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How to localize GeoEasy to my mother tongue?

Zoltan Siki edited this page Oct 29, 2021 · 7 revisions

Clone/fork the GeoEasy GitHub repo.

Make a copy of the geo_easy.eng file using the iso language code of the new language, for example for Czeh the file name should be geo_easy.cze. From version 3.1.1 language files are moved to i18n subdirectory.


Open the new file in your favourite text editor, which supports editing UTF8 (nano, vi, notepad++, etc.) and start the translation. The GeoEasy message file is a tcl source file. You should translate the text between quotes in the assignment statements. In tcl assignment statements start with set reserved word.

You can check whether you made a syntax error trying to load the translated file into the tcl shell:

tclsh geo_easy.cze

Add the new language to the geoLangs array in the geo_easy.msk:

array set geoLangs {hun hu eng {en us} ger {ge de} cze {cs}

and add the Windows language code to _langCodes array in geo_easy.msk

array set langCodes {"040E" hun "0409" eng "0407" ger "405" cze}

Start GeoEasy on a system where the default language is the new language you have added or start GeoEasy with the --lang command line switch to select the new language:

GeoEasy --lang cze

Create a pull request to send back your translation.