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Migrating to version 15

Raffael Meyer edited this page Jan 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

This page is intended to make it easier for users who maintain custom apps/forks to migrate their installations to Version 15.

Lazy loading images on website

Browsers now support the lazy loading of images natively. If you were using Framework's lazy loading trick you can simply replace it with native lazy loading.

- <div class="website-image-lazy" data-class="img-class" data-src="image.jpg" data-alt="image"></div>
+ <img class="img-class" src="image.jpg" alt="image" loading="lazy"></img>

Return type of various date utilities.

  • get_year_ending used to return string date instead of This behavior is now made consistent with other utilities.
  • get_timespan_date_range used to return string date tuples for some cases, now it always returns tuples.

No default index on modified field in child tables

Frappe v15 will drop the default index on modified field because it was rarely used.

If your queries require an index on the modified field you should selectively add it on your doctypes.

Dropped python dependencies

We drop dependencies which aren't used anymore. This means if you were indirectly importing them in your app they will start breaking.

Following python dependencies are removed:

  • googlemaps
  • urllib3
  • gitdb
  • pyasn1
  • pypng
  • google-auth-httplib2
  • schedule
  • pycryptodome

As a good practice, always pin dependencies you heavily depend on in your apps.

Migrate to vue3

If your custom app is using vue 2, vuex 3, vue-router 2 or vuedraggable 2.24.3 you will have to migrate the code to support vue 3, vuex 4.0.2, vue-router 4.1.5 and vuedraggable 4.1.0

I have mentioned some points that will help you migrate check the description of PR #18247

Removed database methods

Following unused functionality/methods are removed from frappe.db.

  • db.sql - as_utf8 parameters is not supported anymore.
  • db.sql - formatted parameter is not supported anymore.
  • db.set_value - for_update parameter is now removed and not required anymore as updates happen in single query.
  • db.set - Use doc.db_set instead.
  • db.touch - This method is removed.
  • db.clear_table - Use db.truncate instead
  • db.update - Use db.set_value instead
  • db.set_temp & db.get_temp - These methods are removed

Validate from and to dates

With doc.validate_from_to_dates(from_date_field: str, to_date_field: str) you can validate that the date value of one field is before the date value of another field.

Previously, if either date was missing, we compared the other field with the current date. For example, if from_date was not set, but to_date was, then we validated that to_date was in the future and threw an error if not.

Now, if either date field is empty, we don't validate anything.

Deprecated support for device in HTTP sessions

Since support for Cordova was dropped before a few major releases, there's no need to differentiate between mobile and desktop sessions anymore. Consequently, the PR #18729 drops support for this from the internal Sessions API. In other words, specifying the device parameter as mobile when logging into your Frappe site will not be treated differently anymore.

Additionally, the system setting for Session Expiry Mobile has now been removed.

Import compare from utils

Previously, you were able to use, operator, val2). Now you'll have to import compare from frappe.utils to use it:

from frappe.utils import compare

compare(val1, operator, val2)

Setting Single DocType value using db.set_value is not supported

db.set_value was able to set single value if doctype and docname are same or docname is None. This behaviour is error prone and hence we have remove this. Use the explicit API for setting single values instead.

// Using None
- frappe.db.set_value("Single Doctype", None, "field", "value")
+ frappe.db.set_single_value("Single Doctype", "field", "value")

// Using same docname as doctype
- frappe.db.set_value("Single Doctype", "Single Doctype", "field", "value")
+ frappe.db.set_single_value("Single Doctype", "field", "value")

Access to local scope by client scripts is no longer supported

You can no longer access local variables like this in your client scripts. This usage was never intended.

Further reading:

Renamed timezone utils

- from import convert_utc_to_user_timezone, get_time_zone
+ from import convert_utc_to_system_timezone, get_system_timezone

Deprecation of job_name parameter in frappe.enqueue

To deduplicate jobs Frappe now uses RQ Job's job_id parameter, if you were using job_name to identify if duplicate job exists you should change code to use job_id instead.

- from import get_info

- enqueued_jobs = [d.get("job_name") for d in get_info()]
- if not in enqueued_jobs:
- 	enqueue(...,

+ from frappe.utils.background_jobs import enqueue, is_job_enqueued

+ job_id = f"data_import::{}"
+ if not is_job_enqueued(job_id):
+ 	enqueue(..., job_id=job_id)

frappe.new_doc arguments

frappe.new_doc now supports passing field values as kwargs, this change however introduces a breaking behaviour for previous keyword-args - parent_doc, parentfield and as_dict, if you were using any of them positionally you need to use them as keyword-arguments only.

- doc = frappe.new_doc(doctype, parent_doc, parentfield, False)
+ doc = frappe.new_doc(doctype, parent_doc=parent_doc, parentfield=parentfield, as_dict=False)

Frappe DB transaction hooks

The following functionality is removed:

  • frappe.local.rollback_observers
  • frappe.db.add_before_commit

You can use new DB transaction hooks instead:

redis_queue and redis_socketio are merged

  • Redis Queue instance is now also used as backend. You don't need to make any changes in code unless you were explicitly using redis_socketio instance for doing something else.

Minimum required node version is v18

In develop (v15), minimum required node version has been updated from v14 to v18. You might face following error during build process

error frappe-framework@: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module. Expected version ">=18". Got "14.18.2"

you just need to update your node version to v18 to resolve the issue. You also might have to update few libraries in your custom app to make it compatible with node v18.

Updated dependencies.

A lot of Frappe's python and JS dependencies are updated, if you were transitively relying on any of them then you need to ensure that any of the breaking changes in those dependencies doesn't affect you. You can check pyproject.toml and package.json file to find full list of dependencies.

Removal of

Frappe now only uses pyproject.toml to build python package. You need to update bench to latest version in order to install version-15 of Frappe.

Removal of custom script import from /fixtures/custom_scipts

This old feature allowed syncing one custom script per doctype from apps, since we now allow multiple client scripts for each doctype, this feature is misleading and behaves incorrectly.

Instead of storing scripts in /fixtures/custom_scripts we recommend using fixtures directly which can sync client scripts like any other documents.


frappe.get_installed_apps doesn't support any arguments now

frappe.get_installed_apps had two arguments sort and frappe_last. Both are not useful since we changed the app hook resolution order.

bench build doesn't support --make_copy and --restore

Both of these flags were deprecated before and replaced with --hard-link. The behaviour is kept the same.

window globals removed

In very old versions of Frappe we exposed some functionality via window object. This is not a good practice hence they were deprecated since long time. Most such globals are now removed.

window global replacement
get_today frappe.datetime.get_today
date, dateutil frappe.datetime
show_alert frappe.show_alert
validated frappe.validated
user frappe.sesion.user
user_fullname frappe.session.user_fullname
user_email frappe.session.user_email
user_defaults frappe.user_defaults
roles frappe.user_roles
sys_defaults frappe.sys_defaults
frappe.query_report_filters_by_name frappe.query_report.get_filter_value(fieldname) and frappe.query_report.set_filter_value(fieldname, value)

Removal of "Error Snapshot" DocType

Error Log doctype provides sufficient and equivalent information as Error Snapshot DocType hence this DocType is removed.

Note: Frappe Framework logs all 5xx errors by default.

SocketIO namespacing

v15 improves multitenancy feature of realtime features by using SocketIO namespaces. Namespaces are site names which is name of site folder and also accessible via server side.

If you were using Frappe's SocketIO client you don't need to change anything. If you were using a custom client you need to change the initialization of the client like this.

- let socket = io(url, { withCredentials: true })
+ let socket = io(`${url}/${}`, { withCredentials: true })

Lazy connections on SocketIO client on website

SocketIO client on website now by default doesn't establish a connection. The connection is only established when first call is made to any of these APIs:

  • frappe.realtime.on
  • frappe.realtime.connect
  • frappe.realtime.emit

Note: This change doesn't affect desk (/app) usage of socketio client.

currentsite.txt is not supported for setting the default site.


  • Use bench use sitename, it will set the default_site value in common_site_config.json.
  • Use FRAPPE_SITE=sitename environment variable.

Event cancelled state

Event doctype had "Cancelled" as event_type. However, "Cancelled" makes more sense as status of event, hence this was moved to status field.

If you were filtering cancelled events in code, you'll have to make changes accordingly

- frappe.get_all("Event", {"event_type": "Cancelled"})
+ frappe.get_all("Event", {"status": "Cancelled"})

Safe exec restrictions

Frappe v15 disables server scripts by default to strengthen the security of the system. This means following features will not work by default:

  • Server Scripts (all kinds)
  • Web page with Python context scripts
  • Custom script report that use Python script for generating report.
  • System Console (python)

Server scripts can ONLY be enabled at the bench level. You can enable it using the following command:

bench set-config -g server_script_enabled 1

If you're on cloud hosting provider like Frappe Cloud:

  • You need to be the owner of a private bench to enable the server script. Update the configuration from UI.

New restrictive catch-all role Desk User

Frappe Framework provided a catchall role called "All" that was allocated to all users on the system. Frappe v15 adds a new catch-all role that's similar in nature but only allocated to Desk/System user i.e. excludes Website User.

Lots of core doctypes now have more restrictive permissions to strengthen security. If you require relaxed permission for any doctype, you can reconfigure it from "Role Permission Manager" on your site.

No on_trash hook for oauth internal documents

Expired and invalid OAuth Authorization Code and OAuth Bearer Token are deleted without running any hooks now.


search_link and search_widget response type

search_link and search_widget are two function used to search link fields. These functions returned response in non-standard response keys which is now standardized.

If you used these function custom UI you might have to make the following change.

-    method: "",
-        callback(r) {
-            resolve(r.results);
-        },
- });
+    method: "",
+        callback(r) {
+            // notice the response key change. `message` is standard key for all responses
+            resolve(r.message); 
+        },
+ });
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