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Social Network - Commands

Each of these commands have permissions related to them, however in most cases you'll probably want to give them to everyone.

One example where you might want to change them is when you want to make it so that only Priests and Lawyers can control the Marriage of players. In this case you would remove the social.marriage and social.divorce away from players making it so they cannot use those functions themselves. Then you'd assign someone the social.priest and permissions to allow them to use those commands. Optionally, you could not give those permissions and instead use the Admin Commands to toggle existing network players on/off and give them access that way.

  1. Main Commands
  2. Admin Commands
  3. Group Commands
  4. Job Commands

Main Commands

All users have access to the following commands.

Command Permission Description
/social join social.join Join the network. Used to join the network should you not have auto-join on. Also used to re-join if the player had previously quit.
/social quit social.quit Quit the network. This will delete you from all groups and make it so you no longer receive any communication from the network. You will also not be auto-joined again should that be active.
/social gender <male|female> social.gender If turned on, you will be required to use this command to choose a Gender.
/social online See who's online in all the groups you belong to.
/social lastlogin social.lastlogin Check the last time a player in your groups has logged in.
/social status social.lastlogin Set a status message to be displayed in your profile.
/social profile [player] social.ignore Displays your own or the player details.
/social status social.lastlogin Set a status message to be displayed in your profile.
/social pausechat social.requests Temporarily block all incoming & outgoing chat.
/social mute <login|status|gender> social.gender Stop chosen notification from being displayed to you
/social requests social.requests Lists any pending requests for you to accept or reject.
/social alerts social.alerts Read any alerts (usually system) currently available.
/social help Run the help pages.
/social ignore <player> social.ignore Ignores a player. Blocks request and any perk commands.

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Admin Commands

There is a small admin command set (at this time). This describes what is currently available.

Command Description
/social admin reload Reload the configuration files for SocialNetwork only.
/social admin lawyer <player> Toggles the flag allowing a player to be a Lawyer.
/social admin lawyer list Lists all current Lawyers.
/social admin priest <player> Toggles the flag allowing a player to be a Priest.
/social admin priest list Lists all current Priests.
/social admin purge <days> This allows you to delete accounts that have not been logged on for the given number of days.
/social admin clear <player> If there is any time a player appears to be blocked from using commands, use this to clear those out.
/social admin gender <player> <male|female> Change gender of player.
/social admin remove <player> Delete a player data files and remove them from the network.


social.admin Allows the usage of all the admin commands.

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Group Commands


  1. Friends
  2. Relationships
  3. Affairs
  4. Children
  5. Engagements
  6. Marriages
  7. Divorces

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### Friends

This group is for maintaining a list of people that you consider friends. You can make anyone a friend.


The available commands for friends are:

Command Description
/social friend request <player> Send a friend request to a player.
/social friend accept <player> Accepts a friend request from a player.
/social friend reject <player> Rejects a friend request from a player and tells them.
/social friend ignore <player> Rejects a friend request from a player and does not tell them.
/social friend acceptall Accepts all current requests from everyone in that group.
/social friend rejectall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and tells them.
/social friend ignoreall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and does not tell them.
/social friend remove <player> Removes the player from the group.
/social friend list Lists all the players in the group.


social.friend Allows the usage of all the friend commands.

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### Relationships

This group is for maintaining a list of people that you consider yourself to be in a relationship with (dating etc). You can be in a relationship with anyone that is not engaged or married.


The available commands for relationships are:

Command Description
/social relationship request <player> Send a relationship request to a player.
/social relationship accept <player> Accepts a relationship request from a player.
/social relationship reject <player> Rejects a relationship request from a player and tells them.
/social relationship ignore <player> Rejects a relationship request from a player and does not tell them.
/social relationship acceptall Accepts all current requests from everyone in that group.
/social relationship rejectall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and tells them.
/social relationship ignoreall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and does not tell them.
/social relationship remove <player> Removes the player from the group.
/social relationship list Lists all the players in the group.


social.relationship Allows the usage of all the relationship commands.

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### Affairs

Affairs are like Relationships, except that they can only be made with people that are engaged or married.


The available commands for affairs are:

Command Description
/social affair request <player> Send an affair request to a player.
/social affair accept <player> Accepts an affair request from a player.
/social affair reject <player> Rejects an affair request from a player and tells them.
/social affair ignore <player> Rejects an affair request from a player and does not tell them.
/social affair acceptall Accepts all current requests from everyone in that group.
/social affair rejectall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and tells them.
/social affair ignoreall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and does not tell them.
/social affair remove <player> Removes the player from the group.
/social affair list Lists all the players in the group.


social.affair Allows the usage of all the affair commands.

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### Children

Anyone can request that someone else be their child. Right now a child can only have one parent however. I will probably change this in a future update.


The available commands for children are:

Command Description
/social child request <player> Send a child request to a player.
/social child accept <player> Accepts a child request from a player.
/social child reject <player> Rejects a child request from a player and tells them.
/social child ignore <player> Rejects a child request from a player and does not tell them.
/social child acceptall Accepts all current requests from everyone in that group.
/social child rejectall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and tells them.
/social child ignoreall Rejects all requests from everyone in that group and does not tell them.
/social child remove <player> Removes the player from the group.
/social child list Lists all the players in the group.


social.child Allows the usage of all the child commands.

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### Engagements

This group is for only two people. Once engaged, you cannot create new relationships, instead you have to create affairs. You must first be engaged before you can get married.


The available commands for engagements are:

Command Description
/social engagement request <player> Send an engagement request to a player.
/social engagement accept <player> Accepts an engagement request from a player.
/social engagement reject <player> Rejects an engagement request from a player and tells them.
/social engagement ignore <player> Rejects an engagement request from a player and does not tell them.
/social engagement remove <player> Ends the engagement and removes the players from the group.


social.engagement Allows the usage of all the engagement commands.

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### Marriages

This group is for only two people. Once married, you cannot create new relationships, instead you have to create affairs. You must first be engaged before you can get married. Once married, you can get divorced if you choose to.


The available commands for marriages are:

Command Description
/social marriage request <player> Send a marriage request to a player.
/social marriage accept <player> Accepts a marriage request from a player.
/social marriage reject <player> Rejects a marriage request from a player and tells them.


social.marriage Allows the usage of all the marriage commands.

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### Divorces

This group is for only two people. You can only get divorced if you are currently Married. Once divorced, you can get engaged again or create relationships if you choose.

If the other player refuses to accept a divorce, you can request that a Lawyer do it for you and force the Marriage to be ended. (If they're made available)


The available commands for divorces are:

Command Description
/social divorce request <player> Send a divorce request to a player.
/social divorce accept <player> Accepts a divorce request from a player.
/social divorce reject <player> Rejects a divorce request from a player and tells them.


social.divorce Allows the usage of all the divorce commands.

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Job Commands

Although technically we do not actually support jobs (maybe in a future release!), we do have two commands that are job-like.


A Priest is allowed to marry two people who are currently engaged. There is a small "ceremony" created in which the Priest sends out a "vows" request to each player. Each player is then required to respond to the Priest with an accept/reject. If they both accept, the Marriage is completed and an announcement sent out (global if configured). If either of the players rejects the request, the wedding is over and their engagements are also ended.

Only people who have the permission or were toggled on as Priest's can use the base command.


The available commands for Priest's are:

Command Description
/social priest <player> <player> Send a marriage request to each player and requires them to respond.
/social priest accept Accepts a marriage request from the Priest. This command is only made available to the player if the system is waiting for them to respond from a Priest request.
/social priest reject Rejects a marriage request from a Priest. This command is only made available to the player if the system is waiting for them to respond from a Priest request.
/social priest list Lists all available Priests and if they are currently online. Any one can run this command regardless of permissions.


social.priest Blocks/Allows the usage of the /social priest <player> <player> command only.


If the only option available to users, or if someone will not accept a divorce request, one can be forced upon them though a Lawyer !

When used, the two players listed are automatically placed into a divorce without requesting a confirmation from them.

Only people who have the permission or were toggled on as Lawyers can use the base command.


The available commands for Priest's are:

Command Description
/social lawyer <player> <player> Forces a divorce onto the players. They do not get an option to accept or reject the divorce !
/social lawyer list Lists all available Lawyers and if they are currently online. Any one can run this command regardless of permissions.

Permissions Blocks/Allows the usage of the /social lawyer <player> <player> command only.

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