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Front end starter kit with Gulp, Pug, Sass, Babel and ESLint


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Gulp Starter Kit for Frontend Projects

This Gulp starter kit will help you do frontend tasks like:

  • compiling Pug templates to HTML files
  • compiling ES6+ code, so you can use next generation JavaScript
  • compiling and autoprefixing your Sass files
  • optimising your images, CSS and JavaScript files
  • spinning up a web server
  • reloading the browser automatically whenever a file is saved
  • synchronising interaction across multiple devices/browsers

Gulp Frontend Starter

What's Included

Install and Build

You can use either yarn or npm:

Clone this repo

git clone <your-project-name>
# Go into cloned repo
cd <your-project-name>

Install dependencies

yarn install
# OR
npm install

Start dev server with browser sync

It builds HTML, CSS, and the JavaScript bundle, starts a dev server and refreshes the browser on every saved changes.

yarn start
# OR
npm start

Build production bundle

It uglifies JS, minifies CSS and images, replaces references to non-optimized scripts and stylesheets in HTML files and copies everything necessary to the dist folder - ready to upload.

yarn build
# OR
npm run build

Preview production build

It's the same as the build task above but it also starts a server so you can check your work.

yarn preview
# OR
npm run preview


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