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Telegram bot for Redmine notifications, developed exclusively for personal use. If you find it useful and necessary, please let me know! telegram: @danek_kulikov

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Redmine Telegram Notification Bot

Project Overview

Redmine Telegram Notification is a Telegram bot designed to notify users about updates and status changes of issues in Redmine. Developed for personal use, this project can be utilized by others, and feedback is greatly appreciated.
For any inquiries or suggestions, reach out via Telegram: @danek_kulikov

Table of Contents

Development Rules

  1. For a new feature or fix, create a branch from Main with a descriptive name, for example: fixCalendarApi.
  2. Test to ensure everything is working fine, then create a PR to merge this branch into the Dev branch.
  3. Verify in the Dev branch that everything is working correctly, possibly checking all the functionality with someone else, and then create a PR to merge Dev into Main.
  4. You are awesome (broke everything again).


To get started with BIV Redmine Notification Bot, clone the repository and install the dependencies.

git clone
cd redmine-telegram-notification
npm install

Setting up Prettier

Visual Studio Code

  1. Install the Prettier extension (Prettier - Code formatter) from the extensions marketplace.
  2. In Visual Studio Code settings, set Prettier as the default formatter: File > Preferences > Settings > Text Editor > Formatting.


  1. In WebStorm settings, follow this path: Settings > Languages & Frameworks > JavaScript > Prettier.
  2. Select the manual configuration option, and the package path should be automatically detected.
  3. Check the Run Reformat code action and Run on save options.


Create a .env file in the root directory of the project with the following environment variables:

  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN: The token for your Telegram bot.
  • CHAT_ID: The chat ID where the bot will send notifications.
  • REDMINE_API_KEY: Your API key for Redmine.
  • BASE_URL: Base URL for your Redmine instance like

If you are not from Russia, you can find an API for your country's calendar. I don't think there would be any difficulties with that.

Example .env file:


GOOGLE_CALENDAR_KEY - well-known key for accessing a custom Google calendar, this is present in the config.ts. You can use any other API to obtain holiday days, this is done in the file time.ts.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm run build Compiles the TypeScript files into JavaScript.

npm start Compiles the TypeScript files and starts the bot.

npm test Runs tests (not specified).

Project Structure

The project structure includes the following key files:

  • config.ts: Handles the configuration by loading environment variables.
  • redmine.ts: Contains functions to interact with the Redmine API.
  • time.ts: Functions to handle date and time, including working hours and holidays.
  • notifications.ts: Handles sending notifications via Telegram.
  • telegram.ts: Utility functions to send messages via the Telegram bot.
  • app.ts: Main application file, initializes and runs the bot.

Running the Bot

Before running the bot, ensure the environment variables are set correctly in the .env file. Then, build and start the bot using the following commands:

npm run build
npm start

The bot will start running, checking for updates every minute, and sending notifications for new issues, status updates, and comments.


Issue Management

  • Fetching Issues: Retrieves the list of current issues from Redmine.
  • Ignoring Certain Issues: Certain issues can be ignored based on their ID.
  • Filtering Updates: Filters issues based on status and tracks updates.


Various types of notifications are sent via Telegram:

  • New Issues: Notifies about newly added issues.
  • Status Updates: Notifies when the status of an issue changes.
  • Comments: Notifies when a comment is added to an issue.
  • Delayed Notifications: Collects notifications during non-working hours and sends them during working hours.

Time Management

  • Work Time Check: Verifies if the current time falls within working hours.
  • Holidays: Integrates with Google Calendar to check for holidays.

Utility Functions

  • Date Formatting: Formats the current date and time for consistent logging.
  • Error Handling: Logs errors with timestamps.

Feel free to contribute, fork, or suggest improvements. Your feedback is valuable in making this bot more efficient and user-friendly. For further assistance or to report issues, please contact via Telegram: @danek_kulikov

For a full explanation of the code and more detailed instructions, please refer to each file's comments and functions within the codebase.


Telegram bot for Redmine notifications, developed exclusively for personal use. If you find it useful and necessary, please let me know! telegram: @danek_kulikov







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