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Future Plans

Zachary Wimer edited this page Dec 25, 2016 · 4 revisions

#For the player

##Player notifications

  • Flash the screen a shade of red whenever the player is injured

##Interface features

  • Create settings class and GUI

##Possible additions

  • Bosses

  • Levels

  • A tutorial

  • PowerUps

    • Supply planes
    • Health packs
  • An ammo class (with limited shots)

  • New winning conditions

  • Weapon specialization

    • Missles deal extra damage to bosses

#For the programmer


  • Organize files into sub-directories as more classes are added
    • Enemies
    • Weapons


  • Split the GUI and the turn processing into multiple threads so rendering can occur at the same time as processing
  • Prevent QTimer from starting again until processing is complete to prevent lag from building up
  • Partition the scene into multiple vertical rectangles for faster processing.
    • When an object is added to the scene, add it two the partitions it is in.
    • When checking for colliding objects, only local items must be checked (items in the same partition)
    • Optimally (assuming no partition overlap, which will happen in practice) decreases number of items that must be checked by O(m) and thus overall order notation by perhaps O(m2), where m is the number of partitions.

##General Coding Improvements

  • Use std::uniform_int_distribution instead of rand for better random
  • Allow easier adding of enemies and weapons
  • Allow enemies to be added without their classes and probabilities being hard-coded into Enemy.cpp
    • Have each Enemy have a const static int representing how common the enemy should be
    • Use pre-processing to build this into Enemy.cpp so the super class need not have any knowledge of it's sub-classes
      • Consequently remove un-needed headers from Enemy.cpp
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