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9.5 【今日阅读】 Feed these questions through a GPT-4 ReAct Agent. Log inputs/outputs as a dataset to fine-tune over. Call OpenAI fine-tuning endpoints to fine-tune gpt-3.5-turbo on this dataset.

9.4 【今日阅读】 We’re releasing a guide for teachers using ChatGPT in their classroom—including suggested prompts, an explanation of how ChatGPT works and its limitations, the efficacy of AI detectors, and bias.

9.3 【今日阅读】 I’d really like LLM tooling to be integrated with LSP in a few ways. I want to be able to describe large-scale refactoring operations in prose (e.g. ‘every function that takes a Timeout* should take it as the first parameter, make it so’) and have the LSP first provide fully tagged values (so Timeout as a type name is a distinct token to Timeout as a variable name, for example) and enter an iteration cycle where it tells the LLM about new compile errors and tells it to fix them.

9.2 【今日阅读】 Fine-tuning GPT-3.5-Turbo for Natural Language to SQL

9.1 【今日阅读】 AI 魔法框:一个关于未来设计方式的实践

8.31 【今日阅读】 Modern C development with Visual studio in 2023

8.30 【今日阅读】 LLM-native应用的算法/策略仍然有复杂度的壁垒,但这个壁垒是在不断融化的。这里给一个比较粗糙的度量指标:系统中包含的prompt模板的数量。

8.29 【今日阅读】 Based on our results, we are not confident that a LoRA-MoE is possible or worth pursuing further.

8.28 【今日阅读】 If you're not paying for the shovel, you are the shovel.

8.27 【今日阅读】 在Meta AI发布Code Llama后仅两天的时间,WizardLM 团队基于该模型及其最新的对齐算法训练的WizardCoder-Python 34B V1.0在权威代码生成评测榜单HumanEval上即达到了惊人的 73.2% pass@1分值,同时超越了Claude-2(71.2%), 3月份版本的GPT-4(67.0%), 以及最新的ChatGPT-3.5 (72.5%)。

8.25 【今日阅读】 几十条数据的finetune是然并卵,500b tokens的finetune那就叫 continues the training process。

8.24 【今日阅读】 在 figma 里可视化编辑带有变量和分支的“原型”。点击播放之后,购物车可以增加新的条目,可以增减商品选购数量,还可以实时计算价格。这是设计师打算把前端的活都给干了么?

8.23 【今日阅读】 数据才是积累,算法和代码都不是

8.22 【今日阅读】 What do we think about a chat interface, but it acknowledges when a task is assigned and keeps you posted on the status separately from the chat?

8.21 【今日阅读】 Give the Magnet AI context on the tasks you're working on and have it take a first pass or provide clarifying context on the issue.

8.20 【今日阅读】 Polytope is an experimental code editor that enables you to embed direct-manipulation domain-specific editors into a traditional text-based code editor.

8.19 【今日阅读】 把简单场景的自动化做透来,并且无缝衔接非简单场景,这样才能控制预期并快速落地。以自动驾驶为例,不是上来就是停车场到停车场的全自动驾驶,而是从定速巡航,acc,lcc,再到能识别红绿灯不中断的 lcc 这么一个循序渐进的过程。

8.18 【今日阅读】 Dear Sir, You have built a compiler

8.17 【今日阅读】 用免费的 google colab + mlc 跑大语言模型

8.16 【今日阅读】 Memory snapshots are a way to dump and visualize the state of CUDA memory allocation in PyTorch. They are useful for debugging out of memory (OOM) errors by showing stack traces for allocated memory and how the allocated memory fits in the caches used by the caching allocator. Memory traces supplement snapshot information with trace events related to memory allocation. They show the series of allocation events that led up to an OOM error and can be used to generate visualizations of memory usage over time.

8.15 【今日阅读】 In the Tetris example above, a quote that captures only the core gameplay mode only involves about 6% of the ROM, covering roughly 2 KiB data. This is comparable to the amount of data needed to encode two uncompressed copies of the plain-text version of this paper’s abstract

8.14 【今日阅读】 A professional software developer creates software as a principal occupation, usually for use by others, and has professional training in software development. A vernacular software developer, on the other hand, creates software in a specific context, has principal responsibility in that context, and has professional training, if any, in that context rather than in software development; the software is a means to an end, not an end in itself. The alternative terms “end user” and “end user programmer” are pejorative; “non-professional” is misleading— many are professional, just at something else.

8.13 【今日阅读】 We specifically show how on some tasks (e.g. SQL Gen or Functional Representation) we can fine-tune small Llama-2 models to become even better than GPT-4. At the same time, there are tasks like math reasoning and understanding that OSS models are just behind even after significant gains obtained by fine-tuning.

8.12 【今日阅读】 All coding projects have two parts: 1. The fun part: where you get to "create" 2. The pain part: where you have to debug Code LLMs are "automating" the fun parts while introducing bugs and not helping much with debugging. As a developer, you’re left with more pain to deal with.

8.11 【今日阅读】 The People + AI Guidebook is a set of methods, best practices and examples for designing with AI.

8.10 【今日阅读】 SteamDeck equipped with an AMD APU. While the GPU VRAM available in ROCm is capped to 4GB in BIOS, the Mesa Vulkan driver has robust support that allows the buffer to go beyond the cap using unified memory up to 16GB, which is sufficient to run 4bit-quantized Llama-7B. 速度是 prefill 47.3 token/s decode 12.4 token/s。这意味着你买个 7940hs 的小主机装 64gb 内存也可以用集成显卡跑 llama2-70b 了

8.9 【今日阅读】 These days, launching applications means navigating an endless sea of complexity. We felt this pain at Google, so we started Project IDX, an experimental new initiative aimed at bringing your entire full-stack, multiplatform app development workflow to the cloud.

8.8 【今日阅读】 用 chatgpt 来提出“澄清需求”的问题

8.7 【今日阅读】 GQL is a query language with a syntax very similar to SQL with a tiny engine to perform queries on .git files instance of database files, the engine executes the query on the fly without the need to create database files or convert .git files into any other format

8.6 【今日阅读】 Sweep is an AI junior developer that transforms bug reports & feature requests into code changes.

8.5 【今日阅读】 Bits AI provides a single, conversational interface that helps surface insights from throughout your environment by finding and correlating key data from across the Datadog platform, including Watchdog-detected log and trace anomalies, metrics, events, real-user transactions, Security Signals, and cloud costs. Bits AI can also help you resolve issues by suggesting automated code fixes, creating synthetic tests, and finding relevant Datadog workflows to trigger.

8.4 【今日阅读】 Instead of coding your tensor manipulation directly, what if you could just demonstrate it through an illustrative example and get the corresponding code automatically?

8.3 【今日阅读】 VkFFT, evolve from a student learning project, to a mini GPU code compiler. It can be both general and fast, if you start from fast

8.2 【今日阅读】 human eval 在非code训练的模型上取得突破,llama 2的 13b 微调超过了 starcoder的微调

8.1 【今日阅读】 本地跑大模型 -- 1 观察了一下最简单的,没有kv cache,一次只推理一个序列的 llama 模型的 tensor 数据流。今天我们来学习一下如果加上 kv cache 这个数据流是怎样的?

7.31 【今日阅读】 Day One 就要收费 第二点,有人会说,这么小众的需求,真的能赚到钱吗?我认为,可以,但看你是想赚大钱还是小钱,小众需求难赚大钱,但越小众的人越愿意付费。我已经对这个产品有了预期——我不认为这是能赚大钱的产品,我对这个产品的目标是:解决小部分人的需求,让他们为产品提供的价值付费。

7.30 【今日阅读】 根据这篇博客文章,VAST (Versatile AST) 的独特之处在于它提供了一种将Clang AST转换成信息丰富的MLIR表示的方式,同时保持与AST的溯源关系并包含显式的控制流和数据流信息。具体来说:

  • VAST将Clang AST转换成高层次的、信息丰富的MLIR方言表示,这个表示同时维持了与AST的溯源关系。这意味着VAST能够将AST中的信息以一种更完整和精确的方式表示出来。

  • VAST的MLIR表示形式中包含了显式的控制流和数据流信息。这些信息在Clang AST中是隐含的,缺乏表示。VAST使这些信息显式化,有利于工具的分析。

  • VAST逐步地降低MLIR的表示层次,最终达到LLVM IR的层次。这与传统编译器管线的概念相匹配,从Clang AST逐步地连接到LLVM IR。

  • VAST允许开发人员在保留Clang前端(解析C/C++/Objective-C)以及LLVM后端(优化和代码生成)的优势的同时,开发一个更理想的中间表示形式,以连接二者。

总结一下,VAST的独特之处在于它提供了一种具有信息丰富性、控制和数据流显式表示的MLIR方言来表示Clang AST,同时又能逐步降低到LLVM IR,从而构建一个更连贯的编译器管线。这是改善和丰富基于Clang的工具的有前景的方式。

7.29 【今日阅读】 Today I’ll share a real example where I found it useful to build custom personal software with an LLM. Earlier this week, I used GPT-4 to code an app that helps me draft text messages in English and translate them to Japanese. The basic idea: I paste in the context for the text thread and write my response in English; I get back a translation into Japanese. The app has a couple other neat features, too: I can drag a slider to tweak the formality of the language, and I can highlight any phrase to get a more detailed explanation.

7.28 【今日阅读】 A VS Code extension that brings the power of ChatGPT to your IDE

7.27 【今日阅读】 只会调用 transformers 库,对于学会写 runner 帮助是不大的。要写 runner,我们要打开黑盒子,把 transformers 库的依赖去掉,只依赖 pytorch 实现一遍 Llama 模型。然后就发现

  • transformers 库包含了训练代码,包含了批量代码,包含了kv缓存等等功能。这些功能会极大影响初学者的阅读理解
  • 一个变量名反复更新,比如 hidden_value,你都搞不清当前里面放的是啥了
  • tensor 从名字看不出来这个 tensor 的 shape 和内容是什么

经过几天的努力改写成了一份极简代码,这是一张自动打日志记录下来的真实运行时 tensor 之间数据流。我们要跑的就是这么一个数据流。我们移植到其他硬件上,也是对比这个数据流是不是一致。

7.26 【今日阅读】 github markdown with graph and hyperlink

graph TD;
A[This is an <b>important</b> link];

7.25 【今日阅读】 Lezer is a parser system written in JavaScript. Given a formal description of a grammar, it can produce a set of parse tables. Such tables provide a description that the parser system can use to efficiently construct a syntax tree for a given piece of text, describing the structure of the text in terms of the grammar.

7.24 【今日阅读】 Make Llama2 use Code Execution, Debug, Save Code, Reuse it, Access to Internet

7.23 【今日阅读】 ShortGPT is a powerful framework for automating content creation. It simplifies video creation, footage sourcing, voiceover synthesis, and editing tasks.

7.22 【今日阅读】 I say "add a snooze feature to my todo app". the LLM generates many possible versions, and gives me menus to tweak myself

7.21 【今日阅读】 I view prompting as communicating with a time-constrained human. While LLM-specific techniques are certainly helpful (most notably chain-of-thought), I've found that one of the best ways to improve performance is to just have extremely clear and high-quality instructions, similarly to how clarity and conciseness helps real humans understand better too.

7.20 【今日阅读】 2023年新生代大模型Agents技术,ReAct,Self-Ask,Plan-and-execute,以及AutoGPT, HuggingGPT等应用

7.19 【今日阅读】 gitlab 的代码不全工具做得不好的地方,也就是需要解决的问题。

7.18 【今日阅读】  Design the interface on ASCIIFlow. Give the ASCII design (text) to ChatGPT. Generate Rust (ratatui) code.

7.16 【今日阅读】 GPT4All now supports Text Embeddings. Generate text embeddings of arbitrary length documents for free on CPU at 8,000 tok/second. No external dependencies except C.

7.15 【今日阅读】 GPT Researcher is an autonomous agent designed for comprehensive online research on a variety of tasks.

7.14 【今日阅读】 build knowledge graph with graph db, then query with text-to-Cypher

7.13 【今日阅读】 这篇文章探讨了动态文档在人们构建个性化软件工具方面的潜力,以及AI在最终用户编程中的作用。作者认为动态文档可以成为一种便捷的个人软件,同时AI可以辅助非程序员用户更容易地构建和定制软件。

7.12 【今日阅读】 claude 开放注册,只需要用 uk 或者 us 的代理就可以了

7.10 【今日阅读】 InterCode: Standardizing and Benchmarking Interactive Coding with Execution Feedback

7.9 【今日阅读】 This AI agent takes over a Chrome tab, and works away in the background Today's goal: create some swipeable mega prompts to knock out common QBO tasks

7.8 【今日阅读】 Which words in your prompt are most helpful to language models?

7.7 【今日阅读】 How do you use AI development tools?

7.6 【今日阅读】 reproduce human eval results

7.5 【今日阅读】 Nuggt: An Autonomous LLM Agent that runs on Wizcoder-15B (4-bit Quantised)

7.4 【今日阅读】 the maker of codealpaca and now running the company Glaive, made a dataset of 1B tokens on code generation.It makes Replit3B outperform every opensource code model in the HumanEval benchmark (Code Gen Benchmark). 通过高质量的数据集,3B的模型打败了15B的WizardCoder。

7.3 【今日阅读】 拿民用硬件跑大语言模型,跑法太多了 现在主要还是推理,如果 4-bit 训练成熟了,可能还会有很多的本地玩法

7.2 【今日阅读】 Source-level Shader Debugging in Vulkan with RenderDoc The following tables show the set of counters exposed for analysis of GPU Compute workloads

7.1 【今日阅读】 How can we make LLM responses more robust and easier to understand by combining their fluid reasoning with rigid structure?

6.30 【今日阅读】 你可以指着某行代码,直接问这个是干什么的。然后他就会结合上下文,以及引用的其他文件,还有背景知识(比如pyto rch api),回答你的问题。回答质量堪比真人,体验令人难以置信的好,真就是哪里不懂,点哪里!

6.29 【今日阅读】 Github Copilot 的 Prompt 是如何在极其有限的 token 数量限制下构造出来 的

6.28 【今日阅读】 乘以 0.25f 就可以让 llama 的 context 长度从 2048 拉长到 8192,这个神奇的一行改动是怎么一步步给试出来的过程。 以及我实际测试 8192 context 是否真的有效

6.27 【今日阅读】 在 WWDC 2023 中,苹果介绍了 Swift 标准库中的新成员:Observation 框架。它的出现有望缓解开发者长期面临的 SwiftUI 视图无效更新问题。

6.26 【今日阅读】 MTuner utilizes a novel approach to memory profiling and analysis, keeping entire time-based history of memory operations. This gives an unique insight in memory related behavior of your software by making queries over the entire data set.

6.25 【今日阅读】 Get real-time data from Production Solve customer issues 5x faster

6.24 【今日阅读】 Problems when debugging

  • Bug entanglements  - Multiple bugs in different components  - Hard to find root cause
  • Inefficient debugging: Fixing things and re-running model is inefficient
  • Hard to prevent bugs: Software engineering tests don't work well for ML

6.23 【今日阅读】 可以用 GPU 跑 WizardCoder 了

6.22 【今日阅读】 chatgpt 跑在 ar 眼镜里,现在就可以在京东买到。人人都是超级赛亚人

6.21 【今日阅读】 把代码做为原始纯文本输入做代码补全丢失了语言本身的类型信息,rift 意识到了这个问题并提供了开源的解决方案。rift.summarize_callsites or rift.launch_ai_swe_async should work on a Python codebase with StarCoder as well as it works on a Rust codebase using CodeGen. Within the language server, models will have full programatic access to language-specific tooling like compilers, unit and integration test frameworks, and static analyzers to produce correct code with minimal user intervention.

6.20 【今日阅读】 本文讲述了作者在National Instruments实习期间解决未知问题的故事。




1 Yestercode:自动显示当前代码和最近代码的对比视图,以免依赖“后退”和“重做”。实验室研究表明,使用Yestercode的参与者更不容易引入错误,认知负荷显著降低,而无需额外时间进行代码更改。

2 CodeDeviant:自动记录程序的输入和输出值,如果重构更改了先前的输入/输出映射,则会通知您。实验室研究表明,使用CodeDeviant的参与者更有可能在更短的时间内发现错误。




《创意公司》、《颠覆者的窘境》和《Skunk Works》。 

6.19 【今日阅读】 用 7900xtx 是可以跑大语言模型的

6.18 【今日阅读】 本文介绍了一款新的Ghidra脚本G-3PO。该脚本利用GPT-3大型语言模型为反汇编或反编译后的代码提供高级解释性注释。作者首先讨论了软件逆向工程中许多工具(反汇编器、反编译器等)的共同点,可以把它们看作是自动释义或翻译工具。作者分析了GPT-3在这些任务中的表现,然后概述了该工具的设计。

6.17 【今日阅读】 开源的 WizardCoder 15b 已经可以生成 webapp 了,HumanEval 得分甚至超过了 claude

6.16 【今日阅读】 本文讲述了作者和团队如何在一天内利用新的软件工程方法构建了一个RPG游戏。他们在AI Tech Week 2023虚拟世界黑客马拉松中赢得了冠军,创建了一款名为《神话故事》的D&D风格角色扮演游戏。




• Anthropic AI的Claude语言模型,上下文限制为100K。由于上限很高,他们可以创建一个故事可以引导玩家到任何地方的游戏——然而保持很高的一致性和惊人的回忆能力。

• Blockade Labs的天空盒生成器:在玩家去的任何地方动态创建3D场景——无需游戏事先理解设置会是什么样子。

• 情景来为你的角色和其他NPC创建2D肖像。

Andrej Karpathy提出了“软件2.0”的愿景,预测软件开发模式中,传统编码的软件将越来越被包含神经网络的组件替代。

作者的方法是使用语言模型,它充当你通常会编写代码的“子例程”。例如,他们的角色创建系统完全由与Anthropic的Claude LLM的交互管理。


6.15 【今日阅读】 Replay for Test Suites helps teams record their Playwright and Cypress tests in CI and debug them after the fact with Browser DevTools, retroactive console logs, and our new testing panel.

6.14 【今日阅读】 This site is inspired by the amazing interface concepts on Design Twitter & elsewhere, and is an attempt to preserve, curate and categorize these creative interface concepts for the whole community to get inspired on.

6.13 【今日阅读】 使用Stable Diffusion 技术进行实时关卡艺术创作的 2D 平台游戏开发的文章。作者在这篇文章中暂时离开了他们在通用机器人领域的职业生涯所学到的经验,转而利用一些空闲时间学习并尝试一些新的机器学习技术。据作者所知,尚无人在游戏过程中进行动态关卡渲染,因此他们希望通过这篇博文引发更多类似的尝试。

6.12 【今日阅读】 This is not just “write less stuff in C++”, the crucial thing is the inversion of control: The scripting language IS the main program, the C++ code is just a set of leaf functions. This allows all the glue to be in Lobster, and oh boy is Lobster better at glue than C++! It produces much less of it, and it’s a ton easier to refactor and manage.

6.11 【今日阅读】 We've undertaken a rewrite of the core search framework, which now acts as an LLM agent, significantly improving the number of queries that can be successfully answered.

6.10 【今日阅读】 Context-aware AI Sales Agent to automate sales outreach.

6.9 【今日阅读】 支持本地搭建的 llm api, 更新了 starcoderplus 15b模型,8192的上下文,1.6t的训练语料

6.8 【今日阅读】 To train AlphaDev to uncover new algorithms, we transformed sorting into a single player ‘assembly game’. At each turn, AlphaDev observes the algorithm it has generated and the information contained in the central processing unit (CPU). Then it plays a move by choosing an instruction to add to the algorithm..  The assembly game is incredibly hard because AlphaDev has to efficiently search through an enormous number of possible combinations of instructions to find an algorithm that can sort, and is faster than the current best one. The number of possible combinations of instructions is similar to the number of particles in the universe or the number of possible combinations of moves in games of chess (10120 games) and Go (10700 games). And a single, wrong move can invalidate the entire algorithm.

6.7 【今日阅读】 那这不就是发明了一门新的编程语言吗?是的。chatgpt + 内存数据库,就是一门编程语言。和使用 langchain 挂个 vector db 做客服场景不同,那个是只读的。我们这里需要一个可读可写的db。你的 variables 就是这个数据库,你的每一轮对话就是一个 statement。多轮对话就完成了一个顺序的 statement 流程。然后给这门编程语言添加一个 notebook 的皮

6.6 【今日阅读】 Interview questions written by humans, test taken by AI, Sandbox enviroment (Docker-based) for untrusted Python and NodeJS execution

6.5 【今日阅读】 Communal computing for 21st century science, from Dynamicland

6.4 【今日阅读】 像 typescript 一样使用 python 类型,type ListOrSet[T] = list[T] | set[T]

6.3 【今日阅读】 DIDACT (Dynamic Integrated Developer ACTivity), which is a methodology for training large machine learning (ML) models for software development. The novelty of DIDACT is that it uses the process of software development as the source of training data for the model, rather than just the polished end state of that process, the finished code.

6.2 【今日阅读】 A simple library for reporting compiler/interpreter errors

6.1 【今日阅读】 Programming with one or fewer hands

5.31 【今日阅读】 Open Source alternative of JIRA

5.30 【今日阅读】 Today, programming a UI is about building a thin visual layer on top of a thick black box, represented by the figure of an "app". Such apps are usually optimized, in logic and design, for a specific set of use cases, invariably rendering the UI either unfit or overfit for real life use cases, which are often unpredictable; the user is not free to arbitrarily mold the interface to his liking. 

5.29 【今日阅读】  I don’t know about you but I’ve seen more than enough “And the entire DevRel team was let go” posts in the last few months. In weak economy, you need a strong justification to the second question to save your job.

5.28 【今日阅读】 一种简单的添加自然语言界面(NLUI)的方法

5.27 【今日阅读】 You are a helpful assistant that writes Mineflayer javascript code to complete any Minecraft task specified by me.

5.26 【今日阅读】 I’m the happiest with is how we handled navigating the program you’re running. Instead of using next/previous arrows to step through the code one line at a time, you can just click on a line to view its variables. This “click on a line” design wouldn’t make sense in a normal debugger context because usually you have loops and a line might be run more than once. 

5.25 【今日阅读】 There’s a great chip already on the market. For $999, you get a 123 TFLOP card with 24 GB of 960 GB/s RAM. This is the best FLOPS per dollar today, and yet…nobody in ML uses it. I promise it’s better than the chip you taped out! It has 58B transistors on TSMC N5, and it’s like the 20th generation chip made by the company, 3rd in this series. Why are you so arrogant that you think you can make a better chip? And then, if no one uses this one, why would they use yours?

5.24 【今日阅读】 searching by description can be very useful, but current embedding models will give you texts that are similar to the description, rather than texts that adhere to it. this is very often not what you want. To attack this, we realized that GPT3 (surprise) can easily do the opposite direction. Given a text, return an abstract description of it. So we collected many of these, and trained a dual-embedding model.

5.23 【今日阅读】 RWKV: Reinventing RNNs for the Transformer Era

5.22 【今日阅读】 We’re releasing a new Self-Hosted Server that allows Refact users to use code completion, code transformation, and chat functions powered by the Starcoder 15b code model on their own GPU. run StarCoder  on the CPU

5.21 【今日阅读】 A major challenge in interpreting a user's intent is everything that is left unsaid. Stripped of any context, much of what we say is ambiguous. To interpret "I'm headed to the bank," you need to know whether the speaker is near a river. In linguistics, the study of how context confers meaning is called pragmatics. Our dialogue system, then, needs to provide tools for developers to easily specify domain-specific pragmatics.

5.20 【今日阅读】虽然 webgpu 不能调用 tensor core,但是不妨碍群众们的热情

5.19 【今日阅读】回顾过去,如果我们用相同的计算资源,靠算法改进能提高多少?

5.18 【今日阅读】 text to website, generative 3d interaction, advanced ai animation, flutter stack, figma to dora

5.17 【今日阅读】 The New York Times homepage example before, using a specialized modelm trained by Dev Tools AI, on hundreds of apps & webpages, can segment all the core elements

5.16 【今日阅读】 But once we offload the majority of the work to a machine, the human is no longer in control. There's a No man's land where the human is still required to make decisions, but they're not in control of the outcome. At the far end of the spectrum, users feel like machine operators: they're just pressing buttons and the machine is doing the work. There isn't much craft in operating a machine.

5.15 【今日阅读】把 的源代码输入给 然后问 According to the source code below, explain the two different JsonFormer algorithm and complete_re algorithm input and output step by step. At logits mask step, the two algorithms has a difference, quote with original source code

5.14 【今日阅读】 The books are a collection of dreams for how we want text to evolve as well as a record of how we understand our current textual infrastructures. The aim is to inspire a powerfully rich future of text in a multitude of ways today, and for the work to still have value in a thousand years & beyond.

5.13 【今日阅读】 脚本套个web的皮,或者说 cli 转 gui。那么 nlui 呢?

5.12 【今日阅读】 wzprof is a pprof based profiler for WebAssembly built on top of Wazero. It offers the ability to collect CPU and Memory profiles during the execution of WebAssembly modules.

5.11 【今日阅读】 WebGPU 的一些演示

5.10 【今日阅读】 what would teaching programming in this world look like?

5.9 【今日阅读】 In the YouTube video "Expert Software Developers' Approach to Error" by Marian Petre, high-performing teams see errors as opportunities for improvement rather than something to be feared and quickly fixed. Instead of simply eliminating bugs as quickly as possible, experts reflect on the problem and solution model to understand if there are deeper issues at play. They consider dependencies, reflect on the code structure, and recognize that a small bug may signal something more. The speaker discusses various practices that expert software developers use to approach errors as opportunities, such as externalizing the problem, relying on the knowledge of others, and emphasizing the importance of team culture and mindset to improve software expertise and development. Additionally, Petre discusses the importance of mindset and attitude in software development, particularly the willingness to understand problems before diving into solutions.

5.8 【今日阅读】 显卡光追都把时间花在哪里了,用 profiler 打开看看

5.7 【今日阅读】 Learning from Imperfect Data: Incremental Learning and Few-shot Learning

5.6 【今日阅读】 VyperCore’s key innovation is its memory-allocation–management technology, which moves away from the processor’s traditional view of its memory as being a single linear space. By defining an object-based view of the memory from within the core of the processor, substantial optimizations in execution of existing code can be achieved. A side effect of this is it also helps block memory-oriented cybersecurity attack vectors, such as memory leaks and buffer overflows.

5.5 【今日阅读】 Does GPT-4 think better in Javascript? 

5.4 【今日阅读】 someone who routinely creates 90%+ improvements for their customers, and in fact have started productizing their own infra skills with Codeium, the rapidly growing free-forever Copilot alternative (see What Building “Copilot for X” Really Takes). Varun Mohan is CEO of Exafunction/Codeium, and he indulged us in diving deep into AI infrastructure, compute-optimal training vs inference tradeoffs, and why he loves suffering.

5.3 【今日阅读】 I think Mojo is a minor mistake, I would caution adoption, it is a superset fork of Python instead of a being a performance subset. Subsets always decay back to the host language. Supersets fork the base language. I would rather see Mojo integrated into Python rather than adopting the language and extending. I have a theory why Mojo exists. The team was reading a lot of PyTorch and Tensorflow, getting frustrated with what a PIA working with C++ and MLIR is for their model-backend retargeting codegen, so they created their perfect C++/Python mashup rather than use TVM. They nerd sniped themselves and rather than just use Python3.12+mypy, they made a whole new language based off of Python.

5.2 【今日阅读】 Cloudflare's R2 costs $0.36 per million read operations (after the 10 million you get for free) [1]. Vercel is wrapping R2 and is charging $2 per million reads [2]. They're also charging $0.15/GB for egress (after the 1GB you get free), when R2 charges nothing, and the storage cost is doubled from $0.015/GB on R2 to $0.03/GB on Vercel. That's quite the cost increase for the DX improvement. Does this mean I have to potentially deal with two vendors when there is an outage? Awesome!

5.1 【今日阅读】 All output from the AI is parsed with Tana Paste before being inserted into Tana. For smaller texts, this should make no difference for you, but it does offer the possibility of teaching the AI to generate rich Tana data structures. For example, you can tell it to generate a list of cities, and tag each as city, with the population as a field. Providing examples are really helpful

4.30 【今日阅读】 The hard problem of onboarding horizontal products. 任何可编程的东西,即便“消灭人类复用,世界属于 AI”,这里的 AI 指代的也是某种 horizontal product

4.29 【今日阅读】 Apache Kafka for the primary (default) storage of transactions and documents as semi-immutable logs, RocksDB or LMDB to host indexes for rich query support, Clojure protocols for pluggablity (e.g. swap Kafka for SQLite)

4.28 【今日阅读】 The esteemed CHI conference is happening this week. the proceedings and reading all of the papers related to programming, of which many involve AI.

4.27 【今日阅读】 GPT4 should be part of your toolkit 

4.26 【今日阅读】 Deep Lake uses a columnar storage architecture, and the columns in Deep Lake are referred to as tensors. Data in the tensors can be added or modified, and the data in different tensors are independent of each other.

4.25 【今日阅读】 Programmers don't materialise programs out of thin air, but construct them out of existing programs. Embracing this insight leads to a different focus at LIVE compared to traditional PL conferences.

4.24 【今日阅读】 Meticulous takes screenshots at key points and detects any visual differences. 

4.23 【今日阅读】 Raber enables visual editing for any React app, eliminating the need to hardcode CSS or text into your codebase. By utilizing the power of AI and GUI tools, UI changes can be made quickly and easily without going through the entire development process. With Raber, simply visit your app's URL, make changes, click publish, and your updated page will be live in seconds.

4.22 【今日阅读】 WebGPU 的 WGSL 语言已经可以在 chrome 上跑起来了。这是一个拿 WGSL 实现 GPT 语言模型的例子

4.21 【今日阅读】 Out of the Tar Pit is in the grand pantheon of great papers, beloved the world over, with just so much influence. Does it hold up to the blinding light of hindsight that 2023 offers?

4.20 【今日阅读】 A recently-released JS to WebAssembly toolchain by Shopify looks promising for evaluating code within a secure sandbox (see: WebAssembly's security model). Many people point to WebAssembly as the future of securely running untrusted code

4.19 【今日阅读】 You have to closely review EVERYTHING they do

4.18 【今日阅读】 想要有限的内存储存无限的数据怎么办?拿神经网络当有损数据库。存入新数据会快速忘掉旧数据怎么办?用两个神经网络,一个生成旧数据去巩固另外一个的记忆。那新加的那个也会忘掉旧数据怎么办?新加的那个是把数据映射到一个固定的等差序列,比如01234。在学习新数据的时候,通过遍历等差数列召回记忆,避免遗忘。

4.17 【今日阅读】 代码自动补全模型可以从之前的字符预测下一个字符,但是模型只能看到光标之前的代码,无法看到光标之后的代码。而 Fill in the Middle(FIM)技术则可以让模型在训练时考虑光标之后的上下文信息,从而提高代码自动补全的准确性。

4.16 【今日阅读】 Low Code Software Development Is A Lie 

4.15 【今日阅读】  By incorporating async-await patterns, agents can operate concurrently without blocking one another, significantly improving the overall efficiency and responsiveness of the system. Another promising direction is enabling intercommunication between agents. By allowing agents to communicate and collaborate, they can work together to solve complex problems more effectively.

4.14 【今日阅读】 My take away from this discussion was that using chain of thought and generated knowledge prompting approaches can be a significantly useful tool for programming. In particular it shows that to use LLMs well, we need to learn how to construct prompts to get the best results. This experience suggests that it's useful to interact with the LLM like a junior partner, starting them with architectural guidelines, asking them to show their reasoning, and tweaking their outputs as we go.

4.13 【今日阅读】 query SF public databases with just natural language.

4.12 【今日阅读】 A User Interface For LangChain 

4.11 【今日阅读】 微软刷屏论文"AGI的火花"的第一作者Sébastien Bubeck, 就在论文发布到arxiv的三个小时前,做了一个校园演讲"First Contact",讲述了微软研究院团队对GPT-4的的早期研究成果。

4.10 【今日阅读】 We provide a  demo showcasing a conversation between two ChatGPT agents playing roles as a python programmer and a stock trader collaborating on developing a trading bot for stock market.

4.9 【今日阅读】 Open Assistant (abbreviated as OA) is a chat-based and open-source assistant. The vision of the project is to make a large language model that can run on a single high-end consumer GPU. With some modifications, Open Assistant should also be able to interface with other third-party applications easily as well as retrieve information from databases and the Internet.

4.8 【今日阅读】 Some language design lessons learned

4.7 【今日阅读】 The Chrome team is thrilled to announce that WebGPU is now available by default in Chrome 113

4.6 【今日阅读】 Intelligent agents guided by LLMs

4.5 【今日阅读】 Though this is not fully solved yet, there are ways to minimize hallucinations.

4.4 【今日阅读】 what makes text editor feel like text editor

4.3 【今日阅读】 The dream of “end-user programming” is still too far away. Let’s set our sights on “end-programmer programming” first.

4.2 【今日阅读】 Most companies that deploy daily report that their engineers spend at least half of their time on troubleshooting and debugging. This “troubleshooting tax” will get higher if we don’t provide engineers tools that learn connections, model cause and effect and allow sharing of “graphs” across teams.

4.1 【今日阅读】 HuggingGPT is a collaborative system that consists of an LLM as the controller and numerous expert models as collaborative executors (from HuggingFace Hub). 

3.31 【今日阅读】 What does it mean to solve a real problem? This means that you have done a sales safari and understand the pain you are trying to solve with your DBaaS product. If you aren’t solving real pain, forget about it - you don’t have product-market fit.

3.30 【今日阅读】 ChatGPT 处理小脚本很容易,你直接把脚本都复制粘贴进去,然后告诉 ChatGPT 我要什么就可以了。和拜佛许愿没啥区别。那么如何应用到大型代码仓库上呢?

3.29 【今日阅读】 You open the extension and write the task you'd like done (eg. "schedule a meeting with David tomorrow at 2"). 有 gpt4 完成页面自动化,完成具体的网页操作

3.28 【今日阅读】 I think it’s likely that soon all computer users will have the ability to develop small software tools from scratch, and to describe modifications they’d like made to software they’re already using. In other words, LLMs will represent a step change in tool support for end-user programming

3.26 【今日阅读】 Many “expert” interfaces are extremely complex. They often have to be

3.25 【今日阅读】 nine principles for using LLMs to create software. We call them the “Schillace Laws”

3.24 【今日阅读】 ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!

3.23 【今日阅读】 LLMs will fundamentally change software engineering

3.22 【今日阅读】 三个懂得重构代码的ai工具,尝试入口'members'%5D%3A%0A%20%20%20%20if%20not%20member%5B'tags'%5D%3A%20continue%3B%0A%20%20%20%20if%20not%20any(tag%5B'name'%5D%3D%3D'joe'%20for%20tag%20in%20member%5B'tags'%5D)%3A%20continue%0A%20%20%20%20print(member)%0A

3.21 【今日阅读】 "Please create a table that breaks down an interior architecture photograph composition into the following key elements, where each of these key elements is a column: Composition, Camera Angle, Style, Room Type, Focal Point, Textures, Detail, Color Palette, Brand, Lighting, Location, Time of Day, Mood, Architecture

Fill the table with 10 rows of data, where: Composition = "Editorial Style photo" You can copy & paste any row into Midjourney and it'll work great. 通过组合 ChatGPT 和 Midjourney 来控制图片生成。 Additive Prompting is by no means the “correct” way of prompting. It's a framework I developed to better understand the impact & interplay of variables in my prompts on the overall composition of my images.

3.20 【今日阅读】 Finetuning is for Structure, not Knowledge Instructed LM (e.g. InstructGPT, natural instruction) finetunes a pretrained model with high-quality tuples of (task instruction, input, ground truth output) to make LM better understand user intention and follow instruction. 

3.19 【今日阅读】 《Designed for Use: Create Usable Interfaces for Applications and the Web》 的作者 Lukas Mathis 说 The Command Line Is the GUI's Future

3.18 【今日阅读】 GPT4:给我把控制用的组件从 GUI 上通通去掉

3.17 【今日阅读】 We plan on building a much more productive IDE using clever hacks around existing AI tech. We’re excited to build features that do things like:

  • Allow you to navigate and author changes in a “pseudo-code” version of your codebase
  • Spot logic errors in your code, before you spend an hour debugging
  • Update your repo to match the changes you just made to a class/method/DB schema

3.16 【今日阅读】 基于 GPT-4 / vscode 的重构工具方案,以及本地部署大语言模型方案

3.15 【今日阅读】 How I can use the Embedding model in practice for NLP tasks? What is a vector database? How to integrate OpenAI text embeddings into a vector database service? How to perform queries to vector database?

3.14 【今日阅读】 1960s: "COBOL will let non-programmers make the software!"

3.13 【今日阅读】 Pytorch 2.0 Inductor 在5年努力之后终于创新地实现了动态计算图的捕获,并交由 python 版的 CUDA a.k.a triton 来做编译。而 triton 最近又重构成基于 mlir/iree 来实现,这样就和各家硬件厂商对接上了。nvidia 靠 2000 多个 pytorch operator 构建出来的护城河,瓦解了。

3.12 【今日阅读】 AMD显卡在 windows 下也可以满速运行 stable diffusion 了。SHARK 通过把 pytorch 模型编译成 vulkan mlir/iree 的 bytecode 发送给显卡驱动执行,速度超过 pytorch-directml,因为显卡驱动可以拿到更多的信息做优化。pytorch 和 mlir/iree 这种 vendor 中立的技术未来可期

3.11 【今日阅读】 本文来说说在企业中让知识流动起来的大体思路

3.10 【今日阅读】 Every time you release, Autify's AI monitors any UI changes and automatically updates the Test Scenario. Fixing broken test scripts is a thing of the past

3.9 【今日阅读】 We show that it is possible for an LM to synthesize programming problems and solutions, which are filtered for correctness by a Python interpreter. The LM’s performance is then seen to improve when it is fine-tuned on its own synthetic problems and verified solutions; thus the model “improves itself” using the Python interpreter.

3.8 【今日阅读】 Nop平台是可逆计算理论的一个具体落地实现方案。为了演示可逆计算理论的相关概念,它内置了针对后台管理系统的一套低代码开发流程,可以采用低代码的方式来快速开发后台管理系统,并且无需特殊设计,利用平台内置机制即可自动提供产品化定制能力。以下以nop-app-mall项目的开发为例,介绍Nop平台内置的低代码开发流程。

3.7 【今日阅读】 它拥有一个我难以想象和实现的功能,就是能够对pdf文档进行自定义截图,为截取的公式信息,伪代码,提供详细的解释。而且比较靠谱!是可以联系上下文的那种!

3.6 【今日阅读】 参与 ChatRWKV 项目,做开源 ChatGPT。140亿参数的大模型已经可以下载,最低仅需3G显存就可以本地运行。技术原理参见

3.5 【今日阅读】 step 1: train the ai to understand your design system step 2: prototype and build via prompts step 3: ai+human refinement

3.4 【今日阅读】 AI agents can now teach themselves HOW to use tools (ie. any API) in real time, completely automated!

3.3 【今日阅读】 Programming requires much more than just writing code in a programming language. It is usually done in the context of a stateful environment, by interacting with a system through a graphical user interface. Yet, this wide space of possibilities lacks a common structure for navigation. Work on programming systems fails to form a coherent body of research, making it hard to improve on past work and advance the state of the art.

3.2 【今日阅读】 Using GPT-3 for plain language incident root cause from logs

3.1 【今日阅读】 supabase 低代码平台通过 chatgpt 帮助其用户学习他们的平台用法

2.28 【今日阅读】 A Survey of Controllable Text Generation using Transformer-based Pre-trained Language Models

2.27 【今日阅读】 融合了录制回放功能的整套开发工具链是怎样的?

2.26 【今日阅读】 Digitcube数字魔方是一款简单易用的可视化大屏前端框架

2.25 【今日阅读】 teach very basic programming online

2.24 【今日阅读】 Buildt is an AI tool to help developers quickly search and understand large codebases

2.23 【今日阅读】 Its reactivity model is unique enough that migrating to another framework takes a lot of time for what isn’t immediately obvious as an improvement.

2.22 【今日阅读】 TypeWriter: Neural Type Prediction with Search-based Validation

2.21 【今日阅读】 所以我相信,AI不仅仅会干掉大量的低端岗位。同时因为AI辅助,使得大量初级程序员可以代替高级程序员,从而极大削弱这些年迈程序员原本就不多的议价空间。我们除了拥抱变化,别无选择。

2.20 【今日阅读】 在 vscode 内直接使用 flow-based 编程

2.19 【今日阅读】 An Analysis of the Automatic Bug Fixing Performance of ChatGPT

2.18 【今日阅读】 Modernize test automation with AI

2.17 【今日阅读】 But as we start using AIs to generate larger blocks of code, we’re going to be faced with more and more proofreading work. And I’m worried more bugs will then slip through.

2.16 【今日阅读】 How to talk to AI to get it to do what you want.

2.15 【今日阅读】 According to this pros and cons list, the “Bissell Pet Hair Eraser Handheld Vacuum” sounds pretty bad. Limited suction power, a short cord, and it’s noisy enough to scare pets? Geez, how is this thing even a best seller? Oh wait, this is all completely made up information.

2.14 【今日阅读】 Better Human-AI Collaboration May Depend on Workflow Design

2.13 【今日阅读】 IDE 的核心技术是什么?图形用户界面 GUI?文本或可视化编辑器?编译构建调试工具的集成?

2.12 【今日阅读】 John Ousterhout is the creator of the Tcl scripting language, which has had a lasting impact on the technology industry. He highlighted two unique aspects of Tcl: its embeddable nature and its "everything is a string" philosophy. He also discussed the possibility of him joining Netscape as a founder, which could have changed the world if he had. Finally, he predicted that the next paradigm shift in programming languages will likely come from systems people creating languages that are useful for systems builders. It is interesting to note that he believes the most widely used programming languages have come from systems people, not programming language research committees.

2.11 【今日阅读】 Zig is a language that is friendly to IDEs due to its minimal and simple-to-parse syntax, the absence of syntactic macros, and ability to do a great deal of semantic analysis on a file-by-file basis. Building an IDE for Zig requires a combination of incrementality and laziness to achieve interactive performance. The compiler partially evaluates dynamically typed Zir to convert it into a fairly standard statically typed IR. Multibuilds are important for IDE support, and abstract interpretation is necessary to deal with incomplete code. The full set of monomorphisations can be computed in the background to augment limited synchronous features with precise results asynchronously. This post provides an overview of how an IDE for Zig could work.

2.10 【今日阅读】 This essay by Edsger Dijkstra discusses the foolishness of "natural language programming" and the importance of formal symbols in programming. He argues that the use of formal symbols is a privilege, as it allows school children to do what only geniuses could do in the past. He also suggests that if our native tongues were the only way to communicate with machines, it would take thousands of years to get the interface narrow enough to be usable. Finally, he mentions the "New Illiteracy" as a discouraging factor for those who believe in natural language programming.

2.9 【今日阅读】 Mark Bernstein (who has been doing Tools for Thought stuff for decades, and has had a product in that space since 2001) gives a very rich history of TfT in the hypertext/notetaking vein

2.8 【今日阅读】 Pull requests have their place, but sometimes you just want to code together. It's more fun than code review, builds trust between colleagues, and it's one of the best ways to distribute knowledge through a team. But it has to be easy.

2.7 【今日阅读】 Prompting Is Programming: A Query Language For Large Language Models

2.6 【今日阅读】 ChatGPT is incredibly powerful when it comes to learning new domain-specific languages. When you have a domain language that only describes the structure of something, like formify, all it takes are some examples to feed the AI with. After providing a couple of examples, chatGPT was able to break down my language into the different building blocks. After chatting about formify for about 1 hour and correcting different mistakes, chatGPT gained a good understanding of the language and was able to generate syntactically and semantically correct code.

1.19 【今日阅读】 Since 2004 we have been teaching a second-year programming course to all engineering students at UCL. The course uses a uniform framework and introduces programming concepts, techniques, and models one by one, to overcome limitations in expressiveness as they appear (hence the acronym “CTM”). The course gives a complete formal semantics for the uniform framework in terms of a simple kernel language and abstract machine. The semantics is important since it gives a precise understanding of what the language does with no handwaving. For most students at UCL it is the only programming language semantics they see in all their studies. We teach the three main programming models or paradigms, namely functional, objected-oriented, and dataflow concurrent programming. We explain how object orientation and dataflow each extend functional programming with just one concept, respectively state and concurrency.

1.18 【今日阅读】 Existing tools for syntax tree-driven code transformations such as jscodeshift are language-specific, not integrated into the IDE, and require the developer to learn a programmatic API to define transformations. Codex is designed as a drop-in alternative to current in-editor find & replace functionality, is language-agnostic, and the Tree-sitter query syntax and declarative style are conceptually simpler than procedural APIs.

1.17 【今日阅读】 在易用性方面 JSONQL 基于 JSON 格式,前端可以很方面生成,同时还支持 SQL 解析,使得只需要了解 SQL 就能使用,而且支持关联查询,可以轻松构建出复杂结构的查询。在灵活性方面 JSONQL 支持深层嵌套,可以覆盖绝大部分 SQL 场景,在灵活性方面等同于写 SQL ,因此能支撑复杂应用的开发。

1.16 【今日阅读】 Use.GPU goal is to make GPU rendering easier and more sane. I do this by applying the lessons and patterns learned from the React world, and basically turning them all up to 11, sometimes 12. This is done via my own Live run-time, which is like a martian React on steroids.

1.15 【今日阅读】 Interactive-syntax is backed by human readable code; the visual components exists purely when writing and editing code. This backing means all of the tools involved in software development work with interactive-syntax extensions. 

1.14 【今日阅读】 From Ruby to Node: Overhauling Shopify’s CLI for a Better Developer Experience 

1.13 【今日阅读】 Praxis is/ strives to become, an online IDE for visual programming in Prolog. It is (currently) a 100% in-browser application, meaning that there is no component running on any server. -You can just download the repo and run it from your local file system, without any build-steps or other preparations.

1.12 【今日阅读】 when functional programmers talk about managing effects, they're talking about expressing the basic logic of their programs within some guard rails provided by data structures or programming language constructs. We'll put off a full discussion of functional effect management, but in general, managing effects in functional programming is done by representing the side effecting behavior in a more explicit way, therefore rendering it easier to react to it in a program. Unison's support for abilities isone such guard rail.

1.10 【今日阅读】 protobuf 工具也可以收费

1.9 【今日阅读】 “好得涂”是一款没什么功能但可以编程的绘画程序

1.8 【今日阅读】 Continuation Passing Style in block visual language

1.7 【今日阅读】 No matter if you are a beginner or a veteran, in order to understand our programs we need to see what is happening with them. Inputs, outputs, visualizations of both code and data - the less that is hidden from us, the more we might discover. Through the looking glass w Data Rabbit: "A System built for Seeing"

1.6 【今日阅读】 This project explores what it might look like if computers could support this style of early-stage thinking. Untangle is specifically not a tool for solving artificial logic puzzles, nor is it a tool for creating formal specifications for industrial systems. Instead, we’re interested in a tool that can help us think through ill-defined problems, understand compromises, and learn about what kind of questions to ask.

1.5 【今日阅读】 LiteFS is a distributed file system specifically built for replicating SQLite databases. This allows each application node to have a full, local copy of the database and respond to requests with minimal latency. LiteFS is built for high availability so that operations can continue even in the event of catastrophic failures.

1.4 【今日阅读】 List of awesome playgrounds

1.3 【今日阅读】 Human-Oriented Automatic Theorem Proving

1.2 【今日阅读】 building a structured editor and programming language 

1.1 【今日阅读】  For example, there is no boundary between programming and debugging - if something is acting weird, you can simply pause time, open the logic, and probe widgets and wires to see what state they’re in. Tweak the logic on the fly and resume again. It’s blissfully iterative and doesn’t require you to learn any additional tools, e.g. a time-travel debugger or a Whitebox. This is exactly how scripting should be.

12.31 【今日阅读】 Build apps using our visual development environment and our easy to understand programming language that has no limits to what you can create.

12.30 【今日阅读】 Then there’s Formula by Example, which is similar to the Flash Fill feature that can automatically detect patterns in data and fill out the rest of a column. The feature is a bit hard to explain succinctly, but this video from Microsoft gives you an idea of what it’s about

12.29 【今日阅读】 Design handoffs are slowing down your development process. Wisiwig empowers you to inspect and edit user interfaces directly in the code - so your team can ship better outcomes, faster.

12.28 【今日阅读】 Programming Paradigms for Dummies: What Every Programmer Should Know

12.27 【今日阅读】 A browser engine includes many sub-components: an HTTP client, an HTML parser, a CSS parser, a JavaScript engine (itself composed of parsers, interpreters, and compilers), and much more. Those components involved in parsing web formats like HTML and CSS and translating them into what you see on-screen are sometimes called the layout engine or rendering engine.

12.26 【今日阅读】 HVM doesn't need a global, stop-the-world garbage collector because every "object" only exists in one place, exactly like in Rust; i.e., HVM is linear. The catch is that, when an object needs to be referenced in multiple places, instead of a complex borrow system, HVM has an elegant, pervasive lazy clone primitive that works very similarly to Haskell's evaluation model. This makes cloning essentially free

12.25 【今日阅读】 Regular Expression Matching: the Virtual Machine Approach

12.24 【今日阅读】 Gibbon is an experimental compiler that transforms high-level functional programs to operate on serialized data.

12.23 【今日阅读】  a new model of computation, the Interaction Net, which supersedes the Turing Machine and the Lambda Calculus. Previous implementations of this model have been inefficient in practice, however, a recent breakthrough has drastically improved its efficiency, resulting in the HVM. Despite being relatively new, it already beats mature compilers in many cases, and is set to scale towards uncharted levels of performance.

12.22 【今日阅读】 Lsyncd watches a local directory trees event monitor interface (inotify or fsevents). It aggregates and combines events for a few seconds and then spawns one (or more) process(es) to synchronize the changes. By default this is rsync. Lsyncd is thus a light-weight live mirror solution that is comparatively easy to install not requiring new filesystems or block devices and does not hamper local filesystem performance.

12.21 【今日阅读】 《Live Coding: A User's Manual》

12.20 【今日阅读】 Future of Coding • Episode 60 • Bret Victor • Magic Ink

12.19 【今日阅读】 What excites us about this project is how it could allow users of different expertise levels to collaborate, each using the tool at a level they are comfortable with. Local developers have the opportunity to build custom components in JavaScript, without having to set up a whole development environment; power-users could recombine components in a graphical node & wire interface, and mix & match with small bits of code. Finally, end-users can recombine the components through the layout tree and property bindings, never having to think about their implementation details. The live version of the prototype is available online

12.18 【今日阅读】 Cursorless is a spoken language for structural code editing, enabling developers to code by voice at speeds not possible with a keyboard. Cursorless decorates every token on the screen and defines a spoken language for rapid, high-level semantic manipulation of structured text.

12.17 【今日阅读】 OCaml is implicitly typed, meaning programmers rarely need to write down the types of bindings. This is often convenient, especially with higher-order functions. (Although some people disagree as to whether it makes code easier or harder to read). But implicit typing in no way changes the fact that OCaml is statically typed. Rather, the type-checker has to be more sophisticated because it must infer what the type annotations “would have been” had the programmers written all of them.

12.16 【今日阅读】 How Might Generative AI Change Programming?

12.15 【今日阅读】 Lapce (IPA: /læps/) is written in pure Rust with a UI in Druid (which is also written in Rust). It is designed with Rope Science from the Xi-Editor which makes for lightning-fast computation, and leverages OpenGL for rendering. 

12.14 【今日阅读】 Verse is a functional logic language, with a bunch of innovative ideas. Like Haskell Verse is declarative (a variable in Verse stands for just one, immutable value), and higher order (lambdas are first class). But Verse goes well beyond Haskell, with existential variables, unification, expressions that yield multiple values, and more besides. In this talk I'll give you a sense of what functional logic programming is about, what it looks like to program in Verse, and how we can give meaning to Verse programs using rewrite rules.

12.13 【今日阅读】 What is in a modern code editor?

12.12 【今日阅读】 Web development can be overwhelming, with frameworks and tools continually churning. Here's some advice that has worked well for me on my own projects which emphasizes simplicity, stability, and predictability. The recommendations I make here are only for tools that are high quality and which are unlikely to change significantly in the future.

12.11 【今日阅读】 I argue for wider usage of delimiter-first in the code three friends [tic, tac, toe] becomes three friends ・tic ・tac ・toe. A new top-level syntax for programming languages is proposed to show advantages of this method. New syntax is arguably as simple, but more consistent, better preserves visual structure and solves some issues in code formatting.

12.10 【今日阅读】 We’ve seen a boom in programming language tooling in the past few years. Language servers, formatters, and linters have become commonplace in most languages. I’d call it a golden age, but I suspect this is only the beginning.

12.9 【今日阅读】 中国软件三十年:烟尘隐入,夹缝重生

12.8 【今日阅读】 全新升级的AI歌手随时在线,输入曲谱,即刻演唱

12.7 【今日阅读】 《RPG in a Box》让你轻松地将自己的故事和创意转化为游戏或其他互动体验!正如其名,它囊括了实现以上目标所需的一切元素,并将所有功能集成在一款软件中。该软件的设计主旨是为用户提供有趣且易于上手的方式,不需要任何编程或建模知识,同时仍然提供了广泛的可定制性和开放性。你可以将自己的游戏导出为适用于 Windows、Linux 和 macOS 的独立格式,让没有《RPG in a Box》软件的人也能顺利游玩!

12.6 【今日阅读】 Plane lets you spin up instances of any HTTP-speaking container via an API. Plane assigns a unique subdomain to each instance, through which it proxies HTTPS/WebSocket connections. When all inbound connections to a container are dropped, Plane shuts it down. Plane is MIT-licensed and written in Rust.

12.5 【今日阅读】 At this point we were getting desperate, but there was one thing left to try to deterministically reproduce the bug: eliminate all sources of non-determinism, create some way of recording user events, and keep recording sessions until the bug happens. Then you have a sequence of events that can be played back in order and the bug should reproduce itself every time. You can even create a reduced test case by randomly dropping events as long as they don’t cause the bug to disappear.

12.4 【今日阅读】 someone gets ChatGPT to "redesign git step by step."

12.3 【今日阅读】 Low code platform for creating internal tools, workflows, and admin panels in minutes. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, MSSQL, MongoDB, Rest API, Docker, K8s, and more

12.2 【今日阅读】 Most new programming languages are accidentally designed to be backwards compatible with punchcards. This talk argues that it would be better to focus on building new live programming environments that can help us solve the problems of the future.

12.1 【今日阅读】 Acid is a general purpose, source level symbolic debugger. The debugger is built around a simple command language. The command language, distinct from the language of the program being debugged, provides a flexible user interface that allows the debugger interface to be customized for a specific application or architecture. Moreover, it provides an opportunity to write test and verification code independently of a program’s source code. Acid is able to debug multiple processes provided they share a common set of symbols, such as the processes in a threaded program.

11.30 【今日阅读】 “Steps Toward The Reinvention of Programming -- A Compact and Practical Model of Personal Computing as a Self-Exploratorium” by Alan Kay et al. (2006)

11.29 【今日阅读】 Val Town is a place to write and run code online. You can think of it as a “runnable Github Gists” or a “user-friendly AWS Lambda”. It makes it incredibly easy to email yourself, persist small pieces of data, expose functions and API endpoints, and create a recurring jobs.

11.28 【今日阅读】 Catching bugs in code with AI, fully local CLI app. No data leaves your computer.

11.27 【今日阅读】 Guido van Rossum: Python and the Future of Programming

11.26 【今日阅读】 “It could have been so great, but why is it so ugly and difficult to use?” People trying open source software wonder. “Why aren’t designers contributing more?” Developers complain. “Why don’t developers include us more?” Designers lament.

11.25 【今日阅读】 No matter how much experience you have, it’s still a struggle to know what the code is really doing at runtime. SplootCode shows you what really happens on every line, without slowing you down.

11.24 【今日阅读】 a flow that represents a very small crud-application where I reconnect multiple connections at once as well as connections being animated when they are retriggering (like when using a timer). 

11.23 【今日阅读】 它能够根据你的描述,或者上下文自动生成一段代码,和传统上根据前面的输入,自动补全余下部分是截然不同的。它目前支持Python、C++、Java、JavaScript、Go等多种主流编程语言,而且在代码生成准确度方面表现较好。除了代码生成之外,它还支持代码翻译,换句话说,你复制一段C++写的代码,可以轻松的翻译成Python、Java等其他语言。

11.22 【今日阅读】 对可多人协同编辑的在线编辑器,如何设计其 undo/redo 的逻辑?

11.21 【今日阅读】 For one, it allows users to build complex (but no-code) trigger-based workflows from within the tool, such as when a table is modified or a button is pressed. For another, Coda really sells itself as an app-builder, in that teams can use Coda documents on their phones as native mobile apps. 

11.20 【今日阅读】 The backend adopted web standards, Web frameworks fixed some of their performance problems, Rust and Go based tools are making TypeScript development faster, Remix, RPC and better approaches to doing CRUD with web apps, PaaS is back in fashion, The Apple M1 fixed computers

11.19 【今日阅读】 Diagrammar is a tool for creating interactive diagrams, that aims to be much simpler, while retaining the power of a full programming language (Elm). It was designed for making online STEM courses at Brilliant, and we make full use of this power: parametric reusable diagrams, authors sharing toolkits and styles, precise positioning -- and any diagram can be interactive!

11.18 【今日阅读】 又一个在线协同编辑的脑图编辑器

11.17 【今日阅读】 AI Found a Bug in My Code

11.16 【今日阅读】 Datalog is high-level and declarative, but simple and well-studied enough to admit efficient implementation strategies. However, Datalog’s semantics are not stable under extensions. This thesis deconstructs Datalog from a categorical and type theoretic perspective to determine what makes it tick.

11.15 【今日阅读】 IRIS (Isomorphic Reduced Instruction Set) is an ISA which describes a reversible computer that can execute computations both forwards and backwards. Iris is a virtual machine which implements IRIS on top of irreversible hardware.

11.14 【今日阅读】 A curated collection of HCI demo videos produced during the golden age from 1983-2002.

11.12 【今日阅读】 We can shift the audience. Instead of trying to achieve end-user programming, let’s start with end-programmer programming. Today not even professional programmers can control their own software! How can we expect to get from here to end-user programming, without first achieving end-programmer programming?

11.11 【今日阅读】 "Build an app with a spreadsheet" is a mainstream idea now (Airtable, Glide, Coda, Notion, etc) but I believe there's still so much room to push this model further. Quick list of some (lesser-known??) projects that I find thought-provoking in this space

11.10 【今日阅读】 重新理解 Web

11.9 【今日阅读】 Relational database with Datalog as the query language

11.8 【今日阅读】 云服务器的延迟已经低到了可以流畅玩地平线5了,再加上 提升分辨率的魔法算法

11.7 【今日阅读】 The experience of using Livewire seems magical. It’s as if your front-end HTML can call your PHP code and everything just works.

11.6 【今日阅读】 HCI might do well to stand for human-CONSTRUCT interaction, since the computer has no intrinsic nature except the constructs we impose. Many of today's constructs are evil, especially the single-column document and the hidden buffer called the "clipboard," and cut-and-paste being renamed (examples from Tolstoy and the New York Times). Ted will discuss today's world as the result of mistakes he and others made. Ted says, "When I imagined interactive screens in 1960, I imagined not a 3D viewer (now called VR), but rotatable ND, which I called a Splandrome, as the center of Splandremics, now called HCI."

11.5 【今日阅读】 CellPond has 2 big ideas: You can code it by dragging + dropping shapes. Cells can split/merge cells into smaller/bigger cells.

11.4 【今日阅读】 An Online Vite Sandbox that compiles web projects based on browser-vite

11.3 【今日阅读】 Decker builds on the legacy of HyperCard and the visual aesthetic of classic MacOS. It retains the simplicity and ease of learning that HyperCard provided, while adding many subtle and overt quality-of-life improvements, like deep undo history, support for scroll wheels and touchscreens, more modern keyboard navigation, and bulk editing operations.

11.2 【今日阅读】 Potluck is a research prototype that demonstrates a workflow for gradually turning text documents into interactive software. It has three parts: Extensible searches, Live computations, Dynamic annotations

11.1 【今日阅读】 By using mirrord, developers can run the one service they’re working on locally, without juggling configurations or straining their development machine; they can run it against a full environment with mature database state and managed services; and they can do it quickly, easily and without risk.

10.31 【今日阅读】 Following our previous episode on Richard P. Gabriel’s Incommensurability paper, we’re back for round two with an analysis of what we’ve dubbed the Worse is Better family of thought products

10.30 【今日阅读】 The Computer Chronicles - Hypercard (1987)

10.29 【今日阅读】 A designer and a developer doing two-way collaboration between Henosia and GitHub

10.28 【今日阅读】 SkyMass replaces the entire frontend stack (and parts of your backend) with a Cloud UI Server

10.27 【今日阅读】 Such as being able to read the vocabulary of a programme, see the state, and create by reacting to what's on the screen in front of you. Programming portals are one way into these design patterns.

10.26 【今日阅读】 使用 Natvis 框架在调试器中创建 C++ 对象的自定义视图

10.25 【今日阅读】 Sketching with pen & paper is a powerful way to think through ideas, but ink on paper is static. Dynamic behavior, on the other hand, requires programming -- which lacks the immediacy of the canvas: it's indirect, abstract, symbolic, and full of bureaucracy. What if we could harness the power of modern tablet computers to combine the intimacy of ink with the power of computation?

10.24 【今日阅读】 how we automatically generate diagrams from process communication, render supervision trees, visually debug pipelines, and plot charts and more

10.23 【今日阅读】 Exception tracking is part of Nim's effect system. Raising an exception is an effect. Other effects can also be defined. A user defined effect is a means to tag a routine and to perform checks against this tag

10.22 【今日阅读】 Augmenting Human Intellect, No Code Required

10.21 【今日阅读】 服务端下发vdom和浏览器dom做diff更新,还要考虑dom更新过程中的framer motion动画

10.20 【今日阅读】 Exception tracking is part of Nim's effect system. Raising an exception is an effect. Other effects can also be defined. A user defined effect is a means to tag a routine and to perform checks against this tag

10.19 【今日阅读】 programming games that are fun

10.18 【今日阅读】 In this keynote presentation, we will show how software systems can be made explainable with the help of three interacting technologies: (i) live notebooks , (ii) example methods , (iii) a moldable inspector

10.17 【今日阅读】 Meet Play. The first native iOS design tool built for creating mobile products. Design, prototype, and collaborate directly from your phone. Experience your design as you create it, while taking full advantage of native iOS features to bring your product to life.

10.16 【今日阅读】 From React to htmx on a real-world SaaS product: we did it, and it's awesome! We took the plunge and replaced the 2-year-of-work React UI of our SaaS product with simple Django templates and htmx in a couple of months. We’d like to share our experience with you, with concrete indicators on various aspects, and convince your CTO!

10.15 【今日阅读】 A generic node-based editor. Built with hyperapp.

10.14 【今日阅读】 We evaluated tylr with a lab study where participants performed simple code transcription and modification tasks using tylr as well as a text editor and a structure editor built on JetBrains MPS, a state-of-the-art keyboard-driven structure editor generator. Our results indicate that participants frequently made use of tylr‚Äôs selection expressivity, and that this flexibility helped them complete some modification tasks significantly more quickly than with the MPS editor.

10.13 【今日阅读】 Using Yahaha Studio creators with little or no coding experience can create the games that they imagine: YAHAHA has lowered the barrier to 3D games creation with this supremely easy new creator tool modeled on all the principles of the Unity development environment.It could be a gateway to a new life as a creator in the Metaverse.

10.12 【今日阅读】 Coding with Copilot for acceleration and exploration

10.11 【今日阅读】 1 file. 1 class. ~350 lines of code. Identical on client & server.

10.10 【今日阅读】 从信息量的角度看监控调试类工具

10.9 【今日阅读】 It also means you have to be careful when following Henry Ford’s various famous bits of advice. “If I asked them what they wanted, they’d have said a faster horse.” “They can have any colour they want as long as it’s black.” Sometimes you can be visionary and give your community something they didn’t think to ask for. But if they say they don’t want something, remember you’re in dangerous territory. 

10.8 【今日阅读】 The Nu Game Engine was the world’s first practical, purely-functional game engine. And it has recently accomplished another first — allowing developers to use Elm-style architecture (AKA, model-view-update)

9.30 【今日阅读】 调试有状态系统所需要的工具

9.29 【今日阅读】 why we don’t see more cutting-edge programming language and software analysis technologies getting commercialized.

9.28 【今日阅读】 80 brief predictions on the future of computing and its impact on the broader world

9.27 【今日阅读】 Color Code is a cellular automaton and visual programming language without words or symbols, just colors

9.26 【今日阅读】 Get in Zoomer, We're Saving React. Looking back, and forward

9.25 【今日阅读】 Molecule 是一款受 VSCode 启发,使用 React.js 构建的 Web IDE UI 框架。我们设计了类似 VSCode 的扩展(Extension)机制,可以帮助我们使用 React 组件快速完成对 Workbench 的自定义。Molecule 与 React 项目集成非常方便,我们已经在 DTStack 多个产品、项目中使用。

9.24 【今日阅读】 AI生成图片技术

9.23 【今日阅读】 Today we’re discussing the so-called “incommensurability” paper: The Structure of a Programming Language Revolution by Richard P. Gabriel.

9.22 【今日阅读】 Stagecast Creator is a visual programming language intended for use in teaching programming to children. It is based on the programming by demonstration concept, where rules are created by giving examples of what actions should take place in a given situation. It can be used to construct simulations, animations and games, which run under Java on any suitable platform.

9.21 【今日阅读】 开源 VUE3 低代码可视化大屏开发平台

9.20 【今日阅读】 analyze button powered by

9.19 【今日阅读】 Safety checks can be disabled on a per-block basis with @setRuntimeSafety. The ReleaseFast and ReleaseSmall build modes disable all safety checks (except where overridden by @setRuntimeSafety) in order to facilitate optimizations.

9.18 【今日阅读】 Optimized for the latest tech on Mac, Windows and iPad, Affinity Designer is setting the new industry standard in the world of design. Best in class for creating concept art, print projects, logos, icons, UI designs, mock-ups and more, it’s already the top choice of thousands of professional illustrators, web designers, game developers and other creatives who love its silky-smooth combination of vector and raster design tools.

9.17 【今日阅读】 Online sketch file editor

9.16 【今日阅读】 vigorous PL research

9.15 【今日阅读】 Tooling Is the New Syntax,So here is a partial list of programming language innovations that aren’t the language’s syntax or semantics.

9.14 【今日阅读】 Parinfer is a proof-of-concept editor mode for Lisp programming languages. It simplifies the way we write Lisp by auto-adjusting parens when indentation changes and vice versa. The hope is to make basic Lisp-editing easier for newcomers and experts alike, while still allowing existing plugins like Paredit to satisfy the need for more advanced operations.

9.13 【今日阅读】 Affine is the next-generation collaborative knowledge base for professionals.

9.12 【今日阅读】 Write interactive & collaborative code notebooks in Elixir

9.11 【今日阅读】 WASM-4 is a low-level fantasy game console for building small games with WebAssembly. Game cartridges (ROMs) are small, self-contained .wasm files that can be built with any programming language that compiles to WebAssembly.

9.10 【今日阅读】 NASL全称是NetEase(Normal)Application Specific Language,是轻舟低代码平台提供给用户的应用建模语言。

9.9 【今日阅读】 一堆用 rust 实现的文本编辑器

9.8【今日阅读】 structural diff tool powered by tree-sitter

9.7 【今日阅读】 Polygonjs is a node-based tool to create interactive 3D applications for the web.

9.6 【今日阅读】 从0到1搭建可视化埋点平台

9.5 【今日阅读】 By combining the fault-tolerance and massive concurrency of Erlang with the capability-based security of WebAssembly, it creates a powerful programming model.

9.4 【今日阅读】 Sandspiel Studio is a new tool for creating and sharing new Sandspiel elements.

9.3 【今日阅读】 Where Flow-based Programming stands after 50 years since its introduction. What problems it solves today. And what problems it can solve tomorrow for broader Software Engineering industry

9.2 【今日阅读】 This blog series will examine Git’s internals to help make your engineering system more efficient. Part I discusses how Git stores its data in packfiles using custom compression techniques.

9.1 【今日阅读】 The OkSo app is a minimalistic online drawing app to express, grasp, and organize your thoughts and ideas. Draw to explain. Draw to grasp.

8.31 【今日阅读】 This blog series will examine Git’s internals to help make your engineering system more efficient. Part I discusses how Git stores its data in packfiles using custom compression techniques.

8.30 【今日阅读】 De-Nerding Programming: Jonathan Edwards

8.29 【今日阅读】 TagUI 是一款免费、开源、跨平台(Windows & Linux & macOS)的 RPA 工具,可帮助您轻松完成自动化桌面、Web、鼠标和键盘操作

8.28 【今日阅读】 Developer Experience Infrastructure (DXI) is a new emerging infrastructure category sitting on top of API and cloud infrastructure. It enables any company to deliver world-class developer experiences by offloading the intricate details and complexities of developer experience to a new set of infrastructure components and services.

8.27 【今日阅读】 Computers once had operator panels that provided an intimate overview of the machine's internal state at any given moment. The blinking lights would communicate the personality of each piece of software. Since our minds are great at spotting patterns, developers would intuitively understand based on which way the LEDs were flashing, if a program was sorting data, collating, caught in an infinite loop, etc. This is an aspect of the computing experience that modern machines haven't done a good job at recreating, until now.

8.26 【今日阅读】 Object Storage System is key to the Newton information architecture. Data is stored using a database-like model. Objects are stored as frames, which are like database records. A frame contains named slots, which hold individual pieces of data, like database fields.

8.25 【今日阅读】 How New Technologies are Changing How We Create, Share, and Build Knowledge

8.24 【今日阅读】如何为Clang编译器写插件实现自动化重构/ 对 clang 编译器打补丁,定义规则让编译器自动帮我完成重构,而程序员的乐趣就是将此类 重复易错工作 转换成更有趣的方式

8.23 【今日阅读】 如何评价微信小程序新渲染引擎skyline?

8.22 【今日阅读】 SurrealDB is an end-to-end cloud native database for web, mobile, serverless, jamstack, backend, and traditional applications. SurrealDB reduces the development time of modern applications by simplifying your database and API stack, removing the need for most server-side components, allowing you to build secure, performant apps quicker and cheaper.

8.21 【今日阅读】 The Participatory System Mapper (PRSM) is an app that makes it easy to draw networks (or 'maps') of systems, working together collaboratively

8.20 【今日阅读】 A PIX GPU capture records all the Direct3D 12 API calls made by the game, including their parameter data.  These calls can later be replayed, which enables a range of debugging and analysis features.

8.19 【今日阅读】 Shader Basics, Blending & Textures

8.18 【今日阅读】 Sunmao(榫卯)是一个前端低代码框架。通过 Sunmao,您可以轻松将各种前端 UI 组件库和自己开发的前端组件,封装成低代码组件库,从而搭建您自己的低代码 UI 开发工具,使前端开发变得如榫卯般严丝合缝。

8.17 【今日阅读】 There can be more than Notion and Miro. Affine is a next-gen knowledge base that brings planning, sorting and creating all together. Privacy first, open-source, customizable and ready to use.

8.16 【今日阅读】 Maybe you don't need Rust and WASM to speed up your JS

8.15 【今日阅读】 excel中的数据透视表基本包含基本操作、布局与格式、组合功能、技巧四大部分,只要用心掌握,基本解决80%的难题

8.14 【今日阅读】 You Suck at Excel with Joel Spolsky

8.13 【今日阅读】 Excel is Pretty Dang Cool

8.12 【今日阅读】 Glitch is becoming part of Fastly

8.11 【今日阅读】 Subset is a modern spreadsheet built on an endless canvas. Build, automate, and share beautiful analysis in minutes.

8.10 【今日阅读】 Explorations in Developer Experiences

8.9 【今日阅读】 John Carmack: Doom, Quake, VR, AGI, Programming, Video Games, and Rockets | Lex Fridman Podcast #309

8.8 【今日阅读】 Methodable generates interactive guides to help people get things done.

8.7 【今日阅读】 Analytics is a team effort with stakeholders across the technical spectrum - engineers, data scientists, analysts, and business folks. Patterns makes it a collaborative experience with our unified framework for building pipelines in both SQL and Python with dashboards and effortless sharing features.

8.6 【今日阅读】 Hot Reloading Rust — for Fun and Faster Feedback Cycles

8.5 【今日阅读】 7 things I've learned building a modern TUI framework

8.4 【今日阅读】 Never spend hours stepping through a program, let Cyberbrain tell you what happened.

8.3 【今日阅读】 Humans are not good at simulating code in their heads. Let the computer do what it's going to do anyway: run the code! WhiteBox is a software development tool that compiles runs and “debugs” your C(++) code live to report its execution patterns and data transforms.

8.2 【今日阅读】 Meet the inventor of the electronic spreadsheet

8.1 【今日阅读】 Build visual and interactive interfaces that give each and every teammate the information they need, and a simple way to take action.

7.31 【今日阅读】 One of the great advantages of print based debugging for the infrequent developer is that it requires essentially no extra knowledge. We almost always know how to print things in the language, and we have to know how to build and run the software in order to work on it. The extra learning required to do print based debugging is basically nil. This is not the case for debuggers; even the best debugger, one that sticks as close as possible to the language's syntax, has some extra things we need to learn and then to try to remember over time.

7.30 【今日阅读】 Fun With Motion-JPEG, Jupyter Notebook And How To Stream GUI And Animations In The Browser

7.29 【今日阅读】 walk through the first session of Joachim Breitner's fantastic propositional logic teaching tool "The Incredible Proof Machine". Try it yourself at

7.28 【今日阅读】 Model everything in TypeScript, deploy directly from git to our hosted environment. No database to manage, no “devops”, no complex cloud topologies.

7.27 【今日阅读】 µON: Compact and simple binary encoding, on par (or outperforms) CBOR, MsgPack and UBJSON programming

7.26 【今日阅读】 With mature platforms like Zapier and Airtable, no-coders are now everywhere — much to the anxiety of developers. But in order for no-code to work at scale, no-code platforms must start giving developers the primitives they need too.

7.25 【今日阅读】 No-code is cool and fast, and got us to where we are today, much faster than our competitors, but it won’t help us get where we want to. We have entered the next phase of growth where we take what we have learnt in the last two years and make it even better, more robust and scalable. We have set good practices in place to guide us along this way and we will continue to embrace struggle till we get to 100,000 car subscriptions.

7.23 【今日阅读】 本文介绍了工业界学术界中流处理系统状态存储的三种方案:存储完整状态 (Flink 等系统),存储共享状态 (以 Materialize / Differential Dataflow 为例),存储部分状态 (以 Noria (OSDI ‘18) 为例)。这些存储方案各有优势,可以为未来的流处理引擎开发提供一些借鉴意义。

7.22 【今日阅读】 Personal Dynamic Media by Alan Kay & Adele Goldberg

7.21 【今日阅读】 Djot is a light markup syntax. It derives most of its features from commonmark, but it fixes a few things that made commonmark's syntax complex and difficult to parse efficiently. The project began as an attempt to implement some of the ideas I suggested in my essay Beyond Markdown.

7.20 【今日阅读】 An ultra-minimal, Typescript-compatible alternative to JSON Schema, designed as part of Osmosis.

7.19 【今日阅读】 这是一本关于调试的书。多年以来,作为一名程序员写代码和调试,我经历了过山车般的情绪变化:困惑,失望,兴奋,以及不停地重复这些。当处理看上去永无止境的bugs时,这是非常真实的。随着我获得了更多的调试技巧,学习到更多产品和架构知识,大部分问题变得容易解决。但是,还是时不时有一些极难的bugs看上去不能解决,需要花费好多小时甚至是好几天去缩小范围和修复极难的问题。

7.18 【今日阅读】 CADtron is a gesture-based 2D CAD prototype exploring the idea that: Precision mouse clicking is annoying, so a CAD tool built on pen-input / gestures might feel faster, more fluid, and more fun

7.17 【今日阅读】 如何基于 React 技术栈搭建一个最简单的低代码编辑器,以及部分重点功能的实现方式

7.16 【今日阅读】 Simlin is an open source tool for creating and editing System Dynamics models. You can try it today at

7.15 【今日阅读】 Empirical is a language for time-series analysis

7.14 【今日阅读】 Six Programming Languages I'd Like to See

7.13 【今日阅读】 A perennial question in the database world: should you prefer to keep application logic closer to the database itself, in stored procedures and triggers, or above the database in your application code?

7.11 【今日阅读】 One of my favourite uses for the GPT-3 AI language model is generating explanations of how code works. It’s shockingly effective at this: its training set clearly include a vast amount of source code.

7.10 【今日阅读】 Scuemata, a CUE-based framework for expressing data schemas that aims directly at these issues of schema evolution and backwards compatibility.

7.9 【今日阅读】 Smalltalk Renaissance — 50 Years of Smalltalk

7.8 【今日阅读】 In the early days of Causal, the calculation engine ran in Javascript in the browser, but that only scaled to 10,000s of cells. So we moved the calculation engine out of the browser to a Node.js service, getting us to acceptable performance for low 100,000s of cells. In its latest and current iteration, we moved the calculation engine to Go, getting us to 1,000,000s of cells. how can we scale the calculation engine 100x, from millions to billions of cells? In summary: by moving from maps to arrays. 

7.7 【今日阅读】 simple tools do not necessarily do better at helping users manage complexity than more complex tools. If anything, simple tools seem to do worse because by being locally simple they push more concerns out to the user to manage rather than participating in managing them.

7.6 【今日阅读】 Opaleye is a Haskell library that provides an SQL-generating embedded domain specific language for targeting Postgres. You need Opaleye if you want to use Haskell to write typesafe and composable code to query a Postgres database.

7.5 【今日阅读】 The latest batch of language models can be much smaller yet achieve GPT-3 like performance by being able to query a database or search the web for information. A key indication is that building larger and larger models is not the only way to improve performance.

7.4 【今日阅读】 Include diagrams in your Markdown files with Mermaid

7.3 【今日阅读】 Pushing the idea of how much can a compiler tell you about your program. The idea is to have a really small AST, there are about 10 different nodes. 

7.2 【今日阅读】 Incremental is a library that gives you a way of building complex computations that can update efficiently in response to their inputs changing, inspired by the work of Umut Acar et. al. on self-adjusting computations. 

7.1 【今日阅读】 hof tries to remove redundent and error prone development activities. The idea is to write your data model once and generate most of your code. You can then work directly in the output to customize, update the design or generators, and then regenerate your application. hof uses CUE extensively to power the DX and implementation.

6.30 【今日阅读】 wasm 并不一定比 js 更快 而且工具链还有欠缺

6.29 【今日阅读】 In general, Clang’s AST is not an appropriate representation for dataflow analysis and reasoning about control flow. On the other hand, LLVM IR is too low level — it exists at a point in which we have already lost vital language information (e.g. scope information, loop forms and type hierarchies are invisible at the LLVM level), forcing a pass writer to attempt reconstruction of the original semantics.

6.28 【今日阅读】 A couple of arguments against TUIs, everything graphical (splits, lines, pop-ups, etc.) are somehow faked.

6.27 【今日阅读】 Add Figma-like collaboration features to your product – with just a few lines of code

6.26 【今日阅读】 爱速搭低代码平台结构一览

6.25 【今日阅读】 Crude but darn effective coding tool for business-side developers

6.24 【今日阅读】 Debugging Grid Raycasting with Visualizations

6.23 【今日阅读】 Airtable for your database An admin console for operations on your PostgreSQL or MySQL database.

6.22 【今日阅读】 Could ImGUI Be the Future of GUIs?

6.21 【今日阅读】 如何评价前端框架 Solid?

6.20 【今日阅读】 Rather than teaching every engineer at Kensho how to navigate these minefields on their own, we decided to “teach” our code instead. We figured out the most common set of query functionality our engineers relied on and ensured the GraphQL compiler’s query semantics were powerful enough to fulfill their needs. We now teach our users a single query language that works in the same predictable way regardless of the underlying database type and version.

6.19 【今日阅读】 What was the output of the computer when there was no screen and speaker?

6.18 【今日阅读】 Our powerful event sheet view empowers you to create and modify your creations. It's fast. It's easy. Bring your ideas into reality. Construct's been designed to allow you to make your own game you've always wanted to make.

6.16 【今日阅读】 The other day I ran into a perfect example of exactly why GPU programming is so foreign and weird. In this post I will explain why, because it's a microcosm of the issues that lead me to build Use.GPU, a WebGPU rendering meta-framework.

6.15 【今日阅读】 TigerBeetle performs all balance tracking logic in the database. This is a paradigm shift where we move the code once to the data, not the data back and forth to the code in the critical path. This eliminates the need for complex caching logic outside the database. The “Accounting” business logic is built in to TigerBeetle so that you can keep your application layer simple, and completely stateless.

6.14 【今日阅读】 我们虽然看到了有大量的SaaS公司开始提供了所谓“低代码”的工具,但反过来想想,如果作为一个SaaS产品不具备类似“低代码”或者可用的OpenAPI,这简直是不合格的。

6.13 【今日阅读】 Maxime 提到了为什么 MJIT 在很多时候失效:1. MJIT 优化的 benchmark 和实际场景差别太远;2. gcc 本质上还是针对静态语言的编译器,你不能指望在不怎么做 specification 或者 type analysis 的情况下,单纯把字节码转成 C,gcc 就能帮你做优化。

6.12 【今日阅读】 Programming offers new opportunities for visual art creation, but understanding and manipulating the abstract representations that make programming powerful can pose challenges for artists who are accustomed to manual tools and concrete visual interaction. 

6.11 【今日阅读】 Programming Local-first Software Workshop @ ECOOP 22 Berlin

6.10 【今日阅读】 a framework more popular than react/vue, based on cutting edge technology

6.9 【今日阅读】 单向数据流最让人迷恋的地方在于减少需要程序员手工管理的 mutable state 的个数。vdom,计算属性和effect 有的时候还是重算太多了。使得我们无法实现“真正的”单向数据流。还有第四种方案,标脏。以及第五种方案,暴力重算。

6.8 【今日阅读】 Foxpage 是一个轻量级的前端低代码框架,借助 Foxpage 可以让前端项目用低代码的方式进行迭代。Foxpage 重点在前端,关注前端页面的整个生命周期,希望成为一个易用,灵活,开放且百搭的开源框架。

6.7 【今日阅读】 For whatever reason, the tech industry has migrated from thinking that everything is a platform of some kind to thinking that everything and anything can be considered an Operating System.

6.6 【今日阅读】 Generate web forms from pure functions

6.5 【今日阅读】 用 svg 实现的 svg editor

6.4 【今日阅读】 Why relations are better than objects

6.3 【今日阅读】 Saving time by implementing features in the data model

6.2 【今日阅读】 龚大带你从需求的角度推导出现代 GPU 和编程 API 是如何一步步变得现在这么复杂的样子的

6.1 【今日阅读】 gallery of collaborative UI patterns

5.31 【今日阅读】 可视化拖拽组件库一些技术要点原理分析

5.30 【今日阅读】 如何进行设计稿的识别?识别出来的组件如何实现基于画布的绝对定位到导出时的流式布局转换?如何实现接口字段与组件字段的匹配?如何提升匹配准确率?

5.29 【今日阅读】 Tetra is a new full stack component framework for Django, bridging the gap between your server logic and front end presentation. It uses a public shared state and a resumable server state to enable inplace reactive updates. It also encapsulates your Python, HTML, JavaScript and CSS into one file for close proximity of related concerns.

5.28 【今日阅读】mcuking/blog#110 从最初花费接近 2 分钟构建一个包含 antd 依赖的简单中后台应用,一步步优化到 1 秒左右实现秒开,甚至已经比 CodeSandbox 官网的沙箱构建速度还要更快。下一步上 browser-vite

5.27 【今日阅读】 如何向用户传递 Empty / Error / Informational / Offline / Success / IsProcessing / Warning 这些结果或者状态,How do I determine the appropriate messaging for x when y happens?

5.26 【今日阅读】 Henosia is a design tool that reads and writes code while you design.

5.25 【今日阅读】 Thin Backend is a blazing fast, realtime backend for making SPAs. Git-like Migrations; Optimistic Updates

5.24 【今日阅读】 As you've probably already guessed, we've (gitlab) decided to replace the current Web IDE with one built on top of VS Code.

5.23 【今日阅读】 通过线上实际流量帮你生成类似这样的 api 文档

5.22 【今日阅读】 Postgresql can intercept hard delete and do soft delete instead

5.21 【今日阅读】 用存储过程把根据权限过滤查询结果下推到 PostgreSQL 内部,然后通过 把 GraphQL 发布出去

5.20 【今日阅读】 Proxyman is a native, high-performance macOS app, which enables developers to capture, inspect, and manipulate HTTP(s) requests/responses with ease.

5.19 【今日阅读】 A traditional CMS makes it difficult to repurpose content for different platforms. And while other headless systems may be more flexible for developers, their capabilities for editors are still too limited.

5.18 【今日阅读】 accurate reproduction of every user’s DOM, including iFrames, alongside network requests, JavaScript exceptions, and performance telemetry for in-depth debugging

5.17 【今日阅读】 Treefrog's interactions are explicitly designed around the following types of thought process: Linguistic/logical (initial drafting), Linguistic/logical (editing), Spatial (moving things), Rephrasing & reorganising

5.16 【今日阅读】 All the flexibility of HTML with a no-code UI.

5.15 【今日阅读】 Javascript之所以强大,除了它的再生父母Google V8在性能上带来的贡献外,离不开它和Chrome Devtool联手提供的强大的调试能力。作为JS生态的拥护者,Puerts(读作普洱TS)积极地把V8的调试能力带入主流游戏引擎的脚本开发中

5.14 【今日阅读】 FlutterFlow is an online no-code platform that empowers people to build native mobile apps visually, enabling quick iteration. Unlike other no-code tools, FlutterFlow makes it easy to view and export clean Flutter code that can be customized.

5.13 【今日阅读】 Some may argue if that needs to be fixed at all. I’m OK to refresh page once in a while. I don’t change user name that often. We love Facebook for the people and can bear couple of technology quirks. I agree. For vast majority of people, it might be not the most pressing problem at the moment.

5.12 【今日阅读】 a data exploration tool, source code

5.11 【今日阅读】 Writing HTML sucks and No-code doesn't help

5.10 【今日阅读】 Simple to use local JSON database. Powered by plain JavaScript 

5.9 【今日阅读】 Viewing collaborative editing through a databases lens

5.8 【今日阅读】 Debugging by querying a database of all program state

5.7 【今日阅读】 How to Create Website Templates Within Minutes Using AI

5.6 【今日阅读】 It is about how to split application into files/packages, how to use TypeScript to ensure compatibility, how to use Vite to link them back (either statically or dynamically).

5.5 【今日阅读】 你写的任何一行代码,对任何资源的修改都能实时同步到云端。你在任意设备上都可以继续编码。

5.4 【今日阅读】 Mall-Cook 是一个基于 vue 开发的可视化商城搭建平台,包括多页面可视化构建、Json Schema 生成器(可视化搭建物料控制面板),实现组件流水线式标准接入平台。最新版本使用 uni-app 重构物料、模板项目,支持生成 H5、小程序多端商城。

5.3 【今日阅读】 A lot of teams are currently working on design-to-code solutions with the promise of generating code from the designs, without a handoff process to developers. While there are several use cases for these solutions, we believe that actually the opposite, code-to-design, is the way to go when building design systems.

5.2 【今日阅读】 微软出的实时协作 notion

5.1 【今日阅读】 这么做 layout animation 是不行的。app 不是 powerpoint,不应该设置动画方向是从下到上,而是自动根据界面变化推测出补间动画。参见

4.30 【今日阅读】 puerts是游戏引擎下的TypeScript编程解决方案 提供了一个JavaScript运行时 提供通过TypeScript访问宿主引擎的能力(JavaScript层面的绑定以及TypeScript声明生成)

4.29 【今日阅读】 Gitpod is the only product that is natively integrated into JetBrains Gateway for a seamless remote development experience

4.28 【今日阅读】 This is a pretty awesome story about a bunch of attempts at a somewhat-visual, more accessible programming language

4.27 【今日阅读】 A block-styled editor with clean JSON output

4.26 【今日阅读】 一站式页面调试、抓包工具。远程调试任何手机浏览器页面,任何手机移动端webview(如:微信,HybridApp等)。支持HTTP/HTTPS,无需USB连接设备。  

4.25 【今日阅读】 The “Dynamic Medium Group” led by Bret Victor which is developing “Dynamicland” is much admired and closely watched in the interaction design community. Yet the information about their work is closely-guarded and usually only available in a highly moderated form. 

4.24 【今日阅读】 Design. Publish. Done. Stop rebuilding your designs from scratch. In Framer, everything you put on the canvas is ready to be published to the web. Replaces figma + webflow

4.23 【今日阅读】 云音乐 app 内有很多使用 react native 开发的应用,例如云贝中心、云音乐商城、会员中心等。为了更好地提升开发效率,改善调试体验,团队决定开发 react native 调试工具,通过为 react native debugger 增加一些扩展功能,实现业务信息的展示和调试能力,例如:跨端通信信息展示、网络信息展示等。

4.22 【今日阅读】 tl;dr - Using WeakRefs, you can pretty easily implement automatic memory management for objects exposed from WebAssembly with JavaScript's garbage collector.

4.21 【今日阅读】 The Cognitive Dimensions of Notations (CDs) framework is an approach to analysing the usability of information artefacts. illustrate with javascript

4.20 【今日阅读】 Inventing on Principle; Cognitive Dimensions of Notations; Structure Editors; Live Programming Environments; Graphical and Interactive Notation; Usability of Type Systems; Crowdsourced Programming; Guest Lecture: Programming by Demonstration; Overview of Evaluation Methods; Predictive Programming Interfaces; Programmable Physical Environments ; Educational Programming Environments; User Interfaces for Game Development ; Guest Lecture: Direct Manipulation Programming in Sketch-n-Sketch; API Usability; Accessible Programming Interfaces; Interactive Debuggers; Visual Dataflow Programming; Program Visualization; Data Analysis Environments; Interactive Theorem Provers;

4.19 【今日阅读】 Percival is an interactive in-browser notebook for declarative data analysis and visualization. It combines the power of compiled Datalog queries with the flexibility of modern plotting libraries for the web.

4.18 【今日阅读】 Theatre animates all JS variables. Use it to animate HTML, SVG, WebGL, THREE.js, Pixie.js, or your personal graphics library.

4.17 【今日阅读】 HyperCard is a popular visual and programming application for Macintosh and Apple computers. HyperCard was released in 1987 and continued to be offered until 2004.

4.16 【今日阅读】 How Phoenix LiveView works

4.15 【今日阅读】blitz-js/blitz#3075 pivot Blitz to a framework agnostic toolkit that preserves the world-class DX and features we adore but brings it to all Next.js users and optionally Remix, SvelteKit, Nuxt, etc.

4.14 【今日阅读】 Ponicode is an AI-powered extension pack that generates unit tests for you. 

4.13 【今日阅读】 The fact of the matter is, AWS doesn’t understand developers and the harder they try the more complex their offering becomes. As a developer AWS is an overwhelming and anxiety inducing experience.

4.12 【今日阅读】 Prisma Migrate is a database schema migration tool that simplifies evolving the database schema productively and predictably. 

4.11 【今日阅读】 The state of the art on diagrammatic languages at the time can be gleaned from the book by Martin and McClure titled Diagramming Techniques for Analysts and Programmers. This book discussed many visual techniques, but little attention was given to the need for solid semantics and/or executability. Curiously, this book could have helped convince people that visual languages should not be taken seriously as means to actually program a system the way a standard programming language can.

4.10 【今日阅读】 从Workday用户角度,看SaaS公司的低代码PaaS化进程

4.9 【今日阅读】 a basic caching layer built on incrementally updating views of result sets

4.8 【今日阅读】 Many PBE systems require the user to provide multiple examples in order to generate code. In some cases, Peridot infers code from single examples. This is possible because the designer is required to explicitly give a command to cause Peridot to perform the inferencing.

4.7 【今日阅读】 前不久 Requestly 创始人在 Slack 说有 900+ 的用户是字节跳动员工,不过没有一个付费的。

4.6 【今日阅读】 Code + direct manipulation interface with two-way binding for building diagrams

4.4 【今日阅读】 When you read a new codebase, you’re like an ancient person in a dark cave, using a fire torch to read the wall writing or paintings.

4.3 【今日阅读】 If you can edit an Excel file, you can now write code. Join thousands using Mito in JupyterLab.

4.2 【今日阅读】 Built on React, GraphQL, and Prisma, with full TypeScript support, and Webpack/Babel ready to go with zero config.

4.1 【今日阅读】 Say you receive an email notification that a service is crashing just after your last code change deploys. The crash happens in only 0.1 percent of the servers where it runs. But you’re at a large-scale company, so 0.1 percent equals thousands of servers — and this issue is going to be hard to reproduce. Several hours later, you still can’t reproduce it, and you have spent a full day chasing this issue.

3.31 【今日阅读】 Difftastic is an experimental diff tool that compares files based on their syntax.

3.30 【今日阅读】 The simulation should happen inside the computer, not inside your head. You shouldn’t have to think about the technical details of the machine while working on the problem. You shouldn’t have to name things just so you can refer back to them. There should be no errors, undefined values, or unknown parameters to fill in. You should see everything. You should be able to inspect everything.

3.29 【今日阅读】 If we want to expand the design space, we need better tools.

3.28 【今日阅读】 Premature user-friendliness is the root of all toolchain jankiness perhaps.

3.27 【今日阅读】 阿里低代码引擎 LowCodeEngine

3.26 【今日阅读】 Progressive Hydration: Chunking Problem, Single Bootstrap Problem, Event Listener Problem, Async Events Problem, Understanding the Data Graph Problem, Selective Rendering Problem, Out of Order Rendering Problem, Side-effect Observation Problem, Non-serializable Data Problem, Developer Experience Problem

3.25 【今日阅读】 为什么真实世界的代码总是难以理解

3.24 【今日阅读】 Time Travel Debugging, is a tool that allows you to record an execution of your process running, then replay it later both forwards and backwards. Time Travel Debugging (TTD) can help you debug issues easier by letting you "rewind" your debugger session, instead of having to reproduce the issue until you find the bug.

3.23 【今日阅读】 场景上可以覆盖目前 Web 应用的 99.9 %。通过可视化等更丰富的交互手段将认知和使用成本降低一个数量级。应该可以达到具备基本逻辑能力的人能学会的程度。实现上可以做到和具体框架、甚至语言无关。性能上对于“非行业顶尖的场景”可以达到主流开源工具、云服务的水平。

3.22 【今日阅读】 a patched version of Vite running in the browser with Workers. We are not experts in WebContainers but, in a nutshell, where browser-vite shims the FS and the HTTPS server at the Vite level, WebContainers shims the FS and a lot of other things at the Node.js level, and Vite runs on it with a few additional changes.

3.21 【今日阅读】 不启动整个应用,单独预览某一个 vue 组件。代码没超过 50 行,欢迎 star

3.20 【今日阅读】 网易云音乐低代码体系建设思考与实践

3.19 【今日阅读】 深入解读腾讯云微搭低代码的技术架构

3.18 【今日阅读】 Figma的国产替代方案来了,三家国产软件火力评测

3.17 【今日阅读】 VS Code 中实时预览 Vue/React 组件的插件

3.16 【今日阅读】 The Data IDE for Developers

3.15 【今日阅读】 微软搞了个 anycode 扩展,用于降低给 vscode 添加新语言支持的成本。亮点是基于 Tree-sitter 实现

3.14 【今日阅读】 The WebPPL language takes a subset of JavaScript and extends it with pieces needed to describe probabilistic computation.

3.13 【今日阅读】 采访 Anders Hejlsberg 谈 lowcode / copilot

3.12 【今日阅读】 把计算放入现实环境中演绎

3.11 【今日阅读】 A single file will define an infinite space of documents where each document is like a tiny computer with storage, networking, and compute. 

3.10 【今日阅读】 在知乎上,我注意到“低代码”相关话题的回答,80%的回答趋于负面,60%的回答是一种高高在上的心态在谈论着一件似乎与自己毫不相关的事情,而 20%的正面或者中性回答也大都在宣传自己的平台有多好。“低代码”已被污名化。

3.9 【今日阅读】 用 WebAssembly 执行 quick.js 实现的 eval 沙盒

3.8 【今日阅读】 No-code History

3.7 【今日阅读】 The Syndicated Actor model is a new model of concurrency, closely related to the actor, tuplespace, and publish/subscribe models.

3.6 【今日阅读】 In the RGKMS, all information, such as a product’s color or an employee-employer relationship, is expressed by a relation. This approach lets the RGKMS support the flexibility and extensibility required for modern knowledge graph applications: because relations are fully-normalized, your database grows organically, eliminating the need to create new schemas or move data for new business problems.

3.5 【今日阅读】 Unlike any other engine, The Machinery supports real-time collaborative game editing. Multiple people can work together in the same game project and see each other’s changes instantly, just like in a Google Doc.

3.4 【今日阅读】 OpenSumi是一款面向垂直领域,低门槛、高性能、高定制性的双端(Web 及 Electron)IDE研发的框架。

3.3 【今日阅读】 Convex understands the execution of these functions and automatically handles caching, data distribution and invalidation while providing powerful features like subscriptions to changes in the output of functions.

3.2 【今日阅读】 Why is the software industry now willing and excited to buy developer tools instead of building them internally? In this episode, Kelly Norton, principal software engineer at Mailchimp and creator of open-source code search engine Hound, joins Beyang Liu, co-founder and CTO of Sourcegraph, to talk about his work on the controversial project that would become Google Web Toolkit, share his experience trying to build an ecosystem of tooling, which resulted in Google Dart, and explain how the company he founded, FullStory, pioneered user testing. Along the way, Kelly describes how and why he developed Hound at Etsy and shares his thoughts on the developer tools market.

3.1 【今日阅读】 if people are choosing to do something one way, and not the “better” way, the problem is never with the people, the problem is with the “better” way. People will do what costs the least, but the costs are measured in stress, ambiguity, effort, and human experience.

2.28 【今日阅读】 上 micro-frontend?大可不必。如果只是为了强制代码的模块化,完全不需要上 micro-frontend 这样的重型运行时方案,typescript+vite 在代码构建阶段就能把这个事给办了。

2.27 【今日阅读】 rust-analyzer enabled #[attribute] expansion by default on Sep 27, 2021, and since then we've seen several issues pop up about user experience degrading when it comes to completions inside of attributed items. This is a pretty big issue for most users, especially those who write async or webserver code, as attributes are prominently used there.

2.26 【今日阅读】 Atomic Data is a modular specification for sharing, modifying and modeling graph data. It combines the ease of use of JSON, the connectivity of RDF (linked data) and the reliability of type-safety.

2.25 【今日阅读】 those uncommited changes in your vscode, is the key of future social coding

2.24 【今日阅读】 Comments live in a Rich Text sidebar #LiterateProgramming; Carbide shows results in-between the lines of your code— letting you see data in context; The result of any expression can be logged, visualized, and directly manipulated with powerful (and shiny) widgets; Carbide doesn't distinguish between input and output, using generalized machine learning techniques to run programs backwards

2.23 【今日阅读】 Code in the browser. With your team. Instantly share, chat, draw, and edit from anywhere in the world. Next.js Live enables real-time collaboration for your entire team.

2.22 【今日阅读】 Datalog is a logic programming language, based on Prolog, which is seeing something of a resurgence in interest in recent years. In particular, several recent approaches to authorization (working out who can do what) have used Datalog as the logical basis for access control decisions. 

2.21 【今日阅读】 低代码/无代码十日谈(一)——趋势背后的逻辑

2.20 【今日阅读】 IDE handles the complexity, and that’s how things get so complex

2.19 【今日阅读】 Programming by Demonstration (PBD)

2.18 【今日阅读】 This approach—check an expression against a type when we know what type to expect, synthesize a type from an expression when we don't—is called bidirectional type checking, so named because type information flows in two directions in the abstract syntax tree: from leaves to root when synthesizing, from root to leaves when checking.

2.17 【今日阅读】 one of the biggest causes of NoSQL is that while SQL is a powerful language because of the ideas behind it, it's often implemented in clumsy and archaic ways. A language that learns from SQL could make relational data better to manipulate for programmers.

2.16 【今日阅读】 A review of the state of the art in real time graphics shading languages and compilers in both graphics and compute. What are some of the differences between HLSL, GLSL, MSL, and WGSL? What are some ways to transpile shaders?

2.15 【今日阅读】 应用程序灵活组合,是个存在了40年的伪命题

2.14 【今日阅读】 Tudor Girba discusses Moldable Development, a way of programming through which we construct custom tools for every development problem.

2.13 【今日阅读】 Ezui is designed to easily and/or automatically make interfaces follow the design recommendations in the macOS Human Interface Guidelines. 

2.12 【今日阅读】 Create spreadsheets that fill themselves, without code

2.11 【今日阅读】 Imagine writing down 99 problems for your domain. Alongside a million other people! Now make it easy to gather the problems into maps. It’s a network of problems!

2.10 【今日阅读】 从低代码引擎到搭建平台化建设

2.9 【今日阅读】 Noodl lets you build powerful web-apps without code or limitations.

2.8 【今日阅读】 在拖拽的界面里结合了代码补全的编辑器

2.7 【今日阅读】 使用模型代替规则提高代码冲突合并的成功率

1.30 【今日阅读】 trying to figure out the best way to build UIs in a scalable way on the ObservableHQ platform.

1.29 【今日阅读】 joel propose to easily pass data between applications because the data within each block is structured

1.28 【今日阅读】 survey of program synthesis algorithems: symbolic search, gradient-based search, learning to synthesize, distillation, neural relaxations

1.27 【今日阅读】 programming as synthetic dataset pre-training, Self-supervised Occlusion-aware Line Description and Detection

1.26 【今日阅读】 Builds and tests your code as you type it

1.25 【今日阅读】 Even this simple query demonstrates some of the problems with SQL's lack of abstractions: Unnecessary repetition, Functions have multiple operators, Operators have multiple functions, Awkward syntax

1.24 【今日阅读】 NoiseCraft is an open source, visual programming language and platform for sound synthesis and music making, with the goal of creating a community for the open exchange of musical ideas.

1.23 【今日阅读】 The drag and drop system was making it hard for customers to place a widget at a very specific position or to relocate a widget. This happens especially with a large number of widgets: the layout often breaks with some unexpected behavior and widgets a user did not intend to move can be moved accidentally.

1.22 【今日阅读】 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs — JavaScript Edition

1.21 【今日阅读】 making spreadsheets/tables act more like SQL databases (but no sql required), presented by founded at 2006, follow up

1.20 【今日阅读】 Kelp is a low-code visual development platform for building interactive data-driven applications. No traditional coding required.

1.19 【今日阅读】 Embedded engineers need something as easy to use as printf, usable within interrupts, small enough for today’s MCU’s, and have minimal performance impact when running. The Trice technique tries to fill this gap. It is the result of a long-year dissatisfaction and several attempts to find a loophole to make embedded programming more fun and effective.

1.18 【今日阅读】 Programming Languages and the Law (ProLaLa 2022)

1.17 【今日阅读】 Literate programming: Knuth is doing it wrong (2014)

1.16 【今日阅读】 Teaching how to code should be about problem-solving and effectively using the tools of a programming language to solve it. Say for example modeling a card game. Even better if the example is a continuous improvement starting from the very basics, hard coding stuff, and then increasing the scope

1.15 【今日阅读】 The market is actually pretty small for super focussed with PaaS with a specialized business model. Trust me, been there, done that. You have to not only communicate why your PaaS is better than others out there in the market but Also de-mystify why they should adopt your pricing model too.

1.14 【今日阅读】 an existing web design is automatically retargeted to a fully responsive web page personalized for the user and device.

1.13 【今日阅读】 There are four main features that a debugger gives me that are not always fulfilled by adding log statements: object code inspection, raw control-flow, memory exploration, and hardware watchpoints.

1.12 【今日阅读】 The Seventh Workshop on Live Programming (LIVE 2021) took place online and in Chicago on October 19 in conjunction with SPLASH 2021. Presentation recordings are linked below.

1.11 【今日阅读】 Ask HN: How would a programming language look if designed by non-programmer

1.10 【今日阅读】 When software doesn’t fully meet the needs of its user, what are the user’s options? For commercial software, the user can lobby the manufacturer for the feature they need—but the manufacturer may not respond. For open-source software, the user can fork the repo and add the feature themselves—but this requires becoming a developer on the platform the app is written in.

1.9 【今日阅读】 Being able to easily trace syscalls or library calls can be super handy when debugging. The strace, dtruss and ltrace utilities are definitely a must-have in a programmer’s toolbelt, even if many things can also be done in a debugger. DTrace however is a totally different beast.

1.8 【今日阅读】 Minimator is a minimalist graphical editor.

1.7 【今日阅读】 I provided code examples for most of the features, not only the most trivial usage. Sometimes, I felt it needs realistic examples of how it could be useful, thus complementing the “Reason”; other times, non-obvious behaviors needed to be demonstrated.

1.6 【今日阅读】 It’s 2022 and things are pretty much the same: the dominant way of handling user input is still based on events and — in some form or another — callbacks. They come in slightly different forms (addEventListener, responder objects, etc.) but the core idea is the same.

1.5 【今日阅读】 The goal was to create an automated code reviewer that provides program analysis feedback in code reviews. That way the entire team can see the feedback, instead of only the author of the code changes, and they can spend their time on design discussions, instead of superficial nitpicking.

1.4 【今日阅读】 we investigated both how often cognitive biases occur in the workplace, and how these biases impact development. Our results indicate that cognitive biases frequently disrupt development, and compromise developers’ problem solving abilities like exploration, sense-making and contextual awareness

1.3 【今日阅读】 Procure to Invoice Demo using Warpdrive

1.2 【今日阅读】 比脑图功能更丰富的脑图,其作者分享了他是如何决定对新功能的选择的

1.1 【今日阅读】 回顾一下Hashicorp过去10年的发展史。这或许不是一本完美的教科书,一开始几年融资也不顺利,中间也走过弯路,也曾经在市场上被撞得鼻青脸肿。但是,在云计算这个时代大背景下,有这么特别的几位创业者,抱着对产品的坚持,集合了全世界几万人的力量,绝对足以在未来IT的发展史中,留下一道值得铭记的痕迹。

12.31 【今日阅读】 从2015 开始研发低代码前端渲染(amis),从 2018 年开研发后端低代码数据模型,发布了爱速搭低代码平台,这些年调研过了几乎所有市面上的相关技术和产品,发现虽然每家产品细节都不太一样,但在底层技术上却只有少数几种方案

12.30 【今日阅读】 搜索中台为业务提供两种接入方式,一种是使用者以配置化的形式进行定制,之后使用提供的API接口访问中台的能力,另一种是允许使用者以代码开发、部署服务的形式在中台内部系统中进行定制,实现高度灵活的产品逻辑。

12.29 【今日阅读】 I want to believe that we can (and should) delocalize development to remote servers, while investing R&D into making our local machines better clients to interact with instead of faster machines to run code on.

12.28 【今日阅读】 To avoid overwhelming beginners with the intricacies inherent in those languages, computer science courses often introduce programming in the context of a simplified environment called a microworld. By design, microworlds are easy to learn and enable students to start programming right away. In the process, those students become familiar with the fundamental concepts of programming without having to master a lot of extraneous details.

12.22 【今日阅读】 Ask HN: What's the next big thing in computing / programming?

12.21 【今日阅读】 Alan Kay demonstrates a GRaIL (GRaphical Input Language) system from about 1968. From "Doing With Images Makes Symbols: Communicating With Computers"

12.20 【今日阅读】 units are Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) Finite State Machines (FSE). A program in unit is represented as a Graph.

12.19 【今日阅读】 The news of the time interval is that Go 1.18 Beta 1 is available, with generics. Barring something terrible being discovered about either the design or the current implementation of Go generics, this means that they will be part of Go 1.18 when it's released in a few months.

12.18 【今日阅读】 We set out to provide an experience that could become an integral part of every developer’s workflow. This has imposed hard constraints on the features, performance, and scalability of the system we’re building.

12.17 【今日阅读】 If only Postgres had a for_each function… 

12.16 【今日阅读】 Printf Debugging and Srinivasa Ramanujan

12.15 【今日阅读】 Today, we announced the general availability of precise code navigation for all public and private Python repositories on Precise code navigation is powered by stack graphs, a new open source framework we’ve created that lets you define the name binding rules for a programming language using a declarative, domain-specific language (DSL).

12.14 【今日阅读】 Step 1: Registering the Allocation Hook Step 2: Walking the Stack Step 3: Generating a Better Memory Leak Report

12.13 【今日阅读】 Top Excel experts will battle it out in an esports-like competition this weekend

12.12 【今日阅读】 What if, instead of thinking of computing as technology for greater efficiency and convenience, we thought of it as a medium approaching that of conventional literacy? What might the environments be like, whom would they serve, and what can we imagine to be the artifacts of that interaction?

12.11 【今日阅读】 Denigma explains code in understandable english.

12.10 【今日阅读】 Automerge: a new foundation for collaboration software

12.9 【今日阅读】 Bank Python: The strange world of Python, as used by big investment banks. AMA.

12.8 【今日阅读】 基于 JavaScript 快速构建 Web Excel

12.7 【今日阅读】 使用 DSL 表达界面原型和页面流,源码位于

12.6 【今日阅读】 go generate is underrated,GOFILE GOLINE精确提供metadata,解析ast又方便又快,同一个目录下生成多个文件自动拼接

12.5 【今日阅读】 Developer tools can do more to facilitate programmer behavior by making tacit knowledge more explicit. One must ask: What are best practices of good software engineering, and how can such behavioral outcomes be designed into the tooling? Usability heuristics are one approach to bridging this gap.

12.4 【今日阅读】 Fauna is a flexible, developer-friendly, transactional database delivered as a secure and scalable cloud API with native GraphQL. Never again worry about database provisioning, scaling, sharding, replication, or correctness.

12.3 【今日阅读】 tree-edit seeks to provides a structural editing plugin supporting conceivably any language with a tree-sitter parser.

12.2 【今日阅读】 Design doesn't have to be hard! Uizard's AI design assistant is here to help you bring your ideas to life easily and make them look professional and beautiful in minutes.

12.1 【今日阅读】 compile wasm3 using emscripten

11.30 【今日阅读】 JetBrains 出品下一代 IDE,使用原生 AOT 技术 实现,但是不开源

11.29 【今日阅读】 That study found that time constraints are the main influence on how developers interact with static-analysis tools and therefore also influence the strategies they use to optimize their work. For example, to save time, 44 percent of the participants mark warnings as false positives based on the type of issue without investigating the warning further. Similarly, some participants ignore or suppress a warning if they do not understand its description. In both cases, a different UI might help developers make better decisions (e.g., by providing examples of similar warnings that were already resolved).

11.28 【今日阅读】 Instead of owners and managers spending hours every day working around shortcomings in standardized systems and consumers attempting to place orders using clunky user interfaces — why not build a customized software app for your unique business needs and priorities?

11.27 【今日阅读】 Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web? fine-grained lazy-loading to achieve low time to interactive score

11.26 【今日阅读】 Way to gather all kinds of diverse types of media (tweet is a medium) on a visual canvas which is also an information system -- with each gesture of the UI evolving the system and being remembered.

11.25 【今日阅读】 在前面的七篇文章中,我从概论开始,论述了简单WebGPU渲染引擎的实现,并实现了一个支持BVH加速结构和BRDF光照模型的实时路径追踪渲染器。但由于WebGPU的API的实验性,目前相关标准仍然可能不断变更,而由于配套于WebGPU的调试工具还不存在,所以在不重编Chromium的情况下只能想一些朴素的方法来调试,这里就记录了一些调试心得。

11.24 【今日阅读】 Next-Level Gaming With Tabletop Holograms

11.23 【今日阅读】 Fig uses the Accessibility API on Mac to position the window, insert text on your behalf, and read what you've typed in your terminal.

11.22 【今日阅读】 We're excited by the possibilities that WebAssembly opens up. Perhaps, by integrating with Cloudflare Spectrum, we could allow existing C/C++ server code to handle arbitrary TCP and UDP protocols on the edge, like a sort of massively-distributed inetd.

11.21 【今日阅读】 At Primitive, we believe that collaboration and immersive visualization are the future of software development. The Primitive Immersive Development Environment is taking advantage of everything that collaboration in VR can offer while applying new tools for visually analyzing software in 3D.

11.20 【今日阅读】 Xeact 0.0.69: A Revolutionary Femtoframework For High Efficiency JavaScript Development

11.19 【今日阅读】 微软的 power fx 开源了

11.18 【今日阅读】 If you've ever spent 15 minutes crawling StackOverflow to figure out some specific CLI command, then Rosie is for you. Just type in plain english what you'd like to do, and Rosie will give you the CLI command.

11.17 【今日阅读】 A Personal History of Visual Programming Environments

11.16 【今日阅读】 Webflow's interactions and animations tools bring all the power of CSS and JavaScript into a completely visual tool, empowering designers to build complex, rich animations without even thinking about code.

11.15 【今日阅读】 What is a data model and why should you have one?

11.14 【今日阅读】 Two developers author a set of encryption functions in VR using only voice commands. The davinci-codex API from OpenAI provides the method body code.

11.13 【今日阅读】 chrome 开发者工具新增界面的录制和回放,以及度量该录像过程的性能指标

11.12 【今日阅读】 Build your site using React, Svelte, Vue, Preact, web components, or just plain ol’ HTML + JavaScript.

11.11 【今日阅读】 Apollo Dreamview集中了车辆驾驶信息的可视化,包括车道、车辆位置、地图等信息,视频将通过示例演示和具体操作来和大家分享Apollo Dreamview 的学习笔记

11.10 【今日阅读】 NVIDIA DRIVE Sim is an end-to-end simulation platform, architected from the ground up to run large-scale, physically accurate multi-sensor simulation. It's open, scalable, modular and supports AV development and validation from concept to deployment, improving developer productivity and accelerating time to market.

11.9 【今日阅读】 Does Alan Kay see any new ideas in computing?

11.8 【今日阅读】 浏览器原生支持使用 slot 分离 template 的动态数据部分

11.7 【今日阅读】 Sutro is a new platform for full-stack multi-platform software development where "the product definition is the implementation"

11.6 【今日阅读】 Quickly identify cross-code dependencies and navigate between files and folders. With insights to improve your understanding of the codebase and guide onboarding, planning, and reviews.

11.5 【今日阅读】microsoft/TypeScript#46452 The ecosystem is CONFUSING here. Here's a taste of what we've found 每一个包,每一个工具都参与了生态的塑造。esm 糟糕的现状,各位都有责任

11.4 【今日阅读】 Around 2006, Roblox started using Lua 5.1 as a scripting language for games. Over the years we ended up substantially evolving the implementation and the language; to support growing sophistication of games on the Roblox platform, growing team sizes and large internal teams writing a lot of code for application/editor (1+MLOC as of 2020), we had to invest in performance, ease of use and language tooling, and introduce a gradual type system to the language.

11.3 【今日阅读】 Throughout the design and refinement of this system, I will apply prior results from empirical studies of programmers and the psychology of programming, my own empirical studies about the ways that nonprogrammers naturally express solutions to programming tasks, and usability testing.

11.2 【今日阅读】 Customize the browser to fit how you and your team work. Build internal tools and sidebars on top of websites. Automate away manual tasks that waste time. 缺少对二次开发的开放性是很大的一个问题,在一次开发者之间的协作都是问题的现在,二次开发的体验就更糟糕了。

11.1 【今日阅读】 PLG(Product-Led Growth)中文翻译过来叫产品驱动增长,随着采用PLG策略的SaaS公司市值/估值屡创新高,也终于看到他的热度从国外飘到了国内

10.31 【今日阅读】 了解一下 SAP 长什么样子

10.30 【今日阅读】 TerminusDB is an open source, model driven, revision controlled RDF graph database for distributed collaboration designed for the web-age. TerminusDB allows you to push, pull, time-travel and merge graphs, much in the way that is possible in git.

10.29 【今日阅读】 是什么原因阻碍了从[前后端分离]到[前后端一体化]?是文件和目录没有放一起么?把文件和目录放一起就能达到前后端一体化了么?

10.28 【今日阅读】 M1 Max’s unified memory architecture opens up a wide variety of interesting optimizations that are otherwise difficult to do when managing separate pools of CPU and GPU memory. 软件的编程模型很大程度上也是受到底层硬件平台的左右

10.27 【今日阅读】 SIMPHERA is a software solution for simulating and validating applications for autonomous driving. The software brings them to life at an early stage, and helps you analyze them and handle their complexity. How? By giving you easy access to powerful functions for simulating the vehicle dynamics, traffic, and more. So you can trial new algorithms, such as for vehicle control, in the virtual world: simpliCity.

10.26 【今日阅读】 We attempted to represent ownership and borrowing through the C++ type system, however the language does not lend itself to this. Thus memory safety in C++ would need to be achieved through runtime checks.

10.25 【今日阅读】 Annotated lambda diagrams (ALDs) are a proposed interactive programming interface. This page presents some mockups about what functionalities could be implemented and how they could be used.

10.24 【今日阅读】  If we are to liberate programming from text we need to make structure editing work, including version control. After all, there will be limited benefit from structure editing if collaboration forces us to return to text editing. 

10.23 【今日阅读】 Coding for non-programmers: Why we need better GUI automation tools

10.22 【今日阅读】 a simple example that is both sufficiently easy to get you started and sufficiently difficult to require Spinach, consider the simulation of a magnitude-mode COSY45 spectrum of rotenone -- a system with 22 spins and an irregular coupling pattern

10.21 【今日阅读】 之前分享过 utopia。不仅提供了在线 vscode + 可视化 UI,还有源代码

10.20 【今日阅读】 最好的可观测性是能够指导用户:“我接下来该做什么?”。帮用户多想一步,告诉用户半步,让用户自己走半步

10.19 【今日阅读】 when you don’t create things, you become defined by your tastes rather than ability. your tastes only narrow & exclude people. so create.

10.18 【今日阅读】 Bring Your Own Client 听起来和 Headless xxx 差不多

10.17 【今日阅读】 在一份已有代码上升级,远比如何从无到有更难。Programming Support for Evolving Database Applications

10.16 【今日阅读】 node-wire programming 的可能性

10.15 【今日阅读】 软件 2.0 时代的程序分析

10.14 【今日阅读】 看完感觉就是,不怕麻烦地做好服务业。不一定要有技术含量,更重要的是服务心态和质量

10.13 【今日阅读】 It is easy to start programming. It is easy to learn. There is just one kind of interaction. You get a simple yet flexible workspace. Hacker access to extra features. 

10.12 【今日阅读】 基于 web 摄像头的手势实时识别

10.11 【今日阅读】 Idyll Studio: A Structured Editor for Authoring Interactive & Data-Driven Articles

10.10 【今日阅读】 Modern OS kernels like Linux are based on traditional MMUs and have no clear abstractions to represent this complexity, mostly leaving IOMMU configuration to device drivers. This has led to a recent spate of serious bugs, and increasing concern over “cross-SoC” attacks on memory security. To address this, we propose a new kernel primitive, mmapx

10.9 【今日阅读】 we generally program for hardware systems that no longer actually exist. That point was an important part of this talk 何为操作系统?操作系统解决了什么问题?

9.30 【今日阅读】 用动画来直观的 debug

9.29 【今日阅读】 VS Code in the browser for everyone

9.28 【今日阅读】 一完整的可运行系统不仅仅是 git 中的代码,还包括一堆相关的数据。如何同源管理 data+code 的版本分支成为了一个问题。

9.27 【今日阅读】 2012年的人们是怎么预测2020年的开发体验的

9.26 【今日阅读】 Here’s how the Software Heterogeneity Problem came to pose one of the biggest challenges to good developer experience today: Even the simplest web app has a front end, an application layer, and a database. As the needs of a system evolve, along with the tools available, tech stacks inevitably become messy collages of tools, full of their own languages, technologies, workflows.

9.25 【今日阅读】 Reactive Clojure: You don't need a web framework, you need a web language

9.24 【今日阅读】 This is about engaging almost everybody in the process of building real-world applications. It develops the rationale for, and will end with, a product concept.

9.23 【今日阅读】 挑战之一,就是频繁切换应用的诉求。随着客户使用黑帕云管理的业务越来越多,黑帕云表现得越来越像一个操作系统。我们保持黑帕云在浏览器打开,上一个应用在看销售进展,下一个跳到了市场关键数据跟踪。在不同的应用之间切换,就像在MacOS/Windows切换任务一样。目前,大多数客户只能返回到应用列表,费劲的找到新的应用,再次打开。 评论:所以 UX 是无法妥协的东西,

9.22 【今日阅读】 For data analysts, LookML fosters DRY style (“don’t repeat yourself”), meaning you write SQL expressions once, in one place, and Looker uses the code repeatedly to generate ad hoc SQL queries. For business users, the end result is the ability to build complex queries in Looker, focusing only on the content they need, not the complexities of SQL structure.

9.21 【今日阅读】 I started SaaS companies in 2013 and 2021. Here's how things have changed

9.20 【今日阅读】 It enables businesses to perform ETL-type operations to and from their SaaS apps (Salesforce, Clearbit, Stripe, MailChimp, etc). It allows for joining across SaaS data sources and then re-exporting back to those apps.

9.19 【今日阅读】 hololens 的新 AR 交互界面

9.18 【今日阅读】 github codespaces 在线 IDE

9.17 【今日阅读】 使用 deno 和 来干掉 node_modules

9.16 【今日阅读】 Enforcing authorization is hard because it needs to happen in so many places.  Decision architecture is hard because you want to separate authorization from the application. Modeling authorization is hard too.

9.15 【今日阅读】 提供 End-user development 一个很大的问题是搞这些各种编辑器的成本太高了。如果能标准化弄几种 EUD 的能力,为啥不试试呢,反正又不会投入很大。

9.14 【今日阅读】 Espalier (formerly Object Spreadsheets) is a new computational paradigm that combines the usability advantages of spreadsheets with SQL-like expressive power, providing a way to build a wide class of interactive applications more easily than with existing tools.

9.13 【今日阅读】 This happens all the time once extensive type-level programming facilities are available in a language - they immediately, routinely get mis-applied in ways that makes code harder to understand, excludes beginners and fails to convince those from the outside.

9.12 【今日阅读】 Polytope doesn't draw a distinction between text-based code editors and domain-specific editors, they are all just editors. That means that with Polytope you can embed any editor in any editor (that allows for embedding), and you can embed editors in editors in editors... and so on.

9.11 【今日阅读】 In Infrastructure as Code (IaC) space,  state-based approach has become the de-facto standard. By contrast, in Database as Code (DaC) space, team still prefer migration-based approach to manage their database schemas. Below we give an overview of these 2 approaches, dive the rationale behind the industry divergence. In the end, we show how Bytebase can help to get the best of both worlds.

9.10 【今日阅读】 It’s the age of low-code, it’s the age of creativity, it’s the epoch of internal tools, it’s the epoch of user-facing products, it’s the season for general purpose apps, it’s the season of the vertical, it’s the spring of small business, it’s the summer of the enterprise, we’re all going to IPO, we’re all going directly the other way.

9.9 【今日阅读】 10款2021年国外顶尖的lowcode开发平台

9.8 【今日阅读】 我们可以用五个层面去评价和优化一款SaaS产品的用户体验,包括: 1)战略层2)资源层3)能力层4)场景层 5)感受层

9.7 【今日阅读】 1. 互联网产品底层逻辑改变,设计成为产品的灵魂。2. 工作模式改变,从孤军奋战到团队配合。3. 网红经济发展,人人皆可成为内容创作者,亟需能降低门槛的创作工具。那下一个十年呢?生产力工具的未来是怎样的?

9.6 【今日阅读】 It’s rare that a single micro-optimization is a big deal, but dozens and dozens of them are. Persistence is key.

9.5 【今日阅读】 No-code frameworks are software design systems that allow even non-technical people to execute software without composing a line of code. These tools usually have a user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop capabilities, allowing you to envision the implementation process and describe the overall business logic with ease.

9.4 【今日阅读】 TiDB 的异步 schema 变更实现

9.3 【今日阅读】 workato 这种列举各种使用场景的介绍方式不错

9.2 【今日阅读】 Awareness: making sure people know about the product. Enablement: anything that makes sure the developer is successful in getting started and using the product. Community: engaging over forums, Slack channels, Meetups, and events, introducing different aspects of the community to each other.

9.1 【今日阅读】 Making Progress — Alan Kay

8.31 【今日阅读】 如果我们认同“玩耍“所蕴含的自主探索和创新是一种值得长期追求的学习状态,那么就要创造出能够支持这样学习发生的环境,它可以是新的界面、新的工具或新的语言。

8.30 【今日阅读】 Challenges students face when learning to work with relational databases and SQL

8.29 【今日阅读】 宜家如何利用低代码平台提升员工效率,提高数据价值

8.28 【今日阅读】 When engineers incorporate augmented reality (AR) into head-up displays (HUDs) roads will become safer.

8.27 【今日阅读】 When a directory on your computer is connected to Sturdy, it gains real-time superpowers. As you code in this directory, the changes that you make are instantly shared to Sturdy and made available for your team to comment and give feedback on. 大家终于意识到了阻碍云端开发的最大难点就是一个本地开发目录的代码实时同步问题

8.26 【今日阅读】 SQL + Markdown → Beautiful Reports。 Evidence enables analysts to build a trusted, version-controlled reporting system by writing SQL and a superset of markdown.

8.25 【今日阅读】 We believe that programming languages should interoperate with each other on a high level and share as much technology and terminology as possible. Poor interoperability is a serious problem today, and we want to fix that.

8.24 【今日阅读】 SaaS这个模式啊,对乙方厂商的好处很多,但对甲方企业客户嘛...

8.22 【今日阅读】 Creating software is typically done in text-based environments—but would programming be more accessible with graphical programming tools? Maggie joins Mark and Adam to talk about the relative success of Scratch, Shortcuts, and Zapier; how to make the abstract visible; embodied metaphors; and the false duality of artistic versus logical thinkers.

8.21 【今日阅读】 依赖后端程序员正确检查了 api 调用的权限是非常脆弱的。要打破“工具有多通用,人就要多智能”的瓶颈,就是要降低对开发者职业素养的依赖。而自动化安全渗透测试是一个非常有潜力的方向

8.20 【今日阅读】 为什么SQL不适合? 我们再念一遍SQL的全称:structured query language,structured * 3。

8.19 【今日阅读】 Spreadsheets are used for 2 things: Number-crunching — modelling, forecasting, calculations, data visualisation. Everything else — business processes, project management, lightweight database, CRM. No-code tools like Airtable and Notion are taking over the 'everything else'. Causal is taking over number-crunching.

8.18 【今日阅读】 全栈的 web 编程语言,comes with a built-in bundler based on the blazing fast esbuild

8.17 【今日阅读】 原来的 shopify theme 只有源代码,现在增加了可视化编辑器模式。那 theme 还能随意写吗?第三方 theme 开发者如何和官方的可视化编辑器配合呢?

8.16 【今日阅读】 冷轧厂在简道云上主要搭建了两大类系统:事务性系统和业务性系统。其中,前者是包含疫情防控、费用报销、用印审批、请假OA等核心业务之外的行政类应用;后者是包含设备巡检、物资管理、缺陷管理、有害气体监测等的核心业务应用

8.15 【今日阅读】 A live program is dynamic; it changes over time; it is animated. A program is alive when it's running. When you work on a program in a text editor, it is dead.

8.14 【今日阅读】 Judo is meant to integrate into your existing iOS and Android app. It's not an "app builder" platform. Instead, Judo facilitates server-driven UI for parts of your app where it makes sense. Typically areas that are displaying lots of data driven content and/or benefit from rapid iteration. It's also a great fit for ephemeral marketing content that doesn't make sense to be built by hand and go through a full release cycle.

8.13 【今日阅读】 一文看懂低代码的现状、打法、机会和挑战

8.12 【今日阅读】 嵌入式 DSL 的三种实现,第一种是运算符重载,第二种是基于宏,基于宏的eDSL由于工作在语法树上,缺乏类型信息,所以设计者往往会通过增加新的关键字来获取相关的信息,于是这一类eDSL的好坏往往非常取决于设计者的编程水平和品味,第三种是基于生成函数和抽象解释器(abstract interpreter)框架,也就是编译器插件

8.11 【今日阅读】 有6个视频,分别是 Creating a Space Game with OpenAI Codex,“Hello World” with OpenAI Codex,Data Science with OpenAI Codex,Talking to Your Computer with OpenAI Codex,Converting Python to Ruby with OpenAI Codex,Giving OpenAI Codex a First Grade Math Test

8.10【今日阅读】 低代码产品的“逆熵”小败局。传统企业舍弃Sass,投向“逆熵”能不能行得通?作者从六个方面进行了分析,我们一起来看下吧。

8.9 【今日阅读】 对比 css animation 和 waapi,对于 DSL 如何赋能是否有所启发?即便如此 这些新写法仍然在往里面加,以及制作弹簧动效所需要的自定义 easing 仍然处于提案状态 从这些例子又可以学到什么?

8.8 【今日阅读】之前 vscode 单元测试扩展是由一个 的插件,提供给其他插件 api。这种一个插件给其他插件提供平台 api 的做法,最终还是被官方亲自下场给终结了 这是一个很经典的管理扩展性案例

8.7 【今日阅读】 从历史上这些著名的 bug,看软件对社会的影响

8.6 【今日阅读】 How can we “fingerprint” a codebase to see its structure at a glance? Let’s explore ways to automatically visualize a GitHub repo, and how that could be useful.

8.5 【今日阅读】 哪些具体的场景需要使用 rpa 技术

8.4 【今日阅读】 日本第五代计算机系统的故事。用并行式的 prolog 对巨大的知识库编程。a high level requirements specification is sufficient for automatic processing, so that program verification is possible

8.3 【今日阅读】 理想的分工应该如下,即UI完成设计逻辑与页面样式(通过设计软件),软件根据规范生成前端可用的静态页面代码,前端基于生成的代码编写功能逻辑

8.2 【今日阅读】 anything relevant to paper computing, diy punchards machines, graph-paper coding, vedic mathematics, mechanical programming 好多有意思的玩意

8.1 【今日阅读】 Models of Interaction is a catalogue of the different ways of interacting with computers and their underlying models.

7.31 【今日阅读】 How to Draw Invisible Programming Concepts 共有四篇

7.30 【今日阅读】 把 python 编译到 GPU 上执行,性能达到 cuBLAS 手工优化后的 CUDA C++ 水平

7.29 【今日阅读】 No-code startup Bubble raises $100M  看评论,很欢乐

7.28 【今日阅读】 钉钉们热捧的低代码,正成为工业数字化的核心

7.27 【今日阅读】 CUBA platform 的示例代码。用 Java 注解定义模型 代码生成到 React 前端代码,然后提供 React 表单组件做双向绑定。

7.26 【今日阅读】 每家公司招聘需求产生和确认的机制各不相同,有的需要审批、有的不需要;有的有严格的管控,有的比较灵活、松散;有的希望在OA或其他系统中审批通过后,自动导入ATS,在ATS创建职位。录用审批,每家客户也不尽相同,有的需要在线上审批,有的不需要;有的需要在ATS内,有的需要在OA、或eHR、或BPM系统。

7.25 【今日阅读】 可视化 blockly 编程的动画演示。表达数据流的组合关系,比表达命令流程传达的信息量更大

7.24 【今日阅读】 原阿里副总裁玄难去搞了家公司做医院信息化的中台

7.23 【今日阅读】 使用即插即用的云模组, 在 MCU 内编写少量代码即可完成产品智能化

7.22 【今日阅读】 We are a team of engineering and design leaders from SpaceX, Google, Northrop Grumman, and Stanford. I spent 11 years at SpaceX and 5 years at Northrop working on spacecraft operations. I’ve taken part in over 100 launches and was the lead trainer for astronauts who went to the space station and back last year. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t when it comes to software tools and managing operations.

7.21 【今日阅读】 以及 we do have the Projects feature that brings version control (backed by git) into the editor. And when you view a diff of a flow, as we know what it is, we present a structured visual diff of the flow contents, rather than the raw JSON diff. working on long-standing features such as the Test framework and Flow Debugger.

7.20 【今日阅读】 In a traditional world, data is driven by the backend and the UI is driven by each client (web, iOS, and Android). What if clients didn’t need to know they were even displaying a listing? What if we could pass the UI directly to the client and skip the idea of listing data entirely? That’s essentially what SDUI does — we pass both the UI and the data together, and the client displays it agnostic of the data it contains.

7.19 【今日阅读】 The Role of Working Memory in Program Tracing

7.18 【今日阅读】 5 个使用 nocode 构建 prototype 原型的例子。我觉得独立的 lo-fi prototype 用来快速迭代还是有其价值,hi-fi prototype 确实应该往融合的方向发展

7.17 【今日阅读】 提供了大量开箱即用的 photoshop 滤镜一样的机器学习解决方案,作用于实时流媒体上。提供预制件,降低开发成本。

7.16 【今日阅读】 UI 设计稿智能生成源代码

7.15 【今日阅读】 现今的设计系统世界晴空万里,唯独有两朵乌云,分别是“设计与开发之间的鸿沟”与“大颗粒度组件的复杂性”

7.14 【今日阅读】 我们阿里巴巴有 18000 个低代码程序员,就我们一家公司,自己员工自己开发的,各种各样的,我还点开看过几个,我已经看不懂了,因为太专业了。那些业务系统一般程序员去理解,光理解业务需求可能就要好几天。

7.13 【今日阅读】 《游戏制作工具漫谈》系列文章旨在借助调研游戏制作工具这一方式,为正在低代码领域奋战的诸位开发及产品们提供一条不一样的设计思路。第一节,深度介绍任天堂《Game Builder Garage》,特别是其依靠极具趣味性的导航课堂解决设计器上手门槛很高的问题。

7.12 【今日阅读】 一步步讲解基于 figma 实现的 lowcode 是如何使用的

7.11 【今日阅读】 低代码开发可以解决哪些问题?

7.10 【今日阅读】 As a market sector and an investment opportunity, developer tools had long been technology’s underachiever. While demand for software products boomed, companies making developer tools failed to attract any significant investment.

7.9 【今日阅读】 写引擎的时候也没发现需要元编程,客户端渲染管线写完就写完了,至多要写好几条管线让人选择,不需要“变化”,不需要元编程。但在写编辑器的时候,我发现支持元编程很重要,有很多编辑器需求依赖元编程。

7.8 【今日阅读】 低代码不是一个想吸引业务用户的用语,业务人员见了“代码”两个字就吓跑了,再低也没用,如果业务人员写不了100行代码的话,那10行也一样写不了。低代码平台主要面向专业开发,这点已经是头部分析机构的共识

7.7 【今日阅读】 可视化编程的常见实现,常见的反对声音,以及什么样的问题领域适合可视化编程

7.6 【今日阅读】 Personally, I am rather skeptical as to the ecosystem relevance of the “make programming easy enough for anyone” tools. I do not doubt that they can make throwing some bits of code together easier, but is that really something that is useful in a real-world setting?

7.5 【今日阅读】 Salesforce 的所谓“低代码”开发模式下的前后端一体式开发是怎样的体验?

7.4 【今日阅读】 讲解可拖拽的框线编辑器如何实现。成品演示

7.3 【今日阅读】 Low code 或 no code 平台是抽象泄漏的典型。部分 Low code 建站平台的一个重要目标是赋能产品运营或非技术人员,但 low code 平台在设计时往往无法完全屏蔽技术

7.2 【今日阅读】4 款 python 的 tracing 工具(所谓时间旅行debugger)

7.1 【今日阅读】 Design & development, united at last. Go from high fidelity prototypes to developer friendly code that engineers can build upon quickly.

6.30 【今日阅读】 由 AI 来和你结对编程

6.29 【今日阅读】 泽森自研的可视化编程框架已经到了一个比较完善的版本, 我们可以开始用这个代码框架将我们所有的基础解算算法重新实现为可以被可视化运用的“节点”, 并成功的用这些“节点”实现了一个复杂的流体仿真算法

6.28 【今日阅读】 有点类似 的编辑器设计,代码视图和可视化视图双向实时同步

6.27 【今日阅读】 阿朱讲成功的 SaaS 公司,系列文章 5 篇

6.26 【今日阅读】 围绕实际业务出现的高频场景(列表、详情、图表和表单,主要体现在组件上),进行组件抽象和功能开发

6.25 【今日阅读】 The world’s been divided into people who can make software, and the people who use software all day, and basically we think that that paradigm is not a good one. It feels kind of broken

6.24 【今日阅读】 How to build an AirBnB clone without code

6.23 【今日阅读】 “香山”开源高性能RISC-V处理器利用 chisel 领域专用语言设计,相比直接编写底层 verilog 语言,提高了cpu设计者的设计效率。其核心的特性是基于“生成器” 的复用,提供了 FIFO queue 和 arbiters  这样的预制件来提升芯片搭建速度

6.22 【今日阅读】 对于主机厂来说,传统汽车的功能组件(由独立ECU控制)或者单一功能解决方案(譬如自动驾驶),都是“黑盒子”,其核心技术由Tier1把控。主机厂沦为写任务书的角色,还被Diss参数提得不专业。对于Tier2来说,Tier1是择而噬之的怪兽,多数情况下,必须小心翼翼保供,还要对后者实行单向技术透明。

6.21 【今日阅读】 Shopify Flow的一些经典工作案例

6.20 【今日阅读】 找个 mentor 在线协作编程

6.19 【今日阅读】 如何开发高度可定制的系统

6.18 【今日阅读】 找到像财和税这样有共性的业务才是关键。共性是无法强行抽象出来的,没有就是没有。

6.17 【今日阅读】 苹果 ios shortcuts app

6.16 【今日阅读】 我第一次参与录制podcast,和大家聊聊软件开发的一些问题

6.15 【今日阅读】 Where Did Software Go Wrong?

6.14 【今日阅读】 a node-based editor for exploring, analyzing and transforming data without code

6.13 【今日阅读】 145 个有趣的无代码/低代码创业公司

6.12 【今日阅读】 不同编程范式背后的不同“内存模型”

6.11 【今日阅读】 低代码开发平台落地实战

6.10 【今日阅读】 Reasons why bugs might feel "impossible"

6.9 【今日阅读】 参与低代码建设的理由会有很多,有的人可能是希望提供一套上手门槛足够低的工具,让更多的人能够享受到编写代码的乐趣(Workflow),也有些人是听到了市场上经常出现的「只差一个程序员」的声音,希望为这些有梦想的人提供一套快速实现梦想的工具,更有些人是因为工作调动、入职被分配去做低代码方向之类的。而我比较特殊,确切的来说,我是被坑过去的。。。

6.8 【今日阅读】 程序员的大脑

6.7 【今日阅读】 “守强”的风格类似:一个人要出去办事,神机妙算的军师给他三个锦囊,告诉他:遇到困难的时候打开,按着做就能逢凶化吉。换成守弱的写法,退到可靠的依赖上:我直接告诉你我提供了什么,我怎么考虑我的东西可以被运行到你的系统上的,我让你创建一个用户,是为了什么。我给你做一张SD卡,我的这个卡的要求是什么,用户遇到问题了,就能自己解决,也就是能够帮你,这种情况下,你不怎么牛,但这解决问题。这就是守弱。

6.6 【今日阅读】 One of the coolest parts of our codebase is the new general purpose language at its foundation. Though the semantics of the language are substantially different than Clojure, it’s defined entirely within Clojure using macros to express the differing behavior. It compiles directly to bytecode using the ASM library. The rest of our system is built using both this language and vanilla Clojure, interoperating seamlessly.

6.5 【今日阅读】 That if you are looking for features to design into your futuristic programming environment, there’s a great big menu of choices you can choose from for interactions or for behaviours or for dynamic relationships between things, that we can see, and we’ve proven are very easy to teach intuitively, or that there exists a way to do a really good job of teaching it intuitively and through play rather than didactically where you have to explain it with a pop-up or a manual or something like that.

6.4 【今日阅读】4年前我写了篇文章《噢,你的代码像一坨翔。然后呢?》 ,列举了我尝试过的各种药方。4年后,我也开了个药方《如何不 Review 每一行代码,同时保持代码不被写乱?》

6.3 【今日阅读】 程序员为什么不喜欢低代码,关于这个话题大家觉得文章中还有什么遗漏了的地方

6.2 【今日阅读】 之所以存在叫好不叫座的SaaS产品,还是因为这些产品不是企业的核心系统,替换成本极低。而且该SaaS所处的行业已经陷入同质化竞争,协作文档明显就是这种情况。

6.1 【今日阅读】 George Santayana's statement, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it," is only half true.

5.31 【今日阅读】 With the new GPT-3-powered features, a person can get the same result by typing plainspoken language like: “Show 10 orders that have stroller in the product name and sort by purchase date with newest on the top.”

5.30 【今日阅读】 如何构建一个完整的To B应用开发平台

5.29 【今日阅读】 将常见模式(单模型 CRUD 的 Form 、Table ,关联模型 CRUD 的 Form 等)产出为标准,并借由平台沉淀成强约束的功能,避免交互上的细微差异。后端 API 和逻辑仍然可保持分散独立,但提供统一平台,统一接入用户、组织架构和权限,并接入所有后端 API ;前端交互部分全都有平台实现并展示。这种方式下,企业的遗留系统也可以接入进来。抽象业务间衔接的标准,由平台统一提供能力和接入机制,例如:审批流、通知/待办、检索、Share

5.28 【今日阅读】 有个哥们发明了一门新语言 Declarative languages, which have almost no bugs, and offer a 10:1 reduction in total lifecycle cost 然后在 hackernews 上收获大量评论 恰好我前两天也写了两篇相关的文章 减少样板代码为啥不受欢迎 如果一个好主意50年了还没有落地,那它也不是那么好的主意

5.27 【今日阅读】 以自动化出警为领域例子,解释如何用 frame 技术实现基于 frame 的组装

5.26 【今日阅读】 业务逻辑拆分模式的探索

5.25 【今日阅读】 用 DSL 表达保险和再保险的合同条款

5.24 【今日阅读】 However, if the child is able to actively explore these concepts in an environment that has some measure of feedback, the likelihood of their gaining understanding improves. 

5.23 【今日阅读】 Developer Experience or “DevX” is the experience developers have when building, maintaining, testing, deploying, and analyzing software. Think about the tooling you use: Some of them are probably hard to use, slow, and there aren’t any plans to improve them.

5.22 【今日阅读】 尤雨溪谈低代码无代码

5.21 【今日阅读】 You write very high-level, declarative models, and FOAM builds many features from them: default views, storage, serialization, Java and Swift classes, and much more.

5.20 【今日阅读】 Adalo 拿了融资,用 Adalo 写的 被收购了,看看这个 nocode 工具有啥过人之处

5.19 【今日阅读】 从no-code到low-code:企业级hpaPaaS的未来

5.18 【今日阅读】 Codespaces: GitHub's Play for a Remote Development Future

5.17 【今日阅读】 法国税法的 DSL

5.16 【今日阅读】 A DOM-like data structure for building collaborative software that works just as well while connected to the Internet as when running offline locally. This software can run natively as a Go or C library or in a web browser or JavaScript environment like NodeJS. It features zero-cost snapshots, a DOM-like API, subgraphs, aliases and permissions. It is a form of CRDT.

5.15 【今日阅读】 现在在搜索引擎上搜“低代码”这样的关键词,你会看到很多夸张的标题。甚至我还在福报长的抖音账号中,看到了程序员下午坐在外面喝咖啡,说有了低代码,现在大把时间休息的短视频。。。

5.14 【今日阅读】 之前已经有很多让计算机根据例子反推代码的努力了,比如 Excel 里的 Flash Fill。DreamCoder 是这些努力中最近的进展,它不仅仅可以根据函数凑出程序,还能自己重构出子函数来。嗯,也就是发明 DSL。

5.13 【今日阅读】 解码无代码/低代码创业圈子及其玩家

5.12 【今日阅读】 一是根植应用场景的现实派。二是打造独立平台的未来派。现阶段的低代码平台只是程序员手中的工具,选择使用什么样的工具,权利仍然在数量庞大的程序员手中。在越来越多程序员面临35岁焦虑,并且行业鄙视链越来越严酷的局面下,一味高喊“消灭程序员”的口号,绝非是最佳的营销方式。

5.11 【今日阅读】 在提赋能之前,先想想这5个问题

5.10 【今日阅读】 元数据驱动,表单 schema 与类型系统

5.9 【今日阅读】 lowcode/nocode 的问题和 中台的问题一样

5.8 【今日阅读】 软件开发提效哪有那么容易,都是坑啊~

5.7 【今日阅读】 云研发 IDE Uncode:演示版发布

5.6 【今日阅读】 在运行时进行所见即所得的界面编辑

4.30 【今日阅读】 A theory of how developers seek information

4.29 【今日阅读】 对于盒马而言,立志于将盒马前端团队从资源型支持,转到服务型前端团队,需要让资深前端开发人员专注在复杂场景的 ProCode 开发上,然后通过 LowCode/NoCode 让外包、后端、非技术人员来完成应用交付。我们希望一个应用,能按 NoCode -> LowCode -> ProCode 的方式支持,一种模式无法满足就降级下一种模式,我们称之为渐进式研发模式。

4.28 【今日阅读】 的作者说 Print Debugging Should Go Away 评论区

4.27 【今日阅读】 一个由最新版的ZENO系统“拉”出来的场景计算过程, 它是一个冰系的法杖, 掌握着“宇宙”的能力, 我想象中这个法杖的头部有一颗珠子, 其中是一个瓶中世界, 里面运行着互相绕转的星宿, 并应该还有一些水一样质感的效果。

4.26 【今日阅读】 How you can train an AI to convert your design mockups into HTML and CSS

4.25 【今日阅读】 使用拖拽工具编写温度单位转换器

4.24 【今日阅读】 Replay is a browser that lets you record your website, discuss with your team, and debug your application with next-gen devtools.

4.23 【今日阅读】 Margin Notes automatically generates code documentation by recording example data from function calls as a program executes and displaying those examples in an interactive UI next to the code. 

4.22 【今日阅读】 这四个才是真正的低代码平台

4.21 【今日阅读】 技术门槛低,换句话说是“没有技术壁垒”,更容易出现同质化竞争。还是以无代码工具为例,可以看出目前市面上的维格表、treelab、黑帕云的使用页面和功能没有太大的差异。一位tob投资人明确告诉36氪,无代码、低代码等没有技术门槛的工具,没有投资价值。

4.20 【今日阅读】 You've discovered what many other people have: The cloud is the new time-share mainframe.

4.19 【今日阅读】 Many developers spend a lot of time debugging, using traditional debuggers or no tools at all. Pernosco is a much better debugger that can reduce this debugging time dramatically and make it more fun.

4.18 【今日阅读】 Instantly spin-up a GraphQL API server by pointing PostGraphile at your existing PostgreSQL database

4.17 【今日阅读】 The widespread adoption of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) means that the ongoing maintenance of many widely used software components relies on the collaborative effort of volunteers who set their own priorities and choose their own tasks. We argue that this has created a new form of risk that we call 'underproduction' which occurs when the supply of software engineering labor becomes out of alignment with the demand of people who rely on the software produced. 

4.16 【今日阅读】 昨天我们看到了 encore 这样的搞法被人骂得很惨。当业务代码无法被侵入的时候,人们就在 sidecar 上死命了加东西

4.15 【今日阅读】 Most low-code and no-code tools promise the world, but get abandoned when your application grows. Not so with Encore. Encore offers a real programming environment with the full power and flexibility that comes with it.

4.14 【今日阅读】 How to build an internal developer platform, from those who have done it

4.13 【今日阅读】 headless 这,headless 那,终于到了 headless ui

4.12 【今日阅读】 Evaluating Modest SaaS Business Ideas

4.11 【今日阅读】 低代码开发平台混战:如何区分“李逵”和“李鬼”?

4.10 【今日阅读】 JetBrains Connect, Ep. 5 – "DSLs: Bringing the Experts into Development"

4.9 【今日阅读】 代码是如何变烂的,toB代码又是如何更烂的

4.8 【今日阅读】 The Dynamicland researchers are not developing a product. The computers that the researchers build are models: not for distribution, but for studying and evaluating. The goal of the research is not to provide hardware or software to users, but to discover a new set of ideas which will enable all people to create computational environments for themselves, with no dependence on Dynamicland or anyone else, and to understand how these ideas can be taught and learned. The end result of the research is fundamentally intended to be a form of education, empowering communities to be self-sufficient and teach these ideas to each other.

4.7 【今日阅读】 把自己定位为开发者工具的 lowcode 都应该了解一下开发者对于自己工具的传统认识,归结为这张图

4.6 【今日阅读】 But when spreadsheets get complicated they get messy and error-prone and this is what Improv set out to address.In the end it didn’t go anywhere, probably because in setting out to improve on spreadsheets, Improv lost the essence of a spreadsheet and in doing so lost the market.

4.5 【今日阅读】 Penpot is the first Open Source design and prototyping platform meant for cross-domain teams.

4.4 【今日阅读】 让小孩子创造自己的游戏,和让最终用户定制自己的应用。我觉得这两者之间有很大的重叠。可以看看 Roblox  的成功故事

4.3 【今日阅读】 The final innovation of the NoSQL camp is “schemaless design.” In database management systems of the NoSQL kind, data is stored in “blobs” and documents the database management system does not police their structure. 

4.2 【今日阅读】 The idea of having 'end-users' -- people with no background in software testing or development -- directly manipulate software that is critical for a company frightens many software professionals. Some contend that end-user programming is a threat for mission-critical systems from the perspective of both correctness and security.

4.1 【今日阅读】 是一个开源项目,同时也是一个创业公司 他们得到的经验教训是 you should never settle for a vitamin in B2B,要成为 painkiller

3.31 【今日阅读】 Why developers hate low-code

3.30 【今日阅读】 A Small Matter of Programming asks why it has been so difficult for end users to command programming power and explores the problems of end user-driven application development that must be solved to afford end users greater computational power.

3.29 【今日阅读】 Developer tools can be magic. Instead, they collect dust. In spite of this, tools research is still light-years ahead of what’s being deployed. It is not unusual at all to read a 20 year-old paper with a tool empirically shown to make programmers 4x faster at a task, and for the underlying idea to still be locked in academia.

3.28 【今日阅读】 ue游戏引擎内置了 blueprint 图形化编程方式,据说是给策划用的。这里收集了一些非常极端的 blueprint 样例

3.27 【今日阅读】 可视化编程语言大全

3.26 【今日阅读】 Notion 编辑器原理分析

3.25 【今日阅读】 两篇来自12年前的文章,对比一下,看看12年之后有没有什么进步

3.24 【今日阅读】 各种创作工具的截图

3.23 【今日阅读】 配合 服用

3.22 【今日阅读】 Whoa, pictures! A visual history of visual programming languages! by Emily Nakashima

3.21 【今日阅读】 So if it's not just the feedback loop, what is it then? What's wrong with programming? 视频版

3.20 【今日阅读】 乐观的UI,这词也不知道是谁发明的。meteor 当年也只是称之为 latency compensation

3.19 【今日阅读】 json is the new EAV – a great tool when you need it, but not something you should use as a first choice.

3.18 【今日阅读】 当 AWS 希望你在它的平台上写代码了之后,这就是你的开发体验。如果你抱怨这东西太复杂了,它就会再给你一份代码生成器 这就是 AppSync 和 Amplify 的故事

3.17 【今日阅读】 用浏览器直接 import .vue 文件

3.16 【今日阅读】 An Annotation is evil, if it represents some additional functionality or constraint that alters runtime behavior of code. This is bad, because it hides aspects of a class or method and therefore makes the Code harder to understand, reuse, debug, refactor and to test. 评论区还有 152 条评论

3.15 【今日阅读】 Future Perspectives in End-User Development 写于 January 2006

3.14 【今日阅读】 He’s famous for leading the Sketch-n-Sketch project, an output-directed, bidirectional programming tool that lets you seamlessly jump back and forth between coding and directly manipulating your program’s output. 

3.13 【今日阅读】 Spreadsheets as a UI pattern — leveraging knowledge workers’ existing skills

3.12 【今日阅读】 If you want to see the future of B2B software, look at what Excel users are hacking together in spreadsheets today. 评论区

3.11 【今日阅读】 statement is optional, expression is all you need

3.10 【今日阅读】 相信很多人不知道 css 可以用 li + li 来表达 selector 吧。当一门编程语言的需要背诵的基础“语法块”太多了,就变成了一个“咒语系统”。

3.9 【今日阅读】 颠覆SaaS(2.0版本)

3.8 【今日阅读】 他们调研了市面上已有的可视化编程工具 然后自己做了一个

3.7 【今日阅读】 使用 google drive 当数据库用,基于 GrapesJS  实现可视化界面设计

3.6 【今日阅读】 After conducting a lab study with professional engineers8, we came up with a set of design principles that can be applied to virtually any code editor

3.5 【今日阅读】 time travel debugging 的 demo

3.4 【今日阅读】 微软基于 PROgram Synthesis by Example 的黑科技改进了IDE代码提示。生成全套代码未必是唯一选择,辅助人工写代码也是可以的。

3.3 【今日阅读】 End-user programmers opportunistically copy-and-paste code snippets from colleagues or the web to accomplish their tasks. Unfortunately, these snippets often don’t work verbatim, so these people — who are non-specialists in the programming language — make guesses and tweak the code to understand and apply it successfully.

3.2 【今日阅读】 By "augmenting human intellect" we mean increasing the capability of a man to approach a complex problem situation, to gain comprehension to suit his particular needs, and to derive solutions to problems.

3.1 【今日阅读】 常规的冯诺依曼编程是不可微分的,逆lang提出了一种可逆的 DSL 来使得代码可微分

2.28 【今日阅读】 如果把存储去中心化,那内容审查应该怎么做呢?

2.27 【今日阅读】 编程就是压缩

2.26 【今日阅读】 让专家表达核心的领域知识,计算机去补充剩下的部分

2.25 【今日阅读】 深度学习得到的模型是咋工作的?Interpretability: of what, for whom, why, and how?

2.24 【今日阅读】 代码如何防腐呢?不靠 Code Review 又靠什么呢?

2.23 【今日阅读】 As a programmer with 20 years of professional experience, I've always wished for better tools which would let us perform our craft more smoothly and efficiently. By tools I mean things like text editors, compilers, integrated development environments, version control systems, build systems, and so on. This video series will present some ideas.

2.22 【今日阅读】 数字化转型浪潮下,中国低/无代码市场发展现状分析

2.6 【今日阅读】2/6 ~ 2/21 休刊,祝大家节日快乐。

2.5 【今日阅读】 通过无监督学习实现 java/c++/python 的任意两两互译。注意噢,这不再是有多少人工就有多少智能了,这是不依赖人工标注靠机器无监督学习实现的。

2.4 【今日阅读】 人类的视觉恰恰相反:通过长时间的观察学习,只需很少的监督样本就可以快速达到多个领域的专家水平。要给这种长期的,无监督的学习定义一个清晰的目标函数或目标任务,却是一项非常具有挑战的课题,也是计算机视觉一直在探索的问题。

2.3 【今日阅读】 简道云联合创始人单兰杰:低代码开发会像Office一样普及

2.2 【今日阅读】 End user development essentially out-sources development effort to the end user. Hence one element of the cost is the additional design time expended. Another cost is learning. This is a critical cost in EUD because end users are busy people for whom programming is not their primary task.

2.1 【今日阅读】 We argue that a form of “digital serfdom” has rapidly grown up around us, where various important classes of artefacts, increasingly essential for everyday life, including participation in political and economic life, cannot be effectively owned by ordinary individuals. The power to own these artefacts is increasingly reserved only to corporations

1.31 【今日阅读】 So how do we stop investing more and more into what we have already worked on, rather than striving for better or more efficient alternatives?

1.30 【今日阅读】 How to build a plugin system on the web and also sleep well at night

1.29 【今日阅读】 Consider how many web applications contain their own embedded ‘rich text’ editing widget. If linking were truly at the heart of the web’s design, a user (not just a developer) could supply their own preferred editor easily, but such a feat is almost always impossible. A convivial system should not contain multitudes; it should permit linking to them.

1.28 【今日阅读】 storyboards and concept art as progress, so too can the executive with the precursor materials generated through the process of software development. 不一定是产出最终产物才有价值,中间的 prototype 一样是有价值的。软件开发可以从电影行业学习到什么?

1.27 【今日阅读】 近几年又是独立的科技公司,又是低代码开发平台的,好像又回光返照了。这背后的逻辑是什么?

1.26 【今日阅读】 先把书读厚,然后把书读薄

1.25 【今日阅读】 把 webflow 和 excel 加到一起会发生什么化学反应呢?今天来了解一款用 excel 写逻辑,然后绑定到 UI 的 lowcode 工具吧

1.24 【今日阅读】 I think it's a pipe dream. Non-experts making changes to a system an expert wrote will yield either: 1) very few little changes, such as changing the color of an item, etc. Or 2) disasters where it's better to throw away the changes and start over doing it "the right way".

1.23 【今日阅读】 可视化框线编程范式 Flow-based Programming 发明于上世纪 60 年代

1.22 【今日阅读】 most influential test-of-time paper award for his POPL 2011 paper (which describes the technology behind the popular Flash Fill feature in Excel)

1.21 【今日阅读】 What if we, and all computer users, could reach in and modify our favorite apps? Or even create new apps on the fly according to our needs in the moment?

1.20 【今日阅读】 Conventional tools yield expensive and inflexible software. … I propose that a solution must radically separate the concern of integration in software: firstly by using novel tools specialised towards integration (the “integration domain”), and secondly by prohibiting use of preexisting interfaces (“interface hiding”) outside that domain.

1.19 【今日阅读】 Glamorous Toolkit is the moldable development environment. It is a live notebook. It is a flexible search interface. It is a fancy code editor. It is a software analysis platform. It is a data visualization engine. All in one. And it is free and open-source under an MIT license.

1.18 【今日阅读】 为什么特斯拉要自研ERP

1.17 【今日阅读】 Wildcard: Spreadsheet-Driven Customization of Web Applications

1.16 【今日阅读】 curl 的作者写了篇开源如何收费的文章,Food on the table, while giving away code

1.15 【今日阅读】 The figure illustrates how entanglers can help shift the distribution of work between programmers and end users. As I mentioned in the introduction to chapter 4, a key goal of the vision is that software reusability should be a property of the user experience, rather than just the developer experience.

1.14 【今日阅读】 It is impossible to design systems which are appropriate for all users and ail situations. We believe that a useful technique is to have end users tailor their systems to match their personal work practices.

1.13 【今日阅读】 搭建了一个静态网站,又想要动态收集用户提交的信息怎么办? netlify 的 forms 帮你托管服务端的事情,和 zapier 集成更能把表单和上千个服务联通。这种看起来简单的工作,虽然你觉得 low,但也许可能就是普通用户所需要的 low。

1.12 【今日阅读】 这是一个氛围分外热烈的中年男性社群,从全国各地赶到杭州,完全不是为了找客户,而是为了解开心中的困惑。为什么这个明明优越的产品和商业模式,在中国市场的发展速度迟缓。无论是创业者,还是投资人,明显都对自己不够满意。是产品能力不够强吗?还是中国的客户吝啬?

1.11 【今日阅读】 爆火的低代码,到底是真需求还是伪风口?

1.10 【今日阅读】 问题的一个主要原因是:工程组织忽视了一点,即:为开发人员提供一个有效的工作环境。在变革期间,组织引入了许多新流程、新工具和新技术,这导致在开发人员的日常任务中,增加了一定量的复杂性和摩擦力。

1.9 【今日阅读】 视频 软件工程可以向桥梁工程学习经验。桥梁工程的根本问题是要解决 Composition of forces 和 Bending。那么软件工程呢?

1.8 【今日阅读】 The podcast for people who build developer communities.

1.7 【今日阅读】 打着低代码旗号的商业化开发工具有前途吗? 本文脱胎于群里前几天的讨论,我总结了一下我发表过的观点,整理成了更像体系的东西。欢迎其他同学发文反驳。

1.6 【今日阅读】 Software is eating the world. But progress in software technology itself largely stalled around 1996. We could blame technology lock-in effects (the QWERTY syndrome). We could also blame civilization-wide decadence: the Great Stagnation that was alluded to. But a big part of the blame is something completely unique to software: the open source movement.

1.5 【今日阅读】 Full stack web apps with nothing but Python.

1.4 【今日阅读】 Every Access project will eventually fail because, while 80% of what the user wants is fast and easy to create, and the next 10% is possible with difficulty, ultimately the last 10% is impossible because you can’t get far enough underneath the built-in abstractions, and users always want 100% of what they want.

1.3 【今日阅读】 基于 KAITIAN 的前端工程研发模式变革

1.2 【今日阅读】 The defining characteristic of a chicken-egg technology or product is that it's not useful to you unless other people use it. Since adopting new technology isn't free (in dollars, or time, or both), people aren't likely to adopt it unless they can see some value, but until they do, the value isn't there, so they don't. A conundrum.

1.1 【今日阅读】 来吧,2021,开发工具写起来~

12.31 【今日阅读】 google 前员工反思 google的云服务为什么没有干过 aws

12.30 【今日阅读】 老人家总是会对下一代说,孩子们,可以做的事情他们都尝试过了,你们也不会有什么新的发现哒。Fred Brooks 1986 年的 No Silver Bullet 其实也差不多是这个意思。The main thing these claims demonstrate are a lack of imagination.

12.29 【今日阅读】 6个让 github 项目获得更多星星的方法

12.28 【今日阅读】 为什么有一些开发者,在某些场合,看起来比其他人高效 10x 倍?

12.27 【今日阅读】 Dan Abramov 的演讲,The Wet Codebase

12.26 【今日阅读】 Code runs the world. And when our code goes wrong, the solution is almost always… more code. In this talk, Dylan Beattie will take a fresh look at the cost of the code we're shipping every day. What's the real cost of code — to our organisations, to our society, to our environment? How can we help our teams and users understand that cost? And what can we do to reduce it?

12.25 【今日阅读】 以教学为目的集成开发环境,还缺什么?

12.24 【今日阅读】利用服务端渲染来部分刷新页面接连出了两个新技术,分别是 Ruby on Rails 团队的 和 React 团队的,表面上看似乎 SSR / Blazor 之类的也是类似的技术,帮你捋一下发展脉络

12.23 【今日阅读】 可视化拖拽组件库一些技术要点原理分析

12.22 【今日阅读】 最近的热词是 Serverless,让我很大程度上觉得这不就是又回到了 1970 么?

12.21 【今日阅读】 图灵奖得主 Peter Naur 写于 1985 年 《Programming as theory building》。我昨天读完了,写了点读后感

12.20 【今日阅读】 应该怎样debug,难道就是到处加 console.log 吗?

12.19 【今日阅读】 对sketch的一些抱怨,以及有哪些替代品可以选择

12.18 【今日阅读】 有没有什么办法不去指望有一个万能的“独裁者”去天天盯着架构不被腐化,而是让架构朝着正确的方向自然而然的生长出来呢? 或者至少让这个“独裁者”能够不那么痛苦。

12.17 【今日阅读】 Alan Kay 在斯坦福大学的演讲 - 《How to Invent the Future》

12.16 【今日阅读】 开个通用的 HTTP 接口,让前端写 SQL 咋样?

12.15 【今日阅读】 《梦断代码》作者把Chandler的开发历程,软件开发的历史,和软件开发的基础概念精巧地编织起来,只为探索一个问题:为什么软件开发那么困难?

12.14 【今日阅读】 高级编译器构造课程,包含静态分析,内存管理,运行时编译等话题

12.13 【今日阅读】 开发者的生产效率可以被度量吗?

12.12 【今日阅读】

12.11 【今日阅读】

12.10 【今日阅读】 如何让前端程序员没有后端也能完成项目? 在 GraphQL 和 BFF 之外的第三种解法,Backend as a "Database"

12.9 【今日阅读】 1940年代的时候,人们的编程与调试的方式是怎样的? 从70年的发展历程,我们能学到什么?

12.8 【今日阅读】 我在 vue 语法上精简而来的页面模板语法。如果你想要给 GUI Designer 搞一种 JSON 持久化格式,不妨参考一下。

12.7 【今日阅读】 相比 OLTP 业务,OLAP 业务的开发工具更容易被搬到线上,业务可视化带来的协同收益也更明显

12.6 【今日阅读】 The industry as a whole has spent over thirty years looking for the philosopher’s stone, a way of organizing the development process, a methodology, a formal subdivision in tasks that would allow us to produce adequate results reliably and deterministically, in short, a software recipe. It has failed, over and over again.

12.5 【今日阅读】 看见程序的执行过程。console.log 是不够的,我们需要 这样的东西。low code 平台搞可视化不仅仅是拖拽组件,也可以朝降低 debug 难度的方向努力。

12.4 【今日阅读】 如何使用 serverless 开发全栈应用,所谓“云函数”开发并不是一个函数一个函数的部署

12.3 【今日阅读】 the hypothesis that programming draws on some of the same resources as natural language processing, in addition to the traditional proposal whereby programming shares computations with mathematics, logic, and problem solving.

12.2 【今日阅读】 搜集了大量 classless 风格的 css 框架,适合于快速用最简单的 HTML 元素布局出一个原型

12.1 【今日阅读】 交互界面像一个文本编辑器的 Form Builder,还有点特色

11.30 【今日阅读】 Do events decrease coupling? Does centralised control need to be avoided? Are workflow engines painful?

11.29 【今日阅读】 Visual Studio Code有哪些工程方面的亮点

11.28 【今日阅读】 八个维度对低代码能力度量模型的思考

11.27 【今日阅读】 Borrowing from Thomas Kuhn, Robert Floyd introduced the notion of a programming paradigm. Today, paradigms are constantly debated. What might Kuhn tell us about this sad state of affairs? What can Programming learn from Philosophy?

11.26 【今日阅读】 SPLASH2020 会议录像,SPLASH is the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity

11.25 【今日阅读】 从 Ant Design Pro 看常见中后台预制件有哪些,参数又有哪些。为什么这些预制件很难用?

11.24 【今日阅读】 软件工程中有关人的因素。对比一下学界的研究成果,和你日常的开发体验,就知道空间真是巨大。

11.23 【今日阅读】 让 GC 时间降到 O(1),代价是把工作转移到 dereference 句柄的时候。用句柄,Fat Pointer等机制代替裸指针的做法越来越多了。

11.22 【今日阅读】 DevOps不是请客吃饭,改进就一定会动到别人的山头,开发想要的改进和运维想要的改进根本就不是一个改进,所以我们才会看到今天这么一个缝合怪。

11.21 【今日阅读】 LIVE Programming 2020 大会的视频上线了,提高反馈速度,增强互动性,有很多创新的空间

11.20 【今日阅读】 一种可解释 AI 的算法,如何让解释不过分简化,从而偏离模型实际做的计算行为。

11.19 【今日阅读】 还记得当年大明湖畔的 Frontpage 吗?

11.18 【今日阅读】 since every programmer relies upon parsing, the better a job we can do of helping them fix errors quickly, the better we make their lives

11.17 【今日阅读】 玩过弹珠台的朋友应该会觉得这种可视化编程方式很有意思

11.16 【今日阅读】 看30年前的电视节目是如何吹捧面向对象编程语言的

11.15 【今日阅读】 代码何必是纯文本的

11.14 【今日阅读】 这是一篇1979年的论文,因为年代久远甚至连依赖管理的概念都还没有统一术语,用的是 Use Structure 这样的说法。最大的亮点是把需求定义,尤其是 Identifiying Minimal Subset 做为改进的前提条件。现浇出来的软件总是走向 Feature Bloat 的终局,其宿命来自于需求总是膨胀。产品经理只会告诉你要加什么东西,从来不去管已经有了什么东西还需要保持。“装配式建筑”的愿景,其最大难点就在于如何管理需求上。

11.13 【今日阅读】 关于研发基建的问题分解

11.12 【今日阅读】 大众化编程,YES。降低人力需求搞外包,胡扯。

11.11 【今日阅读】@侯振宇 的大作 描述了他心目中的研发基建

11.10 【今日阅读】 Christopher Alexander 1996 年的 OOPSLA 演讲录像

11.9 【今日阅读】 设计模式号称是从 Christopher Alexander 的理论借鉴而来的,但是人家本来的意思是设计模式是给 end-user 用来改造自己的 living environment 的,也就是说“给用户赋能”

11.8 【今日阅读】 读一些不明觉厉的名人名言

11.7 【今日阅读】 用 AirTable 打造自己专属的个人数据库

11.6 【今日阅读】 low-code 与 20 年前的 Dreamweaver 有什么区别?

11.5 【今日阅读】 darklang 以挑战现状的姿态问世,迅速地向现实低头。

11.4 【今日阅读】 小蝴蝶胜在定制性比较好上手简单但性能上不能支持1w以上的节点,G6渲染引擎是Canvas性能是比较优秀但是定制性有所欠缺入门门槛也会相对高一点

11.3 【今日阅读】 GUI开发框架这么多,如何从 notation 的角度来评价开发者的体验? 评测的任务应该是什么,而评价的标准又应该怎么设定?

11.2 【今日阅读】 通过 WebAssembly 在浏览器里编译 Go 代码,直达 demo

11.1 【今日阅读】 实时协作版的 "jupyter notebook"

10.31 【今日阅读】 Object-Oriented Drawing 对拖拽可视化编辑的界面提出了一些新的创意。作者还有很多其他的作品

10.30 【今日阅读】 GPU 正在逐步蚕食 CPU 的工作负荷。也许将来可以把一个完整的应用完全跑在 GPU 上,从 GPU 去 drive 整个算法流程。

10.29 【今日阅读】 aws 开源了一个 diagram-maker,学习一下 react + 拖拽的实现方案。

10.28 【今日阅读】 把 vscode 改造成结构化的笔记本,看起来还行

10.27 【今日阅读】 Class interfaces are essentially as global as any database entity through a database interface (such as SQL).

10.26 【今日阅读】 手里拿着 nocode 和 ai 两个锤子,到哪里去找钉子呢?

10.25 【今日阅读】 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming, Fall 2020: Schedule

10.24 【今日阅读】 中国SaaS平台的三种商业模式

10.23 【今日阅读】 结构化编程范式优点,也是它的缺点:single entry/ single exit

10.22 【今日阅读】 所谓 low-code 和 model-driven 是不是一回事?

10.21 【今日阅读】 从协程到状态机--regenerator源码解析

10.20 【今日阅读】 游戏引擎中的 prefab 是干什么的,是不是就是 UI 组件呢?

10.19 【今日阅读】 SaaS早已不是当年喊出口就能带来优越感和安全感的词儿了,现在的企业级服务从业者们显然不应当将企业的命运寄托在这种结构性缺陷明显的商业模式身上。SaaS已死。去找下一个出路吧。

10.18 【今日阅读】 进入九十年代后,由于(部分)装配式建筑自身有许多问题,主要可用“热、裂、漏“来概括,和现浇结构相比,这些问题更显突出。于是现浇结构几乎全部替代了装配式结构。现阶段装配式技术相比之前取得了明显的进步,主要体现在以下几个方面。

10.17 【今日阅读】 buildbox 号称零代码开发手机游戏,录制了很多 youtube 的教学视频。只要有人愿意用,就是有价值的产品。

10.16 【今日阅读】 How learners develop mental models of the programming model/language

10.15 【今日阅读】 对市面上各种错误处理方式的一个全面总结。无论语法怎么包装,到头来就是个语法糖。错误处理的运行时实现方式就只有三种。

10.14 【今日阅读】 Sketch2React is a tool and framework that lets you build React & HTML powered prototypes (and simple websites) directly from inside Sketch

10.13 【今日阅读】 虽然都是CRUD,主要还是要看提供了啥业务价值。一家化纤工厂的数字化转型之路

10.12 【今日阅读】 基于React+Koa实现一个h5页面可视化编辑器-Dooring

10.11 【今日阅读】 把 UI 设计工具 figma 改造成 lowcode 平台

10.10 【今日阅读】 如何使用 Unreal 游戏引擎拍摄《曼达洛人》,真 AR

10.9 【今日阅读】 双端一体,业务逻辑上云,云端一体:目前已经落地了下单页面,由原有的前后端3人开发变为1人开发,研发效率有效提升

10.8 【今日阅读】 The overarching goal of Hedy is to successively add syntactic complexity to a Python-like language, until novices have mastered Python itself.

10.7 【今日阅读】 从机器模型了解人类认知的固执与偏见

10.6 【今日阅读】 No Code 的妄想,评论区更精彩

10.5 【今日阅读】 谁该承担中国SaaS贫瘠生态的一点责任

10.4 【今日阅读】 专家和初学者阅读代码的行为方式有什么区别? 专家阅读代码是冲着理解代码之间的依赖去的。

10.3 【今日阅读】 这个和 airtable 还不太一样,你给它一个 google 表格,然后拿这个做为基础去开发 app

10.2 【今日阅读】 低代码,要怎么低?和低代码有关的 10 个问题

10.1 【今日阅读】 LSC targets creation of models and systems directly from requirement specifications, and Statecharts is used mainly for specifying final component behavior.

9.30 【今日阅读】 本文从前端 UI 组件的构成、分类及组件间的继承关系等角度出发,通过分析组件的特征来探讨建立一个组件体系所需要关注的一些点。其中,UI 组件各构成元素的易变性是最应该被关注的,它会对组件体系的可复用性、可扩展性等产生很大影响。

9.29 【今日阅读】 一家法国的 lowcode 产品谈他们如何支撑定制化需求

9.28 【今日阅读】 uncle bob 把编程语言过去70年的发展浓缩成了三行:discipline imposed upon direct transfer of control, discipline imposed upon indirect transfer of control, discipline imposed upon assignment

9.27 【今日阅读】 code 最终还是要操作宿主设备的,当 RTX 显卡越来越普及的时候,我们除了要面临 new object 的时候要指定 placement,写 if/else 要考虑 warp,甚至光线追踪的硬件指令还需要你提供回调函数。在这样的情况下,如何实现跨端,如何在 CPU 上实现和 RTX 一样的编程模型? 这个探索的过程所揭露的编程的本质,值得思考

9.26 【今日阅读】除了纯文本形式,以及拖拽连框的形式,单步的可视化交互式编程介于两种形式的中间。写代码就像在用 debugger 那样,也是挺有趣的,在数据科学领域比较流行 以及

9.25 【今日阅读】Google 新推出了自己的 nocode 平台(,而因为没有多少人用,明年1月份 lowcode 平台 Google App Maker 将下线(

9.24 【今日阅读】 Google Sheets 新增了学习你给的几个例子,然后自动填充剩余数据的 Smart Fill 功能。这类的功能被称为 PBD(Programming by Demonstration)

9.23 【今日阅读】 CRUD 生成的界面经常被人诟病的一点是交互非常机械,例如 master/detail 无法在同一个屏幕内编辑,而需要频繁跳页来实现。而 Accordion 和 Tab 则是在移动设备上实现内联编辑避免跳页的常见 UI 模式,这里面有哪些坑呢?

9.22 【今日阅读】 当你在阅读这篇文章的时候,可能是为了打发 webpack 重编译的时间。我们是为啥会走到这般田地的呢?

9.21 【今日阅读】 vscode 即将添加类似 jupyter notebook 的编辑器。vscode 越来越像是在制定开发工具的 UI 标准。

9.20 【今日阅读】 如果不使用绝对定位,是否还能设计一个出有 Direct Manipulation 感觉的 Gui Designer?

9.19 【今日阅读】 The future of software, the end of apps, and why UX designers should care about type theory

9.18 【今日阅读】 基于日志记录的屏幕音画同步录制,效果还是很不错的,有黑科技的感觉

9.17 【今日阅读】 2020年版用户界面设计模式速查手册

9.16 【今日阅读】 简单的单表 CRUD 生成谁都会做。但是复杂一点的就感觉不是那么好弄。但啥叫复杂的呢?又说不上来。然后扔下来一句,CRUD 生成是行不通的,代码还得手撸。

9.15 【今日阅读】 但凡是个写过点代码的人,都认为应用可以用可复用的积木组合而成。这个愿景已经有几十年了,最新的名字叫 Low Code 开发。这个难度在于三方面:

  1. 切分出模块是容易的,但是怎么保证我可以只去阅读每个模块的行为,就能够理解整个系统的行为呢? 也就是达到降低阅读理解难度的目的。
  2. 怎么保证今天给这个项目切分出来的“积木”,在明天另外一个项目上还有复用价值。或者复用之后看起来,写起来不会那么难受。
  3. 如何降低分解模块以及拼装模块的门槛。也就是通过拖拉拽等方式代替“code”来实现平滑的学习曲线。 今天我们来聚焦这三个问题中的第一个问题,也就是可组合性问题。

9.14 【今日阅读】 专门有人整了个nocode的期刊

9.13 【今日阅读】 在用 vscode 调试的时候,用可视化的方式把内存中的数据结构呈现出来。

9.12 【今日阅读】 要实现lowcode的目的,很大程度上要对常见需求进行预制。而审批流和工单分派是最常见的共性需求,这都来自于人的操作习惯和人群管理上的共性。

9.11 【今日阅读】 工作流引擎是烂大街的东西,但是 cadence 的独特之处在于它没有直接对 status 这样的状态进行持久化。它不用通过反射之类的方式去读取状态,从而和特定编程语言进行绑定,可以支持 go / java 等多种编程语言。

9.10 【今日阅读】 一家lowcode公司开始做procode的web ide了,听听他们是怎么说的

9.9 【今日阅读】 通过录制函数执行,可视化定位bug。作者还很有创意地搞了个视频demo

9.8 【今日阅读】 声明式编程听起来很美好。但是用的时候总是会有人抱怨。让人不禁思考,声明式编程到底是解决什么问题来着?

9.7 【今日阅读】 数据可视化的 no code 解决方案,看起来和 tableau 完全不同,在交互方面创新十足。

9.6 【今日阅读】 开发工具比编程语言更重要

9.5 【今日阅读】 WASM 时代的计算,以及编程语言。基于互联网计算机的特性,我们得以重新思考软件的搭建、部署和使用方式,进而对复杂度做出 优化:

-代码即服务,服务不再运行在定制的操作系统上,降低开发复杂度和成本; -不用考虑数据的安全性与存储问题,无需数据库等组件,简化了编程,缩短了开发周期;-多个服务能像运行一台计算机中那样做到相互通信,且不需要获取网络拓扑或端口信息; -软件可以“自洽运行”,就像一个开源项目一样,任何人都能自发地进行创新、贡献和改进。

9.4 【今日阅读】 快速构建内部工具 Retool

9.3 【今日阅读】 在浏览器里用 WebAssembly 开发的游戏编辑器

9.2 【今日阅读】 Giving developers more control over their interfaces allows them to shape their requests to exactly what’s needed, instead of sending superfluous data—or not sending enough.

9.1 【今日阅读】 《早早聊搞搭建》搞过搭建的我收获了什么?

8.31 【今日阅读】 用户界面叫 UI,那基于 AR 的界面叫什么呢? augmented reality interface。AR 不仅仅是单向的提供信息,也可以是一个交互式的输入媒介

8.30 【今日阅读】 从“Social Complexity”看软件的敏捷性。

8.29 【今日阅读】 Getting Started in Automated Game Design。Automated game design, or AGD, is an artificial intelligence research area all about building AI that can design games. I made this tutorial to help introduce people to the area.

8.28 【今日阅读】 本文将给大家分享关于《如何设计实现中后台搭建 PaaS 平台》这个话题,主要围绕阿里淘系技术部飞冰系列产品中的中后台搭建产品 iceluna 来进行展开。

8.27 【今日阅读】 ‘Real’ Programming Is an Elitist Myth

8.26 【今日阅读】 julia 社区把 vscode 魔改得不像 vscode 了

8.25 【今日阅读】 React无门槛实现拖拽布局、表单设计器

8.24 【今日阅读】 啥算是“声明式编程”?

8.23 【今日阅读】 响应式的 javascript 应用如何调试? 数据流不清晰,行为不可预测?

8.22 【今日阅读】 搞机器学习的同学都很熟悉 jupyter 了,observable 号称自己比 jupyter 更像 excel,能够实现数据改变了,自动重算公式。这样的编程界面会好用吗?

8.21 【今日阅读】 GPT-3 袭来,前端又要失业?谈谈如何实现智能切图

8.20 【今日阅读】 从字体的角度来谈代码的可读性

8.19 【今日阅读】 Justep 是一家非常老牌的公司。当年还叫思维加速的时候就已经圈内闻名了。如今有了一个新品牌 牛刀云,支持手机、平板、PC、智能硬件各种设备的应用开发,全栈开发,跨端发布,包括app开发、html开发、html5 app开发、微信小程序开发、Web应用开发、企业应用开发等

8.18 【今日阅读】 页面生成的前提是页面规范。shopify 有一个偏商务的 polaris 规范值得我们借鉴

8.17 【今日阅读】 不同类型的软件对于如何呈现是不一样的,不是所有的系统都是CRUD。本文把软件分成了:信息软件,操控软件,沟通软件三类。信息软件是占大头的。作者认为“交互”太多了,用户用起来太麻烦了。我们应该更多的把软件设计成“报纸”那样,而不是提供一堆下拉框。

8.16 【今日阅读】 7ab9-bc81-4607-b963-99ecb4954bfa 走进一个独特的3D环境,用代码与有趣的角色互动。您将学习编码逻辑和基础知识,同时使用只有虚拟现实才能提供的所有有趣体验。探索编码概念,如循环、条件、变量、数组和函数,同时沉浸在虚拟3D环境中,用3D代码块进行编码。你会以程序员想象不到的方式接触代码!

8.14 【今日阅读】 用过 google doc 的同学都遇到过网络连接失败的错误提示。编辑器类的应用还是把数据放在本地体验更好。本文提出了“local-first software”的概念,以 CRDT 做为互联互通的核心技术。在 HackerNews 上也有很多轮有意思的讨论(,,

8.13 【今日阅读】 浅谈低代码平台涉及的一些技术选型

8.12 【今日阅读】 提供了一个 react 实现的拖拽编辑 node 的编辑器 可以学习一下对应的前端技术

8.11 【今日阅读】ascoders/weekly#262 精读《可视化搭建思考 - 富文本搭建》

8.10 【今日阅读】 这是又一个“model driven”的尝试。群里有不少 model first 信仰的同学,必须看看。其自带了一个 Inspector,示范了下一代调试器应该是长成什么样子的。

8.9 【今日阅读】The Psychology of Computer Programming 这是一本1971年的书。太阳底下,没有新雪。

8.8 【今日阅读】 我们首先定下来的原则就是,我们要像做 PPT 一样去做应用。什么叫像做 PPT 一样去做应用呢?大家可以看一下左边这个小图,这个是市面上常见的一些同类产品的拖拽方式,这个拖拽方式是基于 Flex 布局的技术,所以当你拖出来一个东西到画布里面去的时候,通常只能上下位添加或者左右位添加。当你想要对这里面的东西做一些排版的时候,实际上是要经过一系列非常复杂的操作,才能够把它摆到想要的位置,这是现有的一些产品。那么在云凤蝶上怎么做这件事呢?大家看一下,这个真的是像做 PPT 一样做应用,就是想摆哪就摆哪,没有什么布局的概念。

8.7 【今日阅读】 深度学习就像是机器来写代码,效果好与不好,人类都很难参与。就像是 nocode。有没有一种lowcode的方式呢,让人类可以贡献一点专家经验,同时仍然主要由机器来写代码? 概率编程语言就是这么一个类型。

8.6 【今日阅读】 推荐语:@欲三更 问过这个问题,如何提升基于低代码平台开发的项目的可调式/可维护性? (这个演讲虽然不直接回答这个问题,但是至少会非常有启发性。

8.5 【今日阅读】 这款产品的独特之处在于它不是表单,也不是excel,也不是文档,而是一款音乐创作工具,并且已经存在了20多年了。音乐的可视化搭建会是怎样的产品形态呢?

8.4 【今日阅读】 历史上各种语言的编辑器的截图,在 HN 上的讨论(

8.3 【今日阅读】 lowcode 方案给不同客户的差异化实施问题,最终仍然是要在经典的软件工程原则中去寻找答案。太阳底下,没有新雪。

8.2 【今日阅读】 Conway 发明了协程,1967提出了康威定律。后来又转行去做了多年的教育工作。对于如何写代码和如何传授技能都有足够的经验。这个演讲讨论的不仅仅是一种新的、更好的构建软件方式。这个项目要比这个目标更野心勃勃。“我能否为计算机软件找到一个更简单的理论模型,从让更多人可以操控它?”

8.1 【今日阅读】可视化的报表搭建demo(它提供了一个可编程集成开发环境(IDE),结合了交互式的可视化设计、拖拽式的可视编程和代码编写,能够有效的平衡编程和设计能力。

7.31 【今日阅读】面向大众的可编程文书(推荐语:notion 很火,airtable 也很火,notion + airtable 会是怎样的呢?下一代的 no code 平台可能都会长成这个样子

7.30 【今日阅读】pattern是对常见问题的归纳。知道有哪些问题,比知道有哪些答案更重要。UI 可能是所有业务代码里共性最大的部分,积木复用的理想似乎仅仅在UI这个层面达成了。今天推荐 SAP 的 Fiori Design Guidelines(以及 UI-Patterns(。这两个资料库都非常详尽,可以从这里找到提取可复用组件的灵感。

7.29【今日阅读】Out of the Tar Pit(推荐语:昨天飞叔给大家分享了模型驱动框架中立的视图技术。此模型驱动和MDA的模型驱动完全不同。在本文中,作者提出了一个简称来指代这种技术,叫FRP(Functional Relational Programming)。FRP从老板的眼里看来是没有用的技术,因为逻辑是不灭的,FRP不过是让程序员把一段代码分成两部分来写,并没有消除什么工作量,反而会因为新技术引入管理风险。而MDA对于老板来说是银弹一般的存在,我只要招聘会写JSON的员工,就能快速生成各种页面了。而我们都知道,这不过是欲速则不达的另一个例子罢了,MDA实质是依赖管理,是复用一个黑箱的code generator。而 FRP 则被很多职业程序不约而同地一再重新发明出来,至少本群里就又4套实现了。那 FRP 到底是何方神圣呢?和 React/Vue 有什么不同?快来读读吧

7.28 【今日阅读】变化驱动:正交设计(推荐语:当你第一次定义好一个model,然后CRUD页面都生成出来的时候,你会以为你找到了银弹了。lowcode的一个很大的流派仍然是以 model 定义为中心的 MDA 思路。今天推荐这篇文章是因为我认为 MDA 实质上是引入了一个对 code generator 的包依赖来简化使用这个包的用户代码,静态还是动态 codegen 仅仅是一个依赖之间的实现细节,我们还是得从依赖管理这个全局问题入手。很少有文章讲“依赖管理的目的”这个话题,“什么样的依赖管理是好的”?如果你对这个问题感兴趣,那么你应该逐字逐句地读一下这篇文章。

7.27 【今日阅读】bret victor 的经典之作 learnable programming(,中文译本 。推荐语:可视化设计流程图在《没有银弹》成文的1986年代已经是被吊起来打的批判对象了,“现代的”low code 平台还在拿可视化设计流程图来做为卖点不能不说是可悲的。bret victor 的这篇经典文章用大量的例子可视化的说明了啥叫真正的可视化。

7.26 【今日阅读】云凤蝶如何打造媲美 sketch 的自由画布(云凤蝶自由画布之道:分层模型(对于在做可视化搭建的同学会有一些启发意义

7.25【今日阅读】 low-code / no-code 傻傻分不清楚?今天我就给一个非常清晰可操作的定义

7.24【今日阅读】 推荐语:FutureOfCoding 是国外的一个探讨未来编程应该是什么样形态的社区,这篇文章研究了24种与此相关的语言和平台。我认为 no code / low code 不过是 alternative code,就是用 alternative 的技术去实现在不一样的约束条件下的编程体验。no code 就是用户编程给自己用,low code 就是citizen developer编程给其他人用。所以 FutureOfCoding 的 slack 社区(是国内每一个做 no code / low code 的从业人员都应该去学习学习的地方。

7.23【今日阅读】面向 Model 编程的前端架构设计