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Home | Commands | Permissions Configuration | Perks | Back to Bukkit

Perks !

The bread and butter of the Social Network. Perks allow us to give little bonuses to each player based on the social groups they belong to. Below is a list of each Perk that is available and the settings that are required for it.

For more details on Perk configurations, see Perk Settings.


  1. Teleport Teleport to/from other players. Also to a chosen "home".
  2. Tell Send private messages to players.
  3. Sticky Send sticky notes to other players and allow them to read them later.
  4. Gift Send gifts of either cash or items to other players.
  5. Player Damage Stop players from being able to damage each other.
  6. World Guard Allows players access to each others' World Guard regions as members.
  7. LWC Allows players access to each others' LWC protected blocks/items.


This Perk allows you to choose to teleport to a friend or have them teleported to you. You can also set a "home" and be able to teleport yourself to that at any time.

Command Description
/social sethome Sets your "home" location for /social teleport.
/social teleport Teleport yourself to your "home".
/social ty <player> Teleports the caller to the given player.
/social tm <player> Teleports the given player to the caller.


social.teleport Allows the usage of all the teleport commands.


  "type": "",
  "data": {
    "name": "teleport",
    "coolDownPeriod": 0,
    "perUseCost": 0.0
type The classpath to the Perk class that we want to load. Generally you won't need to edit this beyond what's given from the default above.
name The name of the perk used in the social group perks list. This value and the one used in the group settings must match. This can be changed to anything you want, just make note of it so you can use it during group configuration.
coolDownPeriod The period of time (in seconds) that must pass before a player can teleport again.
perUseCost The price to charge a player each time they teleport.

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This Perk allows you to send private messages to anyone in their related social group. The receiver must be online or the tell will not be sent.

Command Description
/social tell <player> <message> Sends the player a private message.


social.tell Allows the usage of all the tell command.


  "type": "",
  "data": {
    "name": "tell",
    "coolDownPeriod": 0,
    "perUseCost": 0.0
type The classpath to the Perk class that we want to load. Generally you won't need to edit this beyond what's given from the default above.
name The name of the perk used in the social group perks list. This value and the one used in the group settings must match. This can be changed to anything you want, just make note of it so you can use it during group configuration.
coolDownPeriod The period of time (in seconds) that must pass before a player can send another tell.
perUseCost The price to charge a player each time they send a tell.

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This Perk allows you to send a sticky note to anyone in their related social group. The receiver does not need to be online. The message is stored until the player requests to read it.

Command Description
/social sticky <player> <message> Sends a "sticky note" to another player. These are stored and can be read later.
/social sticky list Lists all available stickies, number by player.
/social sticky read Reads all the stickies from the player.
/social sticky delete Deletes the stickies from the player.


social.sticky Allows the usage of all the sticky commands.


  "type": "",
  "data": {
    "name": "sticky",
    "coolDownPeriod": 0,
    "perUseCost": 0.0,
    "maximumNumber": 10
type The classpath to the Perk class that we want to load. Generally you won't need to edit this beyond what's given from the default above.
name The name of the perk used in the social group perks list. This value and the one used in the group settings must match. This can be changed to anything you want, just make note of it so you can use it during group configuration.
maximumNumber The maximum number of stickies a single player can send another before they are opened.
coolDownPeriod The period of time (in seconds) that must pass before a player can send another sticky.
perUseCost The price to charge a player each time they send a sticky.

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This Perk allows you to send gifts to another player that is in your related social group. You can choose to send cash or an item (or stack) you're holding in your hand.


Command Description
/social gift cash <amount> <player> Sends the player the cash amount.
/social gift hand <player> Give the player the item in your hand.
/social gift yes Accept the gift being sent.
/social gift no Don't accept the gift being sent.
/social gift list List all the gifts available to you. Number, by player.
/social gift open <player> Open all the gifts from the player. Will delete after opening.

Permissions Allows the usage of all the gift commands.


  "type": "",
  "data": {
    "name": "gift",
    "coolDownPeriod": 0,
    "perUseCost": 0.0,
    "maximumNumber": 10
type The classpath to the Perk class that we want to load. Generally you won't need to edit this beyond what's given from the default above.
name The name of the perk used in the social group perks list. This value and the one used in the group settings must match. This can be changed to anything you want, just make note of it so you can use it during group configuration.
maximumNumber The maximum number of gifts a single player can send another before they are opened.
coolDownPeriod The period of time (in seconds) that must pass before a player can send another gift.
perUseCost The price to charge a player each time they send a gift (over and above the gift itself).

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Player Damage

This Perk blocks players from taking damage from each other while in related social groups. This Perk is a listener perk (Events) and does not have any commands or permissions related to it.

When a player drops out of their related social group, the coolDownPeriod is applied continuing their protection for that amount of time. Once that is over, they are then able to be damaged by the other player.


  "type": "",
  "data": {
    "damageAllowedFromPlayer": false,
    "damageAllowedFromProjectile": false,
    "damageAllowedFromTameable": false,
    "name": "damage",
    "coolDownPeriod": 60
type The classpath to the Perk class that we want to load. Generally you won't need to edit this beyond what's given from the default above.
name The name of the perk used in the social group perks list. This value and the one used in the group settings must match. This can be changed to anything you want, just make note of it so you can use it during group configuration.
coolDownPeriod The period of time (in seconds) that must pass before a player can damage the other once they're no longer related through social groups.
damageAllowedFromPlayer If you still want players to be able to damage each other through direct means (hand to hand), then set this to true.
damageAllowedFromProjectile If you still want players to be able to damage each other through ranged damage, then set this to true.
damageAllowedFromTameable If you still want players to be able to damage each other through tameable creature damage, then set this to true.

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World Guard

This Perk allows players access to each others' regions by adding them as members to their owned regions. When they are no longer in any social groups together that use this Perk, they're removed as members.

This Perk is a listener perk (Events) and does not have any commands or permissions related to it.


  "type": "",
  "data": {
    "name": "worldguard",
type The classpath to the Perk class that we want to load. Generally you won't need to edit this beyond what's given from the default above.
name The name of the perk used in the social group perks list. This value and the one used in the group settings must match. This can be changed to anything you want, just make note of it so you can use it during group configuration.

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This Perk allows players access to each others' LWC protected area's by giving them permissions to use them. When they are no longer in any social groups together that use this Perk, their permissions are revoked.

This Perk is a listener perk (Events) and does not have any commands or permissions related to it.


  "type": "",
  "data": {
    "name": "lwc",
type The classpath to the Perk class that we want to load. Generally you won't need to edit this beyond what's given from the default above.
name The name of the perk used in the social group perks list. This value and the one used in the group settings must match. This can be changed to anything you want, just make note of it so you can use it during group configuration.

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