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Repliscan - Logfold Reptiming Pipeline

Pipeline for calculating Repli-seq enrichment and classifying the time replication took place.


The following binaries need to exist on the user's PATH:

  1. bedtools -

    From Stampede/Lonestar @ TACC

    $ module load bedtools
  2. samtools -

    From Stampede/Lonestar @ TACC

    $ module load samtools
  3. wavelets -

    Now provided with Repliscan

  4. python

    From Stampede @ TACC

    $ module load python


Install Repliscan

pip install --user git+

Add Repliscan to $PATH

export PATH=${PATH}:$HOME/.local/bin

Add this line to $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.bashrc to make this permanent.


Workflow DAG

Running the Pipeline

Usage [-h] -r FASTA [-l INT] [-w INT] [-a STR] [-t STR] [-S STR]
             [-v FLOAT] [--prep FLOAT] [-c STR] [-R STR] [--pcut FLOAT]
             [--log] [-f] [--plot] FILE

Input TXT - FILE

Each line of the text file needs to contain a short name describing the sample and then a list of bam files corresponding to that name, all separated by tabs.

For example:

EX	example_rep_1.bam	example_rep_2.bam

The first line of this file needs to be the control (G1). All subsequent lines need to be listed sequentially according to experimental time. An example file would be:

G1	G1_001.bam	G1_002.bam
ES	ES_001.bam
MS	MS_001.bam	MS_L1.bam	MS_L2.bam
LS	LS.bam

When a G1 control is not produced in a Repli-seq experimental protocol as in the two examples below, a total-S can be synthesised from inside the input as shown. Just make sure that you aggregate these "replicates" using a sum opperation (-a).

G1	ES.bam	MS.bam	LS.bam
ES	ES.bam
MS	MS.bam
LS	LS.bam


Flag Option Description - Bold denotes Default
-r, --ref FASTA Reference fasta
-l,--level INT Haar smoothing level [1,2,3,4,5]
-w, --window INT Analysis bin size in base pairs - 1000
-a, --aggregate STR Replicate agregation method [sum, median, mean, min, max]
-t, --threshold STR Replication threshold method [value, auto, percent]
-v, --value Float Explicit replication threshold value [1.0] when using -t value
--prep Float Remove the lowest [2.0]% of singal as noise when using -t percent
-S,--scope STR Replication scope [chromosome, genome]
-c, --classifier STR Segmentation classification method [binary, proportion]
-R, --remove STR Outlying data to remove [none, sqrtGamma, lognGamma, norm, whiskers, percentile]
--pcut FLOAT Remove the upper and lower [2.5]% of the data when using -R percentile
--log Apply log transform to sequenceability ratio
-f, --force Force the re-generation of all files
--plot Plot Statistics
FILE A text file listing bams for input Required

Sequencability Method

  • default - (sample/control)
  • --log - log(sample/control)

Normalization Methods

  • DESeq - DESeq size normalization using geometric mean.
  • Coverage - Transform each sample to 1X coverage across the genome. This replicates the RPGC normalization method from deepTools.

Replication Methods

  • value - A signal ratio above threshold -v is considered replicating.
  • auto - Determine a signal ratio threshold unique to each chromosome based on change in coverage.
  • percent - Signal ratio values for each chromosome above percentile -p are considered replicating.

Segmentation Methods

  • binary - Time classifications are combined on a binary basis.
  • proportion - Time classifications are determined based on proportion.

Handling Replicates

If you have replicates in your input file,

MS	MS_001.bam	MS_L1.bam	MS_L2.bam

you can specify the method by which they are aggregated with the -a paramter. This accepts the following methods:

  • sum (Default)
  • median
  • mean
  • min
  • max


  • [replicate].bed - Bed files produced from corresponding bam
  • [replicate].bedgraph - Bedgraph produced from corresponding bed
  • [replicate]_norm.bedgraph - Normalized bedgraph produced from corresponding bed
  • [time].bedgraph - Aggregated signal from replicates
  • [time]_norm.bedgraph - Normalized aggregated signal from replicates
  • [time]_(logFC|ratio).bedgraph - Ratio signal when each time is normalized for sequenceability
  • [time]_(logFC|ratio)_*.smooth.bedgraph - Ratio signal smoothed using a specified level of Haar wavelet
  • [time]_(logFC|ratio)_*.smooth.gff3 - GFF showing replicating regions
  • (logFC|ratio)_segmentation.gff3 - Segmentation GFF, which can be used as input for

Example Results

To demonstrate the general applicability of repliscan we demonstrate its usage on two previously published datasets. We require that the following software be installed when not running at TACC.

  • bedtools
  • samtools
  • bwa
  • python
  • wavelets
  • repliscan

Lubelsky et al.

The continuous, LOESS smoothed results of Lubelsky et al. were replicated and also run with Repliscan. These methods can be replicated by downloading the following files:

These results can also be immediately viewed by downloading and loading this pre-generated IGV session. Please right-click and "save as", and then "Open [the] session" in IGV.


Hansen et al.

The whole-genme replicating timing profile of Hansen et al. was first replicated, and then compared against the timing profile generated by Repliscan. These methods can be replicated by downloading the following files:

These results can also be immediately viewed by downloading and loading this pre-generated IGV session. Please right-click and "save as", and then "Open [the] session" in IGV.


Helper Scripts

As our lab continues to utilize Repliscan for our analyses, we have developed scripts to aid subsequent analysis.

Comparing replication between experiments

Highlights Regions of Altered Timing betwen replican experiments of the same genome.

usage: [-h] [-d FLOAT] [-S INT] -A GFF3 -B GFF3 [-T STR] -F FASTA
                 [-O BEDG] [--stats] [--fig EXT] [--diff]

Finds the timing differences between two segmentation profiles.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -d FLOAT    Minimum distance to be RAT (Default: 0.5)
  -S INT      Tile Size (Default: 1000)
  -A GFF3     First Segmentation Profile (mitotic)
  -B GFF3     Second Segmentation Profile (endo)
  -T STR      Times (Default: ES,MS,LS)
  -F FASTA    Reference
  -O BEDG     Output to bedgraph file
  --stats     Generate stats and figures
  --fig EXT   Figure type (Default: pdf)
  --diff      Print fraction different and exit

Merging regions of alterted timing

Merges output from to simplify interpretation.

usage: [-h] [-z INT] [-d FLOAT] [--same] [--greedy] BEDG

Merge RATs from RATrap output

positional arguments:
  BEDG output bedgraph

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -z INT      Merge regions separated by [0] bp of zero diff
  -d FLOAT    Differences in the same +/- direction that are smaller than '-d'
              will be merged [0.0]
  --same      Only merge regions of the same time classification
  --greedy    Merge small regions into larger ones