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Quick Start

Piotr Zarzycki edited this page Jan 5, 2018 · 12 revisions

If you are working with the source release or source code from the repos, you must first build the source. Follow the instructions in the README

Once the source has been built, or if you have started with a binary release artifact, you can use Royale in several ways. Royale can be used in several IDEs that have ongoing support for Royale. See instructions here:

Royale can also be used in several legacy IDEs like Flash Builder and IntelliJ although you may run into some limitations and problems.

In addition, Royale can be used in Ant and Maven and from the command-line. In the royale-asjs/examples folder, there are Ant and Maven scripts for each example. You can also compile the examples by running:

royale-asjs/js/bin/mxmlc <path to example>/src/main/royale/<example name>.mxml

For example:

royale-asjs/js/bin/mxmlc royale-asjs/examples/royale/DataBindingExample/src/main/royale/DataBindingExample.mxml

If you have installed Royale via NPM, the mxmlc script should be in your path, and the SDK has been installed into the node_modules/royale or node_modules/royale-swf folders wherever NPM installs modules on your computer.

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