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Eclipse Orion based React editor component.

Component arguments/properties

  • content - String - Text content to be displayed
  • fullscreen - Boolean - Should the div be set to full width and height
  • languageFilesHost - String - URL where language files are located
  • syntax - String - Set the languge type
  • passContentToParent - Function - Hook to allow parent component to get the modified editor contents

Example passContentToParent hook

getContent = content => {
        this.setState({ currentContent: content });

Build & Publishing

  • npm run dev - Starts a webpack dev server that renders the Editor and a debug bar for testing purposes
  • npm run lint - Broken temporarily Ensures javascript style guidance
  • npm run build - Uses babel to produce distribution
  • npm publish - Publish to

A languageFileHost prop is required if the component is to be reused, when developing the editor within this repo language files are served up by webpack from /src/languages