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video-snapshot Build Status

Get snapshots from a video file in the browser

Demo 💅

Install 🚀

$ yarn add video-snapshot

Usage ⛏

import VideoSnapshot from 'video-snapshot';

document.querySelector('input[type="file"]').addEventListener('change', onChange);

const onChange = async (e) => {
  const snapshoter = new VideoSnapshot([0]);
  const previewSrc = await snapshoter.takeSnapshot();
  const img = document.createElement('img');

  img.src = previewSrc;


Api 👀

type CustomVideoTime = 'start' | 'middle' | 'end';
type VideoTime = number | CustomVideoTime;

class VideoSnapshot {
  constructor(blob: Blob) {};
  takeSnapshot(time?: VideoTime): Promise<string>;
  end(): void;

Features 💸

  • Dependency free
  • 2kb size
  • Take snapshot at any time
  • You can pass smart times to easily get better previews

Author 🦄
