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dot Files: ZSH setup and productivity tools for development


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ZSH setup and productivity tools for development


1. Clone

Clone this repo on ~/.dotfiles path:

git clone ~/.dotfiles

2. Setup

On .zshrc file add.

# Default branches
export MAIN="main"
export DEV="dev"

# Helpers
export WINHOME=$(wslpath "$(wslvar USERPROFILE)")
export OPEN="wslview" #wsl2
export BROWSER="${OPEN}" #wsl2

export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/helpers/android/:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/helpers/b64/:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/helpers/code/:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/helpers/md/:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/helpers/open/:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/helpers/search/:$PATH"
export PATH="$HOME/.dotfiles/helpers/terminal/:$PATH"
chmod +x ~/.dotfiles/helpers/**/* ~/.dotfiles/helpers/**/.[!.]*

# Custom
[ -f ~/.dotfiles/.aliases ] && . ~/.dotfiles/.aliases
[ -f ~/.dotfiles/.colors ] && . ~/.dotfiles/.colors
[ -f ~/.dotfiles/.hooks ] && . ~/.dotfiles/.hooks

OPEN and BROWSE constants need to be configured according yor OS. Windows (WSL2) and macOS use the same command to open the file explorer or the default web browser, on Ubuntu (Linux) need to be specified each one.

Windows (GitBash) "explorer.exe" "${OPEN}"
Windows (WSL2) "wslview" "${OPEN}"
macOS "open" "${OPEN}"
Ubuntu "xdg-open", "gnome-open", "nautilus" ... "googlechrome", "firefox" ...

On WSL require to install wslu

3. Permissions

Now add execution permission:

chmod +x ~/.dotfiles/helpers/**/* ~/.dotfiles/helpers/**/.[!.]*

4. Update

Once finish, save .zshrc file, close and reopen all terminals or update his source running source ~/.zshrc command.

That's all folks! It's ready to use.

Folder Structure

└── .zshrc
└── .dotfiles
    ├── helpers
    │   ├── android
    │   ├── b64
    │   ├── code
    │   ├── md
    │   ├── open
    │   ├── search
    │   └── terminal
    ├── .aliases
    ├── .colors
    └── .hooks
Name Description
.zshrc ZSH source file
helpers Folder with custom helper functions to use as terminal commands
── android Helper commands for Android tools
── b64 Helper commands for file conversions to/from base64
── code Helper commands to open VSCode
── open Helper commands to open file/folder on the File Explorer or open files/url on the Browser
── search Helper commands to search text inside files
── terminal Helper commands to talk with the OS
.aliases File for aliases definitions
.colors File with terminal colors to use in other scripts
.hooks ZSH hooks file with custom functions to run as validation before and after run commands


Oh My zsh! have a lot of plugins to use. It's recommended to explore the options and use what is good for your needs.

If you are using NVM take care of following this configuration to avoid slowing the zsh start-up and this configuration to speed up the compinit



git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/ohmyzsh-full-autoupdate

Edit the ~/.zshrc file and add it inside the plugins property (don't use commas as separators).

+ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_HIGHLIGHTERS=(main brackets pattern cursor root line)
+ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_PATTERNS=('rm -rf *' 'fg=white,bold,bg=red')

+   zsh-autosuggestions
+   zsh-syntax-highlighting
+   ohmyzsh-full-autoupdate

Article Series


Built With

  • VS Code - Code editing redefined.
  • Widows Terminal - A modern terminal application for users of command-line tools and shells.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the ZSH Dev Toolkit on GitHub.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


If this project helps you, consider buying me a cup of coffee.

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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.