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Frappe Framework Front End Routing and Document Creation

Tyler Matteson edited this page Oct 29, 2018 · 4 revisions

There are several helper functions built into the Frappe Framework to help with routing, route discovery and creating new documents.


Used to change the route. Example


Used to pass variables to a new page. You will almost always want to end your function by emptying the variable upon completion of your method, which is usually on the destination page.Example

frappe.get_route() returns a list of the route variables

URL frappe.get_route() output
/desk# [""]
/desk#List/Item/List ["List", "Item", "List"]
 /desk#Form/Stock%20Settings/Stock%20Settings ["Form", "Stock Settings", "Stock Settings"]

frappe.model.make_new_doc_and_get_name("Item"); Works for any (parent) doctype. Example Although it's not a front end utility, the frappe.model.mapper class is usually a better way to accomplish this.

frappe.route.on("change", function(){... Refactored as of 10/25/18. Example