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Migrating to nightly version

Ankush Menat edited this page Mar 27, 2024 · 15 revisions

This page is intended to make it easier for users who maintain custom apps/forks to migrate their installations to develop branch aka the nightly version. This page assumes that you're on v15.x.x

Removed view-specific translations

In the previous versions it was possible to add translations for a specific view only. For this, the get_translated_dict hook was used. In the previous versions we started sending all translations regardless of the view. Now we also removed the get_translated_dict hook. If you included view-specific translations in this way, please move them to your app's translation files.

Web forms are the only exception. They don't receive all translations. Instead, they get a small dictionary with translations for the labels used in the web form.

Along with this change we also included the following changes:

  • Currency codes and timezone names no longer get translated. (This used to be the case in Setup Wizard and System Settings only.)
  • Translations of country names are be available everywhere by default.
  • The method frappe.geo.country_info.get_translated_dict is deprecated and only returns translations of country names. Use get_translated_countries instead.
  • The methods frappe.get_lang_dict, frappe.translate.get_dict, frappe.translate.get_lang_js and frappe.translate.get_dict_from_hooks have been removed. Translations are available via _().
  • doc.meta.__messages does no longer hold doc-specific translations

Permission system breaking changes

  1. has_permission hooks now need to explicitly return True. Current behaviour allowed returning None or non-False value to allow user. #24253
  2. frappe.permission.has_permission function no longer accepts misleading "raise_exception" parameter, use print_logs instead. #24266

Default sorting changed from modified to creation

  • Starting with v16 all list views by default will be sorted by creation.
  • This decision was taken considering multiple things:
    • creation is better default for most business documents (currently primary use case for many Frappe apps)
    • creation ensures stable list view even when things are rapidly changing.
    • creation is better from performance point of view as the field doesn't change and hence index updates are not required. This reduces contention on index updates.

What do you as app developer need to do?

  • Change default sort ordering in your all of your DocType from modified to creation
  • If you don't change it then both creation and modified will be indexed.
  • If you change sorting to creation then modified index will be dropped while migrating.

WARNING: This change also affects how database APIs work. Most Frappe database APIs implicitly sorted by modified, they'll now implicitly sort by creation.

Example: frappe.get_all("DocType") was actually translated to frappe.get_all("DocType", order_by="modified desc"). This is now changed to frappe.get_all("DocType", order_by="creation desc")

It's possible that some of your business logic dependent on this, so it's advisable to audit your code to find out if modified ordering affects any of your business logic and explicitly add order_by='modified desc'.

Following APIs have changed the implicit sort order:

  • frappe.get_all / frappe.get_list
  • frappe.db.get_value / frappe.db.get_values
  • frappe.qb.get_query

Note: You can re-add index by adding following code in your doctype controller.

def on_doctype_update():
    frappe.db.add_index("Doctype Name", ["modified"])