper */
      .sb-content { /** ... content wrapper */
        .sb-icon { /** ... icon wrapper */ }
        .sb-text { /** ... text wrapper */ }
      .sb-count { /** ... count wrapper */ }

    // For conditional styles
    & {
      /** ... Apply when icon, text and count are shown */
      .sb-icon { /** ... icon wrapper */ }
      .sb-text { /** ... text wrapper */ }

Read more about Styling guide

If you identify any errors in this component, or have an idea for an improvement, please open an issue. I am excited to see what the community thinks of this project, and I would love your input!


Murhaf Sousli


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